You give a finger

You give a finger.
They'll take the whole arm.

Attached: 132456576.jpg (640x476, 29K)

Human eye can't see past 2k

a stand rotating 30 64k screens so fast it looks like a still image and all of them running 230fps is the bare minimum in 2019.

You stole this from reddit

i stole it from the Yea Forums facebook group tho

Nice meme, take my upvote!
Also the actual answer is 1080 at 240fps.

based. 60fps is trash now

it's never enough for these "people"
you only want MORE and MORE

if you play with a controller and on a huge TV top is better, 120FPS ain't gonna do shit on console games

have to agree pooh, 1080p either looks like incomprehensible blurry shit or the most aliased xbox360 game ever made. 1440p is the sweet spot at least for me, and 4k while nice just isn't worth the diminishing returns.

Attached: 1550933884337.jpg (1026x985, 190K)

how would you know?

Attached: 1550617281885.gif (216x288, 728K)


Iam at a poing where I can only use 144fps@1440p@ultrawide@free/gsync monitors. everything else is just unusable, like literally unusable even for simple desktop usage.

>TN panel

Attached: unknown.png (340x320, 26K)

>Not 3440x1440 120fps

Attached: 5511d821e337f14ac065aad092561eeea9ecec63.jpg (953x1282, 194K)

120 fps

Attached: F573471A-AF5E-46E6-B4E5-A69EF9CA9956.jpg (1080x1331, 97K)

Can't go back to blurry aliased sub-4k after experiencing native 4k.

Attached: comfy199.jpg (3840x2160, 3.77M)

240 fps

Attached: ultrachad.jpg (1080x1068, 141K)

4k's a meme. 1080 is the one true way.

Cause i saw it on there? Are you stupid?

It's still blurry from the FXAA only it's less noticeable at that pixel density.
Might as well stay at 1080 and downsample

Where can I get that monitor?

Attached: 46E7554B-525F-4550-9142-3729E45F3E50.jpg (1440x1080, 222K)


Attached: crysis33.jpg (3840x2160, 3.76M)

300 fps

Attached: 56B32C2C-3647-4736-A829-84B152020A3C.jpg (1080x1440, 241K)


It's your fault games are like they are now you newgen faggots.

The human eye cannot see past 35 fps, anyone who claims higher rate for gaming somehow makes a "better" experience is retarded and just loves shelling out enromous amounts of cash for a meme targeting susceptible and lonely males.

it's gonna be truly sad when next gen is mostly focusing on 4k at 30fps. People really have no idea how much better games look and feel at higher frame rates.

Attached: 1555635734131.jpg (480x380, 60K)

525 FPS

Attached: joooojoooo.jpg (800x450, 84K)

>fps is graphics

If it ain't 144hz then throw it in the trash


Attached: E8941DC2-CFD3-4653-BFAE-CF9DC6E9E88A.jpg (1440x1080, 270K)

180fps 720p

1024x768 @85Hz

Attached: 34637.jpg (3035x2150, 591K)

640x480 with 16 color graphics.

Anything else is heretic.

Someone add Xi with a Tiananmen shitpost text.

>4k 60hz on monitor 1
>1440p 155hz freesync on monitor 2

Attached: 6e8734dfe00c1b1d-2048x1024[1].jpg (2048x1024, 265K)

If anyone here actually has a 4K monitor and a computer that plays games at that resolution at 60fps post specs or GTFO. 2K 120fps is somewhat affordable.

asking someone else to do it is the chinese way

>looks good still
>in motion the 60 at most fps makes everything look blurry or noticeably judder