He's right, you know

>when the director of the GOTG calls you out on your shitty lazy design
How will From Software ever recover?

Attached: Screenshot_20190420-221200_Twitter.jpg (1080x720, 244K)

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Old god of war games >>>>>>>mediocre reboot

Low testosterone syndrome.

>Reboot is low tes-

Attached: God Tier GoW Combat.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

What the fuck is he even trying to say?

Yeah, it is. Thanks for proving my point, mate.

That slowdown on block was infuriating and by the end of the game I was so annoyed by it I'd lowered my score of the game by two full letter grades.

While it looks amazing the actual gameplay is mediocre and repetitive

That he won't alter what he wants to release just so more people can experience it. Are you dumb

That's because his game is already easy enough.

when you can't fucking compete with the other developers in terms of artistic vision, just whine about them being problematic