Are warlocks good in vanilla warcraft aka classic?

Are warlocks good in vanilla warcraft aka classic?

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Not really but they were my favourite class regardless.

were fun for griefing you own allies but all the fun stuff got nerfed into oblivion

but i thought rogues got nerfed in a vanilla patch?

Not really but every raid needs one for summons and healthstones so it's easy to find groups.

Warlocks are kino design, you can solo a lot of stuff and people love you for your grouping abilities. Also you usually have place in a raid, because there is not a lot of warlocks out there

>making money teleporting strangers to you
>complaining about using soul shard abilities
>special class mounts that required doing obscure quests in unpopular dungeons nobody ever wanted to help you with
>enslaving demons and releasing them on newbies
>ritual of doom
Man I miss those times.

>making money teleporting strangers to you
Cool but where did you get two friends to help?

but mage can also make money on conjuring stuff for people, or portals

Usually I was in a city when they would IM me from the other side of the world for a summons. So it's easy to grab 2 people to help, sometimes it would be the friends of the guy that's asking me.

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Depends on QoL changes, debuff limit being one.

Just post WoW sluts.

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She looks like she fucks Futa Draenei.

Having at least one was mandatory in a raid for summons, and stones. Any more especially affliction is pointless since bosses had a DOT/Debuff cap and locks would often waste slots at that point.

Fantastic in PVP back when fear was much harder to break and was effectively a stun.

Mages are better for raids but also more boring and limited since fire resistance lol

Are they gonna removed the debuff limit?

are mages good to level?

Around the time of BWL release warlocks were the highest dps in the game, they were insanely hard to play properly back then, though.

Probably one of the easiest classes to level in the game, and they have a lot of damage and utility such as portals and mage food

Most raids I know of wanted at least two warlocks to simplify health stone handouts as well as using two different curses for raid performance. They are also extras to have when fighting those obsidian statue trash mobs in AQ

Overall Warlocks were one of the best, if not the best, class in the game to main and playing them was setting the game to baby easy mode. Definitely the best class in the game to use for solo leveling if you have no friends (and even with friends they are still top tier). Combine the (almost) leveling speed of a hunter with the utility and stupid fun gimmick shit of a mage. Doesn't burn out at any tier of 60 like the late game joke of Hunters, still has good DPS and top tier PVP potential.
Stay away from Warriors, Hunters, and Druids. Overpopulated meme classes. Warriors are misery, Hunter is jobhunting without a highschool diploma, and Druids (while having a ton of potential and being the most underrated class in the game) are too popular in the new expansions which will inevitably cause problems when newfags come in to see what the hype is about.

t. played every class in vanilla and private servers besides paladin

How viable are mages?
I really wanna play a comfy little gnome mage

Raiding? Frost is good.
PvP? Both frost and fire are good
Arcane is never good.

Yeah, I've got a feeling a shitton of BfA refugees are going to be rolling Druid during the first few months.
I'm skeptical that many of them will have the patience to reach endgame though.

its impossible to go wrong with a mage
they're incredibly good in vanilla, one of the best

Very, plus plenty of quality of life abilities.

Mages are the only class where it's more efficient to avoid quests and just kill large groups of mobs. You round up every single one in the area, kite them together then kill them all at once with your many AoE abilities.

On the small chance I'm playing this I wanted to roll a night elf druid because they're cute.

>ywn have a blue space goat gf with a huge dick of the human variety