Heroes of the storm is almost completely dead.
What went wrong? It feels like it never even close to took off.
Heroes of the storm is almost completely dead.
What went wrong? It feels like it never even close to took off.
I wish it were more popular. Maybe it was just too late to enter the moba/hero brawler scene no matter what it did or tried.
baby game in grown up genre
>LoL has the casual market
>Dota has the hardcore market
>HotS has ???
Blizzard actively looking for reasons to bane streamers was a problem, user
>What went wrong?
Braindead gameplay and focus on waifubait
LoL is not casual enough
We have this thread too often.
Oversaturated market
Bugs ignored for months
Overall boring to play
Dead on arrival, let it be forgotten
>lets remove individual score so that nobody gets blamed and players who do poorly don't know
>oh no theres less incentive for good players to do well and new players don't have a solid metric for skill progression
who could have seen this coming
blizzard never gave a shit
it was literally a side project
the tf2 of blizzard
Blizzard never supported it well. Even before the whole mess about cutting back, it went advertised at all and was left completely disconnected with the rest of the company for better or for worse.
It removed everything that makes the genre good and replayable and resulted in a soulless, depth less game that gets mind numbingly boring 2 games in.
It's because Mobas have a limited audience. Moba players generally stick with one game because of the skill curve. The genre itself is stagnating and extremely reliant on its popularity in asia which is a market Blizzard has very little actual mindshare in. Blizzard also cutoff most support from the game and didn't do much to promote it which is very in line with the lazy nu-blizzard that just sits on its name and reputation of old and expects people to throw money at their products.
At least the models were saved and ported to SFM for porn.
I don't know what you mean by completely dead, servers are up, games are being played, there are patches and even new content at a slow pace
>what went wrong
saturated market but also a bad launch
>asia which is a market Blizzard
nigger what
They still haven't buffed Abathur so I'm not playing
Yeah if only there was last-hitting in this game
of all the problems the game might have you can't come up with anything but the same canned shit people say all the time, as expected of someone who posts smug anime for no reason
This is going to be Anduin right?
I hope another MoBA uses Abathur's concept.
Seriously one of the only MoBA characters I have enjoyed.
game was full of retards, blizzard pandered to the retards so every game was full of rage and potato brains.
I still play regularly, if only to load up qm with kt and just double "W" (firebomb) on everyone its so funny watching them explode and pass it on to each other and in some cases die off screen because of their potato brained team mates
if you can get other people to be in your team its fun too because a bit of co-ordination goes a long way but its definitely DEAD, last night I encountered the same cunt falstad 3 games in a row who proclaimed "sry im drunk lol will try my best" at the start of every game
some more beauties, absolutely maddening getting teamed up with the likes of this in blizzards hugbox, I liked how short the games are though and I like seeing my fav wow heroes again (I stopped playing wow after mists (again more LFR cancer, theres a trend here...))
Item builds allow a sense of progression and difference between each match.
Coupled with heroes and skill gaps in things such as farming, movement, etc, makes every single game feel completely different, there's no 2 exact same situations.
On top of this, hero combinations allow for even bigger differences in each game, heroes you're against and playing with, with a massive altitude on the skill ceiling resulting in different teamfights, different ways to approach something, etc.
In hots the things are so easy to pull off and so very rewarding for their little effort there's almost no skill floor in ability use, everything is one dimensional.
They obviously saw this and tried to fight it back with the dumb talent system which is just 2 options and the different maps, it just doesn't works because there's always something cookie cutter for every situation and maps are mostly the same concept over and over just applied slightly different.
There's no bigger problem in the game than its gameplay and it's why it's so fucking boring, so samey, so soulless.
Ignore it all you want but you see the exact same shit in overwatch.
In trying to make it as braindead and babby first as possible they got rid of all the fun of getting better, higher skill caps, etc.
Blizz has always been about making games easier than the genre, the problem is when you over do it and make it a boring mess because there's barely anything to improve upon.
I didn't want to believe but i'm pretty sure they will just release everything they were working on before that one announcement and then pull the plug on development. But they will do it at a really slow rate so that it feels like the game is still being actively worked on
Before you could dream about seeing any blizzard hero added to the game eventually, now we will barely have 4 a year and i doubt this number won't decrease, if the game is even alive in 2020. I'm just sad we will never get a naga hero now
They unintentionally designed the game to be unsatisfying and not reward playing well.
Try-hard mode: I went Stitches/Medivh. Always took shit because "reeee, not meta".
Fun mode: I went Garrosh/Tassadar. Webm is exactly what I did, good times
The truth is they are pulling the plug in favor of warcraft 3 reforged
the fun market
MOBAs are dead. Only LoL and Dota 2 have room to exist and they're losing players every year to more accessible and better paced games, like battle royale games.
>What went wrong?
Socialist leveling system where personal commitment and skill do not matter.
Did they make some announcement that the game was dead? That was enough for me to stop giving a shit about it. I don't understand why they would do that.
I can't say they don't deserve it.
Really HoTS was the only one I liked, and only because of Abathur. I find myself wondering what the next big thing will be though, these things go in phases.
BRs are big right now, but its gonna pop eventually, maybe in a couple years.