Best single player games of the century

Well, what are they Yea Forums?

Attached: Britians are Subhuman.jpg (1096x912, 200K)

Deus Ex is good

none of those picrelated

Life itself

Based & Truthpilled

Metal Gear Solid 3
Breath Of The Wild
Fallout 3
Ocarina of Time

Assassins Creed: Odyssey

Deus Ex
Thief II
Max Payne
Gothic II
New Vegas

This is objectively correct
> 11: Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2
> 10: Resident Evil 4
> 9. Bioshock
> 8. Portal
> 7. Shadow of the Colossus
> 6. Super Mario Galaxy
> 5. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
> 4. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
> 3. MOTHER 3
> 2. Metroid Prime
> 1. Chrono Cross

Wrong and gay


Meh, could do alot worse.

Cope Personafag, DDS2 shits on any Persona game

Spyro: original trilogy
Final Fantasy VI
Dragon's Dogma
Metroid Prime trilogy
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask
Legend of Zelda ALTTP
Shadow of the Colossus
Tales of Vesperia
Katamari Damacy

>Putting more than 3 japanese games in a single list
Wrong and cringe.

You could very easily be playing by yourself and nobody misses it

Just my personal favorites, I make no claim for them being right for anyone else. These are all counting their expansions:
>Fallout: New Vegas
>Deus Ex
>Dark Souls 3
>Mass Effect 2 and 3
>Medieval Total War 2
>Civilization IV
>Half-Life 2
>Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Why do those pics have topaz filter on them?

Western games were never good

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Story-wise Deus Ex.

Gameplay-wise Halo, Crysis and F.E.A.R.

Fallout 1 was fun.

I never play any Zelda game but I love to jerk off over Zelda so I guess I should start playing at least one game



And oot are all over rated

Do you retards not know what 21st Century means?

majoras mask is better

I'm not single yet I play single player games all the time. This is retarded.

Majora's Mask
Devil May Cry 3
Silent Hill 2
Ghost Trick
Deus Ex
Sengoku Rance
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines
God Hand

I do not trust the tastes of anyone who has not played these games.

Literal Who
Correct if your a PC Gamer
Literal Who
Literal Who
Literal Who Trash
Literal Who Trash
Outdated Trash

>Literal Who
Games as good as the aforementioned games.

Original System Shock. No guides as it is best as entirely isolated personal experience.

Why do you keep shilling your god-awful clickbait site, OP?

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1. Chrono Trigger
2. Ocarina of Time
3. Diablo (first one)
4. Civilization IV
5. Witcher 3
6. New Vegas
7. Mario 3
8. Smash: Melee
9. Shadow of the Collosus
10. Metal Gear Solid

Fight me.

>literal who
you need to be 18 to post here

It's the only time we ever get genuine game discussion on this board, without it devolving into console war or /pol/shit

For me, it's Deus Ex, the greatest game ever made.

after hl2 this was the best fps single player game from the 000s