Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw a year ago only had 2 of these
>still only have 7
I don't really care about LRs though anymore, they're extremely lackluster for the most part compared to all the new DFEs.
Last time I got enough to warrant rainbowing a pair of crap units. INT GrApe Baby and STR Evil Buu
Can't wait to see what shit I pull this time.
>lost my account
>waiting for email
Worst feeling bros. Had 5 LRs and every category lead except 5 of them
The originals maybe but the SS4s and GT trio that just came out are absurd.
i got black and got downvoted on the reddit for saying i didnt get shafted
:) feels good
Got shafted since the last pull on Movie Heroes... Kaio allmighty, this sucks.
How did you lost your account?
>every category lead
>except 5
you stupid
That's only 3 out of over a dozen and I have both SS4s with a dupe in Vegeta. They're nice, but there's nothing to do with them and their categories aren't all that fun to run compared to some of the recent ones.
Ayyyy not bad.
It's bad enough playing gacha garbage but you pick the one game that doesn't have cute girls in it? You spics are fucking gay.
>do 2 free weekend sumons
>10 SR's
Did you pulled Bulla user? she is worth a try.
>Wanted Chichi
>Got Bulla
I can't even be mad I guess
I have 2 Gokus, 2 Future Trunks, Goten/Trunks, Cell, Vegeta, Frieza, Hercule, Tien and Androids which i could grind to LR... but i cant be arsed to do it, they're just not good enough to justify spending all that STA.
>tfw got both
Now I can finally run a peppy gals team, they are fun.
the best of me
>emulate a gacha game
>watch a tik tok webm on loop
>watch a neckbeard on twitch eating a burger
i hope you guys have it better then me
The summons are free, i expect nothing and i'm still disappointed
Quit being a shitsniffing faggot and lumping free LRs and gacha LRs together, how am I supposed to advise you on what's worth using when there's multiple Goku LRs, multiple Future Trunks, multiple Vegetas, and you won't note which is goddamn which
Now post the 1000 different variants of goku. Just admit it, you niggers are gay for goku.
>i have 2 piccolos
>2 goten
>1 tien
>1 majin vegeta
>only managed to fully transform majin vegeta
gatchashit belongs on
Better take advantage of the story event while it's still up.
Not from this most recent banner, but I've pulled enough of her to rainbow her.
im only gay for the good goku cards
game keeps getting heavier and heavier
i dont know how long my shitty iphone 4s will be able to handle it
What team should i do with them?
They refuse it and delete threads of it so it's Yea Forums by default.
Please don't send macaco subhumans to /jp/. It's bad enough with idol shit.
A good one.
Gee user maybe go look up their fucking links and passives and pick ones that complement each other
no joke i know need 10 seconds of loading to get into the game
Last slot can be anyone.
God I fucking love nu Broly and the fact that he always super attacks for millions of damage.
Went with this
I'm gonna go ham on kid goku
I'll play things moderately for the anniversary because besides the GT LR there's nothing really insane.
Also I'm gonna go crazy for that LR yamcha, craving dome OG DB stuuff
>Not running Kale and Caulifla
Are you fucking high
Thanks for the reminder. I would have actually forgotten
>Quit being a shitsniffing faggot and lumping free LRs and gacha LRs together,
Who cares, you're investing a significant amount of your time on it, that's the only thing that matters.
>Multiple Goku LRs
TEQ SSJ1, was wrong about the second one
>Multiple Trunks
Agly + Phy
>Multiple Vegetas
The new Int one
I did get:
Meta Coora Army (meh)
Saiyaman (bad)
SSJ3 Goku (ok)
Angel Goku/Vegeta (holyfuckit'sjustsoawesome)
GinyuGoku (lolgimmick)
Majin Vegeta (how do i ki?)
Mai/Trunks (ok+)
Broly (ok-)
Can someone please tell me why global and Japan have different units? I don't see why they wouldn't just use the same cards.
Did 3 multis on metal cooler, got Vegito, Hercule on buus back, and Gohan and Piccolo. Would've been fine with like half the DFE, got a dupe Jiren, dupe FP Frieza and dupe FF Cooler. Fucking all I wanted between now and year 4 was that Cooler
Japan is several months ahead from global.
>tfw saving every stone and buying some for when Kale&Caulifla drop on global
I just saw /ourguy/ go for 1k stones and no copy, i hope to god the same doesn't happen to me
He didn't have her awakened. SS4 Goku won't link very well and Goku/Arale is meant to partner with Yamcha.
This team will struggle for ki depending on rotations.
Got the Vegeta and Piccolo off of that banner, along with dupes of FP Frieza and Final Form Cooler.
No robot boy for me either.
>Phy Trunks not worth grinding
>Agl Trunks not worth grinding
>Metal Cooler only meh
>Great Saiyaman bad
>Mai/Trunks rated higher than Broly
So many things wrong with your post
I'm doing the exact same thing but for the SS4. I'll have close to 1.7k stones when they arrive so I'm hoping I can pull the both of them. I would also like to summon for the GT Trio but honestly I don't think I'll be that lucky.
Both Future Trunks LRs are fantastic and can be run together to fuck Hybrid Saiyans SBR in the face. They're also a very strong pair on the new LR SS4 Vegeta team. And the INT Vegeta has a campaign incoming that gives free stones and kais for farming him up. You also said you had LR Cell who's really great on like four categories. You're underestimating LRs in general, they don't usually have leader skills as good as Dokkanfests but their role is to be the big fucking bat you stick on the team to swing at something you want dead but good.
Got a dupe for Rageta, can't really complain.
Now, should I roll at least one time for Black? Or II better save those 50 stones for the anniversary?
It's not impossible user, I managed to get all four 4th anni LRs in about 900 stones, with a SS4 Vegeta dupe to boot. Odds are low but maintain hope.
>Saiyaman (bad)
Take them to sbr and say that.
I woul be interested in them too for a DB seekers team, i fucking love categories like that.
Also which is better ?
OG db category or DB seekers?
Idk about ki issues here man.
Once arale and goku start orb changing the team never misses supers
That card is too good to be a GT card, goddamn it.
Dragon ball seekers by far.
Has everything you want in the team and mostly f2p options
Damn that's some good luck. Assuming that they don't temper with the rates and give us tickets like they did last year I could probably stand a chance. Then again if I burn all my stones including the ones they are giving during the anni I don't care so long as I get the SS4.
>They announced LR Kale and Caulifa after I went in on Metal Cooler
Fucking assholes couldn't announce them with the Hit banner could they
>claims to be smart
>plays gacha shit
>claims to be smart
And that's where you're wrong
I can make a fairly good Future/Time travellers team, so i'm in fact looking towards Cell and both Trunks when i'm not busy grinding F2P cards such as last week... 1 robot and 6 Meta Cooras.
>Hybrid Saiyan SBR
With no leader for the category i'm not touching that
>Int Vegeta
That would be a support item sink, i have multipple F2P teams but they're getting loads of damage, oh well...
>LR as big fucking bat
I do have some teams though... i dont particularly see for example SSJ3 Goku on Movie Heroes or Broly in Movie Bosses as that big of a fucking bat, when the stars allign they can hit hard yes, like on Hirudegarn where SSJ3 Goku can crit for 6 million but those things dont happen often enough, in normal use they're squishy compared to newer cards and offer less utility.
>LR Black dupe
Dokkan I really, really appreciate the gesture but I needed that used up bit of luck to not get buttfucked during the anniversary.
>claims to be smart
I would never
With Broly it's about proper placement, his ability to super twice is invaluable in both SBR and WT, so he's worth investment for both of those modes. And the SS3 Goku I agree is overrated but he's actually got a lot of defense when not getting his 18ki. If you can't score his big dick numbers in one round you can have him soak up damage instead. He's clunky but hardly worthless if you can afford to support his ki hogging
The thing with SSJ3 Goku is also that my Movie Heroes team is very well supplied. He's competing for a team seat with EZA Gogeta, Int Gogeta, EZA Goku and Vegeta, Tak-Tapion, SSG Vegeta and Saiyaman.
>AGL Gogeta, new SSG Goku and LR Angel Goku/Vegeta are not negotiable
Tank-Tapion of course.
They won't always get 18 ki and Goku/Arale are missing out on a huge atk boost.
>No Hybrid Saiyan leader
LR Kid Gohan is perfectly serviceable as a leader. It's hard, but it's doable
>Don't see the use of SSJ3 Goku
Massive damage on his teams, and LR Majin Vegeta's best friend on pure saiyans
Best WT unit in the game, supers twice, hits all enemies, Super Broly's best friend
>they're squishy
Only after they attack, it's about proper placement and SSJ3 Goku is only squishy after Dragon Fist
>Lack Utility
Broly is worth it alone for WT grinding and SBR. Goku has nothing other than being a beatstick
DB seekers don't have all the same cards so it comes down to preferences on units.
am i too late to start playing this?
It took me 7 months to get to this point where i'm whining about having too many LRs to level up and about their lackluster use. Judge for yourself.
Nope, if you decide to play aim for the ginyu force f2p units, don't use dupes of good units to increase SA use them to unlock paths instead, don't ever sell or use elder kais on shit units or units with a SA you can grind.
Definitely not. Especially not with the anniversary event right around the corner. Huge opritunity to catch up on cards that aren't currently available and get a ton of free dragon stones for beginners
imma give it a go. i been playing SEGA heros on my phone. Maybe this will be a good alternative. Lets see.
Post your starting rolls
What's your biggest dokkan regret?
I accidentally used kais on int ssj bardock cause i got a dupe and thought he was good
I quit the game entirely for a few months on both versions and lost my glb account when I came back.
When i began i got showered in free shit and didnt know what to do with stuff, so i sold like 20 Old Kais to make room for random SRs, i could still kick myself for that.
My entire like, first year playing I didn't actually follow any sort of meta or know what I was doing.
So basically I wasted a lot of stones, Kais, zeni, training items, pretty much everything.
>used to do single summons only my first couple months when I was an idiot
I wish I could get those stones back.
>12k watching
Haha, dumb fuck lost like 18k after his break.
I wish Godgeta was better. He looks cool but I have him with two dupes and, boy, he's a weakling.
I used kais on several farmable or semi farmable units to s10. Ss3 bardock, lr trunks, lr cell, ss3 angelku, agf, kefla, jiren. Just to name a few
>caring about e-celebs
Not taking part in the LR Goku campaign.
I used a lot of dupes of several units to increase SA, now that I look at their SA I realize that I could have them rainbowed but I fucked up.
No retard I don't, which is why I'm laughing.
You cared enough to make that post instead of ignoring it like a normal person.
Some wasted Elder Kai here and there at the beginning.
Also using the dupes of my third anniversary SSJ3 Goku for his SA.
Also wasting 500 stones on the Vegeta Evo banner to find one copy and then I find two copies of him in the step up banner later.
>normal person
Maybe you should leave.
You know what I mean dipshit, no one else made some stupid comment about it.
SEETHING Assmold fan.
Glad I'm not the only one going 2000+ deep for them, I really want 2 copies.
Even their TUR is better than most dokkanfests
Out of curiosity, anyone hoarding their tickets for one mass pull at the end?
Fuck no, If I get shafted the pain will be 100x greater
I got 1100 f2p stones saved up for the anniversary. But I really really want LR Caulifla and Kale. Are there discounts on the SS4 banners? Because if not then I probably will skip them. I have most of their featured units anyways.
>Are there discounts on the SS4 banners?
Every 4th multi is free.
We will pull them for sure!
How exactly do you "save up" F2P stones? Doing quests or just the daylies? I've finished things for the most part so only EZA and a few quests are left other than the daily login.
as long you dont expend money on it i dont see the problem
You get 200 per month minimum, you are not supposed to summon on every banner
So we all agree that Vegeta's lineage > Goku's lineage, right?
Vegeta's lineage is better when you have an optimal setup, but overall links pretty badly, so Goku's lineage will be better for most people.
Can you break that 200 down? I dont think i manage that and i'm always doing my quests and getting login bonus.
There's also first-time clears on new events and Virtual Battlefield fights.
Log-ins daily missions EZAs and new evets are most of it.
If you google there are a lot of stone archives.
For example JP got nearly 1k stones during feb
Bro get to it right now, the 4th anniversary of Dokkan is in July and it's going to be the biggest celebration ever.
Goku's Lineage is confirmed to have higher damage by one or two millions.
Also, which other global chad here is going deep for Kid Goku if he comes before the SSJ4s?
>130% health
>less LRs
>only 1 active skill unit
>No UFPSS4 Equivalent
>20% attack on the first turn
Yeah no
>tfw only halfway stage 6 of 27
A lot of stones there but I have too much shit to do instead of quests, that LR Vegito tho.
Enjoy it while you can, I've been out of farmable stones for about 2-3 years...
>LR SS4 Goku+ LR SS4 Vegeta
>LR Kale and Caulifla + TUR Kale and Caulifla
>Paragus and Broly plus 2 Transforming Vegetas floating
Literally shits on every other team
>tfw almost rank 200 and haven't even touched the story mode stones
I'm saving them for a rainy day
The game's getting bigger and bigger, my shitty phone won't make it.
>5 year old phone
>can still fit global and jp
>no more stones spent ticket banners
It hurts.
Also more and more SSRs being released means your chance of pulling the one you want is getting lower and lower.
>Also more and more SSRs being released means your chance of pulling the shitty ones from before 2017 is getting lower and lower
That's only for unfeatured units and the unfeatured pool is always between 140 and 190.
How do you know?
downloads celebrations
How do you know the next download celebration is in October?
used to sell SSRs for baba shop points. fuck me
Can't be before July because it's always after the anniversary, november is the DBH collab month in jp
That only narrows it down to August through October. Gogeta/Omega was in August.
I doubt they would kill global players like that again.
>LR U6 saiyans
>300m DL celebrations
They killed JP between LR Trunks/Mai, Gogeta/Broly, the guaranteed LR banner, and the anniversary. Plus, does Global even have enough content left to stick to that schedule?
they could always do more global exclusive first dokkanfests
Kid goku and the lr mighty mask banner
When's int Goku Black coming? I dont care if he's shit or not I haven't pulled a DFE in months.
I doubt they'd release Kid Goku first because of the active skill.
Who would it be though.
He goes live on the 25th along with the Videl story event.
Next week. He is not worth it tho.
Guess this is as good a time as any to do another coming event list
>Transforming Blackarot DF
>Videl/Gohan story event
>SS3 Vegeta EZA
>#18 World Tourny (w/ LR Yamcha)
>Janemba EZA
>Devil's Castle story event (TUR Kid Goku/Krillin)
>Kid Pan WT
>4th Anniversary shit (Giru, LR Pan)
>Goku Jr. EZA
>LR SS4s
>LR GT Ball Seekers/GrApe Baby/Uub
>Vegeta Jr. EZA
>Shadow Dragon shenanigans (O.Shenron EZB)
>Monkey Punch Goku DF/LR Goku/Arale
>TEQ SS3 Gotenks EZA
>Blackarot WT
>Clone Vegeta story event
>U6 story event
>Bojack Movie Gohan rebirth
>TEQ Golden Frieza EZA
>LR Saiyan Gals
>Trunks/Zamasu DDF
>>Transforming Blackarot DF
Easy skip
>>SS3 Vegeta EZA
Already have him
>>Janemba EZA
Already have him
>>LR SS4s
Painful skip
>>LR GT Ball Seekers/GrApe Baby/Uub
Easy skip
>>Monkey Punch Goku DF
Literally no units for his cats so no thanks
>>TEQ SS3 Gotenks EZA
My PHY one has more than enough dupes
>>LR Saiyan Gals
Would drop up to 300 stones
>>Trunks/Zamasu DDF
All in Trunks is my favorite
So many free stones, all going towards them
>skip LR SS4s
>skip Kid Goku
I didn't know taste this shit was possible.
It's almost like most people give no shits about GT and kid goku will come back in a much better banner
I'm more surprised user has the EZAs already done.
Pretty sure he meant EZA banners.
>people give no shits about GT
Why would anyone not give a shit about the best Saiyan form and a sexy active skill?
>kid goku will come back in a much better banner
His banner is good, Piccolo and Roshi are both amazing units for the category and so are Vegito and Gotenks.
Keep your furry fantasies to yourself
>His banner is good
Vegito Gotenks and Omega will get replaced by their older versions
Buu is in the discussion for the worst category leader
2 unfeatured SSRs is nothing worth chasing
Do you have Hit?
>Keep your furry fantasies to yourself
>having to rely on a low quality meme to try to rationalize dislike of the best form
>Vegito Gotenks and Omega will get replaced by their older versions
Phy Gotenks is still better and you can't say for sure about the rest.
>Buu is in the discussion for the worst category leader
That's a single unit and he isn't terrible.
>2 unfeatured SSRs is nothing worth chasing
They are when one has tanking and guaranteed stun/seal with big numbers and the other has a solid linkset damage.
>Phy Gotenks is still better
The fuck are you smoking? He is only "better" in movie heroes because muh 12 ki damage in the rest of their categories the teq one slaps.
>That's a single unit
Nah I'm counting about 3 overused dfe units and 1 average unit even the Goku black banner is better.
King piccolo is mediocre and Master roshi is usable in one team.
>He is only "better" in movie heroes because muh 12 ki damage in the rest of their categories the teq one slaps.
Teq is shit in fusions too and can't win a dupe contest either.
>3 overused dfe units
They're good and lots of people don't have them.
>King piccolo is mediocre and Master roshi is usable in one team.
Piccolo is a solid unit with the best atk lowering in the game and Roshi is still top tier on both his teams.