Or worse, e-celebs who then call it their new favorite game.
FEfags, Xenofags, NieRfags, and Fatefags welcome.
What's your opinion on secondaries entering a franchise you like?
who cares faggot
"They only played the games I don't like" does not make someone a secondary
Doesn't affect my view of the franchise unless the creators clearly want to cash in on them and change direction accordingly. Makes shit impossible to discuss though.
That people can enjoy what they want to enjoy and that there's really no point in gatekeeping a video game franchise of all things. Now check this 5 faggot
Depends on how much waifu posting they plague threads with.
E-celebs are always bad in every context.
Does getting into the series at FE7 make one a secondary? I enjoyed everything from there up until Awakening because of the waifu shit, as cliched of a complaint as that is. But I guess it saved the series so whatever
it depends on how they act. the other anons have covered most of the bases though. FE in particular suffers from since it became even more of a self-insert VN fest
Why the fuck would you care?
It's such a petty thing to be mad about, like holy shit just imagine how shitty do you have to be as a person to be concerned about such things.
If you played a game from the series, by definition you can't be a "secondary". Anyone who tells you otherwise is just a gatekeeping retard.
Smashfags ruined Xenoblade back when Shulk was announced, Now they can't stop spamming the same retarded questions in every Castlevania thread or spout smash memes.
FE was never good in the first place
Checked, but your post is shit and you're shit.
Neither was Smash, yet it still sells millions
I have only played Awakening and Fates Birthright, I liked them both a lot. But at this point I'm reluctant to play older FE games, because anti-waifufags are so annyoing, at this point I only feel resentment towards their games.
I don't give a shit
You are not a knight protecting a maiden from foul creatures.
You are not a shepard who maintains peace for a flock.
You are not a force who can prevent the actions of others.
You are not a hero doing what’s just.
You are not right for thinking that what you love needs protection.
The franchises I like aren't shit for dumb normalfags so that'll never happen.
based but bluepilled
Don't care as long as the devs don't sell out to appeal to them and make the series shit like Bethesda did with fallout for example
But old games have the best girls! Adore Serra!
Just play the fucking games and have decent discussion.
Just don't shit up the place.
In theory I don't care, but 100% of the time the large audience encourages the developers to casualize the series little by little until it's a sinking ship and hardly the game it once was.
Oh, so older FE games are waifushit too? Then they are hypocrites too on top of being annoying? Nice.
>Having female characters automatically makes a game waifushit
>But old games have the best girls! Adore Serra!
>This is somehow not waifushit
i dont care, aslong they dont insist on the franchise having to appeal to their personal taste
secondaries are sub human and should never be taken seriously.
>Having one autist attracted to a female character undermines the entire game
All games with females are waifushit by that logic.
By that logic, no games are waifushit either, because you can always say it's just one autist attracted to female characters and call it a day.
secondaries wouldn't be much of an issue if the industry didn't fuck up trying to get people into actually playing the games
based and elitist pilled
but what about those series where some fans actually come up with guides and instructions on how to get people explore a series?
one of the problems with secondaries is if they get a complete different view on a series as if their exposure of it came from shitty let's plays and watchmojo videos
with something like gravity rush, you have fans who beg people to buy "kat's game"
>bubblegum pink hair twintail ojou-sama healer
>not waifushit
What on earth is a secondary, and why do I get the feeling it's a term only used by neckbeards?
I really dislike fate secondaries that only play fate go. Like the meat of the series is the vns
Don't even bother arguing with the FE fanbase, by far one of the worst, most divided and easy to anger videogames fanbases. Just play the games, have fun and discuss them here and there, but make yourself a service and do never get deeper than that.
They don't "enter the franchise". They enter online discussions, sometimes polluting them, but usually just making insecure people like OP who have nothing to offer beyond "liking a video game series earlier than others" worry about threats to their tiny pride.
The only bad is ecelebs because it just brings a horde of douches who will use unforced inside jokes or regurgitate the opinions of said celeb non-stop.
Otherwise gatekeeping people who entered a franchise at a different point does nothing but make you out to be a cunt.
They're okay if they actually try to learn more about the franchise and get involved instead of just hang onto it like a fuckin' parasite.
>tfw I have to stop people from calling Renamon a fucking Pokemon
Don't use my wife for shitposting practices you giant fucking faggot
muh sekrit club fags are the worst.
I'm more worried about Primaries entering it.
Secondaries you can ignore.
Primaries will proceed to be complete casual fucktards using scrub tactics and being incompetent and unoptimised as all fuck.
And then these niggers have the AUDACITY to demand that you respect them and think of them as actual players, and to insist their way of """playing""" the game is just as valid as people who actually try to play it.
Fuck off.
Just shows how sad and shallow of a person you are if you take a literal smelly otaku wish fulfillment fantasy as a waifu, and you are unable to see through the insultingly blatant design.
100% this.
>Persona fags calling others secondaries
It's even better when P3fags call P4 and P5fags secondaries.
It mostly just bothers me with fighting games because the amount of people who don't play the game but talk about it are very easily identified and very annoying, much moreso than I tend to see with other games.
I guess that means we should be saying tertiary.
A fine descriptor for Smashtards who spout the in-game quotes and might have not even played the seconday's entry point.
You could say that a secondary in videogames is someone who has never or barely played the game he says he "loves" but his only true experience is with stuff like doujins or contant with its fanbase, for example people who only have played Fire Emblem Heroes. That alone doesn't make one a secondary, what makes him one is pretending he knows all about the series and has many waifus because he played a mobile game instead of the actual mainlines.
Dude I love Portal it's my favourite game! Le cake is a lie xD
Have I played it? No, of course not
>That people can enjoy what they want to enjoy
Technically true. But they're also sabotaging the better person that they could train to become, and sabotaging them in favor of the low tier trash that currently are.
Enjoying something doesn't justify enjoying something. You could have poor taste, and be enjoying something bad. Change your taste, learn to enjoy good things, and become a better person rather than using "It's fun" as an excuse for eating shit.
>tfw I have to stop people from calling Renamon a fucking Pokemon
Have we seriously gone full circle at this point?
>Persona 5 is my favorite game ever, god I love its visuals so much and absolutely adore Makoto and Yusuke and its pace is so good, fixing the tedium of JRPGS and
>Oh Persona 4? I tried it for 3 hours then got bored. I'm not picking it up again.
What is "secondary" and why do elite weebs love to use that term as an insult so much
FEfags constantly cry about their series being taken over.
Xenofags are on the other end, they lie down and take it up the ass, welcoming newfags in with open arms and fight back tooth and nail anyone who criticizes them because they're insecure due to their series lack of popularity.
There wasn't enough NieRfags to even complain.
As for Fatefags, I never played their game or interacted with them, so I don't know.
You need to do some checking on those. The fans aren't always correct. For example, in Space Station 13 and Dwarf Fortress, the guides are written -by- one of those fucking secondaries. When that happens, secondary becomes the new standard and the thing fucking dies.
An explosion of newfags is never good. Look what happened to this place after multiple booms.
The go-to description I can think of is people who selectively listen to a dadrock song from JoJo, and only that one singular song while never branching out past it or even listening to the full album, and claiming they're a fan of the band. Such as
>Shine On You Crazy Diamond
>Killer Queen
>Walk Like an Egyptian
>Xenofags are on the other end, they lie down and take it up the ass, welcoming newfags in with open arms and fight back tooth and nail anyone who criticizes them because they're insecure due to their series lack of popularity.
Or maybe the wast majority of Xenofags were the kind of people to whom the artstyle and waifufaggotry of 2 appealed in the first place, and the remaining 5% just can't process this fact, resulting in Eric style meltdowns any time Xenoblade 2 is mentioned on Yea Forums.
>Or maybe the wast majority of Xenofags were the kind of people to whom the artstyle and waifufaggotry of 2 appealed in the first place
Unless they started with the Saga games, this is incorrect.
Saga was the only game in the series that even somewhat pandered to otaku scum.
Of course I either tell them to bother themselves with the source material, or I tell them to fuck off in the case that they aren't even interested in the series and are just there to post waifus or memes.
Example: Source material is a book, but someone has only watched the movie adaption and judges it based off of that.
I know that waifuposting has its downsides. I've seen /utg/.
However, waifuposting is usually the lesser evil. Compare this to reddit refugees who hate that 2d > 3d and can be scared off by waifus, and complete fucking faggots who are going to kill themselves because they're too sad IRL, and mistakenly think a 3dpd will fix this for some magical reason, who have a small but plausible chance of getting their heads out of their asses when they see the joys of 2d.
That said, waifuposting brings its cancer.
Obsessive escapists who cannot handle reality, and so retreat into their own imaginations, and who enter autistic rage when their fantasy is revealed as non-canon (which it always is).
And gay ERPers, who don't even like the fucking waifu at all, they like the thought of other 3dpd (male) masturbating to the images they are posting.
It's important to keep your options flexible, and switch to anti-escapist or anti-thirsty propaganda if the chemotherapy becomes worse than the cancer.
Persona 4 and 5 are the same fucking game though, how can you like one but not the other?
taste is subjective.
Very well. You aren't a secondary. You're a primary, but you're a bottom-tier primary with shit taste.
Waifufaggotry is bad because the devs could just release something like a dating sim or virtual museum of their favorite character and they'd buy it.
They're the people Persona dancing games are being marketed to.
Ask e-celeb streamers and YouTubers. They tout themselves as huge P5 fans yet have no appreciation for P4 or even a will to finish it.
Yes, it's entirely possible to enjoy staying shit rather than getting good, being a fat shit instead of getting fit, and getting drunk/blazed to distract from life rather than facing what's bothering you.
That does not justify it.
You are sabotaging the better person you could be, because you'd prefer to be the fat drunk scrub shit you currently are.
You may enjoy it. That doesn't mean you SHOULD enjoy it.
"Subjective" is not a cheat code for life that magically makes what you're doing okay. In fact it's the opposite. Its literal meaning is that you can still enjoy things that are wrong.
Smt is the spinoff now faggot
But I will give you that before you can make positive change, you have to admit that you have a problem.
And so long as you use "subjective" like a justification rather than an excuse, you have not reached that point yet.
I hope one day you realise your mistake and try to become a better person. Failing that, may your death be swift so you don't have to suffer the pain of living with yourself.
it depends on who the secondaries are. smashfags and pc mustards immediately drag down the quality of any community they enter.
And how is that still not gatekeeping? You're just playing around with words, but my point still stands.
Fine with secondaries albeit bummed out by the original being drowned out by the new and more popular entry.
I prefer if E-celebs are a mile away from the franchises I like because their fans use the ever obnoxious Discord speak along with spouting memes all the time.
How the mighty have fallen.
>Does getting into the series at FE7 make one a secondary?
Maybe, but it was the first FE game localized so I let that slide. What irks me is the new people the 3DS games drew in. They ignore or shit on Conquest (despite it being one of the best FE games), love Casual/Phoenix Modes, and HATE cute girls.
we're talking about video games, not life styles or other objective things. I'm just saying that liking or disliking a game is based on preference and not as easy to judge like being fat of healthy.
That is gatekeeping.
It's wishing that fanbase improves, by encouraging the people who make up the fanbase to become better people. You would not understand. You probably don't even understand the idea of a "better person".
>I'm just saying that liking or disliking a game is based on preference
And I'm saying your preferences can be wrong.
Having the wrong attitude to games is worse than being fat. Being fat is a problem true, but it doesn't affect your mind. Your mind is a wonderful tool, if you remember to keep it sharp.
If your attitude to games isn't "I should try to make myself better, face challenges, and overcome them by improving", and it isn't "I should fix the mistakes I'm making, and try to become more powerful and competent, so that I can better solve any situations that arise"
Then that'll transfer to your real life.
If your attitude is "It's okay to stay shit because I enjoy it"
Then that'll transfer to your real life.
You'll be the type of person who has a bank account of $20, living paycheck to paycheck, retreating into videogames as a vacation away from living your life, spending what little money you have on vices to cope with the pain of life, and pushing others away who want to help you.
Not because you CAN'T get better.
Not because you DON'T WANT TO get better.
But because you just straight think that getting better is a personal choice.
Well it is.
And your personal choices can destroy you.
Remember when I mentioned that your mind is a very powerful tool? Well, you can make the choice not to sharpen it. And then that tool will fail you.
That is the attitude of a person who thinks that having fun is an excuse for being incompetent.
They carry that attitude towards them into their life. They'll beg their friends and relatives for money because they'd rather have fun than get better, and one day they'll run out of friends and relatives.
>Youtubers claiming that Persona 5 is their favorite game and that they love it so much
>Overreacting to basic ass shit in the Joker gameplay trailer for Smash that was a thing in Persona 5 or saying shit like "WHAT WAS THAT"
God, it's so annoying.
>"If you guys know me, you know I love *game*"
>Forgets about things that happen either 10 minutes into the game or things that happen constantly throughout the game
In the case of Xeno I'm bitter because XC2 made the series impossible to discuss.
That happened with Richter, too. E-celebs claiming to be huge Castlevania fans then not knowing who he was.
I love Smash but the fans are just concentrated autism.
string urge to deep throat futaba
I thought shion was made as an antiwaifu protagonist on purpose. xenosaga constantly makes fun of otaku in the form of allen-shion interaction.
If that's true, then what Xenoblade 2 did was even worse.
Now, if you want to kill yourself that's not my business.
But if you want to encourage the other people in my fanbase. People who I know. To be fat and lazy and shit like you are?
I reject that. While my fanbase may be a bunch of faggots, they don't deserve that.
Having low standards is a sickness. If it kills you and you alone, so be it. But I don't want you spreading it to the people I care about.
the thing is, I always have a good reason for I think the games that I like are good or why a game is bad.
>Then that'll transfer to your real life.
plenty of affluent people have utter shit taste in games.
good thing nobody actually played Saga and only pretend to so they can say how much they love Kos-Mos and pretend they dont only know her from XB2
>plenty of affluent people have utter shit taste in games.
Yeah, nobody's born perfect. Their tastes can improve over time. Chances are they just haven't tried to refine their tastes yet.
This is only partially true. I've never had any problems the few times when people make threads about any of the other games in the series specifically. The thing is that people mostly talk about XC2 because it's the latest entry. If you wanna discuss the other games, just make a thread for them. They might die because they're not recent, but the discussion usually manages to stay on topic excluding the rare attempt at derailment from someone who wants to force XC2 into the mix.
If secondaries are willing to learn about the series they are going into, who cares?
If they are obnoxious as fuck, then they can piss off.
> I always have a good reason for I think the games that I like are good or why a game is bad.
Well, okay. What games do you think are the most -overrated-, i.e. games that the average person likes, but which you believe do not merit the like?
I usually get some pretty good information when I ask this question.
The guy definitely didn't mean Shion though, she was insufferable in 3, even though I liked her character.
Kos-mos' and T-elos' designs are blatant waifubaits though, there is no way around it.
Because they didn't actually play P5 and are just spouting popular opinion
Sounds like the type of thing a shadow would say in persona.
I watched Joseph Anderson's 150-hour Xenoblade 2 stream, and god that game is shit
>apex legends
Fatefag here
No one calls that shit their favorite game, the secondaries play a mobile game every other game is either niche af RPG or a Dynasty Warriors game and very few secondaries even played that shit.
A person whose exposure to information or news comes not from its primary source (e.g. being a firefighter reporting on a fire), but from other human beings who have viewed the primary source (e.g. you interviewed the firefighters who fought the fire).
Applied to a game, it means you didn't get your knowledge of the game by playing it, but by the opinions and works of art produced by other people who have played it.
>doesn't know the main series is a couple of visual novels
Octoary spotted
>Waifufaggotry is bad because the devs could just release something like a dating sim or virtual museum of their favorite character and they'd buy it.
I wanted to disagree, but you're right.
Waifufags tend to have low standards, so long as they're waifu is in it.
Which upsets me a little bit because I'm one of them. I need to get better standards.
they might be waifubaits but the existence of this kind of protagonist and having to tolerate her every waking second of the series just to watch eye candy fanservice is punishment enough.
Anyone who started with P3-5 is a secondary for Persona, and anyone who started with P3-5 is a secondary for MegaTen as a whole.
>apex legends
I see.
What about these games do you think is bad, if anything?
What does the fanbase think of as really good, but you think of as average (or worse)?
What is your reasons for disliking these games?
I already see some bad things myself about fortnite / apex / pubg, but it couldn't hurt to get someone else's point of view.
No I know but we are talking about secondaries.
If they played the VN they aint a secondary and we were talking about that group.
Fact of the matter Fatesecondaries haven't even played the actual secondary content and what they did play is a mobile game no one claims is their favorite game anyway.
That's not what spinoff means, brainlet
Enjoying something and being competent at something are not the same thing.
There aren't many feelings as good as seeing someone discovering one of your favorite series and wanting to dig deeper but I hate those that just play the newest game in the series, doesn't play the rest and acts like they know everything.
Well, I'm insecure about my feelings of video games so basically they aren't allowed to like them.
why do you think it's called SHIN megami tensei?
Well, I actually sympathized with Shion, I really thought Allen was extremely annoying and creepy, and I liked how she treated him so I was on her side until the beginning of 3. I only started to dislike how she began to be hostile to everyone else too, including Miyuki.
I liked her character as well I was just making assertions through a viewpoint of an typical waifu orbiter who'd probably find her really annoying.
Personally, I haven't played apex or pubg and only played fortnite briefly to see what the fuss is about. Here's my stance on the matter:
Apex's netcode is pure shite, has balancing issues meaning the game's sometimes more about team comp than personal skill, and has the same cancer of random matchmaking leading to you being faced with the morton's fork of carrying retards to an undeserved win or voluntarily playing poorly.
PUBG has a glitchy engine that often results in the cars not working properly, and is a game more about hiding than anything. If your objective in the game is to avoid the exciting parts of the game, something is wrong. The mods are also complete faggots who suck china and streamer cock, to the detriment of regular players.
Fortnite I saw some merit in, but ultimately I'm not really a fan of how a lot of engagements are won by surprise rather than out-manoevering, the 3d over the shoulder view is arse for close-quarters fighting (which happens a lot early in the game), and the tactics seemed to get stale and repetitive after a few wins rather than there being counter-strategies to whatever's dominant, and then counters to those counters.
they aren't "bad" games but mechanics like shooting and weapons are mediocre and done better by other games. battle royal shooters have a problem of where you run around aimlessly for equipment and until you can find someone to shoot. it's also touted as survival even though the only environmental hazard is the ring.
People should be allowed to enjoy whatever they want. It doesn't matter if they came before or after you.
As for what I'd say the most overrated games are:
Fallout New Vegas, Dark Souls, and Bioshock.
Fallout New Vegas because the combat is bland and samey and there's so much goddamn walking in between any actual gameplay.
Dark Souls because you spend far too much time waiting for animations to finish, be that the animation of your own dodge roll and attack, or waiting for the boss to do their animation so you can get an opening to attack. I understand a game can be slow-paced, but even turn based games let you press End Turn without waiting for your turn's animation to finish. Also 30fps in an action game.
Bioshock because there's very little you do in the way of learning. Atmosphere and story? Good. Gunplay? Competent. Skill ceiling? So close to the skill floor you can't slip a polaroid in between them. Big Daddy dodging is fine, but the game would honestly be better if you removed the splicers and just had it be a walking simulator. They just don't encourage any new tactics beyond shooting a plasmid (any fucking plasmid) at them and hitting them with the wrench.
Then perish
Understandable. In your opinion, what are the games that you think are the most UNDERrated, and what do you find good about them?
To be fair user Walk Like an Egyptian is literally their only good song. I love king crimson though
5 is just 4 but trying too hard, the party was just 4 characters but "cool". Anyone can enjoy 4 but you have to be a young teenager to enjoy 5 unless you like it for gameplay reasons only.
What if I started with P5 then went and played the SMT games?
I'm 30+ boomer and I enjoy it just fine.
And I just realised my complaint for all three is "You don't make meaningful decisions often enough"
Whereas my favourite games are "Your decisions are all interconnected, can have huge impact, and you never stop making them". Despite my favourites being in different genres and different decades.
Secondary but can redeem himself through love for the franchise.
Above secondaries who only play the entry point games and can fit in with early fans provided you know the games and aren't a casual shitter.
i bought persona 5 a few weeks after joker for smash was announced, beat it, then went straight to 1. skipped over to 3 after my save file for 1 got corrupted. am i still considered a secondary?
the only fallout game ive played to completion is new vegas, i hate bethesda so im not touching their shit with a 10 foot pole, and the classic games didnt really grab me although i can see the appeal.
can you be a secondary if you only like 1 game in a series?
I usually don't care because in the grand scheme of things their opinions and influence usually isn't an issue towards the creative direction of the games themselves. I 1cc'd on lunatic multiple Touhou games and beaten some fangames am I still considered secondary?
>i hate bethesda so im not touching their shit with a 10 foot pole
New Vegas is just Oblivion with guns 2 though, how can you like New Vegas and hate the devs behind the Oblivion series?
its more of a principle thing, after i was memed into buying skyrim by my no taste friend
yes since fallout 1 is the definite peak of the franchise. though it doesnt make much of a difference. fallout as a series has always been a bag of full of mixed shit varying from pearls (1) to shiny turds (2, NV) to syringes with aids strain on them (3,4)
stop taking video games so seriously
I only care when they start effecting game design.
They're usually more tolerable than faggots like you because they don't constantly cry about other people enjoying something.
Why not just play the game at that point?
>one of the problems with secondaries is if they get a complete different view on a series as if their exposure of it came from shitty let's plays and watchmojo videos
>with something like gravity rush, you have fans who beg people to buy "kat's game"
I'm not quite sure what you mean here. Everyone I've seen begging others to buy Gravity Rush has played it. [character]'s game is just another piece of slang.
No Melee is one of the best games of all time. FE literally is not a good series so who cares?
t. Cancerous Secondary
I don't care. Just don't be obnoxious or pretend you like the rest of a series.
>What irks me is the new people the 3DS games drew in. They ignore or shit on Conquest (despite it being one of the best FE games), love Casual/Phoenix Modes, and HATE cute girls.
None of the 3DSfags think this. The 3ds era is pure trash and they love it because of the cute girls since they are ironic weebs. Awakening is pure ironic weeb bait.
If you have played any of the games in a series, by definition you are not a secondary. The word you are looking for is casual.
>I dont actually know what secondary implies
You literally can't be a secondary if you played a game. You are only a secondary for example like Touhou is if you talk about how much you love the characters, music, series yet never actually touched the games
That's not what secondary means