What are some essential doomer games?

What are some essential doomer games?

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Not actually playing games, just shitposting about them, hoping they fail

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Bloodborne, Darkest Dungeon, maybe Saya no Uta.

Persona to pretend you actually had friends and a future ahead of you during highschool.

Max Payne


the one where you break down crying halfway through Super Mario Odyssey after realizing that you aren't the target audience anymore, and that the better times have quickly passed you by.

>future ahead of you during highschool.

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silent hill 1,2,3
spec ops: the line
deus ex

Russian roulette you emo faggot

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fortnite, apex, call of duty black ops 4, huniepop, smash u

fuck man

War Thunder

Doomers are the biggest faggots ever. Just get on with it and kill yourself

sucking cock

shut the fuck up bloomer

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What are you gonna do about it faggot? Cry about it on your nightwalks? Next time just jump off the bridge


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>the world sucks there's no future for me no gf I'm so unique nobody's ever been as lonely and directionless as me in human history

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>Ooh look at me i am so edgy and different! I'm totally not just a current year version of an emo

what even is a bloomer

I don't care for the meme since so many people seem to actively want to indentify as "doomers", while shitting on boomers/zoomers

haha hey guys what if we made wojak but he's even sadder
this is a good meme right

who says it makes them different when its what like 80% of whtiebois identify as now

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It unironically is, because this is the essence of wojak.
Wojak is cancer when used to mean "this is you" or "this is smug me". Wojak used to express own dissatisfaction is just an oldfag meme.

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Space Engine. It's suicide fuel.

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the issue is how juvenile the doomer meme is. like the mentality is literally 'im too smart to be happy'

You know it is what they all think. They all think they are the only person ever to face "hardship" and no one could ever understand them. Fuck Doomers fuck Emos and fuck sad white"boys"

Doom, I'd imagine.


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>21 billion light years from Earth
Are there any other "games" that handle such horrifyingly large distances?

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>tfw trying to cheer a doomer up because they remind me too much of myself

You guys need to lay off the blackpills. It's not good for you.

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you are very grown up user, you should move onto a more mature website like reddit

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Pokemon Mistery dungeon

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Doomer specifically is pretty inane, but it's not because of the wojak part, but because it's a form of edgy cope.
"Life is shit" is fine, "life is shit because world isn't conservative enough" is where it goes full retard.

The game where you fix your sedentary lifestyle and eat less processed foods with a high carbohydrate and sugar ratio.

Whereas the doomer represents despair, cynicism and giving up on life, the bloomer is the exact opposite.

What is a "doomer"? Just a sad boomer that doesn't have much hope for the future? Isn't that most boomers?

Opposite of a doomer. They are young and hopeful.

>You guys need to lay off the blackpills
*you guys need to reach ascension through blackpills

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>defining your personality/identity by your sadness
sure is fucking tumblr in here

I like those edgy wojaks
Wojak's neutral expression and bald head works well with the edgy insane/"beyond comprehension"/monstrous looks.

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Inb4 "how can something be 21 billion lightyears away if nothing goes faster than light and the universe isn't even 20 billion years old" and other dumb questions by brainlets.

that pic is even MORE cringy than the boomer ones. because it implies you're a badass for growing up, just like everyone else.

bait, but amusing bait.

Lisa the painful

>l-lay off the blackpills!
you are all weak copers just stick to the bluepill

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Good taste, this one is my favorite.

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Pretty sure everyone is ironic here.

I just don't care about the ones who whine about never having friends/a girlfriend and then act like victims. No human in the history of civilization was ever entitled to these things

Videogames in general are doomercore

its also completely fake. no who uses the term bloomer is actually any of those things. they're just living a lie while trying to feel superior to the sadbois. they think that by mowing the lawn and looking for a job they are somehow a supreme being made entirely of positivity and good vibes

>just like everyone else.
There's a lot of people who never grow up.

Yeah after all only a fool would take anything posted on Yea Forums as a fact. Do you really think there are racist people here on Yea Forums?

>defining your personality/identity by your sadness
It's beyond "sadness".

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unironically dark souls
the whole game is about depression and trying to resist it

I'd say most people don't.
grow up

yeah and they all seem to accumulate here.

>stop feeling things
>be a bluepilled shithead like me

>has a plan

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I thought it was more like "I'm unhappy because I'm an unlikeable antisocial loser"

no one has done an irony on this website for like 4 years, it's all sincereposts and it sucks real bad

I've seen doomers playing path of exile, I hate that game though.

I don't know what the point of the bloomer meme is when boomer already fulfilled those prerequisites.

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have sex

What about peepeepoomers? Any games for them?

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Here's a pill blacker than blackpill: an anti-white pill?
Blackpill is a form of cope because it relinquishes all responsibility for consequences of own actions

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all souls games

playing Sega Saturn > being a doomer

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That feeling will pass and you'll be able to play it again, trust me. Once you get past the doomer mindset and into clown world, you won't care anymore

People talking about being "sad" or "antisocial" are not real doomers.

Imagine feeling things. Fucking yikes. I would probably kill myself already.

if you didnt have 60 IQ youd realize nothing you can do will change anything at this point just go back to coping plug your ears and pretend it isnt real

That's a whitepill. With responsibility comes purpose, and happiness.

resident evil 1 (original)
demon's crest
parasite eve
blood omen 2
soul reaver
nightmare creatures

This. You people who whine about >tfw no gf have no fucking idea just how bad things really are.

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i hate this

those are boomer games, not doomer material

Shut the fuck up. (You) know exactly what you're doing here, stop it.

i think it's good, actually

>not doomed, just kinda sitting there and existing
>everyone is a not-doomer, everyone but me!

Dungeon keeper 1.

dat atmosphere

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This. tfw no gf? fuck. I wish that was all I had to worry about.

what else do you have to worry about i want to know

Trying too hard, but no joke comes out
Going all
>this is u xD
never worked, if you want to make them feel bad, you need to false flag. Pretend you're one of them for 90% of the time, then sneak in 10% that are stupid. Less than 10% if you're not targeting the right-wingers, because lefty worldviews are more consistent and not subject to Poe's Law.

soul crushing depression and ennui

The afterlife.

Dark Souls/Bloodborne
The Walking Dead Season One
Silent Hill 2
Danganronpa V3
Deus Ex HR
The Witcher 3
Batman Arkham Knight
Shadows of the Damned
Virtues Last Reward
The Last of Us
Shadow of the Colossus
Dragons Dogma

You wouldn't be depressed if you were sexually desired by women and frankly if you believed the people from reddit who told you otherwise its just quite foolish - you depression may not stem from the lack of gf but it wouldn't exist if you had a steady supply of sex and denying this is cope

Stop making fun of us we're not fucking pacifists I'll fuckin kill you cunt

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You're no better than an animal if all it takes to distract you from reality is putting your pee pee in a hole.

>Max Payne 1 and 2
>Silent Hill especially 2 and 4
>Lone Survivor, Detention, Devotion
>I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
>Rule of Rose

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Careful not to hurt yourself on that edge

Another cope, thinking that desiring sex makes you primitive or some kind of animal. Having sex is your sole and primary biological imperative

You're like a baby. Give it a couple more years and you'll understand what it's like.

Wow, life sounds easy then. I mean I have sex on a semi-regular basis so I'm happy to know I'll never be sad again, since I'm fulfilling my sole imperative in life, right?

>Having sex is your sole and primary biological imperative
This meme doesn't work on anyone with triple digit IQ, you need some different one.
If you're just baiting, try talking about how successful and smart people have sex too.
If you genuinely believe it, then there is no hope for you.

>Having sex is your sole and primary biological imperative
If you're an animal who cannot think for himself. Not all humans are created equal.

I think if I actually had a gf I'd be even more unhappy. I'm too antisocial to want to spend that much time with somebody even if there is the potential for sex. I have absolutely no desire for companionship.

>im not sad im sadder than sad ;_;

It's not particularly about the sex itself (which anybody could get from a hooker), but being desired/validated by at least one other human being in an intimate manner when someone willingly chooses to fuck you

Wolfenstein enemy territory

Yes, having a family and bonding loving relationships with other humans is what will keep you alive. Without that you are just a vessel that consumes media and food

You are completely illiterate, try reading my post again

>I'm so deep my life is bigger than sex I don't need sex to be happy and have a fulfilled life I'm going to go meditate on the fucking mountains because my mind is so fucking omnipotent and deeper than just chasing pussy

big fuking copes

Persona 4 Golden

Nigger how can you be doomed if you're avoiding the problems of sentience?
Feeling is the difference between tortured existence and a robot that is just doings its job until its batteries run out.
Being a golem is a blessing, it's halfway to happiness already.

I have that and my life still seems pretty doomed a lot of the time. It's just another piece of the puzzle, not what solves it.

Pretty good bait, but you blew it here.

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>anything I dont like is bait
sorry faggot someone had to tell you the truth

You're the one coping here, it boggles your tiny mind that anyone could give something in their life a higher priority than sex.

Everything is about sex, your education is to impress a woman to get her and have sex, your work at the gym is to become fit and have sex, your WHOLE LIFE is trying to have sex by making yourself more marketable to women and if not then you are a coping NEET or incel or both

The only persona characters with any kind of hope for the future are the ones like Ann, who experienced life outside of Japan and know that bailing on it to go live in Europe or America is an option.

>calling someone who doesn't want to have sex an "incel"
confirmed bait

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>Anons getting mad at a blistering, painful truth that cuts through all organic life

probably another coping wizard or volcel

Then how come a lot of people have sex, even intimate relationships and form entire families but aren't truly happy? If any of what you said was true then life would be as simply as working out a lot and being a complete degenerate having sex with everyone. And then you'd need nothing else.

Organic living is evil.

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what games for clown world?

>us normies can be depressed too

How is a volcel coping for anything? They voluntarily opt out of any sexual pursuit because they just don't like it.


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because most of the """volcels""" are just incels trying to save face

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"Happiness" isn't real. Nobody can actually be permanently happy or satisfied with their existence. You're not meant to be "happy" in this life, you're meant to reproduce then perish.

Agreed. Only rocks and minerals, the greatest things to ever exist, deserve to exist. Gases can stay too.

Tell me again how wojak isn't just a reddit-tier rageface rehash
Just the same shitty format over and over again

>You're not meant to be "happy" in this life, you're meant to reproduce then perish.
I honestly hope nobody actually convinced you of that, user.

Im a coomer I like jerking off

Fuck off back to /r9k/ or incel reddit. Focusing on sex and nothing but is a sign of both low iq and underage.

because 'it came from Yea Forums'. its all just tribalism.

>You're not meant to be "happy" in this life, you're meant to reproduce then perish.

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It is. Originality on the internet is more or less dead and has just become trend following forever as corporate interests slowly take control.

>clown world
what the fuck guys, i thought you were supposed to be winning? isn't your boy president?
lmfao i can't fucking wait until you call kill yourselves when bootyjudge or colonel sanders take control

The horror of existence is that it will keep happening.
Destroying humanity won't prevent that, only creating an artificial "race" to keep the world life-free can.

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>This is the sole existential goal of every single living thing
>But humans are different because we window dress our existence
If you don't reproduce, you have failed. If you succeed and become the world's greatest man, and invent incredible things that revolutionise society, but don't reproduce? You failed. Your genes died and you have actually denied the future more of yourself.

hahaahahaha you just fucking want to lie to yourself then? You are probably a fat fuck anyways but lets assume a hypothetical situation where you are going to the gym.

What are you going to tell me? You go for yourself to make yourself feel better LOL Thats like dumbass women who say they wear makeup for themselves or like giving themselves wedgies with tight fucking leggings because "its just comfortable"

fucking retard get a grip or go die with the bluepill i dont care

In order to take the whitepill, you have to swallow whole the black pill, digest it, and then you can shit the whitepill.

>isn't your boy president?
>caring about who's president
I don't think you understand doomer or clown world.

>Yea Forums
Oh really?

This. I'm not so sure why it's so hard for others to accept. You can acknowledge this simple inevitability, and still find your own path in life, and try to be happy. But every neuron firing in our brains is designed to bring us towards sexual reproduction.

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doomer is just people getting sad because they only read about sad shit or get told to be sad about something.

clown world is literally just doomers pretending to laugh to seem like they never actually cared. its a bunch of young dorks who voted for the first time and are all nihilistic now because trump turned out to be yet another shitty politician.

>every neuron firing in our brains is designed to bring us towards sexual reproduction.
Disturbing, isn't it? We are sabotaged against realizing the truth.

Stay mad with your low iq copes. Didn't even read your entire post cause I'm just lmaoing at your life.

Years ago half the people in this thread would be called fedoras and laughed at

>its a bunch of young dorks who voted for the first time and are all nihilistic now because trump turned out to be yet another shitty politician.
What if I knew Trump (and all other politicians) would never live up to their promises from the beginning? I never jumped on the MAGA bandwagon.

Hon3 a Doomer or Boomer ?

its okay faggot, most "men" cant handle the truth anyways

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Its time to post this

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And years before that they would have been called edgy emos. And years before that they would have been goths, and before that nihilists, and so on, and so forth.

Every game that game out from 2010 to 2016 got to reveal all the good that that passed.

Lmao. Cope.

it already got posted and you're a dweeb for even having that image saved.


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Lmao. Mad.

Grow up and have sex.

Spec Ops the line
Silent Hill 2
Max Payne 1-3

Well how is that possible?

>periods after each word
we get it I won

>finding meaning in life solely in sex
>having the nerve to call other people nihilists

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>t.never grew up


Absolutuelt seething. Lmao.

humans are quite advanced but at the end of the day we are just animals so if you cant get laid you fail

>tfw gay doomer who married a gay bloomer

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This, emos are always going to be faggots no matter how they call themselves and how much they insist on "no its different" and "you just dont get it"

Just say that you enjoy games with a grim/melancholic atmosphere, thats nothing special

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>but at the end of the day we are just animals
I guess if you choose to see yourself that way.

>Thinking nihilism is an excuse for depression.

Nihilism was designed to be the very opposite.
The only thing that matters to you is what you do. Every second you spend in self pity is a second wasted


Have you doomers tried being genuinely good people?
I can't hate myself as a good person.

I've never been a very compromising type, so I can see why wouldn't normies be moral, though. Cope is easier than sacrifice.

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Hubble law

>his only rebuttal is saying "cope" in different ways

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>satisfying the superficial needs of the ego = growing up
sorry user try again

Unironically Mordern Warfare 2 with a can of monster Ultra to make you more aware of how much you regret your entire existence, as memories of how fun it used to be to play it with your friends torments your mind, but you carry on playing knowing you'll never capture that magic again and only thoughts of what could have been your life today race through your mind when you see how pathetic you really are playing this 10 year old game in your mid 20s with no real friends, no gf, no real career path, no aspirations, no meaningful connections or experiences just happy memories that do more harm than good now so you down a couple beers, maybe some vodka and forget everything. Only to repeat this evernight after your dead end job.

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An /r9k/ thread, on my Yea Forums?

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Was it a good choice?

>humans are the chosen ones hurr
Glad your incel religion is dying off. The only thing that matters in life is feeling good. If you aren't self-serving and indulging in as much sex as you want, your genes are better off gone anyways. It's simple evolution.

It's never a good choice to be a faggot.

Godless commie, your life must feel so hollow.

i keep him from floating off into the clouds and he keeps me from never leaving the ground at all

If this isn't a blackpill I don't know what is. You used to be able to make a living writing books about depressive philosophy. Now you can only post about it on internet forums for free like some stupid jannie.

Then why are you choosing to be one?

>bateman posting

Seems like it's really a choice for you.

Sounds good. Like you two bring some sort of stability into each others lives. How can you be a doomer while also being in a happy relationship with a bright future?

>yfw you realize God is real

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Sounds cute in an anime way


>yfw you realize he's weak, petty and hateful and that's why the world is the way it is

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if god is real why did I get raped as a kid?

You are Bateman. No matter how much sex you have or how much lavish shit you surround yourself with, you will still feel empty.

the sims

Oh I'm sorry, did my big words hurt that incel brain of yours? Must be sad having a fake sky man dictate how you should live. Jealous that you'll never feel as good as us?

basically, yeah. The balancing is what makes it work. And lots of communication. He's having a nice time in overwatch while I shitpost and play KHux

it's anime as fuck
Also Yea Forums as fuck because of our twin peaks wedding

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I'm not an incel. Do you have short term memory issues?

>No man can be brave who thinks pain the greatest evil; nor temperate, who considers pleasure the highest good.

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>the only point of life is to be happy
>religious people are on average much happier than non-religious people

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batemans whole fucking story was a hallucination in his own head because hes a fucking dweeb but liked to think of himself as a chad, just a giant cope artist

Happy 4/20, Yea Forums. Hope you're spending it well.

As they say user, ignorance is bliss.

Reads like a bad creepypasta.

Silent Hill 2
Shadow of the Colossus
Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask

No wonder a lot of 4channel can relate.

Escape from Tarkov
excellent training

>zoomers are doing mad tokes while you're sitting sober in your basement
It's not fair bros

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>hurr I'm so ascetic and voluntarily refrain from sex
Cope you deluded sexless virgin incels.

>excellent training
You are absolutely full of dog shit. Stupid noguns.

come smoke with me n the bloomer hubby

real doomers understand that global human civilization is going to collapse in the near future due to a variety of reasons but mostly due to climate change destroying habitats and food sources

If you're whining because your own life is shit you're just another piece of shit bitch who's causing the problems

Thanks for reminding me, will be extra obnoxious here in Oregon I'm sure.

>Cope you deluded sexless virgin incels.
You're just digging the hole deeper and making yourself look more retarded with every post.

>They all think they are the only person ever to face "hardship" and no one could ever understand them.
Virtually no white person thinks this. White are more empathic than any other race.

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god as benevolent creator is just a meme

>hurr i'm so great i mindlessly follow my pre-programmed instincts and fuck just like 99% of the human race has before me

kys you literal brainless retard

I can't transfer myself across the internet
>you will never download a person

Repent and find true happiness sinners

You are straight up fucking retarded lmfao

have you watched the movie/read the book? because unless you're dumb enough to think he would actually get away with all of that shit lol he was fucking psychotic

>this angry
Maybe your anguish will secede if you have sex.

"Death is lighter than a feather. Duty, heavier than a mountain"
What is your duty user? If it's so heavy, then why not relinquish it and embrace the sweet relief of non-existance?

faster then light

>le ebin evil corporate meme XDDDXDDXD
go back to >>r/pol/ faggot

So optimists and pessimists?
Did we really need new words for this shit just to tie into fucking wojak somehow?

I feel obliged to make existences like mine less likely to happen in the future.
The only reliable way to make this happen is to decrease the number of beings like me, who could create more beings like me. Alive

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Its never too late bro. Grab some green and hop in an online game and just start talking to people as you play

having sex doesn't get me off this shithole of a planet

Every one of your posts is an angry string of Yea Forums buzzwords though. Find God and you will stop behaving this way.

Max Payne 3
>I ain’t slippin
>I’m slipped

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>the world sucks life sucks
Have sex.
You're the one who's angry and demented, christcuck incel.

Where do the Have sex. meme come from ?

Why do you keep using that word when you apparently don't even know what it means?

>doomer means nowadays something else than Doom-enthusiasts

I fucking hate this age and its fucking idiotic amerimutt identity politics nonsense.

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>climate change

>Grab some green
>just say yes when people invite you to a party

that's a cute baron

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Nobody can just say they don't want sex. You are just living a lie thinking it is of your own will. That's why you keep getting bothered by it, incel. Go out, have sex, and feel good for once in your life.

There's no such thing as non-existence. You're in for a surprise :^)

you are mad online

>God is real
>He either hates you, does not care about you, or does not realize you exist

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Max Payne 3, Hotline Miami, killer7, LISA, Dark Souls 2, Dead Space, THPS2

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Just like your parents.

Being mortal is just a transition before being amortal, then reproduction will become unethical.


This and maybe VBTM, Umineko, and telltale Walking Dead stuff.

Saya no Uta for sure.

prove it

Persona 3

God is an abstract concept you god damn retards
He were never meant to be considered real as in real in the physical, actual, objective world

I've already made my bet on Pascal's wager. I'm not afraid.

The point in life is to find meaning, happiness is arbitrary and the sole pursuit of expedient happiness can lead to destructive behaviour

I have seen this (image) and to this day it is the only thing that I'm truly afraid of.

>tfw you realize God himself was plagued with doubt in his last moments at the cross and realize doubt is only natural

you confused god with the devil

Nice rationalization doomer faggot. Your post is the equivalent of "we live in society". Kys

>his last moments at the cross
What are you talking about?

not an argument

>Father, why have You forsaken me?
inb4 "Jesus isn't God retard"
>Holy Trinity concept

I don't subscribe to desert religions so no, a man cannot be god.

Wrong, but for different reasons.
Only man can become a god.

>Nobody can actually be permanently happy or satisfied with their existence.
Sadly this. It's even worse when you realize that any creatures that can be permanently happy and content would die out.

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Wow, so even God has flaws. How relatable. Have sex.

>Doesn't know what is nihilism
>He's using the new "cool" "have sex" meme
I wonder how normalniggers like you get in here.

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go dilate

>replying to shitty bait
This is why it keeps happening.
The only winning move is not to play

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We get it, you are a virgin and proud of it. Congratulations on being a failure. Have sex.

Lol don't worry about it bro it'll get better in heaven

You understand nothing fag. You project problems that humanity have into absolute and total despair, despite the fact that problems that we have now are less worst than everything humanity faced before. You're like a child that just discovered that humans are capable of murder, and then shut down everything else and fall into arrogant sadness.

What the fuck are you even on about?

assassin's creed black flag

>nothing but assumptions and probably projections

nice talking to you bud

I'm glad Yea Forums has enough brain cells left to give the correct answer, not only first, but twice in a row. Play Doom, then download some wads and play more Doom.
Play Doom and kill fucking demons, you will never kill them all and no matter what shitty event you're focused on you can relax and ground yourself in the idea that there are demons out there and they need to be killed as soon as possible.

You are only Doomers because you essentially want stuff but wont work for it. You read about some shit hat seems wrong or is wrong and instead of going out a martyr you cry and feel sorry for yourself. Stop being a fucking pussy and either make something of yourself or go out in style.


No one else can give you purpose. Put the fucking work in EVERY DAY. Not just when you feel like it then bitch nothing changes and you have no future.

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>tfw can't find god because i sold my soul to the devil

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Wow, I give you sound advice and you fling insults at me? Aren't you going to Hell?
>no you are
Have sex.

>lol just make up your own purpose bro

i tried and the world took it away from me in the form of debilitating injury and chronic illness

fuck you privileged retards who think anyone can just up and do whatever they want

why would I? you're an abomination. Devilspawn.
Go dilate.

>tfw gave my soul away to god, but then realized I've been duped, overpowered him and wrenched my soul free

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>Things can't possibly be as bad as you think they are

Who here is supposed to have the childish mindset?

>God? yea hes based

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what did you get out of it?

Alright dude whatcha got? Clinical depression? Cancer? Brain damage? Just up and die then, survival of the fittest.
Turn the other cheek, my man. Have sex.

The 3rd one is peak doomer, there's even a suicide cult.

Hell yeah nigga

so you admit that life is just trash. good talk.

Recommend challenging wads. Preferably with lots of demons to kill.

>they're still replying to the "have sex" shitposter

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You have the privilege of the dirt. We all do. If the world sucks so much find someone who is actively making it so and take them with you and die a martyr.

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Have sex.

impenetrable armor that cannot be taken off

I also interpreted it as this, the personification of the silent man who's to afraid to interact out in public and closes himself inside whenever he can to lament the human developments he's never had.

It is better to die for our lord God, then to live for yourself.

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>Things can't possibly be as good as you think they are

Who here is supposed to have the childish mindset ?

Maybe my copy paste of your argument will make you realize how futile it is.

ive thought about that but i'm gonna wait until my parents are dead so i don't just add more suffering by making them sad

Have you been through /vr/s recommended wads?

What would you say if I told you I'm a cynical optimist. I've seen the worst shit and seen the black pit that anyone can fall to, but I've also seen or heard of people moving forward and being happy with any shit situation.

I literally don't have a single idea if I'm going to succeed.

The doomer thing is just so surreal to me, because there's so much good reading material on how to challenge and confront these things, so I don't get the excuse for staying in that sort of mindset. And it's hardly even esoteric or anything, Camus was a part of my high school literature curriculum!

Dark Souls 2, everyone is depressed and forgets everything

Just peed in my waste basket.

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what is this preachy bullshit.

No, share it.

was he right

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There you go now you have something more precious than anything else in the world. Something you sorely wanted but thought lost. You know the lies of having something to live for are meaningless. All that matters is finding something or creating something worth DYING for.

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Literal schizophrenia, Terry mode

t. fat 22 year old white neckbeard

Yes, smoking after a coffee is great

>samefagging kike

A morte perpetua, Domine, libra nos
Dulce et decorum pro patria mori


Death to your false god.

>Says guy who has never been in a real fight
>Probably aren't taken martial arts class

Absolutely- look at shit like which is about slow spiritual suicide and the total denial/obliteration of the self. These people cannot confront the meaninglessness and insanity of material existence and instead choose to run from it and hide rather than actually confront the void. They are, simply put, spooked.

Have you tried Fuck Off Back To /r9k/
It's available on PC and most phones

Don't you worry your short balding little curly head there schlomo. The return of traditional latin mass is breeding new life where there was only hypocrisy, modernisation and decay. We are no longer pushed apart and convinced we are alone. More and more are coming back to the fold and seeing the world for what it is.

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thinking you're in charge is the gigacope

>No Lithium
>No Complex Doom

strong "meh"

What's camus?

RO is pretty cute

It's the opposite of cope, though.
It means you're responsible for current state.

Cope would be thinking that you're doing all you can, but someone keeps conspiring against you to undo your efforts.
Alternatively, denying that you want what you want, just because you can't get it.
Asserting you're in charge can be a cope if you're doing it for the future, like , but if you look at the past and say "I've been in control of the situation", you implicitly accept all the failures.

Keep the recommendations coming, that was just a pastebin to get that user started, this should be a Doom thread anyway



The FinalDoomer pack is pretty fun, doubly so if you play it with Ancient Aliens.

Project Brutality is alright- it still has stolen assets but overall it feels a lot more balanced and whatnot than BROOTAL DUUM did, plus the devs aren't brazilian psychopaths

Listen here kike. Meaningless concepts like "confronting materialism" and devolving into nihilism is nothing more than pride and selfishness manifest. You would preach to the world of insanity and the void and then prescribe schizophrenia tot hose who would find love and care for their own.

Our people used to put other before themselves. That gives life meaning. It gives the living purpose. If you truly believed in your won philosophy you would kill yourself right now to prove your point. All of your lies and misdirection have borne fruit and it is weak, frail and will not survive the next 2 decades. I pray for their souls that their suffering be short lived as possible.

I cannot excuse the perpetrators of the ideologies that brought upon such wanton suffering and despair, I am only human. If our Lord chooses to forgive you, I hope you repent before the end. In the meantime I will, as many more will, as time goes on, continue to return mine and my kin to the life and prospects our ancestors fought and died for.

Fyi I am 29 and my third child was born in February, hale, hearty and pink.

this is vague as it gets because the world is still shit.

by putting work do you mean i should become a chad lifter orr a disciplined ascethe monk

>Everyone who disagrees with me online is jewish


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>lying incel cope over the internet
Post pics or have sex.

>wants to see a photo of a kid

Yikes tranny. Are you really this desperate because you can't ever have sex and have one yourself?

You have to pursue something. It is vague only because not all paths are compatible yet can still be righteous. First step is making a decision, then following the patterns of behaviour faithfully. Making sure to keep moving towards your goal(s) no matter what. Going to the gym once or twice a week is not enough to get fit for example. You need to change how you live eat and sleep completely or you will revert to your old habits.

There is a reason monks went up to monasteries on mountains. They were removing themselves from the place people and environments that would distract them from achieving the spiritual and mental accomplishments they were trying to pursue. DO you think they only act as monks and move and speak like one during times of prayer and meditation? It is something you are from the second you wake up until you fall asleep every day.

Anything worthwhile pursuing requires that level of discipline and reform. You don't have to run away to a monastery. You do have to make constant and daily effort and impose duties you must adhere to and fulfill in order to accomplish whatever it is you want in life that is worth having.

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If you spread the ideology of the kike willfully or not you are corrupted and may as well be their golem.

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now keep in mind i'm quite stupid user, What was i supposed to learn from that? That you cant get good without bad and trying is its own success?

It's funny how purpose and meaning for millenial males means 'going to the gym'

have sex

It's from Yea Forums.

Mafia 1. Unironically.

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do people who like wrestling have sex?

>Muh shitty “literally me” Wojak
Fuck off.

>Takes what I say out of context
>Uses meme "le millenial" like a fucking faggot
>Ignores my entire post was a direct response to specific scenarios the previous poster mentioned

what a cunt.

As much as anyone else I guess. It came from a talking segment between two wrestlers, it's often accompanied by "get a clue, hit the weights, take a shower, gain height". I don't know why it's become so popular now though, the meme itself was born in 2011.

I would encourage you to go read some actual research on climate science. Figures that are thrown around by governments, like limiting warming to less than 2 Celsius, are considered optimistic to the point of fancy by most climate scientists. These figures are thrown around because to actually understand what is happening means that societal collapse is a certainty, and extinction is a real possibility. The most shocking things are that figures like 8 degrees Celsius of warming, which is considered both "extreme" warming by governments and almost certainly where we are headed by scientists, is actually a low estimate if feedback loops begin, like the melting of methane clathrates under the Arctic.

>mfw week long intense lumbar back pain
>mfw therapist keeps bothering me about relationships
Its is hard to keep a positive behavior when everything keeps going getting worse, it's even harder when you start to remember shit points in your life you wish you have forgotten, I wish I could forget about the shit parts of my life, but all I can do is to numb myself, she says that I must change my mindset about the past events.
>You should risk more
>You should try things before disregarding them
Maybe I should, but I know it won't change how I see things, I don't trust relationships because of the possibility of betrayal, I don't trust living with another person because I'm extremely paranoid with my personal belongings and most people won't share the same level of personal hygiene.
I just don't want to feel things anymore.
I'm think on playing Avernum, emulate some game, or play VH.
If I can't improve my life before I hit 30s I will off myself.

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You're unironically /pol/posting outside of /pol/, I can't think of anything more cringe and bluepilled bro

You have to confront the meaningless and insanity of existence, recognize it for what it is, and learn to love and appreciate it. Much like Zarathustra and the Rope-Dancer, there is beauty in the struggle regardless of outcome.

>I don't know why it's become so popular now though
The incel meme dredged it from the shitter.
Subhumans realized they can get massive (You)s by playing on insecurities of conservative teenagers and "have sex" is just that.

would you prefer I say zoomer instead? Your generation has no purpose. The best you can think of is going to the gym, which is laughably pathetic. Purpose comes before discipline, and because you lack purpose you have no discipline, but you think if only you put more willpower into it your life would start to have meaning, well it won't

are we entering a period where the only white people who breed are racist idiots

Therapy is kind of BS unless you have a specific issue that you want resolved, I hate how it's become a meme now, "oh go to therapy it'll solve everything"

Stupid people tend to breed more than smart people as per r/K, and yeah, the brainlets are going to be pumping out more and more kids.


You have to reach the clown world mentality, OP.

Nothing matters, it's all a joke. Just live and enjoy the simple things. Get out of the race, people are just rushing into a cliff, with dreams of money and fame.

They are just burning their lives away chasing dreams.

Stop worrying. Stop caring for what doesn't care about you. What others think is irrelevant. Forget society, embrace nature. Love.

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At first I thought that maybe wrestling was getting more popular, but then I realized it's probably just 4channers getting into rasslin.

not that user but it's at the point where you don't really feel anything, just go through the motions everyday.

Comic zone

This is the proper use of the clown world meme, not the sort of nonsense that /pol/'s doing now.

this clown world meme is contradictory because clowns are truly nonsensical and do not care about anything whereas /pol/tards care deeply about stupid shit that doesn't matter

that's because /pol/'s using it wrong

le siiiiips i am le boomer! lel

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No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God. at least stay consistent to the lore if your gonna LARP as a christcuck

It's similar to the NPC meme, which was most popular among those with massive herd mentality and worldview biased against verifying own beliefs.

clown world is just le wrong generation for edgelords and i will not be convinced otherwise

Team Fortress 2
It'll bounce back. It sure will.

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It's CBT, helped me in certain aspects of my life, but when comes down to relationships and socialization, I just can't do anything with it.

doomer here. for me personally, the material doesn't do a good job at convincing me personally. For me I like to ask questions about philosophies and shit and whenever I do challenge some advice and it's effectiveness I always get cop out answers.

a gun in your head


>at least stay consistent to the lore if your gonna LARP as a christcuck
Inconsistency and hypocrisy ARE parts of the role he's RPing.

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Have you embraced the schizoid personality as your lord and savior?

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A woe is thee.

/pol/ are just a bunch of insecure retards reaching for their safe space. of course they weren't going to understand clown world

Eh, I still like the music associated with this joke.

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lol maybe but I'm still trying everyday to change something until I can just move on. I haven't found it yet.

jokes are funny tho

Yeah, therapy doesn't do shit for that. IMO the best advice I can give as a robot who's worked his way into normiedom is to abandon your desires for a relationship. I can spot thirsty people from a mile away, and it's consistently one of the least attractive qualities. You have to carry yourself and act as if you were already in a relationship, demonstrating that you're not needy or emotionally dependent.

The central question you need to ask when approaching philosophy is "what do I want". You need to know what you're looking for, otherwise you'll never be satisfied.

You got it half right: It doesn't actually do anything. You must understand that all the institutions and stuff available to help losers are the result of normies trying to make sense of the world. To them the idea of being unsuccessful is as foreign as success is to you, so they need to believe that it can be helped. It cannot.

I was just trying to avoid the word "meme" feel like its been overrun a bit. Still applies though

ok how do I find out what I want from this world? How did you do it if you did?

Yume Nikki

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IDK, it just kind of revealed itself to me? I suggest meditation, thinking about your life and your history, looking for some kind of arc, some sort of recurring theme that's followed you around.

ok that sounds good I'll give it a shot, thanks man.

Is "I want to understand happiness despite the meaninglessness of life and the inevitability of death and the terrifying thought of your ego/existence disappearing forever through it" good enough a question? I guess it's a bit generic if anything but I never read anything in my life ever so what would you recommend I read to start out?
Actually I'm not even sure if the goal of your post was to recommend pieces of philosophical literature but it wouldn't hurt to try I guess.

>Therapy is kind of BS unless you have a specific issue that you want resolved, I hate how it's become a meme now, "oh go to therapy it'll solve everything"
Well having a confidant of sorts to talk with can alleviate a lot of stress, but Therapists don't always have to be good Therapists. I had a lot of luck with mine, but I know others less fortunate.

Le doomer boomer zoomer bgxhdbddhehehhe xD
Kill yourself

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I like most of those games to a degree. Except MMO's are horrible games. Also Fortnite and Overwatch are really not my cup of tea.

>doomers playing games instead of just buying games and never playing them

I never played NWN2, is it good?

This was me when i turned 18 around 23 i just became a straight up doomer. It's not even because i think it's cool or anything. i just feel numb now. like all that self help shit didn't improve me or anything now im just stuck in purgatory of numbness with no idea how to get out. 24 and on will be doomer me i guess.

t. gloomer

>I'm above my own nature
This is hubris.

Is there a version of the doomer that isn't sad? The kind who likes doing nothing with his life and doesn't regret it? It's not coping with pain. I guess it is embracing it and saying fuck it

chaotic evil

Not being governed by personal wants is the greatest disability in our time. Not to go all redpill on you, but it's pretty new for a human to have to figure out for him or herself what they want from their existence on earth. It's only natural that we are ill equip to figure it out. Humies are great at creating a narrative after the fact, so ask just about anyone who doesn't suck at life and they can spin a narrative as if they were in control and that the road not taken was such for a reason. I personally doubt that. Most of us seek guidance and leadership, and that doesn't have to be a strong paternal figure or an oppressive government, but a path that seems clearer than none at all. Most people have that, but don't like to admit it.

Oof, that's a harsh question, I don't know how to tell people to start since I kinda fell into reading myself. I'd say the ultimate goal for you should be void-confrontational stuff like Bataille's Erotism and Land's Fanged Noumena, but those are really heavy, dense texts and difficult to really dive into, even for a more seasoned type like myself. (Fanged Noumena in particular, holy shit)

>we can't transcend lizard brain bullshit, nope, hunger and lust must be the primary concern in life
When you're a man, nature is not the goal nor your friend. It is only the chain.

This is why you are low stock wh*toids.
Your first world life is far from being "sad" or "depressing" please kill yourselves or get killed.

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No, because doomer is about unsatisfied failed normie.
Post-hope state requires something that normal people would call a personality disorder.


>being a doomer

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Shhh sandman, this is all beyond your comprehension. When your kind get upset you tend to just blow up. :)

Mafia 1
Mafia 2
GTA San Andreas
The Getaway PS2 Series
Pokemon Yellow
Runescape OS
And a random choice of 3 of your favorite childhood games that you replay every 1.5 years.

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The game "Kill Yourself, Wojakshitter".

Play it today!

Forgot to add The Godfather™ ,
True crime Streets of LA and Driver 3

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Best version
Have some Connecticut water for it user

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anything from when they were 12.

For me it's NBA street, Jak and Daxter, halo 1, gta 3, FFX, luigis mansion, tonyhawk 3 and most importantly runescape.

I'm not arab, I just ised that image because a sand meme is all you deserve. Go cry about your sedentary life you dork lol.

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Ah, I'm sorry I didn't mean to pressure you with that question, it's just that I was just finished reading that small commentary on the myth of sisyphus by Camus and I thought it was interesting despite not quite fully understanding it so I wanted to try looking into more stuff.
>but those are really heavy, dense texts and difficult to really dive into, even for a more seasoned type like myself.
I figured, I guess it will take me some time to fully grasp what they're saying since I have very little experience in regards to literature, but it's worth giving it a shot, not like I don't have tons of free time now, this horror's been eating away at me since I was 9 when I first came to that realization and now I spend all my time locked away in my house, so maybe reading might help me come to terms with it.

Oh sorry, my mistake nigger. But I ain't crying about anything don't worry. :)

What's the difference between a doomer and a sadboy?

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its my favourite game ever, but its really flawed
the core campaign is so-so (something-something le deconstruction meme), but it has its moments. its enjoyable.
MotB is probably the second best wirtten crpgs of all time. and much better mechanically

nwn2 core is some like 6+/10, but motb would be 9/10 easily

other expansions are simply bad. there is also tons of modules to play

Layers of irony. Sadboys were joking (but not really) while doomers are unironic idiots.

>Your first world life is far from being "sad" or "depressing"
I'm brazillian though

sadboy is someone who still attends parties, have normie-tier friends and occasional sex (at least a couple times a year) if he is not in relationship

usually likes some niche hip-hop/vaporwave music


>the core campaign is so-so
Yeah that's what I kept hearing so I never tried it, but do I have to play it in order to play MotB, or is it standalone?

Boomer embodies gentle nostalgia, the Bloomer looks to the future.

Your retarded kill your self


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motb is standalone, but you would miss a bit if you didnt play the core campaign. but, its not a great game, but you may like it. you should try it.
and comapred to modern mainstream crpgs its like solid 8/10

Cool I'll play both then, won't hurt to try I suppose, thanks for replying user.

I'm not black either. What's next, spic? You dork lol.

fuck you whitoid

>I'm brazilian
Is there a greater curse, brbro?

Fuck you nigger

Retro bleep bloop music is great

>tfw feeling sad

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Being an abbo, living in the shittiest corners of Africa? I mean, it's still pretty fucking shit but I guess it could be worse

Hotline Miami eternally

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not a deep sea thread but still, have some nice music anons

Witch's House
I usually enjoy these grim as fuck RPG maker games because they send you straight into the abyss and somehow you find a light at the other end, but not in that motherfucker.

Being a russian "male".

Look at their suicide rate. Just fucking check it out and compare to anything.
It's really sad and they'd deserve pity if they didn't work really hard on deserving scorn instead.

this picture is me at 26 now, fuck being a doomer I got tired of that shit.


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>waaaahhhh I grew up in a first world country and still became a worthless loser I'm so depreeeeeehssed
what a shit meme. Exercise, read books, learn how to draw, eat better food, stop drinking alcohol and smoking cancer sticks. It's so fucking easy to find something else to do. You're all still probably in your 20s, too.

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But I have low self-esteem from being short, dumb, and abused!

>You should socialize
>Okay, how ?
>Bee yourself
>Can you help me
>No, do it yourself
Every fucking time, it's like trying to find a job with no experience.

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Wait, you need help and are asking for help on how to be an individual?

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>>Okay, how ?

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I will as soon as my dad dies
as unfortunate as it is, I'm the only thing he can take pride in in his life

Normaltards have a massive illusion of control, they genuinely think that they "got" where they are rather than being placed there by their environment.
This is a part of why they genuinely can't comprehend why would anyone have problems with what they don't have problems with. They never had to think about this, this is so obvious to them that even when you force them to think by saying "what if you moved to other city with no friends", they lock up and deflect.

Bloodborne, it's full of suffering.

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so bad