Are we the baddies?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>I don't understand cultural context post #58918253

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Thread theme:

If a gun is hits a man in the head, he is not shot in the head

>can't spell a sentence without a pop culture reference
America was a mistake.

This is how you know the person you are talking to has 0 clue about the world or anything. You might as well talk to a brick wall. In fact the brick wall would be better to talk to because it wont be trying throw surface level pop culture at you all the damn time.

fuck off redditor

If we're the baddies then why the fuck does every other shithole have an outpost here?

Who's mos eisley?

people are such a disappointment and i wish i had never been born

It is racist. White fags are passive aggressive as fuck
>but not niggers, spics, gooks or kikes xD

Do any of these retards even think for themselves? I swear reddit is for actual children

It's sickening how they seek other's approval. Can't you make up your own mind about whether it is racist? Why do you need someone on the internet to tell you what to feel

Ahem aktually we're the rebel alliance.

go be black somewhere else

It's always the messenger, not the message that counts and if you can't deal with that you are obviously the villain. Yes, the villain, we live in a world where people actually think there would be such a thing.
It kinda makes sense, the people who attend college now where raised with series and games where they always played the heroes and now (at least the dumb ones who can't differentiate between what is a fantasy used to sell them toys and reality) they search this in real life and since they can't find actual villains they can fight they invent them.
You have to help them understand that there are no heroes and no villains. Just people.

are you falling for the bait of that phrase after the OP's picture explained why it was bait?

He ran the site before Hiroshimoot.

>people from an internet community who are deathly scared of le 4channers yet won't stop opining about them


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He's a rapper who works with mos def.

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you faggots don't have enough shitting up this board with the infinite amount of "twitter screen cap from literal who" threads? now you're gonna just post plebbit bullshit. Fuck you OP, and fuck the jannies if they allow this shit.

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>hopefully this keeps the pol toxicity out
oh boy was he wrong

*Alien jazz plays in the distance*

When the fuck did we ever do this?

I remember when off-topic posts on Yea Forums were about fun and stupid shit that didn't matter like if Five Guys was the best fast food chain or how someone spilled his spaghetti in class, instead now it's nothing bu race-baiting retards from /pol/ or Reddit or Resetera who just want to start arguments all the time.

Also, fuck off back to Plebbit, OP, you stupid fucking faggot.

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You're clearly white.

Since the last thread got deleted

How the fuck is that even racist?
He's just being a kind guy, we turks simply aren't rigid uptight anuses like most of you yuropoor
It reminds me of the time i jokingly slapped a german chick's tits (didn't grope her or anything) and their bitch friends cried about sexual harrassment, thank god i wasn't in Nazi soil back then

>spell a sentence
It’s “write a sentence”, you ESL retard. I can’t fucking wait for you third worlders to finally be banned from this site.

>a pit of scum and villainy

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I wish I had been born at least few decades later

Literally Hitler drinks water so drinking water is for nazis.

make me.

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2 years ago or so

>They used it to prove the media would vilify a non-racist term an oh look, the trap worked perfectly.
so Yea Forums are the bad guys and not the media?
this really makes me think very hard, I might have to lie down

It exposes the rampant hatred and racism towards white people which is socially acceptable.

>> he

I believe its zi/zer/xim/they/hur/dur

Based user

>people from america are deathly scared of le muslims yet won't stop opining about them
>people from foreign countries are deathly scared of le americans yet won't stop opining about them
It's like people in general just have opinions about everything that they feel they need to let out like a fart held in too long.

>He's just being a kind guy, we turks simply aren't rigid uptight anuses like most of you yuropoor
This is either bait or autism. Anyone who is mentally stable won't go up to some slant country in a non-slant country and start harassing her like a caterwauling ogre.

They literally just proved theyre the baddies in the same exact post where they tried to demonize this place. Only villains do shit like that.

While BLM and similar are mostly fabricated horseshit, the implication is that "white lives matter/it's okay to be white" is dismissing the arguments about discrimination.


>a pit of scum and villainy
I like that.

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starwors refrences!

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/pol/ operation from 2 years ago.
What's funny is that some of the people caught by university camera plastering the poster aren't even white.

B-but you just made a reference.

Psst. Hey kid, c'mere.

I know there's only one reason you'd click on a non-vidya thread on the vidya games board. Don't worry, I got what you need.

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People who aren't delusional narcissists will try to gather information from others, see and compare other perspectives as well as any objective information that they might have missed as a single investigator. Then with this greater pool of information they can form their own opinion.
But you wouldn't know anything about that, you're that guy at work/the party/under the bridge who tells everyone how everything works despite you not actually being a specialist on anything aside from using the wikipedia search bar (before you gave that up because you decided you're smarter than wikipedia).

"its ok to be white" does not exclude the possibility of it being ok to not be white

That rapper that that walked into a gym, declared that he identifies as a woman, and broke the women's deadlift record

Meanwhile on Yea Forums
>did i like it?
>was it good?

Who are you quoting

>getting the reference in the first place
how are you any different than what you are making fun of?

Thanks doc. I'm gonna get back to being productive now.

Thanks doc

Thanks for proving my point right, i bet you're the kind of fag who reports people in game for a little bit of friendly trashtalk

Go back

If a racist looks in a mirror, does that make all mirrors racist?

Thanks doc

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the star wars reference upsets me more than anything else

Are Americans really that obsessed with pop culture, or is it just Redditors?

Here in France, if you mentioned that you watched a post-George Lucas Disney SW film and even worse, enjoyed it, you'll get laughed out of the room.

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I want to agree with this post, but there's not enough upvotes on it. I can't risk having an unpopular belief!

He literally walked up to her going "ching chong ching chong ching chong". You wasted my time looking up how turkish people greet other people. Fuck you.

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