Are there any games that feel as alive and immersive as Witcher 3?
Are there any games that feel as alive and immersive as Witcher 3?
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No, not really. Let us hope that Cyberpunk will be able to scratch that itch.
Fallout 4
What the fuck was alive or immersive about Fantasy Cry 3?
Far Cry and BotW are way more alive than TW3.
I haven't played a game as perfect and alive as TWC3 yet. It's just too good.
Looking forward to GoT and CP2077 and the new elder scrolls.
I know this is probably a bait thread but BotW's wilds felt more alive than Witcher's imo.
red dead redemption 2,Botw.but witcher 3's open world is quite unique nothing really comes close.
I liked divinity original sin 2 and new vegas far more, god i miss them
>Being this much of a retard
Ghosts of Tsushima.
bloodlines probably
Ubisoft games.
fallout NV untill it crashes
There aren't.
Red dead redemption 2
>missing games
They're still there user.
>alive and immersive
Literally do not apply to Witcher 3. Fucking Bethesda games feel more alive and immersive. W3 still a better game though despite it being an open world trash.
>Are there any games that feel as alive and immersive as Witcher 3?
yeah CDPR'S big brother rockstar with RDR2
they are developed by sucker punch,don't get your hopes up too high.
League of Legends
>good gameplay
>nice looking characters
>choices matter
The only reason i like mobas is because of the inevitable breakdowns.
witcher 3 is so bad for immersion. Nobody I knew finished it
The world is god damn barren morons
I didn't finish it because you could not romance Ciri and I hated both Yennefer and Trish.
>Fucking Bethesda games feel more alive and immersive
Maybe Morrowind; I can't say since I haven't played it. But the world revolves around the player in Skyrim, the towns have a handful of houses each, and none of the NPCs appear to have lives, stories, or even personalities of their own. There's an "Interesting NPC Mod" that improves on the NPCs by adding backstories.
Witcher 3's world feels very lived in.
I'm playing it for the first time now and so far Novigrad is the only impressive area in terms of immersion.
Why would you able to romance your own daughter you dip
ITT: spot people who never played a Piranha Bytes game.
It's not Geralt's daughter, he's just a cuck
maybe watch dogs 2
Sure, most Ultimas post-III, Thief, Deus Ex, Gothic, Dwarf Fortress, Shenmue, STALKER, etc.
Witcher 3 is mid-tier when it comes to immersion. About on par with an Assassin's Creed game.
Farcry is so boring, don't know what people see in them. 3 was the only good one.
Kurwa mac
good joke
You're trying to hard with the AC bit.
>being this retarded
are there any mods that improve the combat aka make strong attacks useful
Not even asscreed tier in those games you could at least kill civilians and shit, bitcher 3 doesn't allow anything remotely fun.
I know it's hip to shit on Witcher 3, but it's certainly not low-tier. It's overrated but it's still a good game and ok for immersion.
>kill a few civilians
Divinity 2 origional sin is way better than the Witcher 3
Spider-Man on the Atari 2600. At least that game didn’t make me bored with the load times
Sure is SEETHING in here
That shit hasn't been a thing since asscreed Rogue.
>fuck witcher 3 because of these reasons
>umm sweetie you are just seething
no u
Shitty bait.
mount and blade unironically
the GTA games id argue, but compared to Witcher 3 yeah they are shit
>remotely fun.
>kiling civilians
>remotely fun.
Just btfo nigger,
Yea Forums how can I fix my horse. She's too fucking retarded and clips through everything and still has that dumbass griffin head attached to her side (I'm like 13 hours past the griffon fight). it seriously ruins my immersion
Someone is selling me this used, does the complete edition comes with dlc on disk or is some kind of code and I should buy a new one on store?
It flat out is. Way better combat and rolrplaying. Story is about equal if you don’t count the Witcher 3 dlcs
The game is so good, and so cheap for what it offers you should buy a new one.
Roach is retarded by nature, you can remove the griffin in your inventory, its in the same area where you have your armor equipped.
>*whistles for magic horse*
The things I would do to Ciri.. for hours on end
>poor man's Gothic
more liek the things that ciri would do to you tell you to fuck off and possibly kill you cause she's a giant lezzie
Always relevant
>comparing two different games
What am I supposed to think about this?
>Every action mapped to a different key for no reason other than to use all 26 alphabet keys
>3 different instruction manuals to explain everything
The horse is retarded, you'll learn how to drive it better after a while.
The Griffin head is a trophy which you have it equipped. It's on the screen where you change armor and stuff.
Skjall from his grave would like to have a word
>explore dungeon
>find the legendary moon blade
>it's shit
>explore another dungeon an hour later
>find the same legendary sword but this time it's slightly less shit because I'm a higher level
>people will pretend this game is immersive
It's like I'm playing Oblivion all over again.
You seem to think immersive is synonymous with intuitive.
No game can top it
Yet botw density in forests are not as good, not sure about the latest far cry as i have not played it
>explore dungeon
Do some quests. Witcher are not a cuck sucking skyrim without mills, it's just an story.
This game are not pretended to play more then 130-150h.
>post yfw you will never play witcher 3 for the first time
based ESL poster
Yeah but you can actually interact with the forests in BotW; what does it matter if you have a lot of trees if they don't do anything but look nice?
I like movies too user
>TFW never played it in the first place
renting it via gamefly, what am I in for?
I still to this day replay it, just gotta have even breaks, once a year suit me, the soundtrack just pulls me back in
>Yea Forums shits on cinematic movie games
>everything in Witcher 3 that's not cutscenes sucks nigger dick
>Yea Forums loves it
>finally buy the DLC for it
>try starting from scratch so I get fully immersed again
>get bored after 3 hours and stop
I loved the game the first time around, I have no idea what went wrong on my replay
if you love european medieval fantasy, you'll love it
It's a movie with terrible game mechanics.
thanks fellas
I'm actually pretty immersed right now with metal gear v, so yeah, the witcher isn't some kind of anomaly 1:10000000000000000, it's good but nothing extraordinary and so are books.
You just became a frog.
>tfw have all 3 witchers on steam
>don't want to play 3rd before finishing 1 and 2
>half way through 1 but cba to finish it
guess I'm never playing witcher 3 bros
I am the exact same way except I can't get through 2
1 is really good tho you should finish it
Man, first are 100h only and kino.
Second are 50h only.
Third are pretty comfy.
do yourself a favor and skip 2 entirely, watch a youtube lets play
the story is good but the gameplay makes me want to rip my asshole inside out
at least you are supporting CDPR to make CP77
>TW3 releases and Yea Forums cums hard and won't ever stfu about it
>year later and contrarian Yea Forums can't stop shitting all over TW3
Daily reminder that Yea Forums is retarded.
witcher 3 would've been GOAT if it had good combat and actual rpg mechanics
it's still the better open world action rpg to date but that's not saying much, considering its main competition is Bethesda shit
daily reminder that you're a fucking retard who can't be bothered to read a thread to find out that Yea Forums isn't one person
daily reminder that you're a fucking newfaggot
When will this game stop triggering Yea Forums so much?
>actual rpg mechanics
such as
Blood & wine has a shit story, though.
most of your post is wrong.
>playing as pink haired tranny
dice rolls for attack success rate
Congratulations, you just found out the only thing it has going for it is the writing and that the gameplay is flat and completely uninteresting, hence why replaying it feels like shit. It's a quintessential redditcore cinematic game.
Chrono Trigger. No joke. Even though it's 2d sprites and the world is limited, they made an artwork out of that game that it makes you feel like you're experiencing the world first hand. The Millennium Fair for example feels more alive than a city in Dragon Age.
Not even needed.
Kinda recognise this, is this the hill in southern Velen, north of crookback bog? right behind you there's a small hill with bandits encamped, if you take that road you'll run into a desolate field with nekkers everywhere
nani the fuck
Yeah but Chrono Trigger is the GOAT.
Witcher 3 is the best RPG since at leas New Vegas.
First Diablo had this feel because every NPC had dialogue and lore for every quest. Plus the music, art, and lore made for an excellent atmosphere.
Too bad the series turned into lootquest. I loved D2 but only for multiplayer. Diablo was actually a fantastic single player game though.
Unironically Asscreed Origins
RDR2 and GTA5 easily.
only if you are being ironic
It sure feels alive but goddamn the quests are repetetive
>kill radovid
>"oh yeah just another day in novigrad"
It has that. Makes it worse if anything.
OK, so if a game made me daydream living in that game world while I'm on the loo, then I'd consider that a great game. CT made me write a fan fiction lol.
So what recent game had an effect on me like that? Fallout 3 I guess. I remember I made an underground bunker mod in Big Town, I'd imagine that would be our escape route if the town ever got overrun by the mutants. I don't know why but I grew fond of that town and the NPCs inside. I just want to protect it and help it grow (with mods like additional robot sentries).
I never played Fallout 4, but from what I read, it seems the devs also liked the town building experience they made it a big feature in the game.