Why did Nintendo remove Trans Right stages from Smash?
Why did Nintendo remove Trans Right stages from Smash?
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Man, Nintedo be hatin on dem trans people, yo. Why the fuck do they gotta it down, y'all? Like wassup with that.
post the magic number
Trannies are subhuman & don't deserve to live
40% of cops are domestic abusers
So are all tran flags being taken down or was it just that one stage that said TRANS RIGHTS NOW? Are all flags being taken down?
Not your personal army OP
>feel happy and loved and accepted
i don't think us telling you to kys yourself is "accepted"
but sure it's not like you aren't already delusional
>NO reason
How about Nintendo not wanting your identitarian politics (left or right) polluting their video games. I'm so sick of ideologues wanting to make every single bit of escapism entertainment political. They just can't enjoy the game as is, they want to shove their politics where it doesn't belong.
she should hang out with CWC
Wtf I love cops now
What did he mean by this?
>it made a lot of trans people feel happy and accepted
Someone should make a stage out of a noose to support trans rights
Nintendo said no so no! The feather shit was stupid. They better not back peddle or I’m going to make MAGA and /pol/ crap.
How about you keep your identity politics out of my fucking hobby? I just want to mash buttons, I don't give a fuck if you want to cut your dick off.
>break the rules
>stage gets deleted
how was i supposed to know
nothing i could do
i was pushing buttons
This reads like a parody.
they're even more anti-snoy than I thought.
Nintendo picked the wrong day to mess with MACHO MA'AM TRANNY SAVAGE!
redpill me on people who say "y'all"
"I want to fuck ugly tumblr girls while in a dress"
Can someone explain to me what "trans rights" are? Urban dictionary doesn't say anything about it.
Who the fuck cares about mentally ill trans freaks
Political statements, the same thing will happen to any other political symbol or statement.
Nintendo doesn't actively moderate anything, they remove stuff people report when and if they bother, and trannies took this as declaration of war.
People ruining my part of the country by co-opting an essential part of southern dialect.
The right of pre pubescent kids to undergo extreme mutilation
Imagine being this heavily invested in a children's game.
um sweaty trans kids' existence isn't political :)
*feeds your child hormones*
>inserting your political propaganda on a children's game
Good. Hope they keep bringing all similar stages down.
There’s no difference between a trans flag and a swastika.
Anyone but 3
>yfw have to see this bullshit in mario maker 2
Literally trannies demanding that people are forced to call them by their imaginary pronoun bullshit and say that they are beautiful while challenging Rocky Dennis to an ugly contest, basically
Why are these people not fine with the other 100000 of levels like the ONE taken down because of trolls? Holy shit, these people are obnoxious.
*stands up*
If I might have your attention
*looks around room*
*motions to raise glass*
*takes a deep breath*
*takes in the applause*
Give me an 8, pls.
Why did you remove your dick from your own body?
Why is it so hard for you damn goobers to understand that the reason 40% of trans people commit suicide is not because they are mentally ill, but because the rest of the population is so hecking transphobic?
Get laid.
>that one video called "School shooting"
>it was about Joker shooting Ness, Lucas, Young Link and Villager with his Neutral B
Edgy humor is starting to become cringe.
why would a custom stage made by a random nobody that you most likely had to set your search filter for "trans" for it to even show up make "lots of people feel happy and loved and accepted in the smash community"?
this is a load of horse shit lmao
Every game on the switch with public posting will have this problem i swear, Splatoon 2 has a terrible problem LGBT post bullshit. Miiverse shitposting was less awful than this.
Let’s go.
This is the right decision. Glorifying mental diseases isn't something we should be doing. Being proud of being a tranny is like being proud that you have cancer. Both need to get help. If you're not a he or a she, you're an in it. If you were born with a dick, you're a he. If you were born with a pussy, you're a she. If you were born with both, you're a freak of nature - an "it". If you were born with a dick but want to be a girl, you're an "it". If you were born with a pussy but want a dick, you're an "it". Bring back lobotomies.
Here's the short version.
>When you have a higher chance of committing suicide than Jews in the fucking Holocaust but you definitely don't have a mental illness so you want to force the government to let you inject yourself with dangerous chemicals at the age of 7 and have anyone who calls you the wrong pronoun put to death because otherwise you'll have a mental breakdown but you still don't have a mental illness
Vagina bones here we go
Funny how trannies and libtards are fine with democracy until they’re in the minority opinion. Maybe if the majority of people hate dick-chopping freakshows, we shouldn’t be listening to the Buffalo Bills of the world?
Politics have no place in video games.
When politics get involved we get shit like Night In The Woods or Gone Homo. Fuck off. I don't even care if I get no replies. Fuck you. Fuck all of you.
Idk user, I can’t quite put my finger on it but that bait seems a little.. flat
It looks like they're raiding with this flag as a prank. As much as they don't want to admit it, it is a political statement and you can't do that in a game rated E for everyone. They're busy trying to block lewds and dick maps so your boring rectangle map isn't a terrible loss since nobody wants to play on it.
Stop trying to get a personal army going on a fucking nobody teen's twitter.
You're just going to fuck then up even more and give the press more fuel to push this gayass shit.
ya'll finna kys
You don't need a flag to feel loved and accepted. Pushing propaganda onto kids isn't love and acceptance.
gimme a 7
Doesn't matter, you guys are losing. The future is full on rainbow and there's nothing a bunch of jaded, bitter and self-hating autists from 4chin can do about it.
just not 6, 7, 9 or tripps pls!
Man dont these fucking people get that, IF IT WAS ANY FLAG it would get taken down as well. So goddamn selfcentered and victimpilled.
Trans are starting to ask for problems at this point with how obnoxious they are. Literally looking for trouble so they can act outraged later.
>If I act like a cunt and DEMAND to be included in EVERYTHING EVER I will surely not get on anyone's nerves teehee
If nofriendo keeps dabbin on trannies like this I'll buy a Switch.
Inciting obvious political flamewars and shitposting is against the rules and intentions of their videogame's stage editor, regardless of demonination. Simple as that.
Using a children's console as your mouthpiece is pretty fucking low anyways.
Probably to avoid shit exactly like this.
nice let's go
smol tidy pls
Despite being less than 1% of the population trannies live rent free in 40% of Yea Forums's heads
Eh, why not?
hardly a choice, everyone is so mediocre
fuck i hate trannies
the worst are nintendofag trannies
Dubs or I self destruct faster than a mtf can type out a tweet
They didn't take a stance on trans legitimacy just to remove politics in general it's not the great purge and nintendo making a statement people think it is.
Based fitty cent
Because Nintendo got fucking tired of non-jap trannies flooding JP Splatoon 2 with their political agenda, now they lost their right to make Smash stages.
Day of the rope when???
Because like their support for non censorship and rejection of trannies they're the new based console
>needing a flag to feel "accepted"
>thinking you're not welcome because your mental illness isn't displayed for everyone to see
I fucking wish, really WISH, I could see what Yea Forums looks like for ONE day without anyone making a single bait post of any kind of topic.
Hoping for a qt
Okay, brown please.
>agree to TOS
>act against the TOS that you just agreed to
>get mad when Nintendo punishes you for going against the TOS that you agreed to
71-72 or the dick comes off
>claim to be the most oppressed people on earth
>reee at your stupid video game map being deleted
It'll be incels like you dangling from a rope so don't get too excited.
Hey everybody, video game companies censoring things is bad, right? Right?
>What did Nintendo do to the Trans Right stages from Smash?
>They dilated them
If a bunch of trans people put their flag in a game rated M like Senran Kagura this wouldn't be an issue and they wouldn't be banned.
Despite being 1% of the population, 99% of the population is forced to give up their rights for their feelings and degeneracy.
Brown or flat, that's literally all I ask
Aww, what rights are being taken away from you?
The reality is that the tranny virus will be cured by the self-correcting machine. It is already being cured:
We’re fighting a war in which 40% of our opposition shoot themselves in the head before reaching the front lines.
We fucking won.
Because Nintendo is based and Sony is the tranny SJW console of choice now
No longer classing a serious mental illness as a serious mental illness has already put the first nail in that coffin. Once things are allowed to simmer out and the realities of whats been done by not offering people the help they need start manifesting heads will begin rolling, both literally and figuratively.
also roll
the press has no power after gamergate
>he doesn’t like vagina bones
Shit taste
I bet Confederate flags are being taken down, too, but that's not going to be mentioned.
Political propaganda doesn't belong in a kid's game.
The future is Mexicans out-breeding everyone else. Mexicans are overwhelmingly Catholic. Take that how you will.
Except that wouldn't happen because SK isn't fucking gay
lmao who cares
>The future is Mexicans out-breeding everyone else. Mexicans are overwhelmingly Catholic. Take that how you will.
You mean Chinese. And they're not catholic at all.
Now THIS is a discussion worth having
Why aren't succubi real?
>only two of the girls have tails
this is betrayal
gimme them tiddies
>Doesn't believe in this "trans" thing and refuse to have your kids take any part in it.
>Government is instantly on your ass for "bigotry".
>Needing to shove flags to prove your point even though they aren't necessary by any means unless to brag and obnoxiously stand by it as you feast from the attention given
If trans sexuality were a country, it'd make far much sense. But since it's not, it just makes you look silly.