FO4 makes FO3 look like NV
fo4 makes my shit look like gold
>no codpiece
Gotta protect the mcnuggets.
But Fallout NV didn't have upgradable armor with visual differences?
>plastic armor for plastic men
whats the issue
i'll never understand how they thought this was fine as paid dlc. if you're going to try and get my shekels in exchange for pixels the pixels better be fucking good
yeah instead it had a good gameplay
that's not even paid dlc, that's part of the base game.
What does FO76 make FO4 look like?
implying anyone here has actually played fo4 and doesn't just shit post about it
Fallout 4 had better gameplay than 3/NV tho
how can you go from NCR ranger outfit in New Vegas to this?
fo76 is hunt down the freeman compared to half life 2
you're right. i forgot the paid content was WORSE
yeah FO4 has very fun combat, the issue is that the roleplaying elements are more or less nonexistent. just ignore the dialogue, get some power armor and pretend that you're a space marine who is trapped in another dimension.
I did, unfortunately.
it's okay if you just want to shoot things while listening to modded in radio stations.
imagine paying real money for skins in a single player game.
jesus christ, remember when they said that it would be mostly "large expansions"?
well yeah
skins in a single player game would not be the worst thing ever if they didn't look like complete fucking trash or were barely usable. I made the mistake of getting a skin pack in persona 5 only to learn you can't use it outside dungeons and the music that comes with it is horribly mixed to the point where you can't hear it over other sound effects. Is it really hard to put in even the bare minimum amount of effort if you're asking for money? fuck man
“Very fun combat”. I see that said a lot, but was it? It seemed like a very generic third gen shooter to me. Yeah, the AI and was better than 3 or NV, but those had literal “just run in a straight line” or “crouch” for AI, so that isn’t saying much.
i like the combat way more than previous titles but how are you going to have fps elements and not give the player cover mechanics, proning or leaning around corners? You see npcs using some of this shit.
better gunplay
everything else is worse
but fo4 made me appreciate fo3
and i fucking detested fo3
what does the scouter say about his power level
>weighing yourself down with 300lbs of worthless trash
>making it look lame as fuck on top of that
Bethesda is incompetent in every single way. I could excuse unrealistic proportions and materials if it at least looked cool, but this is just awful.
I swear the only good looking gear in the game is Maxson's coat. The game is almost telling you to side with any of the other factions just to get his coat
more like the game is telling you to never step outside of your power armor unless you're repairing it.
After FO4 the thought of playing FO3 again for even a minute repulses me beyond belief. By now I'd probably struggle with NV too, considering the atrocious gameplay and visuals. That said, I'd never touch vanilla FO4 ever again either.
FO4 with Horizon in Desolation mode makes it playable (even good imho) by reworking the game's mechanics into proper survival/scavenging type of gameplay, while keeping vanilla content such as quests and NPCs intact. FROST is glorious as well, though it overhauls all of the base game's content and can't be used for actual FO4 playthroughs. Still a wild experience, showing that some turds can be polished with time and effort.
peripheral vision is for casuals
>several hundred years past the apocalypse
>fully charged nuclear batteries fucking everywhere
>civilization hasn't managed to progress past trashpile shantytowns or living in the barely-repaired, blown-out structures of the old world
Why does Bethesda's vision of Fallout suck so bad?
Who the fuck. Designed these ugly modular armor and thought it looked good? The proportions of everything are terrible and looks goofy
I'm not even sure it's entirely the fault of the armor. Don't get me wrong, it all looks like shit, but the silhouette of Fallout 4 characters is ridiculously unheroic. Nothing looks cool on your character because your shape and posture makes you look like a dumpy shut-in.
I call shenanigans. Real life doesn‘t do comic book proportions and tacticool and military chic are both things.
I don’t know which I like better. Like they all have very different aesthetics and I could be done to clown with them all.
Probably the result of having to make armor for a character that can be scaled from thin to fat, and Bethesda taking shortcuts to basically circumvent the problem by making the whole thing look dippy and oversized.
Obsidian is also at guilty of this to some degree, I don't understand how people can settle in a place and not clean it from 200yo general debris, dust and pre-war trash. I remember going into a farmer house in New Vegas for a quest and the floor was littered with a bunch of pre-war papers or something. Is it because the house was re-used asset from FO3 because of their shitty contract and time restraints?
Real life military don't wear cheap plastic for armour. It's mostly fabric.
>literally tunnel vision
>Is it because the house was re-used asset from FO3 because of their shitty contract and time restraints?
Pretty much, yeah. It should also be noted that a lot of the debris piles in the Fallout games are built directly into the world itself, and if you try to use a mod to “clean up the floors” you’ll usually end up making invisible holes in the ground that you can actually fall through. It just shows how utterly incompetent Bethesda is when people who try to FIX their game can end up breaking it even worse thanks to how everything is held together with bubble gum and Todd’s sweet little lies.
>Real life doesn‘t do comic book proportions and tacticool and military chic are both things
In real life you can push your chest out and do poses, and you can have all kinds of varying body shapes. Even a fatass can look cool if he goes full bearmode, strikes a dynamic pose and wears a good expression on his face. Fallout models have none of this character, they just stand there and maybe sway a little sometimes to indicate they're alive. They all share these standardized minimal animations, too. Maxson's the only character that looks like something, but that's all thanks to his bitchin' fur-lined coat. Without it, he's just another mild chump.
Only modern game I ever played was Fallout 4 at that was for like a couple of days just to finish the boring ass main quest so I can get my moneys worth. In my time playing I never thought the gun play was good or the game play. I had more fun with gameplay in New Vegas using dialouge options to finish the prison quest or just going in there and placing mines traps and grenades everywhere and shooting it up. FO4 is a boring linear game and the on rails gun play sucks. FO4 feels like a theme park with how linear it is and how its all seperated while new vegas and 3 feel more like a world.
no it didn't
jesus christ it's literally a bigger turd than FO3 held together with duct tape and glue from Obsidian's development team's lunch box
Right, but was innately blaming the character models, though makes a valid point.
Man, fuck Todd.
FO4 has been released for over 3 years, by that time NV already had shit like Project Brazil going on.
Does FO4 have something like that yet or is FO4NV the only on-going project?
>dude pockets lmao
didn't know /k/ was on the design team
Nothing as big as Project Brazil/New California, I'm afraid. There's Fallout Miami, but it's a world expansion mod, and probably won't include quests or storyline content.
its almost unbelievable
I'll never understand why they decided to go with the stupid modular armor system and them make the vault suit the only underlayer that you could modify.
I haven't heard about any big projects for F4. At least ones that seem like they won't get abandoned if they haven't been already.
A shame because the updated engine does at least look much nicer.
To be fair, that's Trapper Armor. The Trappers of Far Harbor have all gone mentally insane and cannibalistic because of the island's radioactive fog
fucking felt worse to me with how bad level scaling was
Miami and Cascadia if we're talking about other than NV or CW
the marine armor looks stupid af. but military combat gear and even utilities have a lot of pockets/pouches
Pretty sure it does include quests.
Fallout 4 was so shit that the Quo Vagis/Coito Ergo Sum dev scrapped his plan to finish the trilogy.
It does have quests you brainlet. There’s also Fallout Cascadia. And Fallout Frontier for NV