What are some kino vidya scenes like pic related...

What are some kino vidya scenes like pic related? People willingly going up against impossible odds only because it’s what they believe in?

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There was a bicyclist that stopped a criminal near where I live a few days ago, I think Licenseless Rider is real.

Saitama should train Mumen Rider. He has the spirit, just needs the power to go along with it.

Crisis Core

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That's his whole bit though, being the spunky underdog kind of guy. Everyone in one punch man is a stereotype, if he was also a top tier hero his bit wouldn't work

Going up against impossible odds is retarded and will only net you an early death or defeat.
Know your limits and back off when it is clearly impossible, anyone who thinks otherwise is just a brainless idealist.

>heh, face reality, kid... you're destined to die here, now... by my hand...


> *wipes blood from mouth* No! It won’t end here... I’m fighting for my friends!

That’s not the point, user. People who go up against impossible odds know the outcome. They still do it because it’s what they believe in. They KNOW they’ll lose or even die.

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Asuras wrath, but it was less for the sake of justice and more for the sake of "FUCK YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUU" which i'm down with.

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Powering through on a run of any roguelike/dungeon crawler/crpg when things haven't gone your way at all winning.

>Lone darkest dungeon character gaining resolve and finishing a boss

A lot of MGS4 is Old Snake doing this. He's obsolete and the world has moved on.

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Objective: Survive

Nier automato.
Dragon's dogma.

When you acknowledge that animalistic survival isn't the only thing that matters in life, you can die and still be victorious. Knowing your limits is a good thing, but it's silly to value your own life above literally everything else. It's a good thing if you never get into a situation where laying down your life would be the optimal course of action, but believing that no such situation could possibly exist is either ignorant naivity, or extreme egotism.

Whether it's a parent fighting for their child, a soldier fighting for their country, a martyr fighting for their cause, or any of the other examples you could come up with, there are always things that are more important than you are.

a hard life

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And then he was forgotten afterwards

Do you sympathize with the police?

Man I love Murata's art


How far humanity has progressed only shows how wrong you are.


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Persona 3

stay in school, kid

I love how the community voted him as one of the best.

-, user says as he fails to comprehend the joke.


>throwing your life away when it accomplishes nothing
bicycle dumbass needs to take lessons from daddy king

If the police officer in question is worth sympathy, yeah. Anyone who knowingly dies protecting someone else is worth sympathy.

It definitely seems like that doesn't necessarily happen most of the time with police officers, but if it does then it's worth sympathy.

I always thought about picking up adidas wrath, but I heard it had some technical problems plus the ending being dlc. Is it worth it despite these problems?

>he doesn't read the webcomic

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king will overtake saitama and blast

post kino boss entrances

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It's less of a game and more of a interactive Manga

Watch it on youtube



>serious punch
wasted panel. would rather see tornado fight this thing.

One Way Heroics Plus epilogue.

Relatively simple roguelike with a forced scrolling gimmick. Your objective of the game is to stop the Darkness by killing the Demon Lord, who pops in and out on every mode except Easy mode.

On Easy mode, they never stop chasing you, and are relatively easy to kill, so you're meant to just fight and kill them. If you keep on running away for 2000km, you'll reach the end of the world and everything has already been razed by the Darkness. You then get a special ending where you team up with the Demon Lord to fight the Darkness, which is actually a fucking huge dragon.

You can also fight the dragon and recruit the Demon Lord in actual gameplay, but you need to be on normal or higher and fulfill a couple specific conditions, similar to what is shown in the epilogue.

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>serious punching anything right off the bat
Well at least we know Orochi can survive multiple punches from casual Saitama

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>Yea Forumstards


Going past limits is quite literally the life story of humanity.
>Unga bunga animal have sharp tooth and claw, we no beat animal!
>Grunk we make pointy stick, throw at animal from away place!
>We'll always have to sail east to get to India!
>Fuck you Europe! I'll go sail west and find the place. Oh this shit isn't India? Well I'll claim it for the country anyway and call it something retarded like America or something!
>Wright Brothers : Fuck you sky you can't tell us we don't belong up there!
>Literally everyone involved in the space race : Fuck you gravity you can't tell us we're constrained to this mudball! The stars are in our grasp!

Did that mother fucker just tear a hole in causality?

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That's a bit of a complex question, but I'll try to give a decent answer.

I sympathise with the police as a whole in the sense that it's a shit job, but one that's necessary to keep society as it is functional and (more or less) safe from those that would harm it (or the people in it) for fun or profit. Those that choose to serve their community in this capacity out of a sense of duty and responsibility deserve to be respected. In this sense, a police officer who risks his life defending citizens from criminals is not that much different than a soldier who risks his life defending his country from invaders. Both are doing a dangerous job that most people wouldn't want to do, but which is necessary for the wellbeing of society.

But that's the ideal, and we both know that the real world doesn't always work like that. The police can be used and abused as a tool for governments and/or the rich and powerful, and individual police officers can also abuse their authority for their own purposes, so it's impossible to make a blanket statement like "the police should be respected." Just like how not every soldier is a hero and not every parent is a role model. But in principle I can say that, yes, I do sympathise with the police.

>all these replies disagreeing
>not realising that this user is merely foreshadowing his later sacrifice

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