Any tips for this game? Just got to chapter 3 and I'm getting blasted

Any tips for this game? Just got to chapter 3 and I'm getting blasted.

The overworld is so randomly difficult. I'm fighting enemies my level, suddenly a pack of 5 enemies 2 levels above me spawns on top of the already 4 person fight. Then an enemy 8 levels above me comes out of nowhere and slaps me dead.

I also do like negative damage despite upgrading my Blades weapons with chips. Am I just retarded?

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pay the dev to turn on autobattle

3 things.

The combat gets much better in chapter 4, when you unlock the ability to wield 3 blades per character. Why they decided to lock this before chapter 4 I have no fucking idea, but it's something to know.

If you want to do the most damage outside of bossfights, use Fusion Combos. That means applying a blade combo (those level 1/2/3/4 specials you use) on an enemy while they are in the middle of a driver combo (break/topple/launch. The latter two especially).

Unlock the "Chain arts off of arts" skill in each character's talent trees, especially Rex's since you'll be using him the most. It speeds up the game significantly and makes the combat much funner

Use pouch items, especially deserts. They make your arts recharge faster.

>E choose your fighting area carefully. Pull enemies with your lure into spots where they won't aggro others

>I also do like negative damage despite upgrading my Blades weapons with chips. Am I just retarded?
The enemies in chapter 3 are just incredibly tanky for no good reason. Fighting them before you unlock chain attacks fucking sucks.

With the exception of a few nomadic Unique Monsters everything on the path to where you're supposed to be should be around your level.

Alright. I'll keep slogging. I used a common core on Nia and got Dagas or whatever. The 5* fire axe guy.

Is there any way to make Poppi a healer? I tried changing her role but it didn't give change any of the arts so it seems useless

Nope, she's pretty much always going to be a tank.

Obligatory tips pasta
-Rex automatically gets fantastic blades so you don't need to give him much Blades from the gacha (but give him 2 or 3 good Blades)
-Use Pouch Items as much as possible, especially the ones that lets you recharge your Arts faster. Makes the flow of the battle better.
-On skill trees, you will see an ability unlock "Cancel a driver art with another driver art". It's imperative that you unlock this ASAP because it boosts the flow of battle tremendously.
-Also get the 3 skills that lets you start a battle with the Art already charged on the X, Y and B buttons
-Understand the Attack Cancelling mechanic, as it makes the flow of the battle better by recharging Arts quickly
-Swapping blades refills their arts palette.
-You can combo into and out of swapping blades.
-Most enemies will aggro you if you aren't 8 levels above them. And look at your environment before taking a step in the wild, or you could get your ass raped by a Gorilla 80 levels over you. But the game don't punish you for exploring, so don't be afraid to do it.
-Don't use too much bonus XP at inns unless you really need to because it can completely trivialize the game.
-Focus on the Driver Combo of Break > Topple > Launch > Smash when they will be introduced. The sooner you can understand this set up, the better.
-You can raise trust between a Driver and their Blade by repeatedly using pouch items over and over again. It costs money, but later in the game money is a non-issue.
-Raising trust with your Blade is needed to unlock the Blade's skill tree in most cases.
-Don't waste protocol overdrives. Especially on common blades. The game only gives you a few.
-DON'T kill the little Arduran in Torigoth until you feed it to Lv.99. He'll become the best Legendary Cores farming spot.

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>I also do like negative damage despite upgrading my Blades weapons with chips. Am I just retarded?
apply fusion combos

There's no reason to make Poppi anything else. She excels at being a tank.

If you're playing on bringer of chaos your first time through you've fucked up.
If you're playing on normal you're fucking something up but I'm not sure what. Are you doing sidequests at all?

I've done all the side quests I've come across. I'm level 15.

I have been.

Is there an early core farming location? It's probably wasteful to farm early but it's a mechanic I want to explore more.

Learn blade combos and then use them.

>play through game on NG BoC
>doing fine with some troublesome bosses
>get to the end of chapter 3

you can only cash in on side quest EXP at inns (same with exploration EXP)

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have you been upgrading your arts?

Oh. Well I just gained 6 levels from the inn. That might explain it.

Not yet.

>Oh. Well I just gained 6 levels from the inn. That might explain it.
Ehhhhh I don't think so. I went through the whole game using 0 bonus EXP and missing about half the sidequests and it still felt like I was kinda OP at times.
Some areas are just more dangerous than others man, I think that's the issue.
Also try baiting enemies one at a time if they're higher level than you.

The best way to deal damage at this point is usually blade combos with Pyra. Fire > Fire > Fire (Mega Explosion) and Fire > Water > Fire (Steam Explosion) with Dromarch are really strong.

Dagas is really good. Use an overdrive protocol to move him to Rex, invest in him.

There's a really strong core chip in Gormott somewhere that you can give to Pyra. Let me see if I can find the location.

upgrade your arts

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Wow, a thread actually discussing the game for once.
I knew you guys could do it, good boy!

>Newt is the only non-DLC unique fire blade that can be engaged to anyone
Can't believe I'm only just now realizing this.

>Is there an early core farming location? It's probably wasteful to farm early but it's a mechanic I want to explore more.
Some people will say that spot at the port of Mor Ardain, but don't bother, really. Opening Cores only become worth it once you reach like mid-chapter 5, as your characters will have more Luck stat.

You can definitely open up your Common Cores though, as after 20 cores you'll get a guaranteed Rare, then after another batch of cores (30?40?) you'll get another guaranteed Rare, and a third one after another batch of cores. Then once you got the 3 guaranteed, keep up your cores until chapter 5. The game will give you plenty of excellent Story Blades anyway (and most of them being the best)

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git gud

They happen fairly often.

there's no reason for more fire blades between pyra and brighid. Crosette was a nice addition regardless

Isn't Dagas fire too?

Did you forget about Dagas?

I don't know which arts I'll keep if I keep switching blades.

I tried playing as Nia with Dagas but the attacks are so slow I don't know if I can get used to it. Also it seems kind of silly for Rex to have two fire attack blades or am I missing something?

Also aren't there a finite amount of Overdrive protocols?

Is this reverse psycchology to get people to post anime titties or are you being a bitch just for the sake of it?

>not yet
upgrade your arts now

arts are shared between weapon types and exclusive to each weapon type, you don't waste anything

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>forgetting your king dagas

look at this serf and laugh

>Also aren't there a finite amount of Overdrive protocols?
no, you can get more by releasing a maxed out level 4 common with all affinity nodes filled (easy with merc missions) or in NG+ buy with extra EXP

Don’t farm cores... the story ones are the best anyway

>I don't know which arts I'll keep if I keep switching blades.
Arts are tied to weapon types, and each weapon type has its own WP. There's no reason not to upgrade them.
>I tried playing as Nia with Dagas but the attacks are so slow I don't know if I can get used to it. Also it seems kind of silly for Rex to have two fire attack blades or am I missing something?
>Also aren't there a finite amount of Overdrive protocols?
Axes give Rex launch, but personally I wouldn't recommend transferring Dagas to Rex. Like you said, he doesn't really need a second fire blade, and overdrives are indeed super limited.

He's not going to be maxing out a ton of 4 crown commons in his first playthrough, user. You're lucky if you even get one.

Is there any way to not reset auto attacks while moving? I want to get into position to use Sword Bash but then I have to wait for the full auto attack to start back up.

it's easy to get them later on, but yeah early on it's limited

no, that's the point. You sacrifice immediate DPS for positional advantage, or vice versa

Oh yeah, I definitely did. No clue how I forgot him.

Axes are just really slow until you get access to the good art speed boosting food/crit recharging stuff.

It isn't easy to grind them until you're basically at the endgame. And even then, the method where you fill out a 4 crown common's affinity chart and release it takes a decent chunk of time.

You really shouldn't bother with the positional attacks. It's an artefact from the older Xenos, but there's not reason to bother with them anymore. You'll do far more damage completing the 3 auto attacks then combo elements and driver combos. And after a while you won't even bother with doing the 3 auto attacks as your Arts will recharge like crazy and you'll unleash crazy damages

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Sword Bash sucks anyway, use Double Spinning Edge instead

OP here, are there any Blades that give a similar playstyle to Dunban from XC1? I played the entire game as him.

Dunban=4th party member

don't listen to this, attacking from behind increases damage and accuracy at a base level. some enemies have increased block modifiers depending on the position as well

agility tank blades, you get a party member that's essentially all about that

There are agility tank blades later on, so...kind of.
But nothing exactly the same. And the different weapon types in XB2 never really feel as unique as the party member's playstyles felt in XB1, IMO. While I prefer 2's combat, that was one of the more disappointing things about it.

Git Gud, the game isn't even hard. Combat gets much better in Chapter 4, as the full combat system will finally unlock at the end of Chapter 3. Use fusion combos. Also, when you unlock it, start using chain attacks.

What should I do here lads? Is Rigid shield worth using?

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In my experience, Tora's AI is completely retarded and always uses Rigid Shield at the worst possible times, so if you're not playing as him I'd say no.
Make sure you keep Big Boost in his moveset no matter what, though, since it's his topple.

I'd say so, I take off steady drill since poppi a's not supposed to be doing high damage anyway. Rigid shield is great because it can tank though CC like topple on top of taking less damage and healing

NG in BoC is the best difficulty to play. The combat system shows it's true potential on the hardest difficulty and next xeno should come with a difficulty slider

>The combat system shows it's true potential on the hardest difficulty
>cannot apply elemental orbs or else elemental awakening wipes your party unless you bandaid it with shulk/corvin

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