It's 2003.
What are you playing?
It's 2003
Other urls found in this thread:
Delta Force Black Hawk Down and Tribes 2
Only Family Guy dates that pic as 2003.
Final Fantasy 10.
pirated DOS games on my Windows 98 PC
HoMM and Monster Rancher
SNES's Aladdin
I was 2
Nothing. I was relocated to Iraq to fight peasants for oil.
Probably something on GBA or Snes emulators.
pic related
Idk I was like 5 years old so like maybe putt putt or freddie fish
Tony Hawk’s Underground
RTCW, CS or America's Army
go back to Yea Forums
rolling a WW bard in D2 with my bro ian, use to do voice chat over the landline. good times
My nigga, played so much delta force with my buddy. I honestly dont even remember how the games played out, I think we just fucked around most of the time.
Sorry but you're only allowed to post on Yea Forums if you were born in 1989 or before, after that and you're a zoomer.
And in a couple months I'll be playing KotOR
the custom maps were amazing
wow sam hyde still pulling bitches even back then
Playing hl2 leak
Hell yeah brother. Nocturne and Dark Cloud 2
Star wars pod racer and super Mario 64 on my n64
Can't wait to try that new world of Warcraft game when it comes out
Also FFIX was the shit
Metroid Prime
>being born after 2000
Diablo 2.
I was also unironically going to Habbo Hotel and now I'm here forever.
Final Fantasy 7 and Habbo Hotel
This and Diablo 2.
Habbo Hivemind. I was doing it too. Weird times honestly
Counter strike and runescape
>It's 03
>I'm 14
>Those women could only be relatives
>Milfy aunts in my room, on my bed
I'm playing naughty house apparently.
NFS hot pursuit 2
Max Payne 1 and 2
Mostly on my n64 and snes. M64, OoT, smash bros, rayman 2, goldeneye, dkc 1-2, tmnt 4 turtles in time, wild guns. On pc homm 3 (when you simply burned games and gave to friends)
probably Vice City
probably wc3 aoe2 or diablo 2
with my willy
Taz Mania, Sonic or Mario Bros on Genesis
Nothing because I was 3 years old
Going commando, Pokemon Ruby and Halo CE at my friends' house
I think I was playing Vampire: the Masquerade -Redemption multiplayer almost exclusively at that point.
Zoomers will eventually take over this godforsaken site, and there's nothing those entitled 90s kids can do about it.
I miss my habbo gf, I wonder what she's doing these days. Does she even remember me anymore?
Warcraft 3, Starcraft custom games, gta vice city
Half-Life (PS2), 2000 Spider-Man, Spider-Man: The Movie The Game, Runescape, Spyro, Age of Empires 2, Civ 3, Team Fortress Classic, Jak 2, Tony Hawk's ProSkater, Splinter Cell, C&C Generals, and SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs.
The Getaway, Max Payne 2, CoD, Enter the Matrix (what a buggy mess it was). So much stuff came out that year
19 is unironically old for Yea Forums. I have the feeling most people here are mentally retarded 16yo's
Oh? Did your birthday happen yet this year?
Pic related or digimon rumble arena
Did your birthday happen yet this year?
Truly was a better time ;_;
This masterpiece and a half.
Melee and The SIms
Coh and wow. I was 12
RA2 or Sim City 3000
lol, something like 'Mickey's Mouse ABCs' or some shit, I was barely old enough to make a coherent sentence
CS and day of defeat
got my first PC that year
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 demo was the first game I played
I tried to reconnect with mine on facebook but she's been gone.
Yeah, a week ago today actually. Just turned 22... :(
I was watching my mom play SH3, 6 at the time
Had nightmares for a while
I still have the pirated disc I burned from my cousin's copy, and it still works
2000s were the best years for gaming
Pentium 4 2.4ghz + 768mb ram + Geforce 4 Ti 4200
Morrowind, Warcraft 3, GTA 3, Vice City
Snes9x / PJ64 / epsxe / Nesticle
Diablo 2, CS 1.6, Quake 3, TFC, GUNZ
Mame + Kaillera, mostly MvC1
probably stick figure games and Pokemon yellow
probs timesplitters 2
socket a Athlons were better tho
I'm 30
Fuck these kids never played real game in their lives
Also fuck it 03. I was prolly playing trash like enter the matrix on my gamecube.
I got a 20 dollar gift card from circuit city for getting it even
I remember buying this piece of shit with my friends cause it was cheap. Goddamn it was a waste of 20 bucks.
I was transferred from a hot tropical shithole full of murderous chimps to a desert mountainous shithole full of murderous goat fuckers. Luckily during my time we didn't have to train the dumbfuck "security" forces hoping a blue on blue wasn't right around the corner.
However having to spend my own pay on buying yank boots because we got the cheap shit from China and my pants ripping after 3 days on patrol for the same reason and walking around with a massive hole in them for another 4 days was one of the reasons I refused to resign in 06'. I came home and bought Medieval 2 Total War and was basically dead to the world for a few years does that count?
iirc that's the year I bought my ps2 so I'm playing prince of Persia, silent scope 3, silent hill 2 and medal of honor frontlines, among others. Trying to get used to the analogue sticks, never held a dual shock before. Exciting times.
That bitches eyes are trying to flee her face.
Why was 2000s fashion so lame
Why do all pictures from before 2007 look like everything was always dark as shit
My brother had an XP 2600+ and the same card, I still managed to beat him in games and his mobo died after 2 years.
Probably pokemon sapphire and FFX
Golden Sun The Lost Age and Metroid Fusion
Non proffesional cameras sucked and even those required lighting
was your mom hot? did you wake up and go sleep in her bed a while dad was away and she comforted you as much as you did to her?
Looks better than the garbage today thats supposed to be fashionable
I have never had a girl in my room ;-;
I'd rather have the tight jeans and yoga pants stuff than the frumpy shit they had back then
Reminds me of meeting a few girls from chatrooms in my youth.
Runescape and Ratchet&Clank.
Pro Evolution Soccer 3 and Burnout 2 on PS2
probably cs
oh, and c&c renegade, d2, uhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe some op4 and other hl mods
Probably one of the gex games on my cousins n64
Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Hey if it makes you feel any better, having a girl in my room was scarring more often than not.
>We're as far away from 2003 as 2003 was from 1987
i was in iraq so this year doesnt count
My condolences.
Super Mario Sunshine or Kingdom Hearts.
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance
Fuck you, I liked it.
I was 3 but i had a game boy color in 2008, when i was 8
Jumpan and pressan the circle button all day.
The only good Call of Duty
>Melee, pizza and classic coke with your pals from school
With tits
I was outside playing superheroes in 2003. No time for vidya
Smash Melee and Vice City. Also, the video store shut down and I bought a bunch so I played some NES like Zanac, Kickmaster, and some Culture Brain karate game.
Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. Gothic 2? Or maybe KotoR.
no she left me alone in the dark after she ran into the mirror room for the 3rd time and died
the noises still haunt me
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Super smash bros melee, maybe ocarina of time or Metroid Fusion.
That was a long ass time ago man
These didn't last nearly as long as they should have.
>this man’s looks
>hooter shirt
This would not fly today. He would be ridiculed to death
I was 2 years old then. Only thing I played with was my mom's big tits
Smash or conker at birthday parties was the shit
I'm waiting for this to come out.
It will come out this year, right?
Im probably replaying Banjo tooie or playing Melee or probably playing Def Jam Vendetta... Or if it's really late into 2003 im playing Need for speed underground.
I was only 8
good stuff
Neverwinter Nights 2, Diablo 2 and probably Vice City. I remember being crazy craving for San Andreas.
tenchu 3
if you had said 2002 or 2004 I could have given you a list, but 2003 is kind of a blank spot for me
Pro Evolution Soccer 3
FIFA 2001 or World Cup 2002
Delta Force Land Warrior
jesus, amerimutts are so fucking ugly
In 2003 I still had a PC from 1999. Goddamn the pain of not being able to run games from this year on still haunts me to this day
I played NES games that I don't remember, did played FFIII and IV but barely did anything to progress
Delta Force, mother fuckers
my melanin-enriched brethren
I want to go back
El Diablo Dos
>late night
>bro says he got new delta force
>nervous install
>will it run?
>ok menu works lets play
>it fucking stutters like shit unplayable
schools out for xmas break. so im playing this.
Jak and Daxter
Gran Turismo 2 and 3
Need for Speed High Stakes and Hot Pursuit
Midnight Club
007 nightfire and agent under fire
ratchet and clank
I was just a kid, this is all we had.
Played the shit out of Goosebumps
Goosebumps: Escape From Horrorland
Supreme Snowboarding
Prince of Persia 3D
This and Sims, my mom wouldn't let me have violent videogames as a kid.
playing Vice City at a friends house because my parents wouldnt let me have it
me on the left
Zoomer, out!
Jesus, that's a long time ago. I don't remember. Probably super Mario sunshine, LoZ WW, and sonic adventure 2 battle.
Diablo 2 and golden sun 2
Warcraft 3, Morrowind, and another playthrough of one of the psx final fantasy's.
So... no different from today.
I was playing DMC2 too young and stupid to realize I was playing a bad game
Same game I'm playing now. Melee.
Return of the king. Those Lotr games were actually pretty good for being a cash in to coincide with the movies. Morrowind, Kotor, age of empires 2, way of the samurai.
The Miller Lite cans do.
This. ;_;
I miss bulky skate shoes.
Yeah this pretty much why me and my siblings gobbled up Sim/Tycoon games because they had the veneer of innocent educational shit but were fucked up and actually fun.
the GBA return of the king game was basically Diablo. didn't realize it as a kid of course, but shit it was fun.
An unhealthy amount of DAoC.
3d blast and rayman 2
Viewtiful Joe and DDR
GTA 2 and CS1.6
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
I miss using photos for game covers
>proceeds to become a fan of electronica, lo-fi and new age music
Been playing this game again recently on my Xbone, its still a fucking masterpiece.
I never actually played Tricky, how does it compare?
Mario Sunshine and Melee probably
19 is unironically young for Yea Forums
probably the gamecube version of OOT
>It's 2003.
>What are you playing?
raven shield
delta force: LW
>it's 2003
oh boy, i cant wait for the Mississippi quarter next year!
>actually had friends and played runescape with them everyday