How about a Yea Forumsermin Yea Forumseekend

Attached: 0lobby.png (620x708, 33K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Recent fights:
Fight - Libby vs Mina

Fight 4 - Bitiddy VS Sketch Lad

Fight 5 - Invisitiddy VS Sketch Lad

Kill yourself

I don't know who this is, but I want to shove my dick between her legs and cum in between them.

Well there's no fixing the second half of this message,
But at least you can know who she is.

Attached: 719a9b11794ce92e4735b93c08d8b6053500fa14.png (1131x969, 52K)

don't fuck the pillow paladin

Attached: 1535321955641.jpg (540x304, 61K)

Spears a best

Stop posting your generals here

tell this to smash threads and dmc threads :)

Axes are the most stylish and you know it

I haven't been to Yea Forumsermin recently what happened to the booru? Are you guys ok?

we have a new booru, the old one still has most of its images intact, though

bunch of dumbasses blew it up but we got a new one that's explosion proof

We have a new one that is full of bitcoin miners and sells your personal info

>Are you guys ok?

Current booru is or

i can't draw, but i shall try

this thred reminds me
what should VFC Host's spot on the map be?

Attached: wurld map w numbers.png (2160x830, 103K)

Just report the op. They refuse to stay in /vg/ despite being moved.

Memorial statue.
Not the fat one.

>not going for thicc VFC

Attached: 1552224478044.gif (800x800, 921K)

>being upset you got fattened

Attached: community_image_1417965230.png (650x506, 269K)

Oh good. I was starting to get worried.

I refuse to accept that fetish bastardization and vfc deserves a proper way to remember him that isnt tainted by fat furries.
>doing a strawpoll with phoneposters

what if I just made two statues

Should I reupload some of my vermin that were bombed? I see they got an old one but the newer ones are gone.

>VFC Host Statue
>VFC Host After Not Surviving Statue


Vfc deserves better than to be associated with haha and fatposters.


Attached: 1463495284793.jpg (827x899, 164K)

You might be a too much of a newfag to understand but he doesnt deserve this.

Attached: the duality of host.png (181x185, 4K)

The virgin fatposter
The chad memorial

I'm sorry but he does.
He certainly does.


VFC's a fat nerd lmao

VFC? More like V Fat C

No he doesnt fuck you. He kept this community together and we wouldn't have made it this far without him

the virgin host
>background is a featureless grey void
>lack of sound effects or any kind of music helps create an atmosphere of soulless despair
>laws of casuality and physics are disregarded, events happen completely at random
>visuals are utilitarian at best
>entrants are literal whos

The Chad Smash(ing) Host
>background is legally considered a form of sexual offense
>loud pop music sets the mood of the fight
>complex and enticing plot, the kiss scene helps set up Host and Mina's relationship and thus makes the betrayal scene all the more impactful
>you can actually tell when a vermin does something based on the visuals
>shows his work process to allow others to replicate this form of art
>entrants are immediately recognizable icons of the vermin brand

>The Wizard Roll

Which makes his en-fattening all more amusing.

>the Dead Hee

Go force your fetishes on someone that doesn't mean something to the community

Mina gets captured by shadowmister

What happens afterwards?

>2 threads in a month is "refusing to stay in /vg/"

Attached: 1543856667657.jpg (250x250, 22K)

He's just salty that there's another drawing-based activity on the block aside from the bitch-ass /ctt/ threads

is there an actual game for this shit or is it all pretend

Fight 6 - Huntiddy VS Sketch Chad

>Huntiddy has horrible luck, ability doesn't proc ONCE with a 1-in-5 chance upon every physical contact
>Sketch Chad got +1 to all stats and plastic surgery because in test matches Huntiddy kept killing him in like 4 hits

Attached: sketch chad.png (296x399, 35K)

yeh, been a slow weekend though

>still trying to start shit between Yea Forumsermin and /ctt/ a year later

Theres absolutely no game. There was one but it got canceled because the creator got hit by lightning, and the other never got past the concept because the creator couldn't deal with the heartache of this community anymore.
Pretend I posted the fight in the original post

Attached: huntiddy.png (286x521, 10K)

wtf rigged

>someone wants vfc to be fat
>dph is a notorious fatfag

>beats the shit out of her off-screen

at least 5 or 6 people in our community are into fatties

Post some good fights.

that one time mega asmr police nearly fucking instakilled someone was pretty cool, can't remember which fight it was though

oh that's a shame but keep being creative bros

we should round them up and kill them

Speaking of fatfags, doesn't 's artstyle remind you guys of anyone?

It does, but does this reveal anything we didn't already know?

Attached: godhelpyouall.png (118x106, 22K)

has there ever been a match as one sided as this since?

Not really, it's a pretty generic style and aside from the line width there's not a lot more in terms of similarities, the general level of skill seems pretty different too.

Friendly reminder that if you do replica vermins then you suck.

>rus user is a fatfag too
Why are we so infested

Friendly reminder that vermin is just as gay as the user below (he is fucking gay)

Nigger it looks exactly the same as that abomination waifu on the booru.

>forget how to draw a very simple vermin
>feel like something is always fucked about them regardless of what I do now

Attached: 1522011195029.jpg (900x675, 129K)

Fuck off and stay fucked off to your containment board, vermin scum.

Attached: 1554746461826.jpg (298x272, 13K)

I'm not though

Thoughts on this vermin?

Attached: sigillium.png (650x650, 46K)

Just report and move on.


Anyone have shine spermaidens sheet?

Attached: spermaid.png (848x755, 37K)

Sometimes I just wing it and draw it a bit off-model because of one thing or another.

Wasn't this shit banned? Why do you people keep trying to come back

Also fucking neck yourself BFA you goddamn attention whore

>those feet

Attached: 1484353623922.jpg (225x225, 13K)

dead nigga hours


Eh, it's likely just because it's sorta dead hours on Yea Forums and the fact the OP is about as informative as a tabloid magazine.

>why do you people keep trying to come back
there's literally one guy making Yea Forums threads and even then their far to spaced out to be considered "coming back".
This is mainly because 90% of hosts left without explanation some 3 months ago.

>rusky is a trash fatfag drawfag
OH no no no

>Rus doesnt even have the courage to reply
That's pretty fucking pathetic desu

reminder that dph browses those fat bug threads too, say hello to him!

Hes probably going to say its not him despite being his artstyle with all his tellings and obsession with anatomy diagrams

reminder that posting this as though its new/relevant information is one of the reasons these threads were sent to /vg/ in the first place.

Attached: 1529540860394.jpg (463x480, 16K)

>Mods moved the thread to /vg/ instead of just banning a shitpost they had the power to
Completely in character lately

I don't think this kind of nonsense led to that, but I have noticed for at least a year by now this community has developed a reputation for derailing unrelated threads for the darnedest reasons. Bloody Hell.

It is relevant. A person in our community who claimed he doesnt draw porn is exposed as a fat fetishist and regularly draws porn for other threads.

this is a big fucking poopy
give me some requests

Attached: ...png (276x227, 9K)

Attached: LordSolarComet.png (1172x1357, 49K)

Draw non-fat vfc host looking at the sunset as it sets on him

Probably because Yea Forumsermin went to trash once the "actual" artists made it a namefag circlejerk

Today, i will remind them.

Attached: this is dph btw.png (254x87, 9K)

Attached: stb.png (431x90, 11K)

I only drew like 10 images over a year ago, that's not "regularly"
And I'm not a fat fetishist

just take a bunch of vermin images and compile them into one

Attached: 1530329016362.jpg (272x727, 28K)

YIKES vermin really is dead

uhhh cool alien dude target practice?

Attached: agent51line.png (1149x566, 23K)

>a person in our community
so you admit that it's personal gossip you're dragging into the threads for no reason?

Fuck off fatfuck.
Go back to your shitty fat thread and never come back.

Not ONLY do I admit that, but I admit that
Are ALL me
And I'm going to KEEP SHITPOSTING until the thread dies

Suck it

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (455x404, 96K)

>confirms he's a fatfag
>says he's not in the same post
That's not just mental gymnastics, that's mental Olympics.