Assassin's Creed Unity Going Free Forces Ubisoft To Increase Server Capacity 4 Years After Launch

Ubisoft has announced that they are going to take the servers of Assassin’s Creed Unity offline in order to increase its server capacity after making the game free for one week.

Assassin’s Creed Unity originally launched for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC in November 2014. It faced a lot of backlash at launch because of the buggy nature of the game and it took Ubisoft some time to patch out the major issues, but it didn’t make the game free from most of the bugs even today.

Read More: Next-Generation Assassin’s Creed: Vikings Game Teased In The Division 2

After Ubisoft announced to donate €500,000 to the reconstruction of Notre-Dame de Paris, they also made Assassin’s Creed Unity free for one whole week. You can grab a copy of the PC version by checking out this link.

It appears that after making this decision of giving away the game free, there has been an increase in the server load which is why the developers are taking down the servers offline in order to put them back up with more server capacity.

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This game has the most horrendous texture popping I've ever seen. In cutscenes, characters swap between low, medium and high quality textures faster than you could keep count.

I just finished the game and haven't noticed this
There's a bit of clipping when walking around in Paris but that's needed, there are too many NPCs

>assassin's creed vikings

Isn't the whole point of AC to traverse impressive ancient cities and architecture? Are we just going to be climbing wood cabins or something?

meant for

Unity is shit. Artificial difficulty to make you play with random niggers for no reaosn.

worse than Rage at launch? that shit was unplayable, and I put up with a lot of graphical shit for a good enough game

rage isn't a good enough game is was meh

which is why I never reinstalled it after discovering the texture pop.
but that doesn't answer the initial question

yeah me too actually, as soon as I saw that shit I stopped playing


I remember buying the game in octomber but I couldn't find anyone to pair up with in co-op even after waiting for half an hour.

I'm glad, I love the game

I haven't had any problems with texture pop in on characters, but I have had lots of weird issues of background NPC's literally appearing out of thin air during cutscenes and NPC lods in general are absolutely fucked with massive model pop in constantly, even worse the lower quality lods of a lot of models don't even resemble the high quality models so you get guys who are wearing long jackets will suddenly appear wearing shorts and guards will completely change model, it's pretty evident it's another half assed, rushed and unpolished clusterfuck.

I'll never understand why big publishers throw away years worth of work of hundreds, damn near thousands of employees when a month or two can make a MASSIVE difference to the quality of a game, it's initial sales and then the sales down the line.

It's painfully narrow sighted and if Ubisoft had released half as many Assassins Creed games that were twice as polished and full of content they'd have a much better reputation than they do.

They had to downgrade it to make it playable at a decent framerate because everything close to the character is extremely high detail.

Rage's excuse was the megatextures meme. At least it was trying something different.

Dunno why people hate this game, it's pretty much the best AC after Brotherhood.

Cheers for the reminder.

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I was wondering the same after completing the game, so I googled it and apparently it was mostly the issues at launch

how is the coop? is it worth bothering with? I've played most of the ac titles so I know what to expect from it I just don't know if I want to bother playing N+1 AC games unless something sets this one apart. I like coop but hate half assed coop.

>Same janky free running as the rest
>Same awful combat, actually i'd say Unity has the worst combat of any Assassins Creed to date
>Endless filler
Really nice environmental art (when the textures have loaded), and it's nice to see they finally attempted something resembling stealth mechanics after a decade, but there's really nothing else good about Unity.

I don't know if it's the servers being shit or Unity is just that fucking broken, but of the 6 co-op games i've played three ended with my simply unable to attack, like the button didn't work, none of my abilities worked, I could run around and see everyone, and they could attack me but I couldn't do shit.

Feels pretty broken honestly.

The main character isn't that memorable and the game had horrendous issues at launch. It's a shame because it's by far one of the best looking games of the current gen and the tech was very impressive. It's really surprising that they haven't even bothered to try to bring back the large crowds since then.

Crowds add literally nothing and looked fucking terrible in Unity, literally PS2 tier half the time.

PC third world commie monkey masterrace

Best free running as well in the series
Too bad the rest of the game was shit

Nigger that's what Assassin's Creed Boston Marathon was

that sucks. if it were working right is it a substantial amount of the game or is it just a few one-off quests with coop pointlessly tacked on? speaking of rage, I think I tried playing that with a friend and I remember the coop in that game was very limited and required you to play singleplayer to access the different coop bits. I wish there were a different coop tag on steam and stuff for games that just feature limited multiplayer. that isn't what coop means.

I really want Assassin's Creed III Remastered for free. Maybe that one user will pull through.

>if it were working right is it a substantial amount of the game or is it just a few one-off quests with coop pointlessly tacked on?

If they were working properly they'd be pretty decent, i've only done three different missions but they were all pretty substantial (more so than solo missions honestly), pretty challenging (you can do them solo as well if you want, but you'll need to play them really slow and safe or you'll get fucking wrecked as they do seem to be designed with multiple people in mind), and it's pretty great running over roof tops with other people, coordinating attacks and getting into massive open fights, although the fights felt a bit dodgy either due to lag or bugs or as I said my controls just completely dying for whatever reason.

There's a lot of potential there, but the execution just seems to be a little sloppy.

On the upside it's got me playing Chaos Theory, Conviction and Blacklist co-op again.

I beat the shit out of conviction and blacklist with my coop buddy. those games are my shit. there's nothing better than a well executed run where you take out lights and guards quickly

>not free on consoles
All I want is to play this game and my pc is too shit for it, why can't Sony or Microsoft just do it

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Who the fuck thought the Flavius fight from AC:Origins was OK? What kind of game designers do they have over there at Ubisoft

Is the online really that good?

You're right, yet we still got Assassin's Creed III.

No, its okay and some of the co-op missions are even pretty fun with friends, but its in no way "that good".

Guess they're running out of ideas with mainstream appeal. I'd love a dynastic China Ass Creed.

Post music from AC games that you liked

genuinely surprised it's even getting a sequel
first game was fucking terrible

Stop playing on toasters :)

AC2 > AC Bro > AC1 > AC Rev > AC3 > Black Flag > Odyssey > Rogue > Unity > Syndicate > Liberation > Origins

>3 that high
>origins that low
>Black Flag not top contender
Big yikes


>Black Flag not top contender
Yikes. Ezios games are obviously the best.

Wasn't Syndicate the last one to have that?

Odyssey > Origins > Black Flag >>>>>> all of the other bullshit
Honestly AC is an embarrassing series to like. It is almost FF level at this point

Origins was boring as fuck with awful characters.

AC is similar to FF in that each series only has one good game. AC2 and FF7.

AC2 > AC Bro > Black Flag > AC 1> Unity > Rogue > AC3 > Syndicate > Liberation > Origins > Odyssey
Prove me wrong.

Why did Assassin's Creed resonate so well with normies?

Cause the series is casual as fuck

Meh, a bit too samey for me, I found the sailing a nice change of pace.
>awful characters
I agree, and the story had bad pacing but atleast the combat was servicable. No way you can honestly believe Origins is THE worst AC game other than "we wuz" and muh niggers memes.


I hate the combat in both Origins and Odyssey. It was best in AC1.

AC1 and 2 were extremely soulful. Pity the rest of the series is trash.

How can you like the combat in Origins? Honest question

>give away the worst game in the entire series by far
oh boy

Did Jesper Kyd fall out with Ubisoft?

>citing the article without even greentexting
>adding nothing to discuss
Ubishills everyone.

No. Origins, Syndicate and Liberation are worse. Thats not to say Unity is good though.

yeah nah origins is among the best of them and syndicate and liberation are still better than unity

Its not good, but its a lot better than press the counter button at the right time combat. And the combat actually felt like it had some weight. Unity had that too.
Guess I could compare it to Witcher 3's combat where its just ok enough for me to not want to die everytime I get into a fight.

Don't think so. He also doesn't make Hitman music anymore even though everyone loved his stuff.

>lot better than press the counter button at the right time combat
Nope. I loved that combat.

Sailing and exploring the waters in Black Flag were the only positive aspects, everything else like the gameplay on land, the characters, the story and customization is worse than even AC3. It's also riddled with DLC and other unlockables of any kind, most of them which are defunct now.

Agree to disagree then.

Literally the only good games in this entire series are 1, 2 and Brotherhood and at a stretch Revelations.

Well then I have to disagree because it's just boring to hack away at someone and barely do any damage, I've never liked damage sponges, I think Unity had the best balance

Yeah fair enough.

God I fucking hate this nerd rpg shit in Origins and Odyssey. I just want this series to be a straight action game like it used to be. I hate stats and equipment and levels and loot

Yeah, the enemies get real damage spongey if they are outside of your level range(4 levels higher, I think?).
Giving all enemies outside your level range 50~% damage reduction is lazy and bad game design.
At normal levels though its not bad. An encounter lasts as long as it did in the previous games, I feel.

please explain to my how liberation is better than unity

I played Odyssey on easy and with the level adjusted to always be lower than me because I really dislike rpg stats type stuff.

Ubisoft will make far more than €500,000 from Helix Points.
They're fucking geniuses.

This game is fucking broken. The first mission, the first fucking mission and I already experienced the falling while stuck in a building bug that was memed to hell a few years ago. Not to mention it's unoptimized as fuck and it controls like shit, never doing what I tell it to do. Even fucking Origins controlled better than this shit.

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It's just used to stretch out (ruin) games anyway - you are forgiven

Why does this series continue to sell so well? there hasnt been a good game in at least like 6 years or something.

That's not what most people think. Origins and Odyssey were well recieved and saved the franchise. It was during Unity and Syndicate where sales went down a lot.

They're a guilty pleasure of mine. A tour of historical vistas and settings often not explored in games, with some easily digestible action gameplay and (usually) great music. Origins and Odyssey changed that a bit by improving the gameplay, though since they're faster I feel the animations have suffered a good deal. Still, how many open-world games do you know of set in Egypt? Or ancient Greece? Or France during the French Revolution? Or colonial America?

Origins was well received? Syndicate did poor?

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..yes? Origins brought in shittons of people especially with that Egypt setting. Syndicate was fucking hated and is barely remembered anymore.

syndicate literraly caused the series to go into hiatus till they sorted shit out

So viking game for PS4/Xbox1 and Rome game for PS5/Xbox4? Similar to how they launched Rogue and Unity on the same day.

Am I misremembering? I remember Syndicate being pretty good while Origins's combat and movement being shitty as fuck.

>AC2 came out 10 years ago

Haven't finished AssCreed III because it's so fucking boring. Decided to get this since it's free and, how bad can it be, right?
It's even more boring.

No, user. There is no Rome game. And there will not be 2 games at the same time. Unity/Rogue worked out because AC was still in a popular state at the time and they had more teams. Vikings for PS4/5 and Xbox1/Scarlett and then probably Asia for PS5/Scarlett.

Yeah, Haytham was the best part of that game.

That might be your personal opinion but that's not how the majority of players think.

>Vikings for PS4/5
Waste so. So we arent getting an AC designed for just next gen for ages.

I mean, if Vikings is the cross gen for 2020 then the next gen entry is 2021. It's in 2 years. That's not terribly long.

I really liked AC2 and it's "expansions", but I simply dropped AC3 a bit after we switch from Haytham, and never looked back. Now I don't feel right playing any of the sequels before finishing 3, so I might never get back into AC ever again.

Viking game will probably be like Origins and Odyssey with all that tedious rpg stats crap. I hope they get rid of all that stuff for the purely next gen game.

It's already one in china, but not a main AC one, so don't expect them to take it again.

But they still have japan left.

The RPG stuff is here to stay. They won't go back. That is, until another big failure happens.

Whatever they do, I hope they will never ever give in to the weeaboos and give them a Japan game.

I didn't play it on release, but years after and it was arguably one of the most fun ass creed games I played.Guess I missed out on all the buggy shit because it ran normally with no problems the whole campaign.

Also I'm pretty sure Unity had the most distinct weapon and outfit variety out of any AC game, presumably ever, not even including the legacy assassin outfits.

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This, anyone who likes 3 above any other AC has the shittiest taste in the world. Maybe you can count it higher than 1, because it aged pretty bad but come on! 3 is a fucking piece of shit.

Thank god they redeemed themselves with Black Flag.

Ubi already said the Origins formula is here to stay, so stfu and go back to play the shitty old ones.

They just need to add coop again for Vikings and it would be glorious.

Will it be good? Also since Kassandra is like Highlander now in that she is alive for like 2000 years can she pop up in future games as an npc?

he cute

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Only incel neckbeard basement dwellers like rpg mechanics. They add nothing except tedium.

Why is a loot grind even in the new games? Who the fuck wanted it?

Reminder that Kassandra is better than Alexios as she has a cute face and sexy braided ponytail.

Its just an artificial way to extend the life of the game. Most people seem to love loot shit like destiny or borderlands but I've always hated anything remotely loot related like mmos.


>Assassin's Creed is almost 12 years old
holy shit

The worst thing about Odyssey is that its the only game we will get with Kassandra.

>After Ubisoft announced to donate €500,000 to the reconstruction of Notre-Dame de Paris
fuck, thats pretty nice

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musket is best primary weapon
fuck your sword using bitches

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2 > Bro > Rogue/BF > 1 > Unit > Rev > 3 > syndicate > odyssey > origins

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My favourite music is the Phokis exploration one with the weird instruments, and these aren't anywhere in the OST

>Only incel neckbeard basement dwellers like rpg mechanics.

I like this one

man the AC soundtrack really went downhill after they went RPG

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post yfw this scene

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What about this one?

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Thank fucking god. Origins was great, the rest not so much. I hope they bring shields back.

all good you contrarian retard

man chasing that boat was tight as fuck

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>''this used to be so easy''
dont do this to me Ezio

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I replayed Rev recently and liked it. I remember being disappointing with it at release