Why can't big publishers recognize that people like games that are fun and unique rather than another photo realistic...

Why can't big publishers recognize that people like games that are fun and unique rather than another photo realistic open world cover shooter? Surely they see how much independently published games make and want in, right?

Attached: Cuphead_60_million_dollars.png (708x769, 306K)

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Nobody wants to develop games at a big budget level that don't require big budgets.

>3 million
The latest Tomb Raider game needed 5 million just to break even or something retarded like that.

Big risk small reward is Square Enix's motto

Lets say you make money from gambling, and you don't do it yourself, you don't know anything about gambling, so you hire people to do it for you for a certain amount of time over years and hope it will pay off.
The guys are young and have a lot of promise, but it's still fucking gambling, you don't know if you're going to make your money back or if they actually know anything about gambling.

To fix your odds, you want a 100% certain chance that you will win.
So you hire consultants, people who took business degrees in gambling and people who have worked at other gambling companies before.
You arrange a team of people so that they can tell the gamblers to always bet on red, because market research showed red wins more often than black. You need a more diverse team of gamblers to show that you're a company that cares, and you hire gambling-traners for hte gamblers, even though they might not have gambled before or did so 10-20 years ago when other kinds of gambling were more popular.

It's an absolute shit way of thinking, but this is how people with money reason this with themselves, because they can't let go off millions of dollars and just hope that it turns out well.

No way. Games are not that expensive to develop, and the marketing budgets aren't so big that 5 million would be breaking even. They probably wanted it to do 3 times its budget + marketing spend.

And that milestone was hit last august, mind you. With the Switch version around and general interest somewhat reignited I easily assume 4M would be a given soon

>Games are not that expensive to develop
That's not really an uncommon figure for a game these days

AAA games take 10 million to develop at most + 50 million for marketing.

>needed 5 million just to break even
That's the problem now init? Modern AAA budgets are bloated with useless shit which is absurd. So many man-hours spent on modeling complex 3D models and environments that they forget to make the games fun. 3D aesthetics peaked in the PS2 era, everything beyond that isn't needed.

>Expensive character, environment modeling etc.
>Expensive writers, VAs etc.
>Diversity specialist and community managers
>Half of the budget (up to millions of dollars) spent on marketing

Fucking hell, imagine if all those resources are spent on making the game fun

Because those games only make some of the money. They want one game or "live service" to make all the money. Maximum profits for minimum effort and risk.

Not bad. Welcome to the console wars, Microsoft. We've been expecting you. Protip: Don't release Ori 2 on the Switch.

>3D aesthetics peaked in the PS2 era
Imagine actually thinking this.

because between taking a risk to get money and taking no risks to get even more money they would take no risks to get even more money

You have no fucking idea what you are talking about

Because big publishers are run by basic Bitch boy business executive and sales departments that do everything based off statistics.

Citation needed.

Cuphead is amazing example of SOUL in gaming, glad it's doing well.

I don't fucking know. If you want steady money from investing in shit, you'll use what's proven to get money. it's more of a risk to adventure away from that.

I'd rather have PS2 graphics and fun gameplay then the modern Snoy cinematic experience

Because there's no guarantee that every new game is going to be a Cuphead. For every 1 breakout hit there are 99 other indie games that sell for pennies and die unnoticed. Publishers answer to boardrooms and shareholders. And so they need that guarantee.

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The sales numbers for those generic shooters would like to disagree with you.

I would not be surprised by it selling 3m more on Switch. Switch owners like "gamey" games more than Xbox owners

Since Cuphead is only available digitally, these are actual sales numbers and not just shipments. Impressive.

yet those companies keep losing money because of their massive budgets and advertising costs

Yep. You have to understand that these people are filthy rich. They don't do gamble on small budged things that may or may not be moderate success. It's viewed as waste of resources and time.

They don't lose money. They always get their money back, but not the amount of times they predicted/wanted.

i think i'll play the game right now actually. i never did finish it yet

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Puppeteer sold less than 100k and it was a unique and fun game. Same with the rest of Japan Studio games.

Attached: puppeteer.jpg (600x691, 171K)

>Cuphead was released on September 2017
>just now reached 3 mil
If you want to argue about this, then at least use a good example you fucking dunce.

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>Only on Playstation
Gee I wonder why it did bad.

>trying to make money at games that have a mathematical negative return percentage to the player
Pandering to SJWs.
>look at dem hot supportive tweets! Jackpot baby!
>oh shit I'm losing money now, oh fuck better double down

I bet you think Destiny has more interesting character design than Timesplitters 2. Gimme more options and smooth, interesting gameplay over dull, samey zbrush shit any day.

3 million copies is nothing compared to the 12 million copies a Last of Us or God of War move.


>just now

Sources for the sales numbers?

You know Microsoft helped fund this game, right?

Yes, it's amazing

Do you know how many different games are released every day? 3 mil today is not the same as 3 mil 10 years ago. It's harder and harder to get the spotlight these days, because so much stuff comes out.

That's because the tone is all fucked. Look at that cover. All dark and broody shit for what's clearly supposed to be something fun and colorful, like Loco Robo was.

Sony doesn't want to be mistaken for Nintendo and vice versa? It's weird.

Because American corporate execs are short sighted as fuck and only care about short term goals to appease investors. To be fair this has always been an issue and has gotten worst due to modern trends

It's exactly like a Konami boss rush, like in Gradius or Contra. Now that Konami is gone it's a decent replacement.

>Surely they see how much independently published games make and want in, right?
Cuphead was literally funded and marketed by Microsoft dipshit

>still approx. one year later
>DMC5 reached almost the same milestone within two weeks
Cuphead deserves to be this slow in sales, what an overrated piece of shit.

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cuphead was made with pretty much zero budget, this is smashing success. if you develop AAAAA game and put trillions of dollars into it it's a flop if it sells less than 3 million

Ahahahahahahahahahaha it was literally bought and paid for by Microsoft.

I'm having a blast playing it rn on my Switch. Glad I was patient enough and didn't buy it on PC when given the chance.

i think that was his point. 3 million in 3 years is not considered good in overall of things.

You seem to have misunderstood. I meant that 10 years ago it was easier for a game to sell 3 million because much less stuff came out. So Cuphead, an indie game with not much marketing selling 3 million in today's environment is damn impressive.

Sold the same amount in 3 years that Bloodborne, a big game with big marketing sold in 4.

Shut the fuck up

>AAA game with marketing the size of 100 Cuphead budgets

Cuphead has a much bigger profit margin though.

I really like Japan Studio games. And I still want some kind of continuation of Freedom Wars.

Because the realistic shooters are still profitable. If it weren’t, they’d look for other genres but currently people still buy into realism.
Companies think: “Why try something new when we already have a working formula?”

They dont make as much gross returns as AAA games

Attached: tenor.gif?itemid=9264828.gif (568x320, 2.66M)

and people still think microsoft is bad. this game wouldn't even have made it without them. they didn't need to support it they don't even make anything from it.

iirc the ceo of the company remortgaged his house twice or something because of financial difficulty.

aa sorry misunderstood. cuphead had a lot of marketing and "hype" in the interwebz from what i can remember. but your right that its harder to get attention nowadays. it was backed by microsoft though.
anyway just meant that a lot of bigger games sell that 3 million in very fast time.

Aesthetics =/= graphics
There was a lot of imaginative shit while today it's just pine woods

>There was a lot of imaginative shit while today it's just pine woods
Wrong, wrong and wrong. Yea Forums keeps disappointing me.

>So Cuphead, an indie game with not much marketing
You are a special kind of retarded.
Cuphead was marketed like fucking crazy by Microsoft, it started life as a Microsoft exclusive, it was paid for by Microsoft, it was published by Microsoft.

It's about as far from "low budget indie" as you can get.

If you want to use something as an example, use Hollow Knight.

>It's about as far from "low budget indie" as you can get
The devs paid most of the game themselves.

photo realistic open world cover shooters sell upwards of 5 million

No they fucking didn't, the devs don't even own the IP rights to Cuphead that's how much they sold out.

Fucking NO one develops something like Cuphead out of pocket and then just gives it away to a company like Microsoft because reasons.

Fucking retard.

Do you seriously believe that the 3D environmental artist are in the same meetings as the gameplay design team? Do you seriously believe the guy drawing textures of pots is also programming the mechanics in the game? Don't be a complete fucking retard. These games end up being shit because they were shit to begin with, not because of the marketing budget.

UUUM rockpapershotgun.com/2017/06/30/cuphead-devs-entirely-rebuilt-the-game-after-e3-2015/

photo realistic as in the frames comes to you like a photo in your mail

FrUstratiNg. So yes.

Ddi you even see MDHR stating they had full ownership of the game's rights, that being the reason they could port it to Switch in the first fucking place?

Yeah, Microsoft gave them a fat wad of cash to unfuck their shit.

there are no offical numbers but he is wrong its ~300k according to vgchartz
Why does this look dark for you? Did you also think Okage Shadow King was dark according to the cover? It reminds me more of the cover of a grim book. I guess its normal if you grow up with reading those folklore.

>Big publishers like games that are fun and unique instead of "muh realism!"

Does Ubisoft pay well?

>Big publishers should produce games that are fun and unique instead of "muh realism!"

Does Ubisoft pay well??

The realistic game outsold the indie game because the realistic game had a marketing budget of 50 million.

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cuphead is racist and not accessible.

want to make cuphead a good game? remove the overt racist overtones and include easier modes for people with disabilities

>muh marketing
Funny how this suddenly matters when nobody actually gives a shit about your "fun" and "unique" game that people "like" over the big market meme game.

Can you breathe?

>want to make cuphead a good game?
they already did though

Attached: cuphead.png (325x325, 104K)

Not him, but speak for yourself. I worked on an 8-Man project that ultimately cost 1mil to develop not counting marketing (which was not even 1mil). What do you think 100 man projects cost?

Which project did you work on, was it successful?

What's the difference between the PC and Switch versions

Yes, I'm breathing, just as you are seething


I'd love to play cuphead but I'm photo-sensitive and all the strobing lights/animations make me dizzy and nauseas. I don't think I'm epileptic because I don't get seizures but I still can't stand that shit.

Congratulations on making the most wrong post in this thread

>the alt-right platform of PC likes it
>steam, a haven for nazis, likes it

they like it because it's racist

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>10 years ago
>less games
what? games didnt massively slow down production until like 2014

>Game is available on many platforms
>Jew is now just gas lighting

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AAA games have slowed down, but there are more indie games/smaller games than ever. Last year over 6000 games were released on Steam.

>Why can't big publishers recognize that people like games that are fun and unique rather than another photo realistic open world cover shooter?
Why can't indiescum put some effort into their games and there are other genres out there than 2D sidescrolling platformers?

>Comparing a brand new IP to an established 18 year olds series.

This post is not stylish.

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More games come out these days than 10 years ago, not that hard to understand.

And how many of them are good?

why take a chance when people buy your copy/paste bullshit filled with micro transaction by the millions?

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It doesn't matter, it's harder for a game to stand out from thousands that come out.

Are you really so retarded that you can't find the answer yourself? Most indie devs are either a team of only a few people or straight up solo. 2D games take fewer resources, but can still turn out well if the devs have good ideas and are at least a bit competent.

but that's factually not true

It is. Not sure why you are trying to argue against it.

f u n
a n d
u n i q u e


Not legit. Trust NPD or Media Create Sales only.

Indie games were not even 1/100 as big of a thing 10 years ago as they are today, and mobile gaming didn't even exist. Steam was also just properly starting to get up.

Today there are more games coming out than ever before. This is a fact.

Attached: Animu face 2.jpg (400x250, 44K)

because arty fartsy garbage always jumps in the way

Not an argument. How many good games have come out since 2014? Reminder that the “good” ones do stand out

Let's hear the facts then.

No company wants to take risks. The games you're complaining about are proven to sell and impress shareholders. If it's not broken, why fix it?

Steam is filled with garbage, which is why its difficult for even good games to stand up. This is a fact.

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It's not about being unique, it's about Cuphead not having a pre-established fanbase ready to slap down money the split second the logo appeared like DMC does.

There isn't any besides about 2-3 extra seconds of loading time on the Switch. All the new additions made to the Switch were also patched into the PC and Xbone versions at the same time.

Big publishers don't want to risk millions or even billions of dollars on these ideas.

It's easier for them to create sequels to loved series. Then from that capital they can use it to buy those small companies

That’s hilarious when games like Hollow Knight, Shovel Knight, undertale, Risk of Rain, Darkest Dungeon, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Steamworld Dig, Sniper Elite, Besiege, Spelunky, Starbound, Stardew Valley, Terraria, Baba is You, Party Hard, and Styx are all good and are able to wade through the shit.

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>Small team
>All commit to learning 3D
>Now a small team who can develop 3D
Indieshits are lazy, talentless soibois who just regurgitate their favorite childhood games. Why do you think they're all pixeltrash? Because the artists have on talent or self-motivated drive to better themselves.

Indie games that look like old PS1/N64 games with low res textures is a great looking style and doesn't even require that much knowhow. Indiescum are just lazy.

Refer to
And eat shit

>Being such a brainlet that you don't understand 100 artists on staff and millions of dollars in advertising can be cut in exchange for hiring better game designers and more people who know what the fuck they're doing.

Yeah, but there are games that don't. Like my favorite from this year, Unruly Heros.

Nigga cuphead was just contra boss rush

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>dead platform exclusive outsells the best game on the highest selling platform
why does this shit happen?

>All commit to learning 3D
Nigga are you stupid? Modelling landscape, items, characters takes some proper talent and depending on the scale, manpower. Anyone can master decent pixel art, but good 3D artists don't fall from the sky. You are a fucking retard who doesn't understand anything at all.

As an example, look at No Man's Sky. That shit took them ages and was mediocre at best when it released. There's a reason indie devs stick to 2D.

Sometimes your favorite games aren’t popular at first, only go gain a fanatic cult status later down the road. If you know about it and your friends and their friends know about it, then you’re not wading through shit to find it

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This is being done by 1 dev. And it looks better than 98% of other indies coming out.

Attached: TUNIC.webm (1280x720, 1.71M)

Looking better, as in visually? That doesn't mean that it's guaranteed to be more fun.

It looks fun as fuck and I'm going to fucking love it.

Cup head took ten years to make and sold less than a single run of the mill garbage AssCreed and turned less of a profit

These passion projects make a lot for a small team of a few people, they don’t make shit for a major publisher. It’s not even scraps when you’re operating on that level.

It honestly just looks like a Zelda game with a fox. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing though if it’s fun

>There's a reason indie devs stick to 2D.
Cause shit is cheap and easy to do. I thought all the retards here knew that already.

>and turned less of a profit

How does the 1 dev handle both art and the programming?

>Every 3D game MUST have complex landscapes, procedural generation and state of the art graphics
3D isn't the boogieman of a word you think it is you fucking dunce. Do you think Mega Man Legends would be as difficult you recreate as No Man's Sky, even just considering the aesthetics alone? Fuck off faggot.

>There's a reason indie devs stick to 2D.
Yes, and that reason is because they're lazy, talentless and uncreative. Why do you think we don't see any interesting plays on 2D platforming? They have no ideas other than the ones they played as kids. They're the flash developers of the modern day, with the nerve to charge actual money for what was once free.
Scum through and through.

By being competent.

Black Flag shipped 11 million alone and that was down from previous entries

Depending on the complexity of the game? Autistic devotion to his craft

t. A fledgling artist with next to zero programming experience

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And turned less profit because of huge marketing budget.

Horizon sold ten million. Three million is good for indie shit but not for the industry as a whole.

(Oh and Americans literally worship Disney. They have this cartoon culture- I don't get this game personally).

It didn’t take 8 years to make.

>Three million is good for indie shit but not for the industry as a whole

Attached: Animu face 4.jpg (1280x720, 68K)

So fucking what? Marketing is the largest bloat on any budget by half.

Cuphead wasn't the only thing the devs did for 8 years. Asscreed is done by hundreds of people. 1 year of Asscreed development costs more than 8 years of Cuphead.

It isn’t anywhere close to what western AAA publishers demand from dev teams.

Dead Space got permanently shitcanned forever because 3 didn’t break 5 million units in its release window in 2013 and standards have only skyrocketed since then.

I gotta be honest. Learning programming is 100x easier than learning art. I'm the opposite of you and I've accepted that I have no artistic talent or eye for aesthetics.

>it's about Cuphead not having a pre-established fanbase
But it can be shilled at E3 nonstop for two years and get enough traction for it to be FNAF-tier.

>in development since 2015
I can't believe this isn't out yet

No. You gave up.

So they shit one out every fucking year and around 10 million but it every fucking time.

Cuphead took a decade and the total profit was 3 million sales in over a year and the game didn’t even stay at full price to net that number. It only made them money because they were able to make it at their parents house and had a small team.

Has Ubisoft ever specifically released the profit margins compared to the cost or is this just speculation

Cuphead cost few million to make at most and has made tens of millions. Greater profit margin than on Asscreed.

Way to completely regurgitate something George Lucas said

user here’s what you have to understand. Art and programming share the same principle of “fucking practice this shit until it sticks.” I poured more of my time into drawing than I did learning to program. I don’t regret it, but it does suck that I have to go even harder at learning computer stuff just to catch up.

Don’t give up. Draw a thousand circles a day until you can do it without thinking.

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AssCreed is a billion dollar franchise. Cuphead is one game.

You can't consistently churn out a new Cuphead every 2 years. That is the problem with indies.

Reminder that Squeenix based the TR reboot sales estimates on its fucking metacritic score.

Weren't we supposed to be getting that Cuphead DLC sometime soon? I haven't heard anything about it since E3.

Attached: cuphead.jpg (530x443, 36K)

That isn’t a lot given the span of time for a major publisher.

How much money did Ubisoft make from asscreed between 2010 when development started on Cuphead to its release in 2017? That’s like 10 asscreed games.

They've added a couple alternate phases for so,e bosses

>Why can't big publishers recognize that people like games that are fun and unique rather than another photo realistic open world cover shooter? Surely they see how much independently published games make and want in, right?
because games like anthem or rdr2 sell 20 million copies, 3 million is NOTHING to the likea of EA or blizzard

But if a fun game had the marketing of those big games, it would sell more.

Cuphead was propped up by Microsoft and had marketing. Websites were constantly publishing news for it and I even remember those TVs in GameStop screaming about it when it came out, they paid to market it.

They marketed it to the crowd of people they knew would buy it but it could never have the reach of a more widespread appeal like RDRII.

RDR is literally the biggest release of any entertainment in human history. Ever.

Do you really think if cuphead were marketed to the same extent it’d get that popular?

I really wanna fucking get this game but I also want the physical version, so I'm just going to have to wait as I don't plan on double dipping.

Maybe not that popular, but definitely more popular.

no because the average dudebro who only knows the internet from facebook only buys "realistic" looking games that hold his hand. he won't buy a cartoony game because "ew thats for kids im too mature for that"

It would sell more. I'm not saying RDR levels or that every dudebro would buy it, but it would be more at this point than 3 million.

They're probably going to announce a sequel like Team Cherry did with Hollow Knight. My money is on Microsoft pushing them to do it.

It really wouldn't. Those who were interested in Cuphead knew of it already or found out about it very quickly. Others simply didn't care. The majority of the people who buy the yearly franchises just don't care about games like Cuphead and no amount of marketing will change that.

Well, maybe except if their favorite twitch streamer is playing it.

Would it? I distinctly remember marketing being done for it. It was still a niche style with a not easily marketed design philosophy of extreme difficulty and extensive practice to achieve mastery.

If they’d pushed it harder I agree it would’ve sold maybe a few million more but it still would’ve been paltry for the types of publishing I’m talking about: the Fifas, the Destinys, the Tom Clancy’s, the AssCreeds, etc.

I for one am glad they stuck to their original design choices and let it remain a niche game, I don’t want every game to compete with these and there exists opportunities in more than one type of market which is why western game development is so fucked now, too many publishers are competing to be the next big thing. Middle ground games like Cuphead are great for what they are.

Monster Hunter World took an unique and interesting franchise with its own quirks and unique design decisions and turned it into yet another AAA boring mess of a game with generic and mass market appealing designs for everything, casualised gameplay and removed many of the genius design decisions in an attempt to streamline gameplay.

Old Monster Hunter is relatively unknown in the west, got barely any praise from critics. Monster Hunter World is one of capcom's best selling games, was praised by critics and is constantly defended of Yea Forums.

This argument doesn't make sense.

Of course it would. Mothers would see it and buy it for their kids, and the casual gamers who don't follow gaming news but are still ready to play something like that would see it. I showed Cuphead to my friend few months ago and he had never even heard about it, despite playing quite many types of games.

cool thing about how this game did it's art is that it's so unique this will continue to sell 20 years from now. it's damn near a collectors piece.

The game was marketed using its difficulty, it was literally not designed for young kids.

No, he just played to his strengths. And some people need to learn when to give up

DMC 5 also costed much more money to devolop and market than Cuphead

Why do you care about big publishers that only churn out shit? People have been asking questions like that ever since the industry crashed and started only making trash they could be 99% sure would make a ROI times 1+ and it's not going to change now. Just enjoy the games you like. We still have great AA and stuff like 2077 on the horizon, no need for EA, Actishit or Epic to start making good games.

they added some neat new animations and easter eggs. they didn't even need to do it but it's cool they did anyway.

>and is constantly defended of Yea Forums
Yea Forums defended the old games moreso than MHW


Yeah, honestly DMC 5 was destined to make money.

I still remember Yea Forums having a full blown hype meltdown after the initial E3 trailer.

literally hadn't seen Yea Forums unironically cream its pants like that before.


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Your corporation needs to grow 3% per year to even keep up with inflation. So you start measuring on how to achieve that.
Which also means eliminating all risks. Unless you have some financial room left.

Attached: at+least+you+tried.png (640x475, 195K)

It can't. Word of mouth and E3 marketing are two wildly different things.

Listen user, I don't give a flying fuck what you and the other "die hard" MH fans say. But the loading screens between each section of the map is absolutely atrocious and MHW addressing that alone makes it better than most of the other games in the franchise.

I've played MH since original Tri release and I can't stand it.

I'll give you boring weapon and armour design but creature design and gameplay works perfectly fine.

its not a 1-1 copy of the old games but its really not a bad game, although I do miss styles.

mantles are shit.

Attached: Monster Hunter.png (1600x900, 303K)

development costs are on par or cheaper than they were in gen 7 and gen 6, so that's a bullshit excuse people use. Even the highest budget most polished CoD titles every year barely top $15m dev budget. The other $135 million dollars goes to marketing.

companies need to stop pushing the marketing on traditional avenues so hard.

you shouldn't be playing video games at all

yeah it's later this year.

world did get easier though

That's a racist and elitist game, user. Haven't you heard about it?

Frustrating? Yes. Fun? Fuck yes.

fo sho

I still can't get over that the majority of the game was hand drawn.

The marketing budgets ARE that big.



Selling 5 million copies at 60 bucks is 300 million bucks. AAA game at most with the development and marketing budget combined costs 100 million.

they got lucky with the fancypant old school disney graphics and then microsoft shilled their game for them and bought it.

anyone has a list of the secret boss phases?
i've only found Sally's, you have to jump on top of the two angels on her first phase

Is that why they stopped making Front Mission?

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3 million is basically nothing.

play some games you retards.
>timesplitters 2
did that game got released when you were kid and now you think it's the best thing ever cause you got your nostalgia goggles two feet up in your ass?

>Root Pack: Don't attack the onion at all
>Djimmi: shrink before he reads your mind
>Sally: jump on the angels

It's a cycle that's happened several times with Hollywood already. Producers figure out The Formula. They apply The Formula to make countless products that are extremely similar to each other. People gradually get sick of The Formula. Indies start gaining in popularity, most of them suck, but at least they're not made by The Formula. Soon the big creators realize they need to shake things up, so they hire indies and learn from their ideas. This leads to a new Golden Age where everything is fresh and creative, while still being well-polished. By learning what people want, producers then create The Formula to help profit off of this revival. And the cycle repeats.

Same thing with games. The industry will improve. It just takes time for everyone to catch up.

Wait, an indygame that isn't built for accessibility sold that much?

It will probably show up at E3 again, with a release date

sequel when?

Aside from Sally it's just Root Pack and Djimmi. They were already in the files albeit unfinished in the previous version as well, so this was just bringing up unused content

>Fucking NO one develops something like Cuphead out of pocket and then just gives it away to a company like Microsoft because reasons.

Attached: iu.jpg (184x184, 6K)

thanks guys

Attached: nice.png (263x258, 25K)

That 300 million includes the retailers share, the console makers share and the governments share.
And it doesn't take regional pricing into account, just like deep steam sales.
In reality it's MUCH less.

How come?

remember when subhuman video game blogging "journalists" were screeching that the game was too difficult and needed an 'inclusive' easy mode for the disabled just like Sekiro as a bullshit excuse to mask their own worthlessness incompetence?

Attached: the current state of modern video game 'journalism'.webm (640x360, 2.32M)

You could have funded games with a long dev time each successive year to make a higher return on investment each year.

Usually I understand this mentality, but it really feels like almost every change in World was for the better.

>for what's clearly supposed to be something fun and colorful
Have you even played the game? It was never intended to be sunshine and lolipop.
The devs stated that they drew inspiration from the brothers Grimm and wanted it to feel like an old theatre stage play. Not everything has to be rainbow Kirby candy sun rays out of your ass.

You can thank the Switch for that one.

Plus you have to remember that game was marketed as a PSmove game that used the move for puppeting characters. Then suddenly it turned into a platform we and everyone was confused. It’s a sold game though.

Jokes on you faggot I like photo realistic open world cover shooters, although i'd prefer them mission based instead of open world like Halo and CoD.

It looks like a horror game with a child like vibe
At 1st impression I’d think it was a spin off of Chucky the psycho killer toy

So that’s some pretty bad cover art

It sold over 300k.

First party games dont necessarily have to make their money back

These guys quit their jobs and refinanced their houses for Cuphead
Pennies for AAA companies
Risking homelessness for average Joes

5600 of which were extremely shitty asset flips
Imagine a shitpost but a vidya

>Cuphead sold over 3 mil
>Hollow Knight is approaching that as well, if it hasn't surpassed it already
>Terraria is approaching 40 million

I'm glad to see genuinely good indie games see success.

Then keep recommending it. If it's good, I have no doubt that it'll at least get a cult following.

>Don't release Ori 2 on the Switch
Why not?

Recommending where? Here? I'd get called a shill.

yeah but switch owners also tend to be mentally retarded so I don't think they'd enjoy a game of Cuphead's calibre.

You just brought it up and neither me or the other guy called you a shill. Just don't be a console warring autist who declares it as the greatest thing ever made, and you'll be fine.

Infact, I'm going to try out this game of yours right now, just to see if it looks good. So consider that a positive.

>Unruly Heros
Never heard of this. Looks interesting, I'll play it.

>last year over 6000 games were released on steam
Imagine thinking this was a good thing. A good 70% of those were mass produced, poorly drawn hentai puzzle games and or slav/Russian/chink unity asset flip games.

But a big publisher did, fuckwad. Microsoft literally rescued cuphead from development hell. It had a really troubled dev cycle and M$ invested in their game because it looked neat. Why are you using it as an example for your dumbass thread?

I'm on the Cuphead team and Chad and Jared definitely kept the rights to Cuphead. Microsoft also calls ZERO shots when it comes to what we do.

They definitely helped us out immensely though. We owe a large part of our success to them for HELPING financially, and for all of the exposure and promotion.

>the PS2 era
Fuck you, those games looked like hot garbage and ran like molasses. Fucking zoomers pretending to be old enough to remember those games and praising them to get hipster points.
Fuck you and die.

>independently published games
Yeah m8, the Microsoft had nothing to do with it.
>games that don't require big budgets

Seriously, the soundtrack alone sounds expensive as dicks just to record.
Everything about that game has high production values.

Nah not really. Kris Maddigan (the composer) is a childhood friend of Chad and Jared, so he likely wasn't paid huge rates. And the jazz band was around 10 people, recorded over a handful of sessions.

Because 3 million sales is fucking peanuts to AAA producers and they're not interested in investing if that's the payoff

His number is as believable as theirs.

>I'm on the Cuphead team
Chances are you are larping but just for shits and giggles DLC WHEN BITCH

I bought it and haven't played it at all
also gave 2 away.

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