Thoughts on this board?

Have they been a good influence on Yea Forums and video game culture in general?

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I don't think they've done anything at all in regards to video games.


bunch of niggers larping as white people

I hear more complaining from trannies about them then I see actual /pol/posters shitting up the board. So you know what? Yes. I think they are a good influence, because it means people like you get made fun of.

happy birthday hitler

they made hiro split and push harder jew tactics

What is the pol of video games?

>implying they do anything

My thoughts are that you are a faggot who should kill yourself. That's what I think.

no influence on gaming ````````culture''''''
better than unironic social justice fags who think they're welcome because of idiots who think shitposting is fun. still annoying as shit when they but in where it doesn't belong. sure sometimes politics and games are intertwined, but not always. stop whining about niggers every time you see a brown girl you mongs

This is an off topic thread.

>I hear more complaining from trannies about them then I see actual /pol/posters shitting up the board

back 2 reddit plz

Mobile posting and meme youtubers killed Yea Forums but /pol/ is a close second


>I hear more complaining from trannies about them then I see actual /pol/posters shitting up the board
Funny, I see the exact opposite. Learn to recognize when you're being baited.

Not really, they only made the onions/tranny problems worse. There is no artistry in video games at the moment and /pol/itics is to blame.

Discussions about videogames are unironically more civilized in there.

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rent free


oh damn you see more of them complaining? I guess im wrong then you've changed my opinion thanks user

Funny, because I see more complaining about “discord trannies” than actual trannies posting here


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>Learn to recognize when you're being baited.
This is on purpose, right?

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I think theyre pretty based and redpilled. Thats about all, peace out.

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06 please

I don't deserve any of these.

No niggers.

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>le epic roll image for thread i dont like

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They have been a cancer to the hobby and this board.

It's a different board for a reason, although not entirely detached from video games. The problem is that /pol/ extremists pretty much do the same thing as Resetera extremists, to name an example, and they come into threads where they're not wanted. All sides of political and social extremism want to frame all arguments from their point of view when we should instead approach problems in games like censorship from an economic point of view.

OP you need to run as fast as you can into the nearest wall if you can't run through it without any pain keep trying.

pfft no man what, do you think /pol/ actually creates content or something?

they're so toxic that they run out every corporate sponsor that they could agree with and there aren't even any brands they support. i mean, how could they possible be a good influence on this website?

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They only have power because people either keep responding to their bait, or people who think any statement they disagree with is /pol/ and sperg out which just makes people sympathize with /pol/ more thus giving them power.

trannies don't invade Yea Forums as often as poltards do

Funny, I see the exact opposite. Learn to recognize when you're being baited.

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dont disappoint me

the most diverse supremacy group around
pretty based

While I don't agree with them on a lot of what they have to say, they do keep the RetardEra menace off of Yea Forums for the most part and they even forced to mods to fuck off during neogaf meltdown. That alone makes them pretty welcome here. It's sad to see they're some of the only people we have left fighting for the freedom to say and joke about whatever we want. It reminds me of the spirit Yea Forums use to have

im the only not jew ITT

I honestly believe that if pol cross posters were banned, then this board would be a lot less shit

pro titties
anti niggers and trannies
I'm thinking they're based

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Still based, still redpilled. Americans don't know their own history, much less the one of Europe.


I'm saying that most of the people you think are "discord trannies" are pretending to be them for (You)s.

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I feel like Yea Forums often invites pol when they bitch and moan about SFWs shitting up the industry or think everything has a political agenda or is "forced".

the antidote that prevents Yea Forums from being invaded by niggerlovers and freaks in drag

>this thread


if you like censorship why not use reddit or resetera?


they taught me that 13% of the population commits 50% of the murders, very interesting fact :)

Is anyone you don't like, a tranny?

Here's another fact, but shut, don't share it!

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That's true of every board.

Why do political extremists get so butthurt over centrists?

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/pol/ doesn't give a shit about your children's hobby. they only come over here when they're directly called on like the neogaf incident. What you see as "/pol/" is just the average Yea Forums user

Very disappointed about Mokou not being on the list

>stop posting off-topic things in my off-topic thread
kys retard


also lets not forget that white people have higher chance of being targeted and be victims of a hate crime than any other ethnicity.

r o l l ing

>What you see as "/pol/" is just the average Yea Forums user

Now this is worth replying to

You assfags might actually be OBSESSED

They like to recruit.

>What you see as "/pol/" is just the average Yea Forums user
how new are you user?


It's the SJW's who are controlling Western gaming

I enjoy seeing normies being redpilled, all thanks to /pol/.

/pol/ doesnt give a shit about video games
trannies are obsessed with /pol/ and have to shit up Yea Forums constantly

It's time.


"If you're not with us, then you're a nazi, women hater and a danger to humlanity!! You support Blumpft!"

>"If you're not supporting us, then you're pan-sexual demi-gendered commie with mental illness! You support Hitlery!!"

The most underage board on the site. Yea Forums is second place.
They want to be based and redpilled, but half the posters are delusional evacuees from r/theredpill or r/thedonald

>Yea Forums use to hate freedom of speech and love liberalism, we're just being raided 24/7 by the ebil nazis I swear

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People have actually stopped calling everything and everyone /pol/ these days. Even in threads that are literally about white nationalism. You've successfully shamed most posters away from calling out /pol/.

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dumb titfag

give me the boipussy

This. /pol/ is basically right about everything.

What video game is this?

Lets be honest, the games industry would be better without females and minorities

roll roll roll

Pretty much, ironically leftists would be much more accepted if they didn’t try to be covert and discreet

How hard is it to have active moderators or jannies on this board? Honest question.

>/pol/ doesnt give a shit about video games
Based, time for more darkies in my vidya

i have to say that this is true. trans people and any other members of the LGBT seem to be the most aggravated about /pol/'s existence.

i made the dumb mistake of joining an /ic/ related discord and the mod was bitching about /pol/. unsurprisingly, this person turned out to be a FtM transexual.

ashamed roll

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You get what you pay for, and we all know how much they get paid.

>even in threads that are literally about white nationalism
The fuck? And /pol/ isn’t white

This. I've been called a discord tranny more times than I can count. I'm a straight male.

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not video games

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pls Reimu