Use a screencap of the moblie game

>use a screencap of the moblie game
>"OhNoNoNoNo FuCkInG NiNtEnDoRkS AmIrIgHt sOnYfAgS?!
The absolute state of Sonyfags

Attached: i can't hear you with those fakenings, soyny.jpg (960x960, 87K)

switch is a mobile

Considering it's on the switch, that's really not that bad.

Adult Nintendo fans are mentally ill.

Wow, the switch can barely even pull PS3 quality graphics. What a miss.

>"OhNoNoNoNo FuCkInG NiNtEnDoRkS AmIrIgHt sOnYfAgS?!
I'd send you back to whatever subrebbit you crawled out but you're probably already browsing it as we speak

Nah, I was probably already mentally ill before being a Nintendo fan.

>tribalism over video games
I hope you're at least embarrassed by the trainwreck that is your life.

Holy shit, is that running below 720p?

>Hes laughing at Nintendo
>He must be snoyfag
Absolute state of nintentards

Attached: nintendie.webm (600x336, 2.86M)

>OhNoNoNoNo FuCkInG NiNtEnDoRkS AmIrIgHt sOnYfAgS?!
Are you ok?

>>"OhNoNoNoNo FuCkInG NiNtEnDoRkS AmIrIgHt sOnYfAgS?!

Attached: cat7.png (451x604, 534K)

well, Microsoft got a deal with Nintendo and PC is just there, so...

Attached: youka.jpg (576x432, 23K)

Why, yes. I do think the Switch is a piece of garbage. How did you know?

Attached: 1555612821568.jpg (589x710, 103K)

>Microsoft got a deal with Nintendo
And sent all xbox owners new user agreement that forbids making fun of nintendies

Attached: 8d6.jpg (645x729, 48K)

>using wojaks
and people think OP is the faggot

Attached: JUST.jpg (289x274, 11K)

Are frogs ok?

Attached: 1555458364465.jpg (1024x980, 252K)

How about some pepes or are you allergic to them as well, mr. redditor?

Attached: 1550518846807.gif (607x609, 514K)

This. They are sexist pigs that don't even drink their basedmilk

>>"OhNoNoNoNo FuCkInG NiNtEnDoRkS AmIrIgHt sOnYfAgS?!

Attached: 1551326334410.png (461x447, 232K)

>(87 KB, 960x960)

Honestly for what is basically a tablet that looks fine. You're a retard if you expect Switch to look anywhere as good as even base PS4.
Also I've already set Vita MK9 as the low point so hey

Attached: IMG_20190420_143309.jpg (960x544, 61K)

>>"OhNoNoNoNo FuCkInG NiNtEnDoRkS AmIrIgHt sOnYfAgS?!

Forgs > feelsguy edits