Politics in Gaming

Are we reaching the breaking point? Something has to give soon...

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nah, it'll keep getting worse.

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seams about right to me

Sony is the Sweden of video games. Imagine paying for a Sweden Machine.

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I don't care and neither should you.

Not sure but I think Sony did a survey to ask if their players were LGBT and basically mostly LGBT were motivated to respond or Idontfuckingknowjustfuckinggoogleit

Almost like they switched places. So bizarre.

>What the fuck why is Nintendo stopping me from advocating the drugging and genital mutilation of children
He's got a point you know

I selected other on my friends console

"I don't think is good idea politizing our games, because Nintendo goal is the fun, politics aren't fun"
Based Reggie


so sonybros are 72% fags.

Yes we are reaching the breaking point.
I can't wait that the whole 2nd american civil war to happen while watching the world burn to the ground

I don't think it's a case of switching places.
Correct me if I'm wrong but with Nintendo games, the censorship was always a case of extremely shitty localization companies. With Sony, it's literally the platform owner mandating, in English, to Japanese devs that they need to just fuck their game up if they want it sold on the Playstation.

Who do you think is buying Horizon by the millions?
Masculine hetero men? Ha.


Hold the fuck up, where did they pull that number from? Sounds like they took a poll of 50 people they knew were degenerates in some form or fashion, there is literally no actual way. All Menes and bullshit aside when did they ask the near 100 million PS4 owners about their sexual orientation and realistically how many people would even divulge that information?

After people complained about how FE and Xenoblade X were being censored, Nintendo's localizers got their shit together, apparently a big chunk of the localization teams were fired.

You mean a weekend of people with guns shouting at people throwing kale?

Is this real? Damn I knew Snoybois were retarded but not that mentally ill, now I just feel sorry for them :/

74%? Only something like 5% of adults identify as LGBT who the fuck came up with 74%

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Its less then 1 percent last I checked.

They bought a console without games, of course they have mental problems

Man, i am kinda ashamed to own ps4 now, people might think i am some kind of a faggot.
I swear i just wanted to play bloodborne Yea Forums.

>le 72% face


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The jig is up, tranny.


Keep your FUCKING politics out of my games

Well seeing as the G and L are like 2% on their own, it sure isn't just 1%

too late, politics is the game now
subscribe to pewdiepie

No wonder why Sony's fanbase is so deranged.

I took it to mean people who are LGBT and support it. No way the 72% number makes any sense otherwise.

source me

Why are her hips at her waist??


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Pro-bulge Anti Tits.

Im trying to figure out whats the deal with that orange plush circle.

source for the bottom?

>playing post-2012 videogames

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Is Snoy full of Japanese SJWs?

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>from interviews of people who are on gallups newsletter, aka people who want to be recorded and specifically sought it
>not from a true census

No, Sony if full of Californians, the company moved it's headquarters there a few years ago.

Those numbers are fake. It's obviously something like 68% or something.
Numbers mather

we need ape escape 4

It's amazing how little you know about statistics. There is no official census for lgbt people you fucking mong.

>Survey goes out
>Gay sees it and tells other gays to check if they got it too
>Gays all fill it out
>Snoy wants to pander to "72%" of their population now
Is my guess of what happened

the playstation hq is in murrika now
that's why they've gone to shit

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JP devs need jailtime bros

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Sony's gaming division is as japanese as Microsoft.

>72% of Sonyfags are literally fags
I believe it.

Oh I see, a spot of anger. Well good to see you don't view the world objectively. I always love to see that there are still people who choose to be irrational in their beliefs, really.

Why do you keep making the same thread?

>Its ok when Nintendo does it

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>having a child in your party is potentially problematic
Why is it ok for TLoU to do that then?

It was NOA user.

False equivalence.

All I want in my life is cunny.

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Repeat after me:
If it's not fun

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Nintenkiddies devs are gone now

The west nuked to hell when?

Are these faggots unironic faggots or something? And how dare he use Kaguya.

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the point of all of this is that they changed and literally switched places

If you say so...

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It wasn't ok though.
But this is even worse, they aren't censoring 1st party releases.

When will weeb incels accept that they're an insignificant minority?
No one gives a shit about garbage that barely sells 10k.

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gays should die in a fire
also sony

Its full of ironic weebs

I hate that the left has made 'trans rights' a thing that you can't even debate. If you don't agree then you are a monster.

such as typical kaguya fans


Good guy Nintendo cracking down on the disgusting degenerates while still recognizing the need for cigarettes and big anime titties. What a ridiculously based company, holy shit. Anyone still defending snoy at this point is a literal faggot.

But no one said it was okay, you clearly weren't here on Yea Forums during the WiiU years where no one was defending it, NoA was getting shit on a daily basis here on Yea Forums for their insistence on "fixing" games while localizing them.
But now that Sony is doing it, you have non stop defense of censorship, so it's clear who is pro censorship.

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Do these people even play video games?

why is Nintendo on the right side of history for once?

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>optional costume
>pantyhose make my dick diamonds anyway

Only thing you need to know about statistics is that they’re basically bullshit

Despite being 13% of the gamer population...

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Because NintenDO what PlaystatDON'T

So that's why WHIRRR guy used his ass, makes sense.

All I see is that Sony is taking the same stance than Ninendo and even going further. That hardly makes Nintendo "the good guy", just the lesser evil

There will be no breaking point. Games and society in general will just become worse and worse. Eventually liberals will get their hands on Japan, and all their media will be sanitized too. The Jews won, and there is nothing anyone can do to change that.

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Please. Nintendo fanboys defended censorship day in and day out from 2013 until it stopped in 2016.

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I guess you weren't around for the backlash

I'm assuming you they're talking about FFX where the camera was obsessed with everyone's ass?

Nintendo confirmed for best
Sony fags on suicidewatch

americans(?) are weird. they get triggered about everything. and somehow silly video games are really important. "oh no there is something or there isn't something in my video game". i don't get it. just don't play the game if you don't like it? be angry about food being shit or something that you actually need to live. makes more sense.

I wasnt. But it seems you lot already forgot about it.

Stop arguing this. You’re not only saying all videogames should not have people under 18 but you’re actually argumenting against one of the best female character we’ve ever seen in videogames. I don’t even know what you’re saying to me here. Ellie needed to be 14 to tell that story, end of story.

She’s not even sexualized at all, i honestly don’t know what your beef is here!

Blame CERO.

you clearly werent here then
all the nintendo fanboys were defending it along with their other stupid shit like region locking
>nintendo should be the one deciding what games i play!
>if you have a problem with region locking you're a weeaboo pedo!


I'm bisexual but I wholeheartedly refuse to align myself with the LGBT movement. Fuck them. Just be gay without being annoying about it. It's not hard.

the worst of this shit , sony america and america as a whole wants to normalize THIS LVL OF DEGENERACY , i grow up with your movies , games and music america but sincerely if your sphere of influence is normalizing that type degeneracy worldwide i wish a russian invasion on your soil or at least you get wiped and nuked (at least half of your states that promote this shit )

You posted great examples of the censorship that wasn't defended, and was actually the reason why NoA was getting shit regularly, but you haven't posted examples of people defending them or NoA.
Good post

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>Snoy moves to Cali the home of the Pedophile
>they go on a censoring rampage
>Nintendo stop giving a fuck
>start having games like Senran completley uncensored
Weird times we're living in.

>tfw mained him up until Blizzard said he was gay
Nothing is fucking sacred.

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You clearly have because Nintendo restricted their entire localization process after that.
Find another straw to grasp to.

I don't know who (You) are referring to, but I only own PC and Nintendo consoles, and I have boycotted every one of those games in your image except BD, but only because I got it before I knew it censored.

This is what happens when you see videogames as an art

Did you really stopped playing as him just because he's gay? What a faggot.

>fat neckbeard
>sjw tranny
>feminine manchild
Who is laughing now?

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What the fuck are you talking about, all those examples in that picture you posted had non stop threads on Yea Forums complaining about those changes, what do you think caused nintendo to start changing their ways? Because people kept bringing up and voicing discontent.
Nintendo fans let Nintendo know they were not okay with what they were doing and Nintendo went a good ways to trying to respond to criticism.
The difference is that now that Sony is a California company and has gone full faggot there is no way they are ever going any other way, the majority of Sony fans could voice discontent and they will only double down harder.

No it's just that Japanese employees no longer have any bearing on how the company is run globally.

Nintendo’s censorship was always about protecting their child-friendly image. Sony’s is entirely about the idea that even liking women’s bodies is wrong.

Ok, its time to clear up some serious misconceptions about trans people.

I'm trans (transitioned in 2012) and I've been an oldfag dating to 2007. Believe it or not, I know at least 10 other people in the exact same position as me, people I met through Yea Forums that helped me with my transition, and I did likewise. Matter of fact, I'd say lurking for a while here actually predisposes you to being trans, at least I think so. We didn't really discuss it too often though because, duh, its a video games board, so we just sort of casually went along with the bashing here and there, just to keep a lower profile on Yea Forums in general.

But ever since redditors brought over the discord tranny meme its been fucking hectic, now literally every thread devolved to this shit, just for the living fuck of it. I get they can be funny sometimes but- Why? Why do you hate us so fucking much that you'll start thread after tread just to bash trans people in video games? I get that we tend to hold left wing views but gamergate was years ago, why bare we still holding onto the /pol/tard Yea Forums ideal? Try talking to a trans person for the first time, really, and you'll see right off how we're literally just regular fucking people, we can hold a conversation, we're funny, and we love video games, that why we come here. I can't think of a single other minority that endures the nonstop barrage of hate that we do here and it sucks, it really does, but i keep coming back because I love you guys, I love the creative output of Yea Forums, and I want it to get better later on. Just something to consider.

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Check out the posts people who use the image reply to user. You might be surprised:


Are you terrified you'll become gay too?



Make controversial stages, they get taken down, this isn't rocket surgery.

you're an idiot, what do you think kids play Fortnite and Minecraft on anyways?

Sorry, I'm not white enough to tolerate faggots.

>Self-elected survey
Literal garbage not worth the HDD space it's saved on. "Tell us how gay you are", of course only gays will click the link.

It's just ain't right. Totally forced

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You are an abomination user, I hope you know that

>apparently a big chunk of the localization teams were fired

This. Yea Forums used to shit on Nintendo every fucking day. You're a newfag if you don't remember this.

>da joos censoring anime ruined video games
>doesn't also blame gacha gaymers and streamfags
It's hard to save video games if nobody even plays them

This is the closest thing to a post defending censorship here, and it's only referring to people that defend it. All of posts here are clearly "anti censorship"

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I liked BotW

No, because nobody gives a fuck about video games.

the other 28% are still in the closet.

>Something has to give soon...
yeah the games that sell 10k copies each are going to have to adjust or die.

How did Nintendo become so based?

>"women and minorities exist"
>somehow this is political
>"all characters in all media should only be white males unless there is a definitive reason to change them from this default"
>somehow this isn't political

white males are literally retarded

Sorry that your crippling mental problems prevent you from playing a fictional nonexistent character whose sexual orientation affects nothing in or out of a game.


Again, I'm not white enough to tolerate faggots.

Realistically, most beta losers/ trannys are Nintendo fans. Theres too much evidence suggesting it right before our eyes, like the speedurnners.

This is just an outlash of Nintendo fanboys pretending they arent trannys.

There are people who hate seeing anything other than white men in media.

Nintendo censoring things during the Wii U era was more about them keeping their family friendly image then to make a statement and even then they've stopped being overly protective about their image. if Xenoblade X were re-released today I can assure you it'd be called the directors cut edition.

Again, sorry about your crippling mental problems. What does your skin color matter at all?

>le 72%

lol nigger


I've come to realize that long-term the culture & value system of Yea Forums has socialized a lot of already vulnerable people into identifying with a victimized fundamentalist ideology. Years of the culture of this place promoting "society has changed and we need to regress to the good old days to fix it" in concert with "society hates you and you are under attack" have had a clear effect on the long term mentality of a lot of us here. These issues were already politicized but I think it's the structure of believing sincerely in a fundamentalist ideology based off of videogames that has aligned so many of these people with right wing movements. Not to mention a lot of us obviously have adolescent trauma regarding the opposite sex and some people act out by fully giving in to misogynistic resentment. This creates a base of issues that reinforce a dichotomy where people believe that the right wing/left wing paradigm is the battle that will decide the fate of their culture group. At the end of the day there are just a lot of people who don't have the mental strength to avoid becoming fully radicalized under these conditions.

I have browsed this basket weaving forum for almost a decade now. It was an incredibly formative part of my life, so I can imagine how it was for others. It was very hard to see the people that I identified with as my brothers feed their hate beyond control and turn into soldiers in a perverse ideological war that is about way more than videogames. Those of you who identify as literal neo-nazis, I think the historical record will make the tragedy of all this clear. I sincerely want a better life for you. Hopefully society will find a way to help you and soothe the anxiety and pain that has caused you to fixate on hatred.
I love you Yea Forums.

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Or just change platform. Sony is the only problem.

Everything is getting censored because the Olympics is in Japan in 2020. Say good bye to your lolis.

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Right side of history despite producing shit games and an awful console?

Please don't try to lump non-whites in with your delusional faggotry, thank you.
And just so we're clear, most trannies are white men (no, putting on a dress and a wig does not make you a women) and as such need to fuck off and die.
Because only white people feel the need to shill for faggots and trannies.

Look harder.

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Kinda. Early Nintendo of Ameria was very strict (NES/SNES days) where they would force companies to censor any religious imagery as well as blood and stuff. They started loosening up with 3rd parties after the whole Mortal Kombat thing where the Genesis version sold better with its less censored version (blood wasn't enabled by default and needed a code to unlock). After that, my experience is that NoA stopped with the strict licensing guidelines and SNES MK2 was on par with the Genesis version and it remained like that with 3rd parties ever sense. NoA did have a very big thing with self censoring anything they published though with Xenoblade being a big example but 3rd parties were left alone assuming the game wasn't rated AO (none of the console makers allow AO games).

Most Nintendo fans are trannies or social outcasts, yes.

>I'm trans (transitioned in 2012) and I've been an oldfag dating to 2007. Believe it or not, I know at least 10 other people in the exact same position as me, people I met through Yea Forums that helped me with my transition
Every oldfag knows that Yea Forums is 100% responsible for the present day tranny boom. Dickgirls was another Yea Forums meme that got out of hand. As we used to say: "epic fail".

Well put, user. I love you too.

>be me in 2016
>hum guys japan and anime are next since normalfags and ironic weebs are trying to make otaku culture more normalized etc.....
>Yea Forums in 2016

>Why? Why do you hate us so fucking much that you'll start thread after tread just to bash trans people in video games?
Because you're annoying.
That's literally it.
Stop being annoying and I'll stop hating you.
Tell your faggot friends to stop being annoying and I'll stop hating them.
Until then, I hate you, and I want you gone.

Huh then why are all relevent games on the PS4 and still doing incredibly well? No one cares about the pedo garbage RPGs.

Pictured: Hardcore porn according to Sony

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>Optional costume added to main game
>Had to use that costume in Smash to get a CERO A rating
Try harder retard

>I'd say lurking for a while here actually predisposes you to being trans

This but completely unironically

tehy dont vidya

Because you literally believe something the laws of physics do not allow, and if you don't commit suicide you will inevitably start committing homicide just to strike back at reality.

Killing you is a matter of survival, for us and our children.

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I agree with these things.

I mean, you can make art that isn't political.

All that needs to be nuked is the entire state of California and New York City. The west will be saved once that happens

When it comes to %, read the line carefully. They word it in such a way to throw people off. In this case, of the X amount of PS4 players that had identify as LGBT has, 72% had responded positively to the flag. They had never specified how many PS4 owners are actually LGBT.

>Being proud of having a mental disability.

All faggots must die. Also people who like lolis.

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>They had never specified how many PS4 owners are actually LGBT.

Tiananmen Square Massacre

Nintendo did keep up with their religious censorship for a long time, The Binding of Isaac was rejected by Nintendo back in 2012 because of its religious content.

We can only hope some brave souls are up to the task.

>I'm trans
I didn't even bother to read the rest of your post I literally don't give a shit and you should stop forcing people to accepting your mental illness.

Now fuck off.

Nintendo is BASED and /ourguys/
Sony is soi and cringe and oof and trannypilled, not good at all

Someone post that webm.

Their phones.


how long until pic related?

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That's not what it says at all user. Don't skip your reading comprehension classes

Sounds like you're really emotionally invested in who other people are into.

This only applies to whites.
All Yea Forums did was give me a huge loli/incest/femdom/reverse rape /ss/ fetish.
I've been coming here on and off since 2007, and I can say with 100% sincerity that trannies are genuinely worse than furries ever were, and I have an immense hatred for furries.
The world will honestly be better off with them gone, I know it in my heart to be true.

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Fag pride is an American imperialist export. If you support gay "pride" events, you are also supporting American rule over the world.

Only if they feel the need to make it known.
Keep it to yourself and I don't give a fuck since you're a non-entity.
Annoy me with it and I'll hate you.
Very simple to understand, no?

Bisexuality doesn't actually exist. There's only gay men in denial and straight women with daddy problems.


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So, let me be fucking real for once.
There is a very small minority of people who believe that we can biologically change sex but I assure you, it's a very small percentage of the trans community and you should stop using a strawman argument, we just want to live as stealth as possible in an envirement that doesn't understand us and when it tries to help it makes us look like joke.
Just let us play videogames jesus christ there isn't any tranny conspiracy trying to censor your game.

Nintendo has said multiple times they dont want video games to be political or have an agenda. Based Nintendo for not caving to the tranny pressure.

American here, we hate this just as much as you. It's California doing all of this.

Even when gone, he’s still the man


Seems like you're incredibly thin-skinned, have a very short temper, and demand everyone in the world conform to your demands.

Nintendo was shit on for literally all these instances of censorship. No one on Yea Forums defended this.

Nah, I'm not a tranny who cries and falls apart when someone doesn't call him a girl.

who the fuck cares, give me a source on the bottom picture

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>There is a very small minority of people who believe that we can biologically change sex but I assure you, it's a very small percentage of the trans community
This is some really fucking weak damage control.
Who the fuck do you think you're fooling, boy?


I've seen straight people do that over far less.

There's nothing to discuss, there are neurological evidences.

>Doesn't even deny it
seems like your thin skinned argument was stretched far too thin to support itself.

Wrong actually. The entire madness of "LGTBXYZ" comes from queers all over America. New York City was the birth place of modern fag pride. I have no problems with the concept of being a homosexual, in fact there are a fair number who are that are also patriots to their peoples and members of the far right. What I and sane and civilized people despise, hate and fear are those in the "gay community" who feel the need to put their sexual orientation over everything and everyone else. The extraordinary selfishness of gay pride marches is proof of this.

Who would have thought doing an unnatural surgery that has the patient keep a wound from healing would result in issues? this world is is completely fucked.

>72% of PS4 players are LGBTBBQ1234

Attached: is this guy insaiyan.png (848x480, 457K)

That's nice.
Just know that once white people are gone you won't have to see anything like that ever again.

im not america (argie) but you ask why do you hate us so much? you are an abomination and thw worst why i hate you so much your country wants to normalize that "transition" as common you fag if you were living here you would be bullied 24/7 andthats the least just 3 months ago some "mad" mob lynched and burned one of your "beigns" , TLDR for you live as a man or off yourself human abomination , the rest of the world dont want things like you beign seen as the normal

You're the new furrfags. But this time you're being backed by invasive twitter cunts.

Deny what? I'm not trans, I'm discussing something with you, and you're flailing around about how much everything personaly infuriates you.

They care enough to try and gut it.

>playing AAA games at all

What do white people have to do with this?

>I'm not trans

Attached: 1552257540976.jpg (1280x720, 50K)

I like the black pantyhose better though.

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Their the only supporters of faggots and trannies.
Everywhere else ranges from ashamed indifference to outright genocidal hatred.

Regarding Smash, why is Lyn allowed full thigh and leg, but Mythra not?

Hurr durr all of the left wingers are anti vaccines because sme left wingers are anti vaccines

See how well your argument works?

mental illness

And there it is, the standard "If you disagree with me then you are my enemy!" retardation Yea Forumsirgins always default to in order to end the discussion and shitpost.

What the fuck are you snorting? No one is bitching about women ITT.

>Their the only supporters of faggots and trannies.
Aside from being wrong, you used "their" instead of "they're".

Except when anti-vaccers come out and start spouting stupid shit, people who are on the left and don't buy into that stupid shit come out of the woodwork to tell them to shut the fuck up and fuck off.
Where are the "silent majority" of trannies telling this "vocal minority" to shut up and fuck off?
Spoiler warning: They don't fucking exist, stop trying to do damage control.

Overall you fat pos

Yes, 5% of all adults. 74% of PS4 owners are gay. That's a fact.

God you must have a sad life if you're taking some anonymous dude's posts seriously and seething on a peruvian gymnastics forum

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>Aside from being wrong
Oh cool, show me a majority non-white country where trannies and faggots aren't either consistent victims of genuine hate-crimes and related attacks or considered shameful individuals.
Even in Japan they're shoved under the rug and ignored because they're ashamed of such abominations.

NYC fag here, fuck off just nuke California . They ruined sony.
Plus NYC has Nintendoworld

flags are political. no matter how you slice it.


Thread theme

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Regular people don't chop their penises off

>Switch is doing so badly that Nincels last resort are LGBT politics in some games and censorship in visual novels
This is pathetic.

Califag here nuke new york california and texas

>dude I was just pretending to be retarded, here's another meme picture for you xD!

What game is that on the bottom

>Switch is doing so badly
Got a reliable source on that?

So Sony now is not just censoring shit but also appealing to gay people in games that everyone plays?
Welp, guess this is it then. First was Nintendo, but I guess Sony eventually had to follow.
I'm glad that I'm PC only now, fuck this console shit.

>All faggots must die.
>Also people who like lolis.
>t. hag

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>>dude I was just pretending to be retarded
Nice reading comprehension, retard

You will never be a real woman, and your discords actively try to recruit healthy children.

We refuse to play along with your delusion, because we don't want more kids cutting their dick off.

You're a victim alright, but not of us. The massive spike in bearded ladies is not due to feeling more accepted, it's due to peer pressure and chemical abuse.

the O button

how can u "add" something that is there IRL?

It’s called fake news.

>gay people make me uncomfortable so its politics
>now im going to go play another politics free jrpg where we commit ecoterrorism and take down the corpocracy

>is wrong
of course ...

Fuck faggots
Fuck trannies
And FUCK white people
Yea Forums is a non-white board now niggers, and we don't tolerate that gay shit.
Lolis however are based and cunnypilled.

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>I'm trans
That's why you egotistic fuck. I don't give a shit what you are. Shut the fuck up and talk about video games.

>Gee I suppose Jews are okay, I mean what's the worst that could happen to our homogeneous ethnic superstate where you can pay off your home in 4 years and support your family of 10 with just dad working

Thailand and maybe Brazil but hues elected the Bolsonaro guy as their president so no.

Both wrong, Thailand trannies and faggots are the epitome of "shameful individuals" and BRs kill trannies and fags all the time.
Try again.


I've been here since 2007 like you and I'm still into vanilla and regular porn.

I get that people around here want to be the little girl for fantasy sake and memes but you spent money and time to transition for what? What does that accomplish?
How did you even meet these other 10 people,



Attached: trans_kids_exist.jpg (539x63, 12K)

Most trans people just swap because of depression.
They feel they don't fit in as they are and going trans put you in the spotlight. Tells everyone your different and not just another boring person. And for a while you feel good and okay about yourself but eventually you'll realize as most do that it did nothing for your personality or general habits. You still stay inside all day, you still maintain little hygiene, you're still seen as disgusting by most people. They just can't say it to your face anymore without seeming like a bigot now.
It solved nothing in your life. Yea Forums definitely does add to depression cause everyone here is in a similar situation for the most part and it just adds fuel to the fire. The second in the limelight for going trans isn't worth it. If you really want to solve your problem causing permanent damage to your body isn't the right course of action. Go outside, interact with people that have actual faces and names, get something to work towards that aren't video games, make something of yourself that isn't just hip or whatever at the time.

You people are the new furfags but worse because unlike selling the fursuit and growing out of it you've committed to being insufferable for the rest of your short pathetic lives

The problem is deep rooted in the culture. Walking through Akihabara and seeing School Girl cafes when I was there was jarring as fuck. It's not something that's going away any time soon. I'm fine with censorship as long as it doesn't mess with the story of the game or if it's something I'm particularly passionate about (trans issues). However, I feel that it won't help the actual issue in the long run, it's just a band-aid or better yet, sunglasses to shield the west from a way bigger problem in the Japan.

>Not old enough to decide your own bedtime
>Old enough to decide irreversibly ruin you body whether chemically or surgically
Jew lawmakers & Jew media is the only reason this is happening

No, shitty white parenting is why it's happening.

>I'm fine with censorship
stopped reading there, kill yourself

>72% of players who IDENTIFY AS LGBT
user the reason is because only the gays took the survey
would you take an LGBT survey posted on Sony's twitter? no, I imagine you'd ignore it while a faggot would go "OOMG SONY IM GAY"

Shut up, nigger.

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The left has made "Trans rights" so much a meme to the point where you can't take it seriously anymore anyway. It's like them, themselves, think it's a joke.

If it was shitty parenting then you'd see this happening in places like Japan or Eastern Europe
Guess what, it's happening in rampant proportions in places where Jewish media is rampant

>Nintendo is actually siding against the progressives
What's their endgame? Is it them being typically contrarian like usual hoping it pays off?

Is there a way to report those eye sore trans statges?

Are you people copy pasting from resetera posts?
That one is funny.



What are you retards even doing in Japan if you hate everything about it so much? You go to fucking Akiba and get assmad at maid cafe?

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Nintendo is a family company therefore they don't wanna promote mental illnesses as being normal

Eat a dick wh*toid, shotas are made for sexy onee-sans to roughly molest, not disgusting man dicks.

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it's HIV

Absolutely based

How come Nintendo didn't do shit against all those Splatoon 2 posts about transrights or whatever?

Official theme music of the Sony Playstation 5

ayyy lmao

Jesus christ that was just a hunch I wasn't expecting it to be actual copy pasting

So San Francisco is officially DESIGNATED?

>literally always a white guy

If you read this and still think TLOU devs are better than Nintendo, you’re fucking blind or you support censorship.

Being trans is neurological, not an aquired behavior.
You're trans from birth so of course there are trans kids, stating this fact doesn't mean you want them to transition, it's a simple fact

Actually, I like the censorship mostly because it encourages more artists/models to go out there and make lewds even if a few of them hide behind a paywall.

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I don't think any user here has the talent to shitpost that well.

Censoring because of ewww cis males and censoring because of the ratings system are different. Localization censorship takes it upon themselves.

Because this is a shitpost, only 1 trans stage got removed and the creator went and made another one with no problem, you can find a shitton of these by search.

What are you retards even doing on Resetera if you hate everything about it so much? You go to fucking tranny mod hell and get assmad at a SJW?
Thanks for sharing it with Yea Forums!

I wonder what would be the results if Nintendo made the same poll, since they are enough proofs that most Nintendo fans are LGBT.

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it's shitty american parenting, but it's still shitty parenting. thats why shit like school shootings happen vastly more often in america too
>kid being pullied
>parents just give him a computer instead of attempting to help
>also own a gun within reach of the child
it's the opposite extreme for trans
>oh my son likes playing with *vaguely feminine object*?

Only white people are so stupid that they think all neurological behaviors or disorders exist from birth and can't be a result of environmental factors.


No one defended this shit on Yea Forums unless they were falseflagging. No one whatsoever.

Daily reminder that being a part of any collectivist group including political parties or LGBT Groups will only lead you down a rabbit hole of having to bend over backwards and cover for every mistake your groups make.
Just be an individual, be pragmatic, have nuance.
Have a wonderful day.

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>in response to a few jerks
"journalism" ladies and gentlemen


>SNOY appealing to SJWs
>Nintendo giving us top tier senran kagura feet / foot action and fanservice games
Sounds like we're in clown world
Honestly fuck snoy, their trash movie games and their rabid defenders/apologists/shills
Fuck sony, they've been fucking dead to me since the abysmal ps3 which HAD NO GAEMS

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We go there for the same reason they go here. Entertainment.

Be glad for nintendo removing Treehouse
the treehouse !
Also any new for the NoA boss?

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>Only white people believe science
Thanks for sharing your ted talk

There are disorders that aren't spawned from birth, this is not one of them, do you undestand now generic non-caucasian user?

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Are we serious just going to not give a source for whatever inevitably disappointing bullshit that elf image is?
Is it pic related? It doesn't look like the same style and I can;t find a lot of fan art that comes close. I NEED my puffy nipped elf whores, user. Give it to me NOW.

Attached: yuno-game-art-070518.png (813x783, 1.46M)

sauce me right fucking now

I always knew whites were the biggest faggots.
Cannot say I'm surprised at all.

these faggots need to stay out of children's games
how can people not see they are just a bunch of faggot perverts? why do you think they are pushing this 'trans kids' garbage

Based Protoman

Attached: yugi.png (320x240, 173K)

So glad I'm a Nintenchad.

Sony really dropping the ball. PS5 will be the first Playstation I won't be buying. I'm done with them.

more like Be your Whore Self, because isn't it that 75% of sex between gay men is strangers?

>72% of snoy ps4 westtard cuck nu-male owners are fags

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>There are disorders that aren't spawned from birth, this is not one of them
But it is.
Much like all forms of faggotry.
Thankfully your anti-science bullshit will die with your worthless race.

This is like 35% of Cali population no lie

All you had to do was have big tits and a thicc dicc.
Think about that trannyfags. Nobody wants to fuck a bleeding mangina hole, we want you to FUCK US with your GIANT COCKS.

If it’s not fun...

>goto retardera
>see this


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Is pedo the new cuck for redditors? You faggots use it to describe everything.


Clearly a tranny now.

you just get here? People shat on Nintendo. Now Sony is taking the spotlight so people are shitting on them

You mean Blues?

Attached: slaanesh.jpg (946x720, 165K)

I'm going to be the change I want to see in the world. Now help find the shit at the bottom of the OP.


>Just be an individual, be pragmatic, have nuance.
Based. I'd go as far to say that being cynical about everything in life makes you less susceptible to fall for other people's lies and bullshit. It's all about the money, always was, is and will be.

How can any Sony fan still say they are okay with what Sony has been pulling lately?
Seriously. I want to know.

How can any of you goldenface posting morons find it in you to defend Sony at this point?
Even you would have some point at which you give up on a company doing all this shit, no?

school shootings happen in US because kids are stupid and they've got more access to guns in US. You shouldn't relate school shootings to why you got trannies, they're not interlinked
But yeah, in the 50s or even 60s before Jews had monopoly on media you had none of these problems, but basically everything that's gone to shit in US can be traced to Jews
>Immigration act of -65
>Media normalizing Homo/tranny/w/e degenerate shit you can think of and pushing it as nice and normal, see pride
>Value of workforce being absolutely demolished due to importing 3x more workforce than you actually need
>Bring me your sick and poor t. Jew named Israel
>Einstein saying nationalist are stupid, but is Zionist btw (That's nationalist for Jewish state btw)
>Jew *journalists* lobbying for open borders but at the same time you have to take DNA test for Israel citizenship, open borders for thee, ethnostate for mee
Shitty parenting as global thing but only places with Jews in power you see these problems, even in Finland, where we have less than 2000 Jews you see Jew behind the most degenerate and insane shit, like with open borders and multiculturalism. You don't even need to do much research, just google who owns the media and ask yourself why all of the media shills for open borders for you but not for their own country

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>goto retardera

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Good for you, nigger.

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I swear to god that fucking picture makes my blood boil



The most intelligent post in this thread. This goes for both "sides" too.

Kemuri Haku

Attached: You Must LEARN.jpg (660x2788, 740K)

There's nothing wrong with being a pedophile, it's merely a sexual attraction. Now if you're acting on your desire, then it's wrong because we live in a society.

The fuck you mean? People were angry that Bravely second removed costumes. Upping the age is fine, but removing costumes are gay

Thanks protoman I'll do my best

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Stop making “I’m trans” their whole personality. I don’t start posts with “I like writing erotic fanfiction,” I generally keep that shit to myself.

the more you bitch and forbid about it, the more people are going to do it.
just like how people shat on feminism and women issues in games

Why everytime i see cute anime girl in twitter profile it turns out to be fucking tranny faggot?

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>my meme philosopher gets owned by a marxist charlatan on stage and in front of millions online once

haha what the hell, is this pasta? Didn't see that one yet

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Honestly, these pride webms didn't make me angry at all until they started censoring games. How can they support one form of sexual liberation while stifling another?

Why can't we all be free to pursue our own interests in a safe and harmless fashion?

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You'd be surprised how many idiots exist. Just look how many people actively follow/support politics.
>Supporting people that would fuck you over if they had the chance
Shit, those rats would swindle their own mother if they could


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Are you retarded?
Do you think people who ask for sauce for shit that's easily-found on sadpanda are going to know the sauce for the shit on the bottom?
You newfag-enablers are fucking insane.

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>I’m a trans oldfag and there are MANY of my ilk, believe me!
Not fooling anybody

Where there's a demand, there's money.

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Yes, they are. You make them so. If you wave that flag it’s required you hate the president. Find me one tranny who openly supports him.

Degeneracy is degeneracy. Naked women have no business in video games anymore than fagshit does.

>Find me one tranny who openly supports him

Bruce Jenner?

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stop posting my idol u mentally ill tranny.

Where's the reset button?

I wish normal people would reappropriate anime for once and every anime girl wouldn't be representative of a fucking tranny fag or a sperg nazi

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Kill yourself. You are an actual stereotype with zero self awareness


>why are black neighborhoods such shitholes?
>slavery, didn't have full civil rights until 100 years after the civil war, CIA pushing cocaine

>why do whites cut their kids dicks off?
>the jew on TV told me to

No they don’t unless you encourage that shit and they’ll only know if someone drills it into them.

Not him but he basically explains what he's observed on the mentality of everyone here and how we've fallen for the right wing vs. left wing meme to no fault of our own and wishes we can eventually grow out of this.

>Find me one tranny who openly supports him.

Blaire White

Attached: blaire-white-transgender-trump-supporter-1515617526.png (720x517, 219K)

Sony has managed to make me go from supporting their products to outright hating them in the course of just like 1 year

It's impressive, really.

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We have found it, the unironic discord tranny.
Also no, you are not regular fucking people, you are fucking scum of the earth and ruin every gaming community you go to with your bitchy cunty pettiness, combining the worst elements of the male and female gender into an abomination, leeching off the goodness of your betters. Die

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Modern leftism, absent of it's class struggle narrative of the 30s-50s, is just obsessive liberal neo-puritanism

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Reset pasta.


Real talk for a moment, the trans """"community"""" is fucking dreadful.
Off of Yea Forums, I'm a semi-successful hentai artist. I wont say who I am since I don't want to out myself, but the style of art I draw attracts a lot of trannies. And I mean a LOT of trannies. I'd say somewhere between 25-50% of my followers are trannies.
Almost all of these fuckers who I've interacted with are genuinely mentally ill. They all have something exceptionally weird about them, but they're all attention whoring weirdos. I've only ever met TWO trans people who have been okay.
A guy who doesn't even realize I know that he's trans (but is one of the rare people who pass very well), and a guy who is no longer publicly trans.

That last part is really fucking important. The person I know who no longer identifies as a woman and has gone back to identifying as a man told me just how fucking awful the trans community is.

First of all, self mutilation. This is literal fucking insanity. How the fuck it got so bad we do not know. The reason he never got bottom surgery is because it's basically just a festering axe wound. It will never function, it will never be the real thing, he'd rather have a functioning dick than a wound any day.

Secondly, trannies are fucking rapists. Every single trans meetup he went to always ended in massive orgies. If you're trans, and you go to one of these meetups, within 2 minutes the average tranny will be actively trying to have sex with you. Whether that be verbally hitting on you, or groping you. They'll pressure you to have sex or join their degenerate gangbangs. STI rates are high among trans communities because of just how how much they like to fuck.

Thirdly, a vast fucking majority of trannies have NEVER felt genuine body dypshoria, and wear this like some kind of a flag of pride. They are nothing more than sexual degenerates who have failed as men and are now living out their bizarre sex fantasies.

Fuck trannies.

Reminder that the books Hitler burned where those promoting LGBT lifestyles and Transexual surgeries which led to the weimar republic originally

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Were you not here for FE/TMS censorship posts newfag?

No one defended that shit. Go 40% yourself

>One of the best female characters we've ever seen in videogames
There are at least 200 female vidya characters better than her, with 198 of them being Japanese.

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i prefer this. you can imagine her not wearing panties because they're covered up.

When I was in Uni we had the choice of where to go when studying abroad. Why do they keep going to Japan then bitch about it?

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I wish we could bring the class struggle narrative back, but I'm pretty sure the identity politics is there to keep us from paying attention to such things. They're all tools of the wealth now, as far as I'm concerned.

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Someday I'm gonna really want a source on something. Maybe some other newfag enabler will give me a hand too. There's nothing wrong with teaming up to find a sauce. Why don't you give me a hand?

This is the only post in the thread worth reading

>why are black neighborhoods such shitholes?
Are there any good black neighborhoods in the entire world?
>slavery, didn't have full civil rights until 100 years after the civil war, CIA pushing cocaine
But this isn't isolated problem in US, it's happening everywhere, even in Finland with very few black people
>why do whites cut their kids dicks off?
>the jew on TV told me to
Google social engineering

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