Realistically speaking she fucking won

Realistically speaking she fucking won.

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wtf? I hate Trump now!

electoral college

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kill yourself you stupid fucking white piece of shit

Imagine having a fat fucking girlfriend lmao

>let's just give all of the voting power to the hyper liberal, extremely populated cities

not nice

Realistically she understood that the job isn't decided by who wins the most votes.


Its like whenever I played UFC and damaged my opponent the most, the game would still decide that I lost. Fucking autistic mess of a game.

>say word >money stolen
>Fap to me user, fap to me
>Japanese """""humor"""""
>She fucking won
What's their endgame?


>retarded liberals STILL don’t understand that going off the popular vote and not electoral college would be worse for the country overall

Engage in intercourse.

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Fap to me is a good one tho

They don't understand that impoverishing the parts of the country that make all of their food could have consequences.

what are some video games where you can have sex?

How will 2020 go?
He might flip Minnesota and Virginia this time

kys OP

Yea Forums - Video Games

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>liberals after Brexit
something this important shouldnt be decided by a simple majority
>liberals after 2016 Election
something this important should be decided by a simple majority

>having the most kills
>still wondering why the ctf match was lost

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Yes, by your rules she won. By the law, she didn't.


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And Bernie is better than both of them, but america will never unfuck itself anytime soon and would rather put a clown in the white house or a woman simple because she's a woman.
You get precisely what you deserve.

I love our voting system. It stops overpopulated shitholes like California from employing one gorrilion wetbacks to singlehandly dictate elections. Get BTFO

>flip minnesota

The swedes and somalians? lol no

/pol/ must be desperate for new recruits to spam the same false-flag thread every day for years.

thats their xbox gamer score

>Americans still not understanding how the voting system in their own country works
American education sure is great.


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Very cute and sexy

>mfw russia report was the last nail on drumpf's coffin and his chances are now a negative number
>mfw right winger fucks getting banned from the internet and arrested left and right
>mfw playable kul tirans in world of warcraft so i finally get my body type represented

I gotta say, it feels good to be in the right side of history

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I want her so bad. Faggots need not apply.

Well hello there, pussy.

Just like Serena Williams won the French Open. Despite being most popular she didn't actually win the game they were playing.

Yeah, a greedy commie jew is much better.


and New Mexico
he probably could've won it in 2016 if gary johnson hadnt ran

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>she fucking won.

I voted for her and I hate the GOP, but she didn't. The popular vote is irrelevant because it's not the goal. Claiming she won because she got more votes is like claiming your football team won because they ran back and forth 50 times before the other team, even though the final score was 0-26.

omg so true... :( literally shaking rn what is going on...

Imagine having a girlfriend

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not vidya

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Minnesota is majority red it's the twin cities that fuck us

Jews are some cool lads, they did nothing wrong. I love Israel, beautiful c

T-T-Triple tautology!

Literal cuckold

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liberals still butthurt she lost are most likely spamming these threads

It isn't even that special. Like having a friend whos cute and you can fug without being gay.

>I know you check mated me but look I have more pieces that means I win right?

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>STILL thinking the popular vote means anything
Fuck anyone, ANYONE, who thinks the popular vote should determine elections. You'd basically be giving all the power to larger states and fucking over smaller states.

I need a comfy belly gf

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Beto > Biden > Harris > Bernie > Yang > Pete

Imagine wasting all your time and effort to cheat in an election only to forget about the electoral college and get brainfucked by your own propagandized polls
Tick tock hilldawgs, it all comes tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down

You really do see this issue every four to eight years as a new generation grows up and has to learn about how our republic works.
If the popular vote was all that mattered candidates would exclusively tour the most populated cities and that's it.
The electoral college is the great equalizer of the United States and allows for all areas of the map to matter.

>Pascal the dog is here


>bernie "fuck open borders" sanders
>bernie "fuck reparations" sanders


Thank you user. Very cool!

t. flyover state subhuman


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>You'd basically be giving all the power to larger states and fucking over smaller states.

As opposed to the electoral college giving all the power to small states over large states?

As a Texan, why does my vote not matter as much as someone in bumfuck Minnesota?

post more fat chicks


>my thread about trannies gets immediately deleted
>thread shilling for hillary is up still

Kill all jews

America's voting system is retarded but Democrats don't actually want to get rid of the Electoral College since it threatens the two party system, which is the issue.

He was only 40k votes behind last time

What kind of ass backwards logic is this?

Educate yourself, Israel is unironically our greatest ally

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>"jews will not replace us" said by white people
>"jews will not replace us" said by brown people

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>If the popular vote was all that mattered candidates would exclusively tour the most populated cities and that's it

Based. City life > country living.

Nobody should listen to what cousinfuckers who eat coal and worships an imaginary man in the sky thinks.

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>"very fine people" quote
That has to be one of the most debunked but still spouted lies in history, social media made facts irrelevant to narratives.

fuuuaaaark that's like the perfect amount of pudge

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t. minnesotan who hates that texas is a red state
derch is that you

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>but Democrats don't actually want to get rid of the Electoral College since it threatens the two party system, which is the issue.

Democrats are quickly on the path to dividing into 2 separate parties, the liberals and the progressives. Too much infighting. The people who like Pete and Bernie fucking hate Biden, Warren, and Harris. Trump will win because the GOP knows how to unite against candidates.

Allegorical equivalence. The Presidential Election, like the French Open, is not a popularity contest.


Stay mad

>uh this is CTF you need the flag not kill-


>If the popular vote was all that mattered candidates would exclusively tour the most populated cities and that's it.
that's already how it works. candidates only have to worry about states with a large number of EC votes and swing states. they never go to Idaho or North Dakota because they literally don't matter.

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Bow to me fuccboi we run this shit and there's nothing you can do about it

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I wish that was me


>russia report was the last nail on drumpf's coffin and his chances are now a negative number
Get your helium bag ready

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>who hates that texas is a red state

Texas isn't a red state. Ann Richards was based as fuck. More native Texans voted against Cruz than for him in the last election. Transplants on the other hand were the opposite.

Imagine having a friend

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>Democrats are quickly on the path to dividing into 2 separate parties
Will never happen, because Republicans would dominate for decades.

i love slark feet

You tell those goyim, brother.

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Realistically speaking this isn't video games.

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Do americans not know how their own elections work and why it is working that way or something?

Ohio turning redder nowadays

It's not that they don't matter, it's that they're firmly sided and campaigning there won't change things

>The people who like Pete and Bernie fucking hate Biden, Warren, and Harris
lolwat, Biden and Warren are the most progressive candidates. Pete, Biden and Harris are all establishment Dems.

when why did cruz win

If you're in a blue state, you're not in position to call anyone a subhuman

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