The absolute state of western gaming

>the absolute state of western gaming

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What does communism have to do with the rest?

sóyboys spreading their autism


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Frost looks cute though.

fag haircut though.

Other than DOOM and the Spyro and Crash remakes there legitimately hasn't been a single western game this gen I liked.

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I love pixiecuts, 2bh.

Women can't be fags.

>weeb obsessed over politics and women

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This. Despite abortion was legal in the USSR, its birthrate rose despite WW2.

OG Russian commie killed basedboys in the past, and now the basedboys think they are on the same team

'Communism' is popular among specific group of people.
Many people hadn't id cards (Internal passport actually) until 1970s so they couldn't move from the countryside. Birthrate rose due unfinished
demographic transit.

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I'm liking this trend of posting ampharos in these threads

such a cool little pokemon

have sex

bend over

Poor right wing reactionaries, I guess the world is going too fast now.

why do these people only exist on the internet? You always hear people talking about how they themselves are trannies or have many "trans friends" but you never actually see trannies anywhere. I even live in Chicago so it's not like I live in some backwoods hick town where they would be compelled to hide from the public eye.

Because most trannies are basement dwelling autists.

Have you payed your slavery reparations, comrade?

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but d-daddy... uwu;


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There was a tranny cashier at the grocery shop near my old place.
I think it saw the look on my face when I realised what it was.
One of the few that I've seen in the wild.

welfare whales who never leave their parents home

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Get rid of the trannies and everything will get better.
Lesbos and Gays are alright if they're good people.
But no tranny has ever contributed anything except creating hostility, pedophillia, nanny state totalitarianism and more trannies

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I saw 2 at my NSO when I first went to a major university in Massachusetts and it was so weird.
Both of them were balding 35+ white guys in ill-fitting dresses, 1 overweight and the other tall as fuck.
It's just so baffling, like what the fuck is wrong with these people?

I understand most of this pic but why is the black hole on there?

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This is why

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Probably because of all the journalists and people on social media talking about how some young woman who wasn't even born when the project started was solely responsible for it.

they have a severe mental illness that should be treated with antipsychotic medication and heavy cognitive therapy but instead doctors indulge their schizo fantasies because if they don't they might be doxed and have their careers ruined

I think 2018 will be my cut off point for gaming.
I have a backlog that'll take me more than my life time to complete and most of my games are pre-2012 anyway.

In 2009 we looked back on 1999 as a golden age
In 2019 we look back on 2009 as a much better time
In 2029 we'll look back on these times with fondness
Have fun with your shitshow friends.


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You reminded me, my uni had a big debate on whether to introduce gender neutral bathrooms a couple of years ago. I was away at the time but honestly I don't think I could have handled it if I had went. I hate when internet shit enters real life, it confuses me.

I'm not watching youtube videos but does she fuck dogs on something?


do you guys ever read back what you write to yourself and think "what the fuck am I even saying?"
Like you're on some chinese origami website and blasting about how trannies cause totalitarian nanny states, but completely unironically.
you need to stop.

just switch to Japanese games bro

There's one at work and you see quite a few when out in town.
They're slowly taking over

when will the west finally just taken over by the Muslims already so they will fuck off?

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He's doing the right thing by pushing for accelerationism.
It's the thinking man's position.
Make life uncomfortable for as many people as possible as fast as possible.

I do mostly.
They'll fold to the SJW wave sooner or later.

because they literally call themselves communists and socialists. what kind of stupid question is that?

Kys tranny cuck

>Abortion was legal
>Didn't abort the "rape"babies of German soldiers

Reminder that lefties consider the women on the right disgusting sexists.

Why do they open their mouths so much.
It looks creepy as fuck.

"le wacky face"

Because most left wingers are obsessed with science and believe we evolved from bacteria on rocks in the ocean bajillion years ago

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>why do these people only exist on the internet?
because they're being over represented in media

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>You have to be a retarded leftie to know evolution is fact
No, retard. We have super viruses spreading everywhere in direct response to our clean environment.

Daily reminder that being a part of any collectivist group including political parties or LGBT Groups will only lead you down a rabbit hole of having to bend over backwards and cover for every mistake your groups make.
Just be an individual, be pragmatic, have nuance.
Have a wonderful day.

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was that his first stream? should have got a 9-5 or a factory job.

vimplying that video game alt right isn't more common

>"Trannies and ugly niggers in vydeo gaems will destroy capitalism because no will buy them." - Joseph Stalin, president of the Soviet Union

rent free



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for some odd reason basedbois and trannies have a tendency for supporting commies despite the fact communist regimes would laugh at them followed by an execution for being faggots

>American Developers

How does a sheep evolve into whatever that is?


I know gay people and they don't give a FUCK about videogames. They are doing cool gay things like working out, going to saunas, shopping and having sex.

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and molesting children.

Also thanks to "le empowered wamyns" and niggerfaggots being massive fucking sluts