I know i will get a lot of hate, butt fuck it, its Yea Forums you are hating everything...

I know i will get a lot of hate, butt fuck it, its Yea Forums you are hating everything. What is a good way to beat nervousness while starting to stream?

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Not starting to stream helps.

Why would you stream?

by not starting


Any engagement is good engagement, just look at wings of redemption.

Do you want gaming to be stressful and not fun, even for games you usually enjoy? Then start streaming. t. Unfortunate decision to start streaming and regret it. Can't ever just load something up in your pj's and mindlessly play anymore

Realizing that you're not going to have any real viewership for a long time unless you get lucky

>tfw I do shitty YouTube videos that get 3 or 4 views but I don't feel like shilling them here like some other fags do.

Like any other way you get over anxiety in social situations.

It sure helps if you trust yourself.
If you can't do that, you need to either learn to trust yourself or you need to become more trustworth person.

Just like pretend your alone at first.

go for a jog before stream

you should really build an audience somewhere else before you start streaming

Everyone who I've knwo that's steamed got like 5-100 regular viewers then stopped it's a fsd they are all boring to watch

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smoke a lot of weed

Kys again


What about streaming makes you nervous? I’ve streamed for 300+ people.

I don't understand the stress part of it. If I did stream I'd just consider chat to be offhand comments made like going I in any other game except you respond to it verbally. I wouldn't change my playstyle or what I play to put on a show. The try hard streamers are the worst, just be a guy playing games having a good time, people just want to feel like they are hanging out with a buddy playing games. For socially anxious people it's probably actually a form of therapy to force yourself to interact. It comes easier the longer you do it.

I share my videos on related forums. I also make informational videos idk if that helps? Pepper those in with gameplay videos.

The fact that you have to talk somehow, even with zero viewers

Well I'm autistic and talk to myself constantly any ways.

Couple of beers

Practice, build up tolerance etc. You'll get used to it.

I tried posting in normiebook, but it gave me like 3 viewers, I guess it is something