I've played every 3D Zelda and only beat BotW. For reference, I played OoT maybe a couple of years after it launched, when I was 10/11.
I love the TIE Defender!
I don't even play new games apart from the ones that I played when I was young and I considered masterpieces
I rarely play new games and when I do I always heavily critisice them
It's hard to find new games to play, but from my point of view, all the games other people play are garbage
Black Ops 2 had a fun campaign.
I buy more games than I'll ever have time to play.
I full odds shiny hunt on occasion to relax.
The only game I've ever abused a glitch in was Super Monkey Ball, to unlock the Master mode, because I couldn't be arsed with unlocking it normally, despite being really good at 2 and having the platinum trophy in Banana Splitz
I can't deny it any longer bros, underaged girls are cute as fuck. When they're 12-14, they're literally fucking perfect and I can't stand it. All I want is an innocent, 12 year old gf to hold hands with and raise, and I won't touch her until she's ready and willing to do so. Once they're over 18 they're ruoned, they turn into roasty sluts and I want nothing to do with them. Help me brehs...
On a similar note, I can't help but be attracted to feminine qt guys m8s. Got wasted the other night and couldn't stop staring at this qt twink. I'm not into manly men and I will never let some nigger fuck me in the ass but shit lads, is it gay to be attracted to feminine guys?
How do I cure my degeneracy bros?
I didn't sacrifice Reynauld and Dismas to the heart on the final mission. Was planning to, but I was losing the fight and just wanted to end things quickly
I'm in a Discord server of steve in smash.
Even if i enjoy the argument of steve, i don't believe on him.
>any COD
I masturbate to Belle Delphine
I have never played a pokemon game except pokemon go
I don’t think I’ll be doing the deathwish mode in a hat in time.
I think it’s gonna ruin my memories from the game.
I shitpost about games I like and shill games I hate.
1. I've never beat any Zelda game and really have no interest in playing them
2. If I'm struggling with an achievement on Steam I'll just edit it in and get it that way.
I like the Persona dance spinoffs more than the games they're based on
How do you edit it bros? Teach me your way senpai. I need it for my tism.
Why user? I legit curious unless you mean you hated all of Persona.
Japan is full of pedos who either draw a ton of sexualised lolis or draw a clearly 18+ character but give her the age of 14 anyway...
...and i enjoy it.
I thought I was straight until I realized I found penises attractive. I don't know if that makes me gay because I don't care for male bodies at all, just the dick.
Everyday I'm closer to thinking that japanese porn VNs are the only 'games' worth my money.
I love Risk of Rain 2 but HATE Risk of Rain 1. Everything about that game just feels like garbage, but I know I'll be skinned alive saying that...
I like NWN2 better than NWN1
That's normal user, don't worry, a lot of people feel the same way, myself included. Anyhow,
I want to get into MGS so bad but the control scheme to me is one of the worst ever and I refuse to watch cutscenes online because thats cheating, but I want to get into it so bad. What do I do bros
I installed a shitload of sex mods into skyrim and basically raped my favorite characters at my murder home in windhelm and I actually felt bad about it afterward
I don't find Dark Souls that much enjoyable.
thats considered a bad thing?
I only play Fortnite now. Air Royale is amazing
I love Splatoon 2 cause of the fun gameplay
i liked shadow the hedgehog, it was fun.
I have never ever played any valve games
I never liked and played pokemon games and never will.
I liked every single rockstar games
I write sniff sniff at every female with a big butt.
Don't feel too bad. She was sworn to carry your burdens.
I want a Switch and a PS4 for specific games I'm interested in, but once I get these consoles, I don't see myself buying new consoles or investing in a PC just for games. I think I have enough games for the next years to enjoy and I have other projects and hobbies. Video games can be too time-consuming and expensive, and I just can't get excisted for new games like I used to be. For example Pokémon used to be my favorite games and my only reaction when Pokémon Sword and Shield got announced was just "oh that's cool I guess". I can see myself replaying the games I already have, especially the ones on my DS and 3DS though. I don't know why, but it depresses me a little.
>I buy more games than I'll ever have time to play.
Same for me, sort of. I occasionally buy video games I wanted for a long time, either on sales or second-hand, but but I don't know when I'll have enough free time to complete them. So far I have at the very least 40 uncompleted games and games I plan on buying. It's frustrating because it's all because of college and work, hopefully I'll graduate in a few months.
i remember playing mw1 back in the day, was pretty kino the campaign
i jack off to /blacked/ threads on /trash/
completely normal and naturalpilled
I naively played as girl characters growing up and it turned me into to a tranny
I go to blacked thread for white girls and bleached threads for brown girls
Didn't hate them. Just enjoy rhythym games I guess
I fapped to Amy Rose while watching the Sonic Heroes cutscenes in the game's theater mode
I like animated porn more than real porn now
Dark Souls 2 was my favorite of the trilogy.
Stop masterbating
Most of the campaigns have aged terribly, since they're even more linear than you probably remember. You have to do exactly what the devs want you to do or you'll either fail or die instantly. The first Black Ops probably does this more than any other CoD. Black Ops 2 was quite different. It didn't hold your hand as much most of the time, you could pick different loadouts and perks for each mission, and there are several endings depending on your actions. The best ending actually requires some effort.
I scrape sebum of my skin and eat it.
If my skin gets inflamed, I squeeze the pus out and eat it too.
Earwax, boogers, that slime that gathers in eyes after sleep, scabs - all food.
I never touched semen though.
That would be fucking gay lmao.
I have never beaten a single final fantasy game in my life and i live jrpg's.
poor guy :(
I'm going to probably Pre-order Borderlands 3 and schedule time off to play it Day 1, after I see the gameplay reveal next month.
Mostly because I love the series and don't give a fuck what Yea Forums says or thinks of it.
poor guy :(
Final Fantasy 15 is a good game. Tabata is great. Nomura is a hack.
I really should Chink Varg
I bought FF7 in the summer of 1998.
I had no internet.
I spent the entire summer at cosmo canyon trying to get past the fucking G.I boss in the cave.
I had no idea that fucking throwing an elixir on him would kill him. I used to try and try to do as much damage as possible but fail.
It wasnt until the next school year started I saw someone with a strategy guide and asked to look at it a second. my mind was blown.
Anyways, from this point on I started just using strategy guides for every rpg and game even when I didnt need it and it ruined the experiences for me
I like DD and SoJ more than AA2 and think the quality of the games has only gotten better (bar AJ). I'd be fine if AA7 was an Athena game.
AA3 > AAI2 > SoJ > AA1 > DD > AA2 > AJ > AAI
I voted for Trump just because I don’t give a shit about politics and thought it would be kinda funny if he won
I honestly never really cared for Banjo-Kazooie.
I cried with Aeris died.
I wish every day that I was a girl so I could wear cute clothes. I aint gay and would never in a million years become a genital mutilating tranny. If there was a magic pill that transformed me 100% I totally would take it.
I think Classic WoW is going to tank because it just honestly isn't that good by today's standards and people only play private servers because they are free.
I get the bad ending on persona games and never touch them again.
I'm thinking about switching to Normal mode from Hard in Sakura Dungeon because I'm just playing it for the titties and I don't have time to take it seriously.
I'm gay
At this point I feel like confessing that I'm blessed to have been born a man will be fucking shocking to some.
Anyways, the only Collectathon worth a damn is Spyro.
I summoned players to help me beat Lothric and Lorian in Dark Souls III because they felt way too bullshit for me.
How is the gameplay? Is it legit that hard to make you think like that?
I let her jump
I haven’t had sex in 3 years. Don’t even remember what it feels like
Lynch this user
I'm not gay but i wouldn't mind choking on a qt traps feminine penis and having us pound each others ass all day long.
As long as she is wearing a cute dress, that is.
>tfw I'm gay and don't find traps attractive at all
>tfw bi and find traps cute, but only attractive in the context of them topping dudes
I don't like femmes at all.
I want to drop Sekiro because I don’t want to invest the time to grind all these bosses and I can’t seem to get past Genichiros third phase with enough healing items.
But I know I’ll always hate myself if I don’t finish it. And fuck is DSP can and I can’t I may as well end my life
I don't pretend to dislike or love games based on the popular Yea Forums opinion just to blend in
This 100% I still like the game.
It's like Pokemon, kinda. You capture girls to make them fight for you. It's not so tough, it's just that I don't want to dedicate energy to leveling. Kinda just want to "blast" through the game.
I see, I might want to try it. At least the HCG are great right?
Same. It's as stupid as everyone says, but it's not unplayable by any means.
Also Sonic Adventure 1,2 and Sonic Heroes are SS tier Sonic, fight me
Yeah, that's what I'm more into.
God damn it, I've spent hundreds of hours on my life in Disgeae but I still cant pronounce the name or describe the stats
I no longer play videogames since 2012 and I came here only to shitposting
Only hentai addicts (bi men on Yea Forums) find them attractive
What's the last game you played in 2012 user?
This is bullshit and you know it.
You just hate traps because it's a popular fetish you don't have and your fetishes are less popular or less refined.
I do not enjoy rockstar games and I don't really get why they're so popular
Diablo III, that was the point where my passion for vidya died out and I realized that is no longer worth it
>tfw I'm gay but only really attracted to feminine guys
Find me a normie into Astolfo or some other anime trap
It's a bisexual NEET thing
having good taste isn't a sin, user
I'm a normie and i want Astolfo to blast cum down my throat.
I love rpgs but the moment i get a few hours in my min maxing autism starts up and i cant stand not having all my characters at a relatively same level.
Playing FFx for the first time and its the most fun ive had in months, but the blitzball game was awful, i reset 5 times to get an overtime goal that led to the win. I couldnt not have Wakka win his final game before retirement. I also reset a couple of times to get the win against the Testing summoner, and since you still cant skip cutscenes it ate up a hour of my time.
My confession is I wish I could enjoy/care this much about video games again.
Once you figure out blitzball, you never EVER lose. Its so easy.
>go on a website where people anonymously talk about things
>people talk about thing
>A-HA! people who like thing are all anonymous NEETs!
Your hypothesis is made of confirmation bias.
Normies don't talk about their fetishes openly. When they do, they do it anonymously. And anonymous places naturally attract NEETs.
Use a guide? That should take away most of the challenge
>boss has an entire party instakill move
>unskipable 10+ minute cutscenes everytime you die
I still can't believe this used to be a thing.
Yea Forums has indefinitely ruined my enjoyment of vidya, i stopped browsing once kh3 was out cause i didnt want to get spoiled/shitposted about gameplay, also had to focus on uni.
Im about to play it this week since i got a friend to hold my steelebook copy for me and exams are done, but i saw a thread which not only had a big reveal but also shat on the gameplay aspect. So instead of averting my eyes and waiting to play, i read further in the thread.
Majority of my time after exams were done werent even spent on vidya, im spending it applying for jobs and browsing the chan for my entire day.
Then i go to sleep, wakeup, repeat, want to kill myself cause of exam result anxiety.
If one of the 50 jobs i applied for called me back/hired me i could relax cause i would have some income, but nothing yet. Im in hell
What kind of wine pairs well with dick-cheese?
And? Was it funny enough to be worth it?
Portal is pretty fun and you can get both games for like 2 dollars during sales, you should try them
Sorry man, I hope someone does get back to you. If nothing else you are at least still in uni and studying so as much as it sucks, there's at least the possibility of applying for more in the future if these don't pan out. I can relate to a lot of what you said but probably on a worse, more dramatic level. I fully believe your life will stabilize eventually and it will have been worth it.
I'm planning on writing a massive document that contains a full defense of my waifu's existence addressing every single argument because she is constantly shit on on this board and I already write almost 1500 words a day to address blatant lies and misconceptions about her.
hey jeb
WHo's your waifu?
Is the title "Ramblings about my fictitious lover"? Might be a good read.
i really don't see any reason to play other 2k games beyond 2k11 bc i'm already familiar with it and the controls, and nothing as unique as the jordan challenge has been added to a 2k game (not that i really know what's been going on in the games after but it still seems true to me)
also i still don't know how or why no one noticed that they made kobe white on the cover of 2k10. like wtf, maybe its just one sassy tweet away from being brought back up
>binged on tartar sauce again
>hear my neighbor having loud sex all night
>thinking about how lonely I am
>considering suicide
Is it too late for me to stop being lonely when I hit the 30 years old club?
It's way too late.
Just install Tinder.
You'll either find some slag to fuck or someone will murderrape you at some point.
It's a win win for you.
It's never too late. I've seen enough people get a relationship later down the line, people who never thought they would. That said, if you never change how you currently are and expect circumstances to change and a relationship to just fall on your lap, that is a lot less likely.
I did, it made me feel more lonely, tinder also made me hate most girls.
I guess I will have to deal with it.
>still on Yea Forums beyond 25 y.o.
yep I'd say its way too late
i fall out of most PVP games i play and i blame it on people not complaining about overpowered characters or builds because they use them themselves
I started playing vindictus and I spent around 60 dollars on bikini and armor cosmetics and qt hair so I can masturbate to my character and ERP
I preordered Mass Effect Andromeda, even got the version with the space-monkey.
Didn't get past the second planet because the game is trash.
>Start making a vidya
>Think of story, plot, backstory and everything
>Start doing assets, so far so good
>Except i start thinking of lewd shit
>Main character gets fucked, best character is a huge whore, side plotline with a princess being railed by the entire keep
>Usually self insert as the princess because i want to relive some of the fun i had when i was raped as a kid
>Can't continue my game without feeling guilty as shit
>fun i had when i was raped
Not sure if RP or a genuine tranny/roastie
It's all true, user. They gave me a fellatio and kept doing it so i would come back for more
Yeah, no.
I play paladins every day, when this game will be truly dead?
Is it really rape if they did something you enjoyed, considered coming back for and still fantasize about to some degree? I'm not sure I get it.
actually kill yourself before you do something terrible
I enjoy RPing in multiplayer games. My real life isn't great, so it's kind of therapeutic for me to pretend to be someone more capable and self-assured along with other people doing the same thing. That doesn't mean I want to ERP though. I can only suspend so much disbelief, and I know you're a dude too.
I like all the Soulsborne games and don't have the slightest desire to rank them.
It isn't, but it still fucked me up. Thing is they start by providing you with pleasure, and then it's just derails from here. It's still rape because they force you to do shit you don't want even if they promise you fun in return. You're guilt tripped into not revealing what is happening even if your parents are right next door and could easily put a stop to it all
Sounds like things got pretty abusive in the long run. How were you guilt tripped though? Did they threaten you if you said anything? You seem to feel pretty negatively and that it "fucked you up" yet you miss those times you "had fun as a kid" quoting your own words. Sorry if this is too personal but I'm pretty curious on how this works.
The only Zelda I've ever finished is Phantom Hourglass
same, and that game took me years to finish bc i was so bored with it
Alright. The guilt trip is fairly obvious. You get pleasure, you know it's wrong but you want more of it. You already know that if you tell someone else about it, you won't get that person to do things to you. You're just a fucking kid, and kids your age don't think about this sort of shit. I was like eight when that happened. Sure, they threaten you and say things like "I'm gonna kill you if you say this to your parents" and other shit but you know deep down the answer. You just want the fun out of what you're doing
So you go on with it. And it still make you guilty as shit because you know it's not right. You can't really bitch when they do the shit you don't want to be done either because you hope they'll pay you back with the good stuff you like
Sounds pretty messed up, sorry you went through that I guess.
I never actually “Finished” Xillia 2.
I choose my bro Julius Kresnik over all those fuckers and imagined he and Ludger just hugged and had amazing sex until the very end.
The more i talk about it the better. I just don't want that on my chest anymore
Tyler? Is that you
I kinda like the newer EA's games.
From Mirror's Edge Catalyst to the nu-Battlefronts. Even Battlefield V and Dragon Age Inquisition.
I’m in love with Nathan Drake and am distraught it’s over and the spin off sucked huge ass donkey balls. Fuck feminism and SJWs.
I-I like videogame
A lot of my achievements on kongregate are hacked
I sent nudes to an ex when I had a little dick 5 years ago and tried to say I got it off the Internet.
No I'm Bob
I Hate the a-wing!
You could just knock and ask them to keep it quiet.
Or call the cops on them for lols as a Noise disturbance.
Played 6 after 2make and had way more fun with 6.
I play all games on the easiest difficulty. I pirate all games on pc and buy only consoles where i can pirate games on it
I have never played a Nintendo game.
I'm biased because it was probably just the Pokemon aesthetic skinned on top of it, but the Pokemon Pinball games are the pinnacle of pinball video games. The mini games of hitting the balls into Pokemon as they try to block you form capturing them is the most intense gameplay I remember from childhood.
>Do you remember being 12-14 years old user? >Do you remember 12-14 year olds around you when you were that age?
Teens fucking suck and are dumb as fuck. It's not their fault. Their brains just aren't fully developed. If you aren't pure autismo and socially competent, the gap in maturity will be apparent enough if you ever try to romantically/sexually pursue someone that age.
The cure is trying to talk to a 12-14 year old and listen to their problems.
I ERP as Princess Peach and spend about 8 hours every weekend getting bimbofied and fucked by fat reptile dick.
50 Cent Blood on the Sand is one of my favorite games of last gen.
I unironically enjoy underwater and sewer levels in games
Kill yourself, pedo-faggot
I don't own a PS4 because I was a poorfag for years and my brother (who I live with) sold his. I am probably going to buy one very soon even though I should just wait for the PS5 to come out instead.
I want to get involved in the Smash community and make new friends that way but sometimes I'm too socially anxious to actually go to tournaments or just plain old forget, just like I did today (there was a big local today that I said I'd go to that I completely forgot about until just now). In fairness, I'm bad at making friends because I'd have to explain why I'm in my mid-20's and don't own a car yet.
>just turned 26
>been considering suicide for this exact same reason
Jesus christ, why is it so hard for people like us to find love and sex? I think it's kinda fucked up that many people out there, men and women both, may end up dying without ever finding love and it depresses the hell out of me.
you bastard
>willing to kill themselves instead of just paying 50 dollars to a hooker.
>willing to kill themselves instead of just asking a random lady alone on the street if she wants to make a quick 100$
You realize how stupid you sound?
Because love is a taboo. You learn it through television, and then you get a fucked up idea of what a relationship should be, so you never really get one because you don't know how to initiate it
user, a hooker that costs only $50-100 probably isn't worth it in the fucking least.
I've considered just hiring an escort but a decent one will run you at least $400-$500. I kinda want to try soliciting a pornstar to fuck me.
>Go up to some random lady alone on the street at night.
>"Hey wanna make a quick $100?"
>"Do a standing back flip."
I bought some stuff to spoof amibos to get the Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess costumes in Breath of the Wild.
I play all Zelda games with a guide so I can see all the content
The Last of Us, Half Life 2 and Ocarina of Time are my favorite games
I never seed
I have over 12k wallpapers
I cheat all the time in multiplayer games for fun. I used LMAOBox in TF2 for years and sent all the items I got on that account to an alt. If I ever got caught, I would immediately start micspamming an obnoxious rap song while headshotting the enemy team and rapidly changing my name so they couldn't kick me.
I derail threads I have no interest by roleplaying as a hardcore progressive or Trump supporter. I also shit post about Yea Forums's sacred cows like Dark Souls and Obsidian games even though I've never even touched any of them
Believe it or not, most women will take the 100$ to fuck you if they arent rich and you dont look like a disgusting murderer.
The trick is to not be retarded and recognize who might need the money. AKA. A random spic lady walking down the street with her groceries definitely needs that money
>Because love is a taboo. You learn it through television, and then you get a fucked up idea of what a relationship should be, so you never really get one because you don't know how to initiate it
Yeah, I really don't know how to initiate things, be it just for a date or for sex, in the least.
>tfw there's a qt at my new job that seemed like she was interested in me
>tfw asked her for her number last time I saw her
>she asked me why I needed things that I didn't really need
I went home and cried that day. I realized she let me down gently (she had said it in a joking tone at least) but damn.
letting the determining factor of suicide being not getting pussy is your main deterrent from not feeling like shit.
you put this biological need to fuck above any other possible version of "after i get this, i'll be ok".
the truth is, you won't be ok, you'll feel great during but you learn it is temporary pleasure and all that can build from smash is the desire (addiction) to more smash.
look elsewhere for meaning, don't let your brain force fuck you out of existence because you aren't a breeder by design.
I know. I know that on a fundamental level, you're right. But every so often, I'll just start thinking about it and it'll fuck with me hard mentally.