"The true figure is still hidden in the sleep"

"The true figure is still hidden in the sleep"
FINAL FANTASY XV's Season 2 DLC "Dawn of the Future" was cancelled due to restructuring of assets and refocusing of development into FINAL FANTASY VERSUS XV. This was alluded to with certain imagery in EPISODE ARDYN. "Verum Rex" is an intentional red herring.

I have nothing else to say at this time.

Attached: sleep.jpg (1920x1080, 258K)

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Okay, I believe you

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Are you (((HIM)))?
If that's the case, please answer the following:

1) Some information about Final Fantasy XVI? Is Agni's Philosophy releted to it? Is it even in production? Any info please, no matter how small, even just a single word!

2) Realistically speaking, how much time will we have to wait before the next BIG FF title (no matter if it's FF16, FF7R, FFVersus or whatever) is released?

3) How will the overworld exploration be handled in FF7R and Versus? Worldmap style overworld like FF 7-8-9? Multiple connected zones like FF 10-12-13? Open-world like Zelda BotW/Xenoblade Chr. X ?

4) Any remote possibility of a Xenogears and/or Xenosaga remake?

5) There's a rumor about a possible Final Fantasy X-3. Please tell me it's just a joke.

6) Does the recent "Prototype" trailer have something to do with Yoko Taro's FF?

7) How similar/different will FFVersus15 be from the original FFVersus13, in a scale from 1 (complete 1 to 1 copy) to 0 (completely different game)?

Attached: madman.jpg (6832x4364, 1.94M)


8) Is Square Enix working on a new MMORPG? Please tell me that's NOT the case

Things are sure getting crazy huh

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Taking the characters of XV and making a proper turn based RPG with an actual story isn't a bad idea, but it's too soon and I have no faith in Square to control themselves. Same reason we'll never get good FF5-9 remakes.

how the fuck does Dota fit into all of this?

you fags are gonna get even more BTFO than caramel


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>MGSV and FFXV were SO MONUMENTALLY BAD that they BOTH broke people into insanity (Futa, Caramel, Barry, Zeal)

Someone should just beat up Nomura for being a 12 year old faglord stuck in a grown man's body.


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Don't forget the composer for Nier (Keiichi Okabe) composed Episode Gladio, the composer for FF11 and FF13-2/LR composed Episode Prompto, and Yasunori Mitsuda (Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross composer) composed Episode Ignis.

Daily reminder that final fantasy was killed by a single man and it will never be like it used to be.


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this is based and redpilled

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You shithead shut your whore fucking mouths so I can just die in peace.


Yeah, fuck Wada.

what exactly are you implying

Interesting thread.

FFXV's disaster is 10% Nomura's fault, 30% Tabata's fault and 60% SE overlords' fault

honestly at this point i’d rather 7 remake get canned in favor of versus
i’m not even kidding

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