>finally finish sekiro
>want to watch this fight again on youtube
>people ACTUALLY use a run away + power attack ""strategy""
So did you learn the game Yea Forums or just cheese every boss?
Finally finish sekiro
Other urls found in this thread:
I beat it normally ofc, but wouldn't running away and attacking take like hours lol
I beat the dogshit out of him with fan.
>watch videos of people fighting Isshin/Genichiro
>they avoid the lightning attacks instead of trying to reverse them
There is that reddit memeword again.
I beat him legit and it was a great fight ( i didn't even know you could cheese him), i still prefer owl 2 though
in reality it is more difficult to play it like this
I imagine that over half of Yea Forums probably did this, and then went on to tell everyone else to "git gud" once they finished cheesing Isshin.
No, I cheated by ensuring my victory in his final phase with items. Divine grass, rice, jinzo statue.
Ninjas fight dirty, after all.
>watching youtuber play game
>he's blocking normal enemies
>ensuring victory
>not just using the fucking lightning
I only used a few firecrackers, and that's it. Not really a hard fight.
I ended up loading my backup save and fought father owl as soon as possible, much harder fight
I did, dumdum
I had to spend like four hours on him but at least I didn't cheese him.
need to use anything MORE than lightning, you buttslut
Constantly staying near him, I-framing through his aoe with Sabimaru and using Shadowrush if he tries to create a distance was probably the most satisfying boss experience i've had in whole series.
Finally From has created a system where it feels like you're actually fighting someone instead of just doing r1 cycles
How do normies lie to themselves like that? I'd feel like a massive cuck if I cheesed this fight.
man im so fucking poor in this game
even using the wealth balloons and clearing out an entire area i still hardly get enough to buy the expensive shit
where are you supposed to make money in this game?
he doesn't cast lightning in phase two, the only hard phase
I do believe that cheese is a thing that should be ridiculed but sprinting during a fight is cheese now?
The word is going to become as meaningful as racist in 2019
You only really need money for the gourd seeds, beads, and firecrackers. For those, you should have enough money with the sen bags. Everything else can wait until NG+/whenever you'll be farming for mats since you'll be bathing in money by that point.
using ninja tools is fine, they were put in the game to be a combat aid, plus they are limited in fights and usually quite specialized, meaning it's usually not a win-all solution
I frequently use shurikens and the follow up attack whenever a boss breaks away from me, because it stops their posture from regenerating at all
oh well sure then, but the person i replied to said final phase, which implies the .. well final phase.
Standing still and perfect deflecting masterrace here AMA
Ashina Dojo/Antechamber are one of the best places to farm gold and xp. Just stealth kill Ashina Elites and ministry ninjas.
if you want a quick farming tip: buy the divine abduction fan upgrade, then go to senpou temple's first sculptor's statue, run and lure a bunch of enemies to you, then use the fan in the middle of them
because of the hall of illusion, the monks in senpou temple get sent there when the fan is used on them (normally it just turns enemies around to allow for a free backstab), and the divine fan makes enemies drop extra loot
it can be a risky strat, because it can be hard to stand in the middle of a bunch of the monks and not get fucked up, but the fan has a small 360 AOE effect, if you can do it then the fight ends in a second when they get whisked away and they drop way more than normal
What's it like ignoring all the games' mechanics but one and playing in the most boring way possible
If you could cure your autism would you?
I wanna get the loaded umbrella though
Genchiro 2nd fight was kicking my ass until I realized I could cheese his first stage with shadowrush and he cant block it. Second stage I had to actually use skill and mikiri counter and lightning reversale him but it was nice having more gourds
>On my final attempt i managed to perfectly parry and dodge everything he threw at me.
>Killed him from posture damage in every phase.
Had to take a moment to calm down afterwards, but i brought honour to family.
Now i just need to do that shit all the time in NG+
>cheese every boss
If you can call spamming L1 and R1 cheesing then EVERY boss gets cheesed in this game. I'm honestly floored by how useless every other aspect of combat is when the dominant strategy is to just lay into them aggressively and tap parry.
Tell me honestly when any Prosthetic but the Firecracker and Malcontent were instrumental in defeating a boss.
Tell me honestly when any Combat Art but Whirlwind Slash and Shadowrush were useful in defeating a boss.
It's all just the same shit for every boss. The only thing you have to learn is their moves that have armor and the tells for the Jump, Mikiri, Dodge attacks.
I had low money for a long time until I unlocked the final level. I didn't farm money at all but got everything I needed after unlocking the final level.
>spear for ape
>umbrella for ape and demon
>shuriken for butterfly
>ever using whirlwind slash over double: ichimongi
At least play the game before you bitch at people for using cheese
Not even a hard fight, his posture is shit
Yeah, not enough enemies have proper resets and many who do don't utilize them effectively.
It's still the first iteration of this combat system though so From still has time to get it right they won't though
Shuriken can combo into a gap closer and can interrupt some combos, particularly that one move that regenerates posture.
Fire resistant fan was good against bull and demon.
Terror resistant fan is good against every headless fucker.
Axe and spear do immense amounts of posture damage.
Flamecannon can push you back on top of setting them on fire almost guarrenteed.
Raven can be used to yeet through and negate attacks completely.
They're tools, you dont use a screwdriver in place of a hammer.
I never used fire cracker because I didn't know about it until my 2nd playthrough and don't even know what malcontent is
one of the shichimen warriors, can't remember which, drops a Malcontent's Ring, which can be used to upgrade the whistle shinobi tool to "torment" apparition type enemies
>at least play the game
I'm on NG4 going after the last ending. I've pretty completely played the game, which is why I'm confident in complaining about its shortcoming in shallow combat.
Notice I said 'instrumental', like your fight was altered significantly towards your success with their use. The Umbrella's just a crutch for bad parriers and the shuriken doesn't make Butterfly any easier, it interrupts one of her attacks and not even her best one.
I don't know what the spear does to the ape because it's useless in every other instance of playing the game (yes even against the armored dudes it was given to you for, just parry and attack) so I never equipped it.
>ever using _____ over _____
I don't anymore. Combat Arts are pointless against anything above mook.
>shuriken combo gap closer
So does a dash forward attack.
>fire resist fan bull and demon
Parry and Attack beats those bosses
>purple fan Headless
They are nothing compared to your damage output with a confetti, you don't ever need to defend outside a dodge or two
>axe and spear
one's necessary against like two mook types and the other's not even
cool but too slow and burn sucks, like poison
>mist raven
only for style points
it's a whistle that stuns the demon of hatred a couple times and that's it
I could have probably beaten him in one try if I just ran around like a headless chicken baiting the attacks I wanted, but I preferred to stay on his ass and learn his patterns as well as how to properly deflect each attack.
The ideal way to fight Isshin is to perfect deflect all his attacks, even in the final phases. Why even bother with hit and run? It takes fucking forever.
I wasnt even aware there was a way to cheese him.
My first playthrough of any From game is always 100% blind.
I just died until i knew his moveset and how to counter each attack.
On the headless ape variant, if you deflect attacks eventually he'll fall over. If you use the spear there, you pull out the centipede and do quite a lot of posture and vit damage.
It's not even "eventually" it's just his big(ger) over heads. Parry those and he falls over instantly.
Suzaku umbrella for Demon of Hatred to deny literally all of his ranged attacks
Tell me honestly: Did you max out the prosthetic tree? Because from the sounds of it, you maxed out the Shinobi tree and probably picked up some of the Ashina improvements. In which case, no shit, prosthetics aren't going to be useful.
This is the big trap everyone keeps falling into with this game. It doesn't SEEM like a lot of improvements are actually good, but they're actually fucking ridiculous. You play it safe with stuff like the improved parries, maybe grab a combat art to use sometimes, and you ignore all the broken skills.
absolutely love listening to this desu.
>play like a shinobi
I honestly don’t know how people struggled with this guy, he’s fucking easy. DoH, Owl 2.0, fuck even Ape 2 was harder than this fuck.
>one lightning reversal away from winning
>it fails
>get shocked for massive damage and paralyzed
>Isshin shoots me while paralyzed
This happened twice btw
literall every single enemy in this game this works on except the ogre and snake and demon dude
I see no point in cheesing, kills the fun of it.
Feels great being better than you at the game.
Engage in sexual intercourse, Insekiro.
I managed to consistently be able to deflect his ashina cross by the end. Still couldnt perfectly deflect his 6 hit super combo in spear form though.
Try backing away as you deflect his combos. I couldn't see what the fuck he was doing when I was on his dick.
>that feel when you oil up a mini boss and light your sword on fire
Unrelated, but using high monk in lieu of jumping to counter sweeps is the tits.
I can say that I didn't use any prosthetic the time I beat him
just my sword
and honestly isshins second phase is where most get fucked bacasue its unpredictable
plus I got 3 lightning strikes in 3rd phase so it ended in 20 seconds
is there a better way to beat the butterfly something old lady? I'm dodging and punishing her attacks, jumping etc, but she keeps chipping me to death, or am I supposed to just get gud? It's not impossible but will be annoying
Nah if you're only dying to the chip damage then yeah your only option is to get better/quicker at taking her down. I hate those fuckin butterflies too.
R1 delayed spams, you either guardlock her or she attempts to jump in the air and you get a free vitality hit on her.
>I-framing through his aoe with Sabimaru
u wot
when does sabimaru have iframes? I get bitch slapped whenever I use it with poor timing
The only boss I cheesed was Demon of Hatred. I was upset that day and didn't feel like trying.
I cheese absolutely everything i could.
1. You are playing a shinobi, they would use any tactic avaliable.
2. I was tired of the game and it was dissapointing, Miyazakis worst desu.
The one realization that made the Butterfly fight way easier for me is that you can sprint straight towards her when she throws shurikens and they'll miss every time. It makes it way easier to be hyper-aggressive against her.
Can Yea Forums give me a (you) and tell me what to do tonight?
Study, you retard. Maintain at least an 80% average and make connections. You don't actually need high grades, you just need moderately high grades and knowing the right people.
I love that in those retarded posts people always ignore axe, which is fucking broken.
>take the aerial prosthetic upgrade
>max axe tree
using axe in the air removes its biggest weakness: the huge windup time
axe costs almost nothing to use and it's guaranteed to stagger anything it hits. it's also unblockable and undeflectable.
you are just fucking retarded bad at games and don't see how useful everything is. in fact, every single prosthetic in the game is extremely useful. the upgrades make everything into a monster.
Is the axe better than Ichimonji?
Not murican so not even sure what 80% implies. Is it the score on tests? Attendance? Some other factor?
l1 r1 doesnt work against isshin. Need to mix in mikiris, take advantage of dead zones, squeeze in prosthetics to finish off posture bars etc.
Same thing you do to nearly every human boss, just get in her face and spam R1 with the occasional L1 when she deflects you and headstomp her perilous sweep.
The only way this fight is remotely challenging is NG bell no charm
I love posts like this because retards like you think you have the game "figured out" and that your smarter than everyone else but in reality you just aren't aware of tons of mechanics in the game and out yourself as such. Then when people point out all the useful ways to use combat arts and tools you just go "Well I was so good I never need that!"
Fuck off normie
In terms of ease of use and damage, I'd say so, yeah.
It's not free unlike ichi though
>tfw beat the game having only found five prosthetics
>used none of them during bosses
that shit is gay and unfun
I used firecrackers to give time for chugging estu- I mean healing gourd.
>when does sabimaru have iframes
Combo switch
>watch any Sekiro video
>nobody deflects, just the occasional block + hit/run
I can't watch most Sekiro vids because of that. This isn't Souls but people too caught up in playing it like one anyway.
They have their uses but it takes experimentation to figure them out and then it's still unnecessary given how solid the basic kit is.
Still its nice a game has options, it adds replayability and fucking-around factor as well as providing crutches so that anyone dedicated enough can beat it.
You have to specifically search for charmless. I can never find a video worth watching for shits and giggles unless it says charmless.
>another Yea Forumsermin exposed by sekiro: casuls die way more than twice
Why is it that half the times I can't parry his quick half-uppercut counter? I know it's coming, I see it, press guard and it still will go through
>PS4 Pro
fucking why. a fast game like sekiro is unplayable on that garbage
He's right though
tools are useless, you still have to learn deflect to defeat bosses, and you can defeat every boss by just deflecting.
Honestly, those are kinda boring too. Players are too acquainted with the game and make short work of it. That in itself is sometimes nice to watch but seeing somebody struggle with it while not being afraid to treat it as its own game rather than a Soulsborne and try to deflect stuff, use prosthetics etc would be much more enjoyable to watch.
Tools make many fights much easier and go by much faster. That alone proves they are not "useless". Ya know, a word meaning "has no use".
I don't think I cheesed any of the bosses, I didn't even bother with prosthetics against bosses. i just really like parrying in video games so default to that.
>KIK sound when preparing Ashina Cross, Dragon Flash or One Mind
>tranny flag
Never post here again, abomination