Epic games paid an estimated 3.5 million for Phoenix Point

So basically Fig has a shareholder returns thing and they reported a 191% return on the game. Using simple maths, Phoenix point got paid at least 3.5 million for exclusivity.

Using the same maths, Division 2 got paid 15 million for exclusivity and Borderland 3 got paid far more than that for exclusivity. This explains why devs are flocking to epic games store, it's literally free money that's more money than a year's worth of sales if they take the deal.

Attached: apITNPg.png (1180x1200, 263K)

How long can Epic keep bribing devs like this?

the division isn't an exclusive it's on ushit
they just paid them not to put it on steam lmao

Until president Jinping decides to cut his losses.

Forever since Fortnite makes billions from zoomers.

until fortnite becomes old

until Fortnite stops bringing billions of dollars of net profit every year.

Fortnite makes billions of dollars, they can do this forever

As long as Fortnite keeps making bank, they can siphon money into bribing devs. But at the same time if they can't get people to abandon Steam, they are just losing money. Metro Exodus is potentially a massive failure if it indeed sold only a little more than Light Light, a game which bombed horribly.

>tfw Ubisoft boasting that uPlay numbers skyrocketed right after saying the alternative is Epic

>Instead of making new games, they just buy ones that are already done and being hyped
This is far far worse than console exclusivity

Potentially forever since they can just budget 500 million for buying exclusives and that's already a couple of AAA releases and multiple indie games.

Are you talking about Counter-strike and Portal?

>a game Valve got the publishing rights to, that started as a mod of a game they made
>a game Valve literally made

nice b8 kid, you even got him to reply because he's autistic

Where did you get this from

just a reminder than epic is Unreal, and that is makes way more money than fortnite ever will. the only thing fortnite brought is popularity

You are underestimating whales.

>tfw get bribed twice a month to go to work 5 days a week
>tfw food bribes my hunger to get into my stomach
>tfw air bribes my lungs into respiration

how long is everything going to keep bribing everything else. This should be illegal.

More than a year of sales?? How about more than a LIFETIME of sales? I'll never buy a gearbox game again for this betrayal.

>Using the same maths

>I'll never buy a gearbox game again for this betrayal
Yes, be a good goy and buy Gaben shit

Where did you pull those numbers user?

Sweeney can afford to do this about 550 times with his current fortune alone.

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Fuck man, imagine you are an indie dev and Epic says "here is 2 milli, for 1 year exclusive". Fuck i would take it.

2 or more years intil Fornite stops being the mainstream succeas that it is. Eventually something will come and knock it off the #1 spot.

>epig bad, gearboggs bad, they took epig's money!
>Waaaah, video gaems arent a business, it's a hobby!
>why would people want to make a living off their work???
Gearbox was on the verge of failing because of battle flop. It's not even an exclusive forever, just for a few months. Quit being a faggot.

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Imagine actually being this retarded though?

>wow stop being an entitled consumer and think of the poor, poor devs!

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Epic created the main game engine used in 90% of 3d games.
Valve created loot boxes.

The only legitimate argument anyone should be making is don't use any online drm bullshit.

It's not even the devs that make the decision, its gearbox management

the unreal engine is anti consumer and loot boxes literally saved gaming
nice try chink

>valve created lootboxes
Source engine is pretty big imo. And besides, Unreal engine pales in importance to the quake engine.

They said about a year then they'll stop being so aggressive.

More like Epic created a piece of design software and has been milking devs over it for years and steam made a store that allowed devs to make 20% more profit off their work and users to get easy access to a wider range of vidya than ever before, further allowing a far greater range of vidya as viable consumer products because even cheap games have a place to be sold.

So nice narrative faggot, keep shilling for bugmen.

Epic created the main game engine used in 90% of 3d games.
Valve created digital distribution, the online store used by 99% of games, and is the reason we don't have to live with system-bricking drm like securom anymore

>Valve created loot boxes
Wait didn't Fifa trash have this shit before Valve games did?

Until Most Honorable Chairman Xi wants to see some actual returns and Sweeney finds himself in a reeducation camp in Xinjiang

Valve literally bought the studio that made Portal when the game was near complete.

Also CS was free before Valve started charging money for it.

You have to laugh at Yea Forumsirgins who think 3.5 million means anything to a company who makes billions from zoomers.

That's an one time good deal considering the game looks like hot shit, but it definitely hurts their chances of turning this into a long running series or even making a fanbase out of it.

Source Engine isn't big at all considering the only people using it besides Valve is Respawn with their lootbox vehicle Apex Legends

When did that happen? I played through to 1.6 and it was always free. Unless you mean it requiring you to own HL1, which it always did on account of being a mod and all.

And? You faggots boycotted chic fil a because the owners privately donated to some anti gay campaigns. You punished the poor employees for something they had no control over. It's not our fucking job to keep shitty companies afloat while they make shitty games, steal money to make their shitty games and then pretend to be innocent while taking fat stacks of cash.

It actually looks pretty good though, like Xcom but with good graphics and minus the dumbing down of the 2K reboots.

Yes, in 2009.

>Yea Forums
>boycotting someone for being anti gay
bruh are you sure you're on the right website?

Sounds like a pirate for me then.

I don't remember when exactly, but buying HL on steam doesn't grant you Counter-Strike.

This isn't that surprising considering what happened for awhile in Visual novel circles where one company threw money at licenses just to strong out any potential competition.

Epic as a company can probably afford to go red for awhile, so I suspect they'll probably keep trying to do these deals for at least another two years.

Activating a HL retail copy does though

>near complete
It was a tech demo.

So there's your answer.
When HL went from retail to Steam.

Until Fornite fade goes down

>This explains why devs are flocking to epic games store, it's literally free money that's more money than a year's worth of sales if they take the deal.
uh yeah?

they told you this to your face right away. even the phoenix point guy outright said that if every kickstarter backer refunded they'd still come out ahead

have you been living under a rock?

>This isn't that surprising considering what happened for awhile in Visual novel circles where one company threw money at licenses just to strong out any potential competition.
It wasn't even their money and they still keep doing this shit to this day.

Attached: sekai project in a nutshell.jpg (1572x342, 386K)

So, near complete?

tencent made the deals and writes the checks not tim

To be honest, I would too. But this guy promised his investors the premiere in GOG and Steam. He's a fucking liar. At least the other games Epic bought weren't crowdfunded.

Didn't lootboxes began in Facebook games and the like?

>devs go to epic because epic bribes them
yeah we already fucking knew all of this.
eventually epic will run out of cash to do this with and their shitty store will flop since even if you hate steam nothing can really touch them given how much of an icon steam has become

Even if somehow Epic runs out of money, if Yea Forums conspiracies are true, they could just the money Tencent gets in one rush hour a saturday in China to keep doing this for another year.

How would they run out of money if people buy on their store? The investment ends up paying for itself.

Keyword: if.

>the only reason why people back kickstarters is so greedy AAA companies wont have anything to do with their development or publishing
>now not even that is safe anymore

The video game industry is completely fucked

tencent will sink a lot of monez into this to secure more market share in the west. it is the right decision in the long term

Tencent already launched their own store in the west

Can someone explain why it was okay for a kickstarted game to mislead the people who gave them money? They expected a GOG release, but because of epic's hateboner against steam, everyone had to suffer. You stupid DRM babies keep fighting for the right to be some corporation's personal goy.

they offered a refund to people who wanted it, and even if you play it on epic, you still get a key for your preferred version when the exclusivity expires.

>Epic created the main game engine used in 90% of 3d games.
That's not a real number. Also that's not exactly a good thing in the long term in all honesty. It guarantees a wall in graphical fidelity until Epic feels the need to progress it.

Actually, that hasn't been true for ages, save for maybe a few exceptions. Most serious kickstarter projects already have investors lined up who will back the project if it passes x amount raised. Basically, kickstarter is a risk-free way for investors to gauge interest in a project. It has led to some amusing misconceptions even, like the idea that it's possible to run a game dev studio for two plus years on like half a million total.

but consoles are holding back graphics
not game engines

that means they have a monopoly and that's BAD! Think of the developers!

>they offered a refund
Bull crap. They made it a nightmare to try and refund it. Assholes wanted to have their cake and eat it too.


They still have a monopoly.

and that's a good thing?

>they offered a refund to people who wanted it
By giving all of your bank information to a third party in Estonia.
The refund process was Nigerian prince-tier sketchy.

I didn't mean to apparently prioritize game engines above hardware. I'm just saying diversity in engines is important.