Name one thing more pathetic than breaking shit because you got angry at a video game

Name one thing more pathetic than breaking shit because you got angry at a video game.
Especially when its specifically because you suck.

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Playing video games


Do people actually get so angry that they break shit? Especially for single player games why?

physical reaction to anger can be reduced with training but if you have had faggy upbringing where your parents just bought you new controllers instead of telling you to behave yourself it's more the fault of bad parenting and the fact that you cant beat your kid anymore to teach him proper manners and hierarchy.


More pathetic than posting on a video games board while not liking video games?

Kids do, my brother broke our gameboy because he got so angry at some platformer I can't recall.
If adults actually do it they're badly adjusted and deserve to spend $60+ for their tantrums.

Yes, i only came here to laugh at you, incel.

if you've never thrown a controller you're low t

>i get angry so that means i am a warrior


u mad? :^)

Some people have bad coping skills, or willingly act out on it.
They do it because it feels good. That's pretty much to it.

>if you're not an autistic sperg, like me, then you have low testosterone

>be super gentle with controller
>some of the small wires inside connecting wire rip off
>controller useless now

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i used to smash controllers all the time when i was a child
it doesn't even really help, it maybe does for half a second until you realize you just smashed your controller
now i can control my anger and its made me a better person

When I was a kid sure.

I just grip my controller until I hear the plastic creak

i got really angry once while playing a moba and cut myself accidentally hitting my desk

but from our perspective, you're the only pathetic one here.

nothing wrong with breaking stuff you can afford.


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>Name one thing more pathetic than breaking shit because you got angry at a video game.
Team Creme.

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nah mini is definitely worse

have sex.

>used to be a raging autist when i was a teenager
>broke shit regularly
>now i'm a super careful autist who treats my shit like a newborn baby made of paper
>just straight up drop a new xbone controller and now the l bumper sounds weird when you click it

Get a waifu.

>Be super gentle with Xbox one controller after the last one's joystick breaking
>This one also breaks, it lags up and down
>Find out games with push to sprint fuck up the joystick
So, basically Xbone controllers are shit. I'll probably just buy 3rd party ones from now on.

You should.


That's actually pretty okay if you're say 12 years old when you don't know how to control your emotions, but if you do that when you're 20 you have serious issues.

>action game
>waggle sticks back and forth
>another controller busted

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>Especially for single player games
Why would multiplayer games justify more anger? Because they sure as hell don't.
You either win or you don't, spazing out is never justified.

I mean I sort of get getting upset at a multiplayer game, you have to deal with other idiots on your team. But single player is completely your fault.

Multiplayer games force you to interact with idiots. Single player games are completely your fault if you suck at it.

I've broken a controller before but it was because the controller was broken and I wanted to be sure I'd never use it again

People who are sheltered mostly do these retarded shit. Even as a kid, cussing is the most I did because I am aware of the cost of my system, games and controllers. My parents are not going to replace shit if I destroy it and my brothers will kick my ass too.
All the time, there are hundreds of videos like this showcasing it. People that don't value money, aka Twitch streamers who get money basically thrown at them for free like to do it a lot.

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Holy shit. How can these people have no sense of control or self awareness? If I ever did that growing up my mom would have smashed my skull in.