Worst Mario Kart coming through "other than 7"

Worst Mario Kart coming through "other than 7"

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stop memeing 7 is great

7 Was fantastic.

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Having all the SNES circuits was unexpected and pretty neat desu

Mario Kart super circuit is my favorite singleplayer Mario Kart, you're probably just a shitter. Everything after DS is absolute trash though.

t. brainlet who can't into SMK/MK:SC

7 was okay, but you are right super circuit and SNES were garbage

give one reason why 7 is shit
64 > 7 > 8 Deluxe > Wii (Modded) > Arcade GP = Double Dash (8 Player) >>>>>> Double Dash > Wii > 8 > Super Mario Kart > Super Circuit

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I liked thaf you could play every single track with a friend if you only had one cartridge, but that's it. I guess I kinda liked that you could play as the honey queen, I have a thing for obscure characters in mario spin offs.

7 is good. Snes and GBA are shit yes. 3d render technology and smooth framerates have been a great boon to the state of kart racers in 2019

Best Mario Kart coming through

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Every mario kart older than DS sucks desu. 16 tracks just doesn't cut it for me anymore, you can play trough all of them in less than 2 hours.

Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

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7 is the best game in the series, its only flaw is that Waluigi isn't a playable character

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>Want the Circuit Special in 8
>It ends up being one of the last things I unlock

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What the fuck is wrong with you?

Super Circuit unironically RULED

Its league's better than Mario Kart Wii

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The only reason people think SMK is bad is because they haven't figured out the drifting.

Man, Mario hoops 3 on 3 was too much fun, and it had a cool artstyle to boot

Why's sonic in a car?

>And that's why Sonic Drift sucks!

>Mario Kart Wii sucks because I'm autistic and insist on using my shitty karts for some dumbfuck reason!

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That game was so good. I don't know why they have never made a full home console Mario baskeball game. The one on the Wii doesnt count