Worst Mario Kart coming through "other than 7"
Worst Mario Kart coming through "other than 7"
stop memeing 7 is great
7 Was fantastic.
Having all the SNES circuits was unexpected and pretty neat desu
Mario Kart super circuit is my favorite singleplayer Mario Kart, you're probably just a shitter. Everything after DS is absolute trash though.
t. brainlet who can't into SMK/MK:SC
7 was okay, but you are right super circuit and SNES were garbage
give one reason why 7 is shit
64 > 7 > 8 Deluxe > Wii (Modded) > Arcade GP = Double Dash (8 Player) >>>>>> Double Dash > Wii > 8 > Super Mario Kart > Super Circuit
I liked thaf you could play every single track with a friend if you only had one cartridge, but that's it. I guess I kinda liked that you could play as the honey queen, I have a thing for obscure characters in mario spin offs.
7 is good. Snes and GBA are shit yes. 3d render technology and smooth framerates have been a great boon to the state of kart racers in 2019
Best Mario Kart coming through
Every mario kart older than DS sucks desu. 16 tracks just doesn't cut it for me anymore, you can play trough all of them in less than 2 hours.
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
7 is the best game in the series, its only flaw is that Waluigi isn't a playable character
>Want the Circuit Special in 8
>It ends up being one of the last things I unlock
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Super Circuit unironically RULED
Its league's better than Mario Kart Wii
The only reason people think SMK is bad is because they haven't figured out the drifting.
Man, Mario hoops 3 on 3 was too much fun, and it had a cool artstyle to boot
Why's sonic in a car?
>And that's why Sonic Drift sucks!
>Mario Kart Wii sucks because I'm autistic and insist on using my shitty karts for some dumbfuck reason!
That game was so good. I don't know why they have never made a full home console Mario baskeball game. The one on the Wii doesnt count