What video games do girls you know in real life play?

What video games do girls you know in real life play?

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Night in the Woods


>girls we know in real life

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switch games

Hide the salami and the salami is my dick that they hide inside their vagina

Animal Crossing

Fortnite, dota and hearthstone.

FFXIV, LoL, The Sims.

Ex gf was a Morrowind maniac. Running a billion mods and shit.


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chads cock

Why are her gaming videos so comfy bros?


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I don't know because I never ask. Why mix girls and games? That's like mixing gasoline and ice cream.

Stardew Valley

Dragon age inquisition, dead by daylight and League

Leave rose alone stupid nigger

found the incel

Skyrim and sims3, I am not even joking

what do you think rose is up to these days

My babysitter when I was young is the reason I'm into Touhou and other Jap games now.

Fucking a dude

dude, it's a girl. And she's 33 now and still cute. She played a Scottish milf in her latest video.

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How has she not aged? Isn't she like 30?

One of my College friends often plays Minecraft with me, her boyfriend, and her flatmates.
She's pretty shit at it though.

Overwatch, Seven Days to Die, Stardew Valley, and FFXIV. That's it.

Isn't she like 40 now? What's so special about her?

A free minecraft ripoff phone game, she spends her time in creative making cube houses and putting animals in square pens because woman

Why the fuck were people so obsessed with her? Used to see this crap when it started on /g/ and apparently there are communities where everyone just hangs out talking about how great she is.

She's 33.

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Please come back mommy rose.

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Imagine obsessing over a roastie for a decade
Holy fuck these people are pathetic

Holy shit. She doesn't look post-wall AT ALL.
How come some women look like used-up old fucktrash at 23 years old but some can reach 33 without any issue?

>apparently there are communities where everyone just hangs out talking about how great she is.
there are but in a vastly diminshed forms made up with newfag foreigners who found out about her after the KnowYourMeme page was made, and when she was featured in a Pewdiepie reaction vid.
but man you should have seen the communities around 2012. full of narcissists who hoarded OC about her and refused to share anything. what a time.

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Zelda, Persona 3-5, Assassins Creed, Fallout, and any casual Nintendo stuff like Kart or Smash.

The last _gf_ I was involved with loved mainline SMT and played Taiko for hours after I put cfw and games on her 3DS

I would later figure out that she's a terrible person and is only just figuring that out for herself

What's next for her career?

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I knew a stacey in high school that loved stronghold crusader and played it every day for months. Other girls i knew all played sims , fable 2 or any game with pretty colors or where you can change clothes and hair.

Animal Crossing and Skyrim.

Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5.

Is she even happy? She is like the male version of am ironic depressed user.

Those type of communities still exist, that type of autism never endes but the girla changed.

Isn't this the schizophrenic chick that makes videos on YouTube?
Is she alive? From what I've remember she did not make a video in a long time.

This. I turned my gf on to Pocket Camp to get her off the Facebook games and now she has 2 3DS's and plays New Leaf in every moment of her free time .

>Is she even happy? She is like the male version of am ironic depressed user.
she might be, she might not be. we don't know.
though she does live in London so who knows.

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I remember wasting days going through public pictures trying to find her, then posting cropped edits to tease people on a certain board. Those where some good times.
Glad she is doing well. I blew many loads to her and no regrets.

So this is like e-celeb worship but they aren't even online?

Oh, well. Must've made a mistake.
Also, thanks for the 2 (You)s :)

>how come some women used up fucktrash
You answered your own question

Yeah but having sex doesn't literally make you older and push you towards the wall at an accelerated rate
... does it?

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My friend's girlfriend plays Super Mario Bros. U and Mario Kart with us. We also introduced her to Smash and Mario Party.

My sister likes Monster Hunter and my other sister plays Pac Man a lot.

Females dont play vidya, they only pretend to play for upvotes or sneak into the industry to destroy it from within

Overwatch and Dragon Age Inquisition are super popular with college-aged girls

>public pictures trying to find her
you mean the QMUL and her friends public photos on FB?
>Those where some good times.
indeed. I found these recent family photos myself and posted them on infinitechan since the routine /r9k/ threads are dead and the fan subreddits are cancer.
>I blew many loads to her and no regrets.
huh, I've always had an infatuation with her since 2012 but never had the urge to fap to her. Don't know why.

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where did you spot rose

This one.

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Monster Hunter

girls irl do not play video games

Do transexuals count

KH(a classmate)
4th gen Pokemon(a classmate)
3th gen Pokemon(My cousin)
Tomb Raider (My cousin)
GTA V(My Cousin)
RE5/6/7(My Cousin)
AC (An ex gf of a friend)
SNES's Pang (My mother beated it)
Nintendogs(allmost every girl I know)
LoL(More than a few of them)

why are black guys more attractive? I unironically fap to interracial

Dragon Age, Skyrim, other RPGs that don't involve any skill or actual gameplay.

One girl who plays Street Fighter but mainly just because her boyfriend plays it.


Because you're an ugly NEET

You have self esteem problems.

brooke is better

That is actually fuckin awesome sauce...
This, Stardew valley, and a bunch of other indie shit. Been trying to get her to play the new yoshi game with me

You guys are projecting, I have no problem getting laid but sometimes it's better to watch a black guy go ape on my girlfriend.

