old models>new models
Old models>new models
ugly low res models = SOUL
This but unironically
Have you seen the upcoming Worgen models? It looks like Disney shit.
Oh god just give me the porn already I need this
retarded classicfag
The person that made these designs makes furry porn I know it
it's impossible to look worse than the current worgen
the current art style went in a different direction that warcraft used to be. It is more cartoony less punk rock, lighter less 'dark'.
Sure the new models and things are higher rez, more polys more fidelity BUT the artistic direction went the wrong direction. I think it was a corporate decision to attract more women and kids.
Look back at the old warcraft games instruction booklets and things. the original artwork was cool and had a savage, edgy flair. Vanilla still had a little bit of that in the art.
I want to ____ that pupper.
>Square pupils
computers couldn't do circles in 2004
At least Blizzard knows their audience.
The only people still playing WoW are mentally ill furfag trannies.
It's the Soulstone's item icon
Not sure why they couldn't have just spent a few extra bytes making a new texture though, or editing it to make it less jarring
I mean come on the original female worgan was fucking hideous.
>Vanilla still had a little bit of that
Vanilla was the peak of it.
The early versions of it just came out like warhammer rejects.
That art didn't really look good until wc3 where metzen and samwise started hitting the style they always wanted, original and characteristic but still with that flair.
In vanilla it was perfected, stylized but still with that flair, huge shoulderpads, buff stuff, etc, it hit that characteristic style.
Modern wow made it cartoony so you have this huge difference between styles, there's lovecraftian horrors walking around and you come in with a guy straight out of a children illustrated version of the hobbit
Worgen is a hideous race anyway, perfect to represent the start of the wow downfall with cataclysm
Who cares, post the male ones.
Can I finally make something like this and not just be a walking furry joke
They definitely looked like shit, but ugly to disney eyed, furry fanart-tier is a strange transition.
>tfw no pandaren gf
>that one pandaren webm
why god why cant i have a panda gf
The colonelyobo one of her getting dicked by a worgen?
I don't wanna kno
Finally my nelf will actually look like a nelf and not some roastie
There's a lot of Pandaren webm's but somehow I feel like I know exactly the one you mean.
No, it isn't
My dwarf had red eyes. Then at some point in TBC they changed the eye colour to yellow or something.
Then the reference art during the remodel made them fucking yellow as well.
original wow was the deffinition of soul and comfy.
Imagine actually wanting the new models in Classic lol
>everything was better when I was 15!
>even tho there are object improvements to the same things it was better before!
if you say so...
Bring back the best version.
>literal soulstones for eyes
that's deep
wc3 art style besides the undead stuff looks like fucking garbage compared to WC2.
i've seen people unironically mod in the new models for pservs, I threw up a little
>new troll here!
new model faces look all the same, absolutely no variety