
Why aren't you playing squad right now and larping as insurgents?

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I’ve played it. It’s full of super try hard RP faggots.

I just want to have a bit of fun.
Same goes for Arma 3.

Too slow and tedious. Rising storm is faster and more fun.

Can you now drive tanks? Is it similar to RO2 tanking, is it as detailed? What about the larpers?

nobody actually roleplays in squad, everyone plays the objective

the only way you can describe the current community as LARPers is if the very concept of using voice comms is alien to you. In that case stay the fuck away

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how does one Live Action RP in a videogame

>slowest paced of all these games
>twice as expensive at 40$
>still the most popular
zoomers stay away

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>Take a logi and rush the enemy solo to have "fun"
>Get fucked and lose the logi
>Your squad tells you to stop doing that and play as a group
>"waah fuck those RP faggots"

I like Tarkov more and I can't play more than one realistic FPS at a time.

Larping as insurgents is literally against the law in my country and I could end up in prison for life.

>Pulling retarded assumptions out of your ass
Ah yes I see

Because RS2 is way more fun.

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Actually just stopped right now because of turbovirgin SL who can't have a bit of fun while still trying to win.

Taking a pause from the insane pixel hunting in that game until they get new factions/maps/vehicles.
Yeah you can drive the T72 and Abrams. Pretty detailed. You can fire missiles out of the T72. You can dump smoke from the engines as well as the turret.

>Why aren't you playing early access game right now?

>triggerhappy tranny
>in a game with donald john trump
this is why we can't have nice things
gas yourself

just waiting for hell let loose really

fuck off /pol/tard

Way too many cheaters with high visibility skins etc.

Stop falseflagging

It's absolutely dead and dogshit buggy project reality for shitty ue4 mod
Played it for a while after the graphics update and meh it'd just too jank

you are literally one of said RP faggots


I just want to play basic rifleman and not have to use a mic which isn't always possible since medics frequently don't get picked. Also, having fun is very dependent on getting an SL that knows what's going on. I like Squad, but something like Tarkov suits me better since I can just do my own thing.

I played this game for around 20 hours and in that time I saw the insurgents win 0 times. And the only reason for that is that the US forces could put optics on their weapons. Did they balance that fuckery at least a bit yet?

>arma 3
too autistic
walking sim
>rs2 vietnam
actual good shit
also good shit

Now we just wait for hell let loose to launch and die within a week.

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nice larp

That tanking sound pretty cool.
I wait till they add a Yuroo faction maybe France or Germany.

Bullshit. Servers that I play on have no RPing. We just have nice bants while doing what our squad lead orders. No "sir yes sir" or other pretentious garbage.
Oh, maybe you are too fucking stupid to follow the orders? If so, please don't play this game mr. brainlet.

Found the consolebabby who can’t play Arma. Arma even has go kart servers buddy.

>nobody actually roleplays in squad
>everyone plays the objective

Ive played in dozens of games with a powertripping drill sargent type squad lead leading the entire squad in the wrong direction to build up his super meta base.
>Just join another squad
All squads full
>Just make your own squad
Spawn at base alone, cant take vehicle, or no vehicles to take

You have played dozens of games and didn't learn that you can spawn at FOB no matter what squad you are in?

Nigger there isnt always a fob available. Sometimes the FOB is getting raped, sometimes its outdated and far as fuck.

And I want to mention the blame game that happens in this game ever round on the losing team. SL goes off on his meta adventures to build a super FOB in a shit position, the rest of the team gets overwhelmed. SL starts crying that the team is shit. The rest of the steam starts crying that the SL Squad is shit. And you have to listen to 5-10 40 year olds crying at each other in chat and mic.

doesn't run on my pc anymore, used to way back but now its laggy as shit

>dude let's make a bf4 clone but without the marketing lmao

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damn that looks good
got more screenies? might be enticed to play it

incorrect, they lock the servers for those events

Free to play when?

Because its easter and Im spending my time feasting with my family you heathen

they are already working on another title. I think it has something to do about chernobyl.

Im gonna complain some more, game can be super fun but it can be fucking awful. Being Squad Lead is a chore and a half. And lets not forget this scenario, happens all the time especially when you lost the previous map.
>Someone joins SL1 spot.
>Squad 1 fills up to max in 5 seconds
>SL1 leaves
>New SL doesnt notice he is SL
>Everyone runs around like chickens with their heads cut off constantly asking what do we do?
>SL leaves, rinse and repeat.
Or the times I've made a Squad, if you dont act like a powertripping faggot literally no one listens to you, Everyone questions you or says lets do this instead, if you agree with him maybe 2 people will follow you unless you start being annoying and repeating it.
If you dont follow the meta that you are magically supposed to know cause it's assumed that you automatically have 4k hours if youre a SL, the other SLs start going nuts in SL mic channel.
If you don't build the FOB in the designated meta zone, some 9k hour faggot in your squad till go nuts even if it's working and your team is winning. Ask if he wants to be SL, silence. Repeat ad nauseam.

The game itself is fantastic but people are not.

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Haven't tried Squad. Late to the whole tacticool party and only recently picked up Arma 3. Pretty fun desu though I've still only played single player and not really sure what to expect from multi. Heard a lot about FPS drops online.

>you must play the game you don't like because it's more popular
Go play overwatch you stupid nigger.

dont be fooled by the particle effects and audio they shill front 'n center at every opportunity to market this misleading shit of a game. this game and its "devs" is absolute trash.

>not understanding that everyone on screenshot is an edgy right wing memer
2wo digit iq brainlet right here
*nukes your ass from m72*
nothing personal, dumb gook

I just want a modern version of battlefield 2, a warsim where I can fuck around with bots.
Why did ea and dice stop implementing bots?

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sounds like cancer

Project reality had a much more chill playerbase. Hell even on random russian servers I had squad leads helping out their dudes with broken english

Squad has chill people too and I've had great times playing it but the shit I mentioned above and much more annoying shit was always common. It's mostly the same player base. I doubt PR has more than 2 full servers right now, if that. Almost everyone who plays a lot used to play PR.

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I can honestly say in the 60hrs or so I put into PR I never had issues with that type of asshole.

At most you would get a pissed squadlead that would kick you if you picked sniper and fucked off somewhere when he asked you to pick medic or AT. Which I always judged as fair enough really. Commanders I found mostly left their SL's alone as long as they built spawn points and attacked in a general direction.

PR had full servers only at euro hours last time I checked, but it's free and has jets/helis/factions glore so it will be around a while yet. The best thing about PR was the scale, having a seperate squad just for air assets (CAS planes and helis) as well as transport pilots ferrying troops and supplies. Squad lacks that scale atm

I hope Hell Let Loose hangs on

God insurgency 2 sandstorm sucked tho easily the most fucked up mishandled release in recent memory and they never fixed it now it's dead
Moron devs up there with trip wire

It’s not that bad, you just remember the bad more. Plus the game is waiting on v13 so a lot of people who played the most or are competent SLs are taking breaks

Aussie servers also non existent or dead power tripping ghost towns
Game runs and looks like ass and genuinely feels more dated then bf2 project reality mod it was based on

Because I'm playing Arma 2 larping as a Soviet tanker in Afghanistan.

because it takes development time away from the rest of the game, and is considered a feature which most people won't make use of.
plus it's hard to make good a.i. to play against.

But i am
Why is every other squad other than the one i am fucking useless?
Fuck other squads.

>everyone plays the objective

Zoomers consider anything that requires critical thinking larping though. It's pathetic I know, but they just can't imagine someone genuinely able to concentrate on something for more than a couple minutes.

I tried to but Steam said my dick was too big to install it.

same, the HLL devs are really good people, and are certainly much more competent than the shitshow glorified modders that call themselves devs for Squad

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what does this offer over post scriptum or red orchestra 2? it looks like a modern CoD game

It offers hopes and dreams of a good game, once it is released and reality sets in, the devs will be called shit like all the others


>retard boomer over voice "UH BRAVO NINER YOU GOT EYES ON -

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Never played Arma 2, I went from OFP straight to Arma 3. How does Arma 2 compare? I hear it's better than 3 in some aspects.

RS2 is janky unfinished trash. Squad is still in alpha and the shooting and movement still feel better than that garbage.

That ain't fuckin true my dude lmfao, squad is that

Only worth playing for executing subhuman USMC larper squad leads.
As always milsim is ruined by the "people" who play it.

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>irony: the post

Damn I better add that to the list of things that never happened.

"no u" is not an argument, retard

t. never played the game


squad is an extremely slow-paced game full of milsim autism, RO2/RS2 provide good gameplay while having matches last 10-20 minutes depending on team balance

I don't know what to tell you. Movement is much smoother and the animations are way better in Squad. I'm sorry that you're retarded and think that you know everything about a game that you've never played. But please, continue shitposting to prove my hypothesis that all RS2 players are retards.

I found your video lol

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more like

>boomer "uhh guys target is over there"
>other boomer "wtf are you doing zoomer"

>HLL devs are really good people, and are certainly much more competent than the shitshow glorified modders that call themselves devs for Squad

This! HLL looks way more promissing than post scriptum, its has that almost perfect balance between tatical/military simulation and fun gameplay.


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a game tailor made for airsoft players

>clan match
>yt channel known for scripted bullshit

about as believable as frankieonpcin1080p's scripted dayz videos

Karmakut is literally hated by most of the community for being a tryhard tacticool autist. His clan matches are not representative of regular play.

I remember when frankie tricked me into buying arma 2 to play dayz, what a waste

rando stream, people talkin in squad. See for yourself

PR chilled out because most of the faggots are gone. My first day playing that when BF2's massive free update hit made me almost stop dead.

>go play co-op to play rifleman
>accused of impersonating an admin
>accused of griefing

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Friendly reminder if you are in a squad full of autistic larpers to teak mill them all!

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>rando stream
SquadOps is the fucking competitive mod for Squad you disingenuous retard

I just like good games. I like squad, PS, HLL, and Insurgency, I like to go between them and don’t care about all that as long as they’re working and adding to it and addressing problems

oof this is a real one and its even worse

why squad players shill so much and consider rs2 to be their rival when rs2 doesn't even know who tf they are?

They think they're cool because they're playing babies first real milsim.

>Why aren't you playing squad right now and larping as insurgents?
Because I'm stuck at BF3.

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underage get the fuck out

Squad is fun until your team is losing then its unfun cause all people do is complain about losing and other squads and what not.

How the fuck do you even rp in squad? if people just speak like in the military in comms it ain't role playing

>babies first real milsim
Squad isn't a milsim and nobody that plays it even thinks that it is, excluding the SquadOps autists

Squad/PR are just BF2 with a slightly more realistic and slower play.

I had to take a break from the game over the past year because of the fucking awful movement and gunplay after v10. Only played with vehicles since then until the new test they're having. The devs finally stopped caving in to milsim granpas with shit reaction times and finally accelerated the animations and increased the movement speed in general, so that's looking good if they stick to it.

u r

cause shooting someone in the game feels very unsatisfying and your character acts like he's never fired a gun before. same shit for escape from tarkov.

>Too autistic

What does this mean though i havent played arma

>t. assblasted CODbabby who can't handle weapon sway

>posts a clan match

lol, faggot.

>Runs like shit
>Takes way too long for content to release
>When it does it's usually underwhelming
>Graphics look terrible
>Low settings = easy mode 'cause devs are too lazy to fix it
>Disbanded promises
>Limited weapon selections, no new factions for 2 years
>Shotguns shown off 2.5 years ago, no release
>Vehicles are practically useless, and will be even more so in V13
>No thermals for them = infantry dominates vehicles
>Boring as fuck rush meta that happens every match
>Maps are just poorly made, very limited in terms of playstyle

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I hate you all so god damn much

This is a board for video games.
Off topic thread requesting a permaban.

milsims are the worst meme to ever happen and i still wonder why every year a new "reallistic ww2 fps" is released only for 2 people to buy it and play it on steam

its early access

because my PC is shit and can barely run anything nowadays and I'm too lazy to clean out my case to make it run marginally better

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