What's your favorite vn?

What's your favorite vn?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't play relationship simulators

I really need to get off this website before this incest shit ruins my favorite fetish

Reminds me of when my older sister would make me wear dresses

Is there some place I can find a full list of games in this "series?" aren't there like 20 spinoffs with endings for specific characters?

Is incest your favorite fetish?

so far starless and not for the hardcore fetishes but for that feel of comfiness you get in the mansion in between those extreme sex sessions
I loved the contrast

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just play the original

If user says so.


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I only like certain kinds.

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Is there a vn with actual harem and no dumb routes where i can have 3somes

Have sex

>Nanase's revelation towards the end

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Uta 3.

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Harem Party

>went for Momo
>stayed for Mayuchhi

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Unironically katawa shoujo. I tried some vn's after it but they just weren't good at all. The ones I tried were:

Fruit of grisaia
If my heart had wings
Little busters

Someone please tell me if I'm an idiot who just haven't played any good vn's yet.

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So far I'd say Eden*PLUS is my fav, despite Majikoi making me smile and fap a lot. Perhaps SubaHibi will become my first when I'm through. BTW I picked Shiina because I'm too much of a betafaggot to handle Momoyo, unless she was a raging futanari with a huge veiny meatrod

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Can someone redpill me on YuNo?

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The one with my waifu of course.

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Those were all bad

You posted it.

Was zum Teufel?

the one where my Beloved King is off course

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Alright, so hand over some good ones and we won't have any trouble here.

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VNs aren't videogames.

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Sono Hanabira series

>ywn go out with Benkei
Why even kive?

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Katawa Shoujo! very deep

are there any VN with tomboy femdom?

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I liked katawa shoujo and Ddlc
tried subahibi and fruit of grisaia because Yea Forums said they were good and they're fucking lame. every character talks like high functioning autists buried under 20 fedoras
narcissu was OK, interesting enough for me to finish but couldn't give a fuck about all the extras and side stories

just tell me a fucking good vn already

Mah nigga

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>he thinks actual 3d relationship is anything like vns
have sex

Kara no holy fucking shit when will the suffering end

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Did A-3 ever get translated?

*slap her ass*

No and probably won't now that Jast picked up Majikoi

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Yukari best imouto in existence.

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Fan-translation is dead ever since JAST officially picked up the Majikoi license.
It took them 5 years of negotiation to get it, so enjoy waiting for the official release of the A-fandiscs somewhere in 2030.

Incest really should be your favorite fetish. It's top tier fetish

Dropped that when they dismembered the cute comedy relief chick. Those games are borderline guroshit.

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I guess as long as it releases. The writer for this series is hilarious.

I agree, it was my first and hit me the hardest. I still enjoy the ones that are considered "better" but nothing will put me into the same weeks-long emotional coma that KS did.

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You probably got off easy because it gets so much worse in the most soul-crushing ways

Original, then play the sequel "S" and A1 and A2 are more sequels with different storys. Not that hard user.

Why did JAST have to ruin everything?

shy sword girl is where its at

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I liked Uta 3 but in certain ways, I think I preferred Uta 2. The SoL stuff and the banter with Haku and the rest of the cast were extremely entertaining. All of that was gone in Uta 3 due to plot reasons but Uta 3 also went too over the top with the shounen shit at times. I hated how every time you'd think you're about to have this great 1v1 duel with a character and all of a sudden, everyone just jumps in and starts spewing some cliches. Certain character's personalities just got annoying as fuck after a while (like Atuy). And Woshis was a horrible last villain whereas Raikou was actually great. .

Still good though but I felt like it could've been better.

What did you play after ks? I still haven't found one I consider to be good, and I want to fill the hole with something

Say it in red you lying bitch.

Hoshi Ori Yume Mirai

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>It took them 5 years of negotiation to get it
Jesus christ, why?

Kuon doesn't deserve someone as perfect as Haku.

can i get some more masterpieces like this

She really doesn't. Actually only rulutieh and the twins really do. Atuy is too wild, nosuri didn't even want him in the beginning, kuon is bad and that's pretty much his entire harem.

JAST is slow thanks to the constant money from J-List, they can sit on a license for years without feeling the consequences.
Here are only the releases from last year just to give you a gist of how slow they are:
>Nitro+ exclusive partnership: 3rd July, 2009
Sumaga and Django Announced: 3rd July, 2011
Release: TBA
>Sweet Home:
Announced: July 6th, 2013
Release: May 1st, 2018
>Trample on "Schatten!!"
Announced: June 30th, 2012
Release: July 16th, 2018

F/SN, Yume Miru Kusuri, Saya no Uta, and Grisaia are all I've gotten through. YMK used to be babbies first VN and I loved the first route but was lukewarm on the rest. Saya is legitimately great but short and not exactly a cute romance story like the others. I liked the common route in Grisaia but after Michiru's route I was totally uninterested in the rest.
I think Majikoi will give me more of what I want but it's taken me years to get around to reading it.

I was in it for the dog, pig and horse fucking not gonna lie. The scat, I don't want that in real life, but it was fascinating to see in the game.


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Chaos;Child. I liked Chaos;Head though so I'm biased.

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>hate guro
>didn't feel grossed out by the guro in KnS
It was almost beautiful.

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Where my Dies Irae chads?

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Sweet tapdancing christ translating a VN should not take 5+ years if you're a professional team.

the best one

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>People who had Katawa Shoujo as their first VN consider every other VN to be inferior
>People who read VNs before and then read Katawa Shoujo consider it to be nothing special

Why is that? "First came, first served"?

dead just like LIGHT lmao

I actually downloaded and played Saya no Uta, I enjoyed it up until the first choice when the game crashed. Kept crashing no matter what I did so I just gave up on it.
I didn't enjoy Grisaia at all.
Haven't tried YMK or Majikoi, might try Majikoi. Thanks

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>people who read KS are filthy casuals that didn't play any other VN after it

It was a Yea Forums project, so it naturally get a lot of exposure here. It's also free and easy to download.

Unless it's the biggest video game script ever, aka Rance 10.

I started with KS and while it'll hold a special place in my heart always other VNs in the same genre like Clannad just do it better.

Evenicle is based

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Ok, that was touché.

the senran artist is a fucking master

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How about non-h VNs? I like ace attorney and recently picked up return of the obra dinn, 1 hour in and it looks interesting.

Fuck this fucking shit, it literally hurt my soul, haven't even touched the second one.

Just finished Chaos Child, i was memed into thinking it's better than Steins Gate, it's not. Still good though.

Hopefully Evenicle 2 is already picked up, I need my Fake Senran fix really badly. Wouldn't even be mad if they go back and pick up Drapeko.

It's probably a common answer, but I've got to pick it.

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>tfw your sister comes home and says she learned that when people love each other they put their pee parts together

Fata Morgana

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How is Evenicle?

For me, it's the Muv-Luv trilogy.

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fun turn based rpg vn with the senran kagura artist doing the art so the girls are turbo soft. theres occasionally some rape and dark shit that happens to non main characters so if that turns you off be a little wary. despite the memes that people like to throw around the mc is never cucked.

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Cool, but did the main character cuck other character? That's my fetish. I don't even know what it's called.

>tried subahibi and fruit of grisaia because Yea Forums said they were good

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only patrician in the entire thread so far.

She's not actually MC's sister. She's his senior in the school that they go to that took him under her wing because she wanted a younger brother to bully.

>Cool, but did the main character cuck other character
not direct cucking but theres multiple times he dicks a girl someone else wants to

Really fun. It had some wasted potential but still a really great game, if you're looking for some alicesoftlike or senranlike game then you'll love it.

It's ancient and hasn't aged well, BUT it's basically the prototype to tons of VNs, and it's influence can still be seen even in new VNs, like Stein's Gate. It's the FF1/DQ1 of VNs, so what you get out of it may vary. Personally, if you're looking for an older VN/dating sim, I'd just play True Love.

I just wanted Stacy's route and then nothing else in it or A-4 or 5 mattered.

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There's a reason it like many other extremely popular VNs of their time get called babby's first. It's usually guys who either only read 1 VN or put their first on a pedestal.

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Steins;Gate and 0 are pretty good.
I'm currently getting all endings for Kara no Shoujo and I really enjoyed it a lot, although the random smut/H scenes were a bit... too random in my opinion. The story is solid as fuck though. I'm hyped for Kara no Shoujo 2 but I heard it's not as good.

I'm also playing through YU-NO (just at the beginning right now) and I just bought pic related.

My backlog is massive...

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>ctrl+f Everlasting summer
>0 results
Y'all niggers have shit taste.

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For me, it's Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai!

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The wait for their next work is killing me.

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Do all the bitches have cowtits? That's what turns me off the most in Senran. Looks like they're more modest from the pictures in this thread though.

How are yuno and the world is ended?
Are you playing the remake of yu-no?

Surprisingly not. Out of the 10 wives in the game, only two have cowtits.

>but I heard it's not as good.
2 is actually better, the common route is a bit long, but it establishes some characters which become important later on.
Just prepare yourself for the true ending, one of the few visual novels where I stood up and shouted at the ending credits due to a range of emotions.

Any milf there? I'm tired of high school girls desu.

>girl gets raped by more than one guy
>loses protection of goddess
>can no longer grow crops or raise cattle without something going horribly wrong
>exiled from all towns
>anything they try to do will become fruitless
>either forced to become a criminal or kill themselves
evenicle was way darker than i expected it to be.

all of the best girls have big ol milkers and even most of the girls on the smaller side are pretty big.

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>I think Majikoi will give me more of what I want but it's taken me years to get around to reading it.
Majikoi has great character interactions and a solid true route but a lot of it suffers from every single route ending the very instant the character's problems are resolved. You'd think S and its after routes would help this, but the after routes and most of the other routes in S are just focused on sex because it's like they completely misunderstood what people liked about the original, and S' true route is absolute shit.

Probably because of the voice cast.

I've already preordered it on switch physical, I wanna get emotionally destroyed yet again

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evenicle honestly caters to pretty much every boob size there is. you get a really good range.

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Do it for her.

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kyou is best

was her route any good?

I'm playing the old version of YU-NO cause I didn't want to wait for it to be translated on Switch. But if I like it enough I'll prob buy the remake too. I saw there's an anime out this season too but I'm avoiding it like the plague cause usually anime adaptations are worse and I don't want to get spoiled.
Our World is Ended is... weird. So far it feels like a straight up Steins;Gate clone which in theory is a good thing but in practice it's way too much of a clone. Instead of Akihabara it seems to be located in Asakusa, which also accentuates the similarities between the two. But, again, I'm still at the beginning. It just finished introducing the main cast of characters and some weird shit is happening. It is interesting for sure but I can't stop thinking of Steins;Gate.

Oh, that's fucking awesome then. Good to know.

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What is the pic trying to say?

>F/sn only 1/3 longer than Tsukihime
That can't be right, Tsukihime only took me about 25 hours to get through the whole thing, while the Fate route alone took me about 20 hours.

you are god damn right

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>despite the memes that people like to throw around the mc is never cucked.
>He didn't play Evenicle Rance

This. I hope Sekai Project doesn't butcher Novectacle's next game.

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It also has a fantastic ost

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There's a milf that has 2 or 3 scenes if I remember correctly, but that's about it

Finally, some good taste.

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Great characters, great soundtrack, entertaining protagonist, the game offers a massive amount of commentary for clicking on random shit which is why the script is so huge. The finale is rushed as fuck and rather unsatisfying and that makes me torn on ever recommending it because the rest of it is so good.

There's also a scene with her.

For me it's Ochiru Hitozuma, the best visual novel game

I know user, I know.

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Any good VNs for a chuunifag like me? I've already read anything Fate related and Dies Irae.

Damn, that's the one part I didn't like about Grisaia Michiru's route. Not nearly enough cute dating moments that they teased in the first half of it. I think I might actually be a sucker for those "moeges" that people always complain about.

Do not play the remake. Do not support the remake financially. No one involved in the creation of the original game worked on the remake.

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I legit don't give a shit.

remake art looks way better fight me

I need this

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No, but the sex scenes in Evenicle are terrible anyway. Alice-Soft just can't make good porn regardless of the artist.

They both look like absolute trash if I'm being honest
As long as the story is good and still intact, I'll buy it

Aishimai 4. Let me tell you it's not for the plot.
Try Trample on Schatten

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Nekone did everything wrong

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As far as I know the original writer has died so the remake will be 1:1 copy of the original script with no addition or changes... so at least with that you know it's gonna be as good as the original.

the story is trash, people only like it because it's babby's first VN/adventure game
the only good thing about it was the art

>As long as the story is good and still intact, I'll buy it
They removed all the sex scenes and also covered up most of the panty shots and accordingly the dialogue associated with looking at them. Meanwhile they did nothing to fix the game's finale being so rushed which is the one thing a remake should've done.

>What's your favorite vn?

Phoenix Wright

That's kind of what I figured. The original art still isn't good by any means though
The sex scenes we're removed decades ago

You seem to be sensible to "baby's fist VN", you might be young. Play Yume Miru Kusuri.

>the only good thing about it was the art
You forgot the soundtrack, fag.

>The sex scenes we're removed decades ago
But not the pantyshots and related dialogue.

Why did you have to remind me? I was done thinking of Benkei. I found myself a stable relationship. But now you've ruined it, now whenever I'm with her I'll be thinking of Benkei.

Do people seriously care so much about some shitty porn scenes? Like, I get it if it were a shitty game whose purpose is only the porn, but some VNs actually have really good gameplay/story and the porn just feels like a tacked on addition just for whatever reason.
Example: Kara no Shoujo
>compelling story
>interesting investigation
>vast depth to each character and arc
>really well written
>"oh, you managed to find the right piece of evidence, here let me give you a blowjob and now put it in my ass until I cum"
It just feels so fucking out of place.

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I often see people say remake has worse art, which I agree to some extent. However if you don't mind the new moe artstyle it's decent due to the higher res.

More importantly, having voice acting makes a hell lot of a difference during the more important scenes.

I prefer the remake almost solely due to the VA (pretty much fully voiced now). The problem is you may have to wait for quite a while for the English version.

If you don't care about VA then it's a closer call I guess.

Fair. But if the game is actually good I'd still be willing to play the remake.

Just got planetarian on the switch

>More importantly, having voice acting makes a hell lot of a difference during the more important scenes.
The YU-NO I am playing (PC98 version) has full voice acting, fyi.


People will always buy VN's to jack off first and read second
even the first fate was fucked over by it and now we have golden anuses


>More importantly, having voice acting makes a hell lot of a difference during the more important scenes.
The old version of YU-NO had voice acting too you idiot.

I agree, but I don't defend the removal of content in any circumstance.

Wait wait? Did I get cheated then?

I played the original via the bonus they gave out (DLC) and it's not voiced.

White album 2

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Currently downloading Majikoi, gonna try YMK afterwards. Thanks for the tip

I'm still mad about Kokoro's route.

>(PC98 version)
Or, more accurately, you're playing the 2000 Windows version, but that's an almost 100% accurate port of the PC-98 version. And the voices (taken from the Saturn version) are provided by a fan patch.

Is it really removal though, if you're remaking it? Does the Japanese version have the porn scenes? I consider it removal/censorship if it's localization/porting/publisher forcing them to remove it, but if the remake plan from the beginning is like that, I don't really care. It's their vision, their choice.

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>There is no joy in finally finding Toko.

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YMK is one of the only VNs I ever dropped. Just couldn't get into it
KnS3 when bros, I just want Reiji to find some closure

This is one of my favorites together with its "sequel". It will be translated sooner or later (more like "later", seeing that Sekai is doing the job). Don't look it up, forget about it until it comes out and just read it. Trust me.

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>you're playing the 2000 Windows version
I'm not sure about that, I'm using a PC98 emulator...

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>mfw Orihime and Tojiko

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Just machine translate it. Use Chiittans and Textractor.

Umineko chads rise up

I was not aware of any PC-98 version with voice acting. My understanding was that only the Sega Saturn version had it.

>getting the bad ending right before that

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Muv-Luv Trilogy
Shikkoku no Sharnoth

I would rather not completely butcher it.

>Sekai is doing the job

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The only VN I played was tsukihime 5 years ago and only after I finished it I realized I had the censored version.

Sakura can't smile if you exist-------!


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You looking forward to Ciconia When They Cry?
Simultaneous Eng and Jp release was announced yesterday by MangaGamer at Sakuracon.

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>censored version

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YMK only gets good when "shit gets real", which is when any of the routes starts.

One of the best VNs I've read is Hoshisora no Memoria, but I can't fully finish it because it's one of rhose VNs where you need to unlock the "true ending" and I need to finish a route of a girl I hate.

Is Rondo Duo considered VN?

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Of course you had the censored version. There is no uncensored version.

So you're saying everyone played this game for the romance and not the porn

The team tanslating Majikoi is for the most part machine translating. They just re-edit it to be more readable.

>All these Majikoi pictures
Goddamn why do people like this VN? It has some of the cringiest dialogue I could possibly imagine yet people slobber all over it.

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Do you make decisions?

That only applies to the fuwanovel group that did Miyako's route in the original and it shows.

You don't read Tsukihime for the porn or the romance.

>tfw us EOP won't be spoiled by people playing in japanese
fucking based ryukishi

Yes. But where is our episode 9 news.

>It has some of the cringiest dialogue I could possibly imagine yet people slobber all over it.
What are you talking about? It's not any cringier than your other typical VN

You can make decisions on how hard you want to wathc the girls get fucked. Is that considered a decision?

Wanted to read a vn similar to tone as pic related.

I thought about going for 428 or the silver case + killer 7 + 25th ward.

What else should I go for?

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I personally read it because of my irrational hate of chairs. Would read again.

I liked this dumb chinese warlord.

Eh i guess.

Never really found anything particulary cringy in Majikoi. Majikoi S was a whole different story though. The translation is a meme infested pile of shit.

Never expected I'd live to see the day a VN gets a day 1 translation.

I need suggestions on VN's to read as a beginner. Eroge or not, it doesn't matter, but I need something
I read S;G and S;G0 already

killer is not a VN
silver case +25th ward is entirely different but really fucking good if you like wacky characters and nice subtext in the plot
you probably read the other zero escape games, but have you read all other uchikoshi VNs? ever17 is great, remember11 is really good but people were unhappy with the ending loop

Euphoria and Starless

Saya no Uta
Grisaia no Kajitsu

you need to give us genres or something, otherwise there is just too much to dump on you. anyone got the handy beginners list at the ready? can't find mine right now

unironically Katawa Shoujo, it's free and it's pretty good
Saya no Uta
Fata Morgana
F/SN and Tsukihime
Clannad and Little Busters

Pick your poison

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Absolutely never, I'm learning japanese just to get wrecked by KnS3 again.
t. waifu'd Toko over 4 years ago and never stopped loving her

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To be precise, I played this one which they gave out as the original (minus R18):

It's certainly not voiced.

I think it has to be the Saturn version. There are only two VAs ever listed for the characters, one for remake and one for SS.

In that case the only advantage would be better voice quality and resolution I guess. Maybe preference of different VA but that's up to personal taste.

Which Toko though?

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Yume Miru Kusuri
Infinity series
Saya no Uta

Yeah I know killer7 isn't a vn, but might as well play the rest of suda's stuff.

I've already read the infinity stuff but I've wanted something more darker in tone. Maybe also something more complete than remember11 and ztd was.

I was hoping there was a battle royale/saw like VN translated in English. But other than Danganronpa and Killer Queen, there really isn't. I'm a bit disappointed because I think plots like that only really work in VNs.

does someone have the recommendation chart for moege?

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The one that had to be found.

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Ghost Trick.

Whatever you find interesting.
They're still anime VNs, you're not going to run into fucking Being and Time: The Visual Novel.

Dude no rational person can put this game above a rating of average.

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Killer7 is definitely the best thing Suda has made, but it doesn't take part in the same "universe" as 25th Ward or Silver Case. The other game that does take part in that universe is Flower Sun and Rain, which they said they are working on a remake, but currently isn't avalaible anywhere but on PS2 and DS. Also I don't think Silver Case or 25th is anywhere as good as Killer7.

Very cute and funny pic

I am playing headpat simulator right now, and its comfiest game i have played in years.
Theres little content and even less gameplay, but its pleasant and relaxing as all hell.

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>Killer7 is definitely the best thing Suda has made
reddit: the opinion

After pondering about it for years I realized that Kara no Shojo is my favorite overall. The plot, atmosphere, music, artstyle, everything was just the comfiest for me.
But obviously Muv Luv and Steins;Gate, as well as Majikoi, are all up there as well.

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999 was the first vn I ever played, and I still consider it to be one of the best. based "highly recommended" list.

If you liked Steins;Gate, try other Sci;Adv VNs. Unironically Everlasting Summer was one of my favorite VNs, made by soviets, and I recommend it. It's free on Steam.
Our World is Ended seems to be a copycat of S;G (see ) and might be good, not sure yet.

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>using temporary companions to cheese super bosses early
easy game

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I haven't completed killer7 yet, but imo silver case is peak kino story, especially if you reread it and catch all the stuff that makes you question sudas sanity and writing the first time around

>reddit opinion
that would be saying NMH is the best suda game

post *THAT* story

Currently playing through umineko with the original graphics and loving it so far. Haven’t played any other vns though and I don’t really care for dating sim style vns.

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>obscure /jp/ shit
>G-senjou no Maou
>Little Busters
how old is this

G-Senjou no Maou's twist is god tier compared to this

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Come help me with my constipation, user~

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oh shit son
what are you doing, don't look at spoilers, go and read it

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Gohda killed everyone with small bombs planted in their meals

I'd suggest just to read the most popular ones if you like the genre.Things like Fate.

You'll most probably get to it one day anyway.

Why did the game promote her as main heroine when she only have few scene and no ending?

This is why trump wont win 2020

The DLC that comes with the remake is a somewhat inaccurate recreation of the PC-98 version. Different fade effects, modified interface, laughable censorship.

This is the Saturn version: youtube.com/watch?v=7Trl6DH1V3A

Notice the lower resolution, larger colour palette and voice acting.

NMH indeed is the best suda51 game... you outed yourself, reddit.

>telling him the twist without even spoiler marking that stuff

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Some days ago I finished reading "The Epic of Gilgamesh" in spanish and I have to ask, how many of you guessed that Gilgamesh was going to be the "final boss"? he's literally the original chuuni character, everything about him is extremely exaggerated

can't wait to see how Gohda will be responsible for anything that will happen in Ciconia WTC

Did you read the new info? It's going to be about people trying to prevent World War 4 and some old characters are going to appear

Man, the stuff Empress makes now just makes Discipline, Starless, and Bible Black look tame. I wonder why none of them have gotten any translations.

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This should do; a good VN chart, courtesy of /vn/

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>no good ending with Marie
Fuck this game.

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>The Witcher 3

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I remember MD because it's goddamn Initial D the VN

Ones that get censored by snoy

>phantom of inferno
Man, I remember reading that ages ago. Great VN but the format was pure, unadulterated cancer of the highest order.

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>EVE: Burst Error
Not with that translation, I'm guessing the guy who made that list played it in japanese

What game should I download if I want something like Artificial Academy or Koikatsu for Android?

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My nigga. I have the same feelings.
Just accept your honest taste, its not bad cause contrarians from Yea Forums says you so. Most VNs are souless crap and katawa is one of the few exceptions.

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Let's face it, nobody plays Witcher 3 for the combat

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Nobody reads VNs for the story either, what's your point?

>tfw can't get off the Yuno wild ride

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OWIE shares very little in common with S;G but I see comparisons very often, maybe I'm missing something.

I think it's quite good, though I'm not sure I'd consider it top tier stuff.

The story is quite legit and the events are pretty interesting. If you like the premise as stated in the sypnosis you should be good.

On the other hand the characters and humor style relatively more extreme. Not sure how to put it into words, but they're the sort that's oriented towards otakus. So I guess it might not be for everyone.

Each character has some kind of negative trait and they stay true to it. For example Sekai = hentai and probably more than 50% of his casual dialogue is some kind of sexual harassment.

Basically you get a bunch of silly situations due to their antics.

is this a fake mock up?

>tfw you wont be able to read "that" VN for the first time ever again
what's her name

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Katawa Shoujo is literally trope aggregator of other games. You could call it the quintessential VN because it's so mind-boggling generic and soulless.

Ten years old.

moecuck spotted

>shaft anime adaptation never

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How mad were the gatekeeping weaboos when they were told Cicconia was going to be simultaneously released in english?

both Umineko and Higurashi

wow, you don't even hold control, what a retard.

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I don't know if anyone these days could stomach all the drama in it.

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>OWIE shares very little in common with S;G but I see comparisons very often, maybe I'm missing something.
>story happens in a very famous neighborhood of Tokyo (Akihabara vs Asakusa)
>silly/joke "Lab" organization (Future Gadget vs Judgement 7)
>wacky gadgets (VR gear vs microwave oven)
>fat otaku stereotypical dude
>airheaded genki girl with big tits
>chuuni shit (although it's not the MC this time)
>weird/inexplicable shit starts to happen that seems to have larger consequences than what originally implied
Again, I'm still early on in the story and have no idea what the fuck is going to happen, but *so far*, it feels like a copy of Steins;Gate for the most part. I'm enjoying it a lot though, to be honest.

You are wrong and stupid
What vn is soulfull and nongeneric then?

KS felt like a bunch of Key VNs and a handful others glued together, but for being derivative it doesn't mean it's not entertaining.

But holy hell is the fanbase embarrassing.

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Cross Channel
Kana - Imouto
Natsukumo Yururu

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Can someone explain Forest to me? I can't be bothered to read it again

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Did you not realise that the game makes fun of you for doing that and you get less rewards?

>tfw you will never feel that same awkwardness you felt when Taichi cornered Kiri in the bathroom

Umineko and Fata Morgana

>Twist that makes perfect sense and was foreshadowed is worse than a twist that came out of nowhere and leaves the game with a bunch of plot holes and also makes the side routes impossible
If you say so.

hey, I'm learning chinese right now, any good VN in chinese ? All the good one seems to be in Japanese.

Just recently read Crescendo and Figures of Happiness. Crescendo is great if you like ragtime piano and soap-opera drama, and Figures of Happiness is one of the more unique set-ups for a VN too. For as serious as things got it was pretty funny throughout which is pretty impressive given how many victims truck-kun took and how many love triangles there were, and how many times Mio's loyalty was tested while her boyfriend was in a coma
Would definitely recommend both of those to anyone today, especially Crescendo.

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Well embarrassing fanbases tend to come around any game that gets popular. I remember talking about how much I enjoyed undertale when it first released, now I don't really want to associate with it anymore.

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KS, DDLC, and some other games attract these rabid weirdos that are completely obsessed with the game.

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They call female banchous big sis as a term of endearment, not because she's actually the protagonist's sister.

Baldr Sky

>probably the most civil and on-topic threads on Yea Forums
>they still always get deleted
Really makes you think

I see, that's reasonable.

I was thinking more along the main plot devices, in particular S;G features time travel but OWIE uses virtual reality.

there's none, i use both of my hands for the dirty work and these retarded "games" wont help it

Underwater Ray Romano 2 and 3

Their Twitter posts every few months saying they're still working on it but they haven't shown anything in years.

G senjou no Maou plot twist is stupid too, Sharin is worse
It was foreshadowed too much and the punishment itself is just dumb

Maggot baits when?

For starters, any game which isn't set in a high school (like roughly 9 million Japanese VNs), or are harem comedies (see above), rely on a gimmick to create drama (there's a pattern here) and have their character personalities copied from from a spreadsheet for some anime.
The only original things it did was introducing cancerous Western stuff like one heroine being unironically lesbian or a slut. And don't get me started on the cringy weeaboo stuff like the father of the mute girl being a character only a 15 years old Naruto fan could come up with.

Don't get me wrong, I like consuming all that aformentioned trash from time to time but I'd never call myself a connoisseur for it. The main takeaway here is moderation, and Katawa Shoujo had fucking none.

What can you expect when current mods are

Can't wait for Adobe Flash Player 10 sequel.

>tfw he was in the game literally just to suffer some more

Fuck that dream ending man. That shit was unnecessary and sadistic.

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>and the punishment itself is just dumb
user just because you're a NEET who hasn't talked to anyone IRL in years doesn't mean most people wouldn't consider that to be suffering.


For anyone that played OWIE, this might be a retarded question but... are these things on the right the favors I have for the different character routes? Because they appeared after I made some choices in-game... Should I be worried?

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Hey you're just projecting, I never said that it was not harsh or anything

>current mods delete steam avatar and EEnE Online threads even though they're board culture
I fucking hate them. They're like trigger-happy african warlords.

Are the Rance series good ? i always see someone on Yea Forums saying it its good

been meaning to read majikoi for a while now
anyone got a torrent?

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well reading it now feels like shooting drugs or something. At first it feels warm and fuzzy like in the good old days, but then I remember that I will never be able to return to more innocent times.

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Fucking why?

Well there's no such thing in the Vita version (I believe) so I can't help you here, but no worries you'll have to replay a few times to get all endings and there's no wrong route for the first run. Just go ahead with what you feel is right.



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Little Busters

Specifically Refrain. No other piece of media has fucked me up emotionally more than that. I heard that Clannad is even more effective at bringing out the tears, so I'm looking forward to the day I get wrecked by that.

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Yeah, but most of the good games still remain untranslated. Check out Sengoku Rance if you want to start somewhere,

Are you learning online or going to classes?


oh huh, didnt know that was still around

It's literally the ending scene of Rondo Duo

>learning chinese

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I'm moving to Japan in a couple of months and I've been meaning to scavenge hunt some rare VNs and JP-only games that haven't been translated into the west and are potentially hard to find online. Anyone got some tips on hidden gems and such that I should keep an eye out for?

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is it? I've played it every year since it came out and I don't remember it.

Technically Rondo Duo IS the sequal.

Did you like it?

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no game has mindfucked me harder than ever17
>mfw i move on to muv-luv expecting wild shit and waste a week on pure fucking trash
>mfw Uchi hates his fans and shat all over ZTD

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>Crescendo is great if you like ragtime piano and soap-opera drama

Did you read Kaori's route? Nothing in fiction made me so fucking uncomfortable like the Dinner because I could relate. That's exactly how I'd have fucked it up while trying to impress an older woman while still being a teenager.

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To be more precise, there's a normal end and each main cast gets an ending. It's common for first run to get the normal.

In case you want to aim for something.


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I actually completely forgot why Kotomine had to fight Shirou at the end.
Or was it really just because Kotomine gets off by being everyones enemy?

Based Muv-Luv hater brother, fuck that trash

Muv-Luv Alternative.

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tfw looking forward to AI but still kinda having PTSD over ZTD.

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>as a beginner
Well then, stop everything you doing and go read Ever17 right now.

It's going to have the same flowchart format as VLR, if that gives you a little more hope

>Sagara Family
That one was kind of weird for me because the milf was far and away the best girl but neither of her endings was especially good. The nympho preschool teacher's ending was 10/10 though

Just watch the Anime. It getting a """"redeemed"""" final episode only made it feel like a harder gut punch.


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You just don't get it, do you SHONEN?

I think it was because Kotomine believed that the being in the grail "deserved to be born" and thus tried to stop Shirou from wrecking it. But your reason was probably part of it too, he didn't have anything better to do anyway in the few minutes he had left.

Meiya > Sumika

>looking forward to anything new
How is being literally retarded working out for you? Do you have an interpreter that translates your simian grunts and vocal noises into comprehensible language?

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It's just a chuuni
Just like in Dies Irae where the enemies fight themselves for getting the grail or something I forgot

Uta 1 is better but most people don't play it because it's too old, it has a faulty fan translation and they don't know Japanese to play last year's remake so they go around having 2 and 3 as the only things they played which is a real shame.

Holy shit, I never read this
I still like him for making 3 of my favorite visual novels, but that image made me a little bit mad

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>Uta 1 is better