Classic. We're going home, boys.
I'm gonna play an undead shadow priest. Would pick alliance because I prefer it but sadly it's full of trannies
Classic. We're going home, boys
Other urls found in this thread:
>trannys are going to ruin the alliance
why state the faction when the races are tied to the faction?
because i stated it in a specific order so you could state your reason for picking a faction they say what race in that faction you picked
Horde is so god damn boring.
If I see another Undead Male caster/rogue with vurtne/drakedog/etc inspired names im going to delete my orc warrior and go full on dwarf
Yeah, but all the trannies flock to alliance so even though I prefer ally im sticking with horde this time around
so, basically fucking every undead mage/rogue who PvPs? better just save time and go alliance right off the bat.
This, horde is so insanely popular and clearly blizzard preferred faction that I just lost all interest in them. Which is a shame because I love the troll race.
I'm going to play ally, regardless if trannies plague the faction or not.
Undead male anything is so boring and anyone who plays them is equally as uninteresting
Gnome Mage
Was Alliance in Vanilla, played a Dwarf Warrior.
For Classic, I’m going:
>Fem Tauren
>Warrior, with Druid alt
But trannies play horde?
news flash kiddo, your femdwarf warrior isn't a special snowflake, there's always someone else with the same character, get over it. undead is cool af that's why people pick it get dabbed on
Female troll warrior because no DK
Haha j/k WoW is dead and buried and Classic is just going to rub salt into the wounds, classic was never good in any case we all just want it to be 2004 again so we can be young and not live in clownworld anymore. But we're old and tired and there's no going home for any of us.
Thread is going great, we can only pray that the doomerfags and SwoleBenji don't shit it up
>Paladins for horde confirmed.
>Mage tables confirmed
>Transmogging confirmed
>Sharding confirmed.
>Aoe looting confirmed
>Dungeon finder confirmed
Its not vanilla, its classic
Hello fellow 4channelgoers! I am a legitimate poster on this board and not on Activision/Blizzard Entertainment's payroll! Who else is going to partake in World of Warcraft® Classic Edition?
I am very excited for a fresh new start on this classic game! Hopefully right click reporting will cut down on the toxicity that plagued the original classic World of Warcraft® game. Who else is going home THIS SUMMER?
Post your
>Gender pronouns
>Favorite professional Overwatch player
>Have you bought your ticket to Blizzcon yet
Always remember to respond to all World of Warcraft® Classic threads and commend all World of Warcraft® Classic posters!
>Anyone who doesn't hate all games is a shill
I too hate when games are discussed on Yea Forums
Proof that trannies flock to Alliance?
I just like big swords and not being ugly.
>fem tauren
Absolutely disgusting
welp, there they are.
>>Anyone who doesn't hate all games is a shill
Precisely! Be sure to keep a home thread in the catalog at all hours of the day, 24/7 despite the game not even having a confirmed release date! It's not shilling, it's HYPE!
Is this real?
the fact that there's no horde equivalent to the lion's pride inn. and also, because all the WeirdBois usually play female humans or nelves on classic. also, hazelnuttygames is one of the biggest alliance-side e-celebs
it's just a different feeling. on horde, you have barrens chat full of anal jokes and people calling each other niggers and on alliance you have carebears and SJWs
Told my gramps about classic, he started laughing. Wow? That casual game? Bahahaha. That's shits DOA. Real chads play lineage.
Yep Ion mentioned it in a Q&A
It's going to be pretty interesting what the faction ratios are going to be. Currently H is more popular than A on retail, but if you subtract the pretty races A would be ahead.
There's also the racials, when did humans get EMFH? Are Paladins or Shamans better?
Undead females are great
Undead males are overused and boring. 9/10 undead male players pick them because "i wanna be just like my epic wow pvp players!!!" the other 1/10 just wanted a mohawk
Imagine having a view of the world that’s this depressing. No sane person cares about a thread “taking up the catalog”. Just discuss shit you want to talk about in other threads or make your own
the alliance racial ability just increases stealth detection on classic
however they also get rep boosts and sword/mace skill boosts
I'd love to go back. To high school/college, when I had enough time to play this as much as I wanted. Now I have a job, and I bet this game would be annoying as fuck to play because of that.
getting older sucks bros
Shaman are better group healers(pve) and burst damage (pvp)
Paladins are better single target healers.
Both aren't great for pve dps and paladins do dick for damage in pvp.
Emfh came some time during wrath
these people literally spend every hour of every day on Yea Forums
you taking up a spot on their precious catalog is outlawed in the geneva convention to them. it's not enough to just hide the thread.
No, none of it is true he’s just trying to start shit. They already deconfirmed everything he just listed
when did blizzard make this announcement? Is wow classic coming out in July?
Pretty much, It's never going to be the same. I'm working 9-5 and my weekends are for me to rest. Can't play vanilla like I did back in highschool.
Alliance use to be more populat because of the WC3 fanbase. But year after year of Blizzard shitting on the alliance more people went to horde.
i meant human, not alliance
>Paladins do dick for damage in pvp
Ret/reckoning is stupid good in pvp
>Female (Male) Undead
Can’t wait to be the portal master
Shit taste.
please stay on alliance, tranny
If i had to pick trannies or furries i guess id go with the trannies.
not him but whats wrong playing as a girl
Whelp, I lost all interest now.
t. horde NO SHOES nigger and part time furry
it's more than just playing as a female character when you're LARPing as a cowgirl furry MILF
>Implying I play a female character because I want to be one
>implying I don’t have an even roster of gender/race/class combos
It’s time to stop.
Stormwind and Ironforge literally weren't even mentioned in WC3. At most you played as the Night Elves but no one gives a shit about them.
WC3 was about the Forsaken, Orcs, Tauren and Trolls. The last content of WC3 was literally the Founding of Durotar, a cross bjavascript:quote('459260496');etween WoW and WC3 involving Orgrimmar, Thrall and Rexxar.
Horde is hugely favored by Blizzard, but only NO SHOES niggers and furries roll as them. Alliance is for based chads and /ourguy/ verycoolguy
God Tier
Top Tier
Mid Tier
Low Tier
Night Elf
Fuck off bot.
Top tier:
Mid tier:
Everyone except humans and night elves
Low tier:
Night elves
Same. There's no way to maintain a good character even if I spend all four of my evening hours after work and gym on this shit. High school me could put in 7 hours minimum a day, 13+ on weekend days in order to be in a good raiding guild.
as much as i wish this was true because i really do prefer alliance, it's a known fact that all the attention whores play female humans and nelves.
the only women on horde are usually middle-agers playing female tauren who have too many fucking back problems to give a shit about attention from nerds
If TBC comes out and all the trannies switch to belves, ill come home to alliance. till then im rolling with the horde
tauren are also top tier
there are literally no trannies on alliance unless you're on an RP server, and this is only because 80% of RP occurs on the alliance faction. its horde gas lighting to cope with being NO SHOES niggers
paladin "PVP":
>m-mister warrior could you please help me kill that shadow priest?
>haha, no problem kid. just buff and heal me while i- OH GOD, MY FACE IS MELTING! AAAAAAAUUUUUUGGGHH!
meanwhile the reality
>shadow priest is still wearing quest greens and 5-man blues because he can't get a spot in a raid
>gets dabbed on by literally everyone
>thinking you can melt a warrior that is being healbotted
Just postin the best music and the most SOULFUL area.
>some saharan shithole filled with mudhuts
>retards in chat
>best music
But humans are the best PvE race for melees
it's home.jpg
What if guys
Blizzard didnt limit you to 2 professions and instead you could level them all
that would be fucking gay and ruin the economy, please be shitposting
Are you describing Classic or XIV?
reminder to roll horde to avoid roasties
That's not a girl
I'm guessing some orbiter warlock gave her the soulstone too lmao. Girls ruin guilds.
In order to truly understand this .webm, you need to realize how she reacts when she dies. Check out where her eyes dart to when she presses the resurrect button. That's where the screen is. Where are her eyes looking 90% of the time? Not there.
we lost one of our own bros
What are you babbling about? I have much more free time now than during my time at university.
Get that zoomer shit out of here
>Shadow priest
>In classic
I love these threads, because zoomers have no idea which classes were shit back then. Like when you hear people talking about going feral druid tank? Enhancement shaman dps? Ret paladin? WARLOCK PVP???
Haaaaave fun kids. Youre in for a bad time.
You are a retard. In vanilla, WC3 was fresh to people and there were a shit ton of NE players. WC3 had plenty of human and NE content. They all had their own campaigns retard.
When vanilla came out, the LOTR trilogy was hot and everyone and their retarded nephew (you) were running Nelf hunters named Legolass and dwarf warriors called Gimly. The split in the factions was less one sided, and alliance was very popular amongst little kids who wanted to "be the good guys" and boomers that were attracted to the big standard fantasy races. Cringe meme-lord tier retards always have and always will play gnomes.
This didnt change until horde got Belfs and goblins, spreading the available picks for retards out a bit.
Shadow priests destroyed everyone 1v1
correct about enhancement, not so much ret
and warlocks destroy in pvp assuming they're horde
weapon skill becomes proportionately more and more useless as rage generation scaling grows exponentially as you get gear, for good players anyway
>Lordaeron campaign
nothing to do with the alliance in WoW
didnt read the rest
>no fun allowed
This isn't 1.4 anymore, brainlet. Warlocks aren't shit in 1.12.
cant wait for when we're months into classic and the game is only getting more popular while retailfags continue to only log in to do their weekly mount and transmog runs and then afk in a city while they try to argue on reddit about why classic is dumb and people should stop living in the past
>and warlocks destroy in pvp assuming they're horde
What do you mean? Undead aren't a hard counter to 100% of alliance's warlocks.
orky warlock
gonna go affli, I always try affli first, and since I saw WoW only at my best friend at the time, I am stoked to try it myself.
the irony of trying to gatekeep when you're actually incredibly wrong
No obviously not 100% but Will of forsaken makes a warlocks life a lot harder
>months into classic
won't people be through like 70% of the games content by then?
Orc warrior
Orc shaman
Sure but it's not like death coil doesn't exist and neither is horde composed entirely of undead
These threads are the only thing that makes me happy nowadays.
We're going home lads.
>feared into fire until death
Was was she supposed to do?
I read all of your ramblings. Did you know the alliance and humans in Vanilla wow continued to use the Lordaeron "L"? It wasn't until later they started replacing it with the lion. Did you know most people dont give a shit about the distinction between lordaeron and stormwind? Footmen were the same. Guard towers were the same. Basically, if you like the Humans in WC3, everything you liked was on full display in vanilla wow as the humans.
Let's also not forget, stormwind existed in WC pre WC3.
Dont pretend Nelfs weren't the single most popular race in WoW at launch. There were always sites that tracked this shit, probably still are. Quit trying to pretend that because Stormwind wasn't in WC3, that the interest of people that liked humans was in any way diminished by the change in what is essentially an arbitrary name. By that logic, is picking a human diminished because the dwarfs are separated as a race and not simply an option for the humans? Let's not forget they were simply a unit option for humans in WC3. How about the fact that gnomes weren't in any WC game until wow beyond a fucking submarine? Did that makes them any less popular? No.
>neither is horde composed entirely of undead
Undead rogues and orc warriors
She was only feared for the first 2 seconds and was dispelled. She had 10 seconds to do anything, and all she did was renew a mage with half health.
>play a priest
>just let your health tick down until you die
I was thinking I'd play a Tauren Shaman, but if horde is the epic Yea Forums gamer faction then I'll go alliance.
>unironically having this opinion
Drop undead and horde would be GOAT
Gonna play ally because all the kids going undead
>want to play warrior again like ive done on every private server because it's bis in pve
>realistically im not going to have any time to rank, and having the time to rank means id be fucking up my career opportunities super bad
>not having at least the r13 gear as a warrior puts you at such a major disadvantage in pvp against good, skilled players that pvp as a warrior just becomes not worth it at all as your only options are a r10 set which isn't that good at all, or raid epics from bwl/mc which never drop, while every other class in the game creep way past you in power due to their tier sets
>even with the pvp r13 set or r14 weapon, warrior pvp in premades is super boring (people like to talk up how fun warrior is due to big dmg and crits, but realistically all you do is charge around and put ms/hamstring on targets) and 1v1ing most classes is a chore because it's either tedious as fuck or requires heavy engi/consumable usage, which imo is completely fine and fair to use in duels, but it gets super annoying to constantly hear crying from mages that you used consumables on them when otherwise they can literally just rank 1 frostbolt you to death, or from a SL warlock with improved summon that healthstones and double void sacs on you
>really want to play a class that has a way higher skill ceiling and has way more options in pvp where you can actually make plays like mage, warrior, druid, rogue or hunter instead of being forced to play 100% reactively just due to the virtue of how warrior works, but at the same time im autistic and want the big 2handers and know i wont have fun in pve if im not a warrior
i just dont know what to do
Undead affliction warlock
>undead anything
>especially warlock
I like going Alliance for the tram. It blew my mind as a kid.
Pee vee pee
I was a warlock in early vanilla before rerolling to fury warrior later on in the expac, and stayed fury for the rest of my game time. Time to figure out what might have been.
How can you be above age 18 and play horde
It was okay back in 2004 because I was like 14
In classic, alliance is generally better at PVE because of race/class specific boosts like paladins and priests, as well as a few good racials; while Horde is better at PVP because of Will of the Forsaken.
Humans are a popular class because they can be paladins, have a strong priest ability, and their improvements for swords/maces means they are less likely to get "glancing blows" in raiding content. Gnomes are excellent for casters because of their flat intelligence improvements. Dwarves have stoneform which is excellent in both PVP and PVE. Night Elves have shadowmeld which is a popular tool for PVP, and they also have a flat dodge improvement for tanking.
>Horde because Kalimdor leveling is pure kino
>Troll to try a race I've never used before
>Mage because vanilla warrior leveling was asscancer and in the modern day I don't have time to commit to tanking, and would rather just be a water cooler
horde in pve have a higher skill ceiling and potential for the highest performance
alliance in pve have a way lower skill floor, but less potential for the highest performacne
what this means is that it's easier to be okay on alliance and clear content, but a similarly skilled guild on horde will do far worse. similarly, a the highest skilled guilds with complete mastery over their class mechanics and performance will have higher dps and faster clear times than a guild on alliance at the same skill level
vanilla warrior levelling was cancer
You'll need a hunter/mage gold farm alt regardless, so just use that to get your pvp fix.
warrior leveling is just slow, so long as you dont slack on keeping up on the 2hander leveling progression it's alright, but if you sleep on it you're going to hit a point where you literally just cant even kill yellow mobs without issue and youll want to kys
back you go
Discipline Dwarf Priest here
Ultra buffs
every class has a relatively high skill cap in pvp. stance dancing and weapon switching in addition to rage management doesn't look as glamorous as some of the CC that mages or hunters can do but they still definitely separate a good warrior from a mediocre one.
If you want to play a warrior, play one man. You won't be disappointed
I played Paladin in PVP just to carry that flag
>no blood elves
>all the "horde" ""players"" that joined in burning crusade and beyond are going back to alliance
can't wait to play true horde again tbqh
doing gods work brother
Nothing will change, there will still be utter retards, trannies and every other character on either side
>shitting on the best 1v1 class
>shitting on warlock pvp
do you understand how retarded you are?
the issue with warrior in pvp is that contrary to what people believe, it's a 100% reactionary class with 0 ability to do anything other than capitalize on another players mistakes (pre-emptively taunting a hunter pet before a trap/scatter is the only exception, but even, a good hunter that is aware of this wont allow a pet to be within range or even have it out to counter this)
a warrior will never beat a mage that plays perfectly
a warrior will never beat a rogue that plays perfectly
every 1v1 requires immense match up knowledge and an ability to recognize when the other player has made a mistake and capitalizing on that, or recognizing patterns in how typical classes fight your class (rogues blinding you after you break their gouge with zerker rage, so you resto pot pre-emptively, never intercepting a warlock before they have death coiled, or baiting a deathcoil after intercepting and shadow reflecting it, etc)
warrior isn't like rogue or mage, where by performing certain actions you can force another player to make plays that are disadvantageous as they dont have any other options
>want to play an alliance lock for mainly pvp purposes
>worried that 50% of horde is going to be undead and immune my fear spam
I mean for those of us that are employed, user.
If I ever pick it up its gonna be an undead fury warrior. That was my first race/class.
I plan on raiding, should I do gnomish engineering or goblin?
Is the Tanaris tele better than the Winterspring for horde?
This is the one thing blizzard has been consistent with every xpac. Warriors being useless 1v1. Except for maybe MoP when they had such an amazing arsenal to play with
the saving grace to playing alli warlock is 90% of horde dont actually know the match up and will simply will out of your first fear, so you can just nade/lip/coil them and do it again after
wrong, allytranny
In terms of population it's almost assuredly going to be
>S Tier: Human
>A+ Tier: Undead
>A Tier: Orc, Night Elf
>B+ Tier: the rest
I think people will gravitate a bit towards Horde on PvP servers, though.
literally all warrior needs is spell reflect and their 1v1 capabilities get improved like 500%, which is why it was added in tbc
>horde wasn't full of children and mongoloids during vanilla
literal delusion or you never actually played horde in vanilla, most likely the latter
based and floridapilled
To this day, the saddest part of WoW for me is that there was never a spec or class that was like a tinker/engineer. It's kinda there with being a hunter with engineer cause you've got traps, and guns, and bombs, etc. But it's not fully there. I wouldn't put it in the game, cause it works as a profession and gnomes can't be hunter anyways, but the fantasy of it was cool and WoW did a fantastic job with the gnomish mechanical stuff in the game.
>tfw Tauren Warrior
>getting that fucking huge armor
why arent people doing this
>half the player base will quit out of boredom before level 30
Prove me wrong.
It doesn't matter for raiding, the most useful engineering items in raids (Repair bots and Jumper cables for rogue/hunters) can be made and used by both.
>a warrior will never beat a rogue that plays perfectly
While rogues are solid, they're as good as death when caught unstealthed without their best cooldowns up
>inb4 a good rogue never gets caught
My objective opinion states otherwise. Most my friends back then played alliance. I was the lone edge lord playing an undead.
lmao, blue source or its bullshit.
because taurens are gay and their warstomp DR's their intercept/charge
i literally cant think of anything more brainlet than a tauren warrior with mace spec
Step 1: Charm/Fear at max distance
This makes them blow their WoTF early
Step 2: Death Coil/Grenade
This will run down the clock. At this point, 90% of undead players will be in a petrified mess because their main crutch has been taken away, and will likely be trying to run.
Step 3: Curse of exhaustion
This will terrify the player even further, often provoking them into blowing any cooldown they think will save them. Note that this will not break incapacitating effects. If you're lucky, they'll be dumb enough to try running away. More likely they'll make a last ditch attempt to kill at all costs.
Step 4: Fear
By this point their spirit will be crushed, their will (of the forsaken) utterly ground into the dirt
Step 5: Drop Dots
Note: Competent players will find ways to counter this. This strategy relies on the fact that most players don't fit that category.
i mean if you want to pull dumb bullshit like that into the mix a warrior can just pop reck and dumpster anyone in 2 seconds, but it isnt indicative of ideal play so it isnt worth talking about
would be completely fine with mage tables and aoe looting tbqh
Not that fag, but alliance was full of kids. Seemed split to me where little kids (10 and under) wanted alliance because they wanted to play "the good guys" and horde seemed to be made up of 10-24 year olds, with most people older than that going alliance. So plenty of edgey immature assholes on horde, but plenty of literal children and boomers on alliance.
Overall faction ratio doesn't matter, the reason it's horde skewed on retail is because all the serious raiders are horde which creates a positive feedback loop where anybody who wants to mythic raid or push M+ goes horde simply because that's where all the good players are.
PvP is way more horde favored in Vanilla. Anybody serious about PvPing as rogue or lock goes horde simply so they don't have to deal with WotF and Hardiness.
a good rogue will shut down literally any warrior by baiting an overpower and then gouging them and resetting the duel, even if a warrior preemptively uses berserker rage before switching all a rogue has to do is use ghostly strike and survive 2 overpowers before zerker rage falls off
including consumables changes this, of course, but this is literally all a rogue has to do to beat a warrior 100% of the time reliably, even a dwarf warrior using stonskin to get out of a blind can just get blinded again by lolprep
Gnome warriors with escape artist can, but a big reason why warriors are seen as "reactionary" is because they're the hardest hitting class in the game. Against a rogue and a mage they have to use their stuff correctly because they have less room for error. They fuck up for one second and you eat through like 75% of their health bar.
Warriors are essentially like grapplers are in fighting games. Playing against them people are doing all they can to prevent the grappler from getting in to do his stuff.
Nobody plays perfect for 1, and for 2, I really think you're selling warriors short in your own mind. But if you would prefer to play a rogue or mage then go for it. They're fun too.
Daily reminder:
i mean, dont get me wrong, winning 1v1s as a warrior can be immensely satisfying, but it's just a boring playstyle. it's equivocal to putting 900 hours into something like feral druid pve, which can be really good when played fucking PERFECTLY, but even then, if you put 900 hours into learning the nuances of how to maximize warrior in pve, youll be the best on any server you play on instead of just a meme
Autismos on suicide watch lmaoing at their lives.
>having to put up with like 3 months minimum as a warrior without a pvp trinket before honor system is added
fucking YIKES
You don't deserve to play it if you fall for people's shit and accept things at face value.
>Believing something on Yea Forums just because they said it.
You cannot stop the Classic train. They did it right this time and know what we want.
Doesn't the Goblin Sapper Charge increase DPS?
>veteran ERPer
>been away from the scene for a few years due to rl
>want to return
>no draenei in wow classic
any engineer can use sappers
Classic is too hard for them
It's been two and a half hours. You can stop samefagging now.
I've never played WoW before but how would Troll Shaman be for someone who mostly plays solo, does groups for content when needed and doesnt really do PVP?
Weren't alliance better in organized pvp cause of blessing of freedom?
alliance is better in organized pvp because of paladins mana efficiency
So the version of Classic that got datamined was a Friends & Family ALPHA. we're not getting the game until September now. I can feel it.
they're a bit annoying to level solo but otherwise great
>releasing classic when every student goes back to university
I can see it.
As good as any. Actually, one of the better ones.
>people calling alliance trannies
>Actually thinking any real girl plays orc female or undead female
>actually thinking anyone plays orc or undead females
>actually thinking attention whores don't play humans and night elves
staty on retail or discord, you tranny goatfucker.
I'll be making sweet love to all races like a true patrician ERPer.
>play with a paladin friend
>suddenly you're literally god itself
Blessing of freedom makes wars go from zero to hero in an instant
>muh purge
by the time it's off it does what it needed to do
Again, rogues are shit without cooldowns. And you're always out of cooldowns when PVPing because you're always fighting
Talking about wsg and AB here, world pvp is irrelevant
>world pvp is irrelevant
I'm smelling a retailcuck
orc female is the #1 ganker/corpse camper ive had on northdale private server. It's absurd. I can name almost 10 off the top of my head. Even more than male orcs or male tauren, almost as much as undead male.
I also see a large number of female undeads, as well as lesser troll and tauren females
>vanilla will be on dishonorable kills
Sorry world pvp bro, you're not going home
I bought retail on day 1 dipshit, picked the Horde box. Left after wotlk
Out of all races trolls have the only female with passable face, and 1 face at
>orc warlock is the strongest 1v1 class/spec in the game, followed by other orc class combos
>go undead
lmaoing @ ur lyfe
that's a voip client
i'm a cis male
i'm the goat you imbecile
what? are you retarded? dk's is for npcs, not pvp
I've literally been horde and never gotten an alliance character above 20. I think it's time I settle down with someone like a fem night Elf Druid, a human Warrior or a dwarf warrior.
we're kiting home lads
You're obviously not a veteran erper if you have to cling to barbie doll horsecock easymode. Try to expand your horizons, newbie.
that's a voip client"
Don't play coy, goatfucker, you know for a fact that Discord is where retailcucks share screenshots of their goats and erp
>want to give hpal a try and healbot my warrior in bgs to victory
>realise holy shock is a 30 sec cooldown and does fuck all
>have to stand out in the open hard casting holy lights in the LoS of everyone
yikes, mage it is
>Male player playing a female orc
Hello, Horde Tranny!
i mean it just depends on where you draw the line when it comes to "engaging gameplay". you can easily argue that there's no class that's actually that engaging in vanilla, and to an extent it's true. You say mage and rogue are engaging but 90% of the time a rogue is just going to open cheap shot then kidney then evisc, and a mage is going to just kite with frostbolt, nova, and blink.
Play what you want but it's kind of a joke to say warriors are boring and at the same time describe mages or rogues as being super engaging and diverse
>Wind serpent at level 11
Get fucked idiot alliance pig dogs
That's a complex question. It requires multiple seperate case studies and you really only have a weak hypothesis rather than any real concrete evidence. All we know is that normalfags and transexuals prefer alliance over horde 100% for no real reason other than they just want to look as human as possible.
i have no idea why you keep assuming i used to ERP as a futa draenei
>Don't play coy, goatfucker, you know for a fact that Discord is where retailcucks share screenshots of their goats and erp
nope i haven't a clue. haven't played retail since warlords
you're oddly hostile dude. i used to ERP as a fem draenei most often with male characters
have never seen someone samefag so hard
i wish there was some way to browse the warcraftmovies radio stations
>he says, when half his race look like actual pig dogs
Alliance dwarf paladin, if I decide to play. Because I hate myself.
i guess the point im trying to make is that classes like rogues, hunters, mages and druids have a lot more versatility, usefulness and effectiveness in any any all pvp engagements, and with enough time investment youll beat many more people in 1v1s and world than you would as a warrior
maybe im just jaded and bored after playing warrior for 5+ years on private servers, who knows
not a tranny that's degenerate shit. only like femorcs because they're the most humanoid in the horde when wearing full armor and so it looks the best on them.
>be level 40 something hunter
>pretty sure I am why the term huntard was coined
>accidentally find a pet trainer and realize you have to train your person skills
Those were the days lads. Not a care in the world.
If you play horde, you are a degenerate. You're also playing for humanoid aesthetics, which is exactly what the so-called alliance trannies do. Face it and embrace it, girlorc
Why should I play some stupid generic dead game that only appeals to neets and transvestites?
Give us the release date
I don't know why you would post about Final Fantasy 14 in a classic thread, user.
You are saying like its a bad thing.
>Undead Rogue
>Undead Mage
>Human Paladin
>Dwarf Priest
>Dwarf Paladin
>Gnome Mage
>Female Human
>Female Tauren
yeah that could be it. honestly, it's 100% more important just who gets the jump on someone in a world pvp encounter. if youve been playing war that long, then unless you're dead set on tanking raids, definitely do something different. changing it up will help keep the game fresh for you
based and tranner pilled. me n my gf are going to play horde when classic launch. i'm going undead mage and she is going troll priest or troll warrior. r8 pls
Clearly you didn't play vanilla fairly sure alliance populations edged out horde by a large margin. Not to mention human racial being op as Fuck.
It's odd how every mmo thread is filled with the word ''tranny''
Hell, they even tried to shit up a dofus mmo thread on here with it
Reminder that it's the horde players instigating it. Because alliance have actually aesthetically-pleasing races, they call us trannies.
How was levelling with a friend (world quests etc) in vanilla? I only ever played solo. Is it a straight up 50% reduction if youre partied with another person etc? what do I need to know
MMOs give people the ability to adopt new personas without having to really do anything. Roll a female Night Elf and type with some extra "!!s" and "0_0s," and people will believe you're a chick.
Or, at least want to believe.
Alliance will be more popular on vanilla, and the only reason that is will be because of the fact that after literally like 8+ years of private servers, all the tryhards have realized Alliance is just more consistent and better.
duo leveling is fine just do instances as well
Troll rogue mon!
lol btfo
>actually thinking anyone plays orc or undead females
Funny, because i had both of those on light's hope
Femtroll as well
trolls are underrated imo. i used to think they were stupid as fuck but the voodoo aspect of their race and culture and vol'jin being a badass changed my mind. lorewise they're sick as fuck.
Quests still give 100%, and that is your main exp intake, will be easier to delve in mines liek cobold one or furborg in darnassus (tho at start they will be empty anyway cos everyone is leveling).
I just hate the way they look so much, especially vanilla. They are lanklet bozos. Where are the muscular axethrowers of WC2?
The thing that made me not roll Horde was that every single Vanilla race had back problems. Like, I get it, the Horde are more "savage," so they hunch over, but the closest option to stand up straight were Tauren, and even then, not really.
BFA actually did a good thing, and gave us straight-backed Orcs. I don't even know why they were hunched in the first place, since they weren't in the RTS games.
Good post, here's your (You)
orc female are upright, and look good in gear.
shitty face/hair though so you gotta keep the helmet
i agree completely. imo trolls have the coolest history and the coolest lore with all the different tribes and different figureheads, yet they really were done dirty with how shitty those troll models were in the game.
>shitty face/hair though
ur gay
horde females just arent cute but orc female is best hordes got for aesthetics
undead females are cute af
>going paladin - healadin at high level
>not even going to be online without my former r14 warrior and r13 hunter friend
try gank us niggers
I'm still somewhat salty about that pally in eastern plaguelands back in 2004 that we jumped and he just fucking /rude and hs+bubble outta there, fuck pallies.
I'm only excited for classic because of the hope that they might rebuild tbc
Burning Crusade was where it all went wrong though
this, say what you will about elements that people often attribute to the downfall of the game, classes were 100x better in TBC than they were any any point
>paladin made you seethe for 15 years with one mere macro
>orc male warrior
>orc female warlock
>undead female rogue
i wasn't even mad back then, just surprised that shit like that was possible. One of those moments that in memory forever now and it's not even a good one
i really think they would make seperate servers so classic purists can stay happy.
>hunters and warlocks deal twice to 3 times the damage as the rest of the classes
>one healer totally dominates the entire expansion
>one tank still outperformance the rest by a mile in raids
wow yea epic class balance
objectively speaking the classes were at their best ever in mop, but you could still make a good case for them being at their best in wotlk, especially if you were a healer.
stop shilling for bad expansions just because you want it to be true.
Holy at endgame - but I will dabble with Ret in world PVP and BG's for shits and giggles.
spot the warrior
>bubble is long enough to cover heartstone again
There has always been and always will be imbalance, prot warriors may dominate, resto druids may top the charts, but the point is that at least other specs became usable. If you showed up to raid as a prot pally or a druid that was anything other than a resto, your crew would bur. TBC had some flaws, but it was WoW at its pinnacle.
oh and of course the pvp is a complete and utter joke
TBC is objectively had best balance of classes, WotLK is a joke with DK and Paladins literally wrecking everything.
I'd prefer if they would slowly progress vanilla to the latest patch and then offered players either to stay on their servers or migrate to TBC servers and then just merge low-pop ones, then repeat same with WOTLK and so on, eventually leading to there being small amount of servers running each version of the game (expansion) indefinitely and an option to migrate your character to next one for $$ (unless you did it in first couple months)
having a classic server just to add expansions on top of it would defeat the purpose of having a classic server in the first place, wouldn't it?
man i can't wait for blizzard to announce they will charge for those "new" expansions, plus the subscription fee, just to see them milking the autistic incels who will once again use their parent's money to pay for a dead game for the second time.
> questing
> minding your own business in STV
> stun.png
> human paladin on you
> spamming "BUR!"
> turn it around on him
> start winning the fight
> bubble
> hearthstone
Fucking cockbag douche tier pussy ass paladin players needed to be genocided.
im gonna say wotlk was better. wotlk was the peak of classes having a variety of abilities and interesting rotations and talents without them becoming homogenized. cata and mop were still fun but the homogenization hurt. i remember seeing the notes of rogues getting a self heal and ferals getting a kick and thinking "yep this is the beginning of the end"
yep i also want flying mounts to avoid all forms of world pvp and all content condensed in one continent, and some of those zones are only for leveling, wont be seeing them ever again. oh, also all the lore threw down the toilet,streamlining the classes to "balance" them, paladin and shaman are now not exclusive so they lose some identity, a high disparity in power leveling, inclusion fo the so fun daily quests, and many more not flaws.
looking at the raidframes
did you even play the expansion? pvp was actually p gud in BC. BC was the best expansion for dueling in wow's history
>not dwarf
not getting invited into my group senpai
>post clearly talks about classes
>starts sperging out about muh mounts and community
you're antisocial on any xpac user
Are there non-vanilla features you'd like to see? All I can think of is picrelated and "slightly" cheaper respecs
i remember now how many days i spent grinding the fucking tigers in some temple to get exp points or some shit
best tier set by far reporting in
Dual spec, it just makes things so much better for everyone.
I wouldn't mind dual spec honestly. As a person who always played a tank, it would be nice to be able to solo or quest as dps or heal from time to time without having to set up my bars for 20 minutes each time.
Respecs should be free. The fact that some classes have amazing specs that are good for PvP and PvE while other classes have to respect whenever they want to switch from one or the other is bullshit. Plus it punishes new players who don't extensively google the specs before investing points. Stupid system.
Since when balance translates into good game design?
Also, if you legit think the game was "balanced" in TBC you're straight up delusional or you have a very selective memory. Objectively speaking the game peaked in terms of balance in WoD and BfA, which coincidentally just so happen to be the worst expansions to date.
retail herb/mining nodes
Classic will have modern disney like models?
dual spec seems nice but you gotta remember the significant impact it had on the economy. dual spec was a big reason money started just inflating like crazy in the middle of wotlk. while dual spec is nice, i think id rather they just lower the respec cost a bit. it still needs to cost something.
>Since when balance translates into good game design?
Since common sense.
>WoD and BfA
no shit if they removed most of the skills of all classes they will be the same.
Tbh mostly all vanilla sets are great evwn blues, not sure whether nostalgia or not
How is the teabagging animation for orcs compared to the godlike troll animation?
I think I'll recreate one of my very first characters, a dwarf paladin
Are they removing player phasing? After they introduced that the world felt so lifeless and boring. Couldn't see anyone, the cities looked dead, roleplaying and hanging out stopped, etc. The lively community is what made WoW so amazing.
Yeah. Let's add LFG and LFR while we are at it. And let's balance the classes. Add guild banks. AoE loot, it's only a small quality of life change ;)
Also, dungeon and raids difficulties. Or some players won't experience all the content!
And since we have the world rebuilt with modern graphics, why don't we use it? Game looks pretty old anyway, nobody will want to play it.
Just a friendly reminder that you can't replicate the original community or the early internet era that made these MMO's so cathartic
A classic server isn't going to bring back the classic experience
can we get flying mounts too?
If I can roll multiple characters on one PvP server I'll get an Ally one too because honestly both have their perks. I like Ally more than Horde but the Forsaken are so cool.
You have some solid ideas, i suggest posting them on official forums!
>Sonic Syndicate
Based but the Unguided are better. Anyway
i think (hope) that's exactly what they will do. it keeps classic fans happy and offers the opportunity for players who want to keep progressing to move on. however, i really really doubt they would do classic servers beyond wrath. the original three were a perfect trilogy, killing arthas was a perfect ending and there's a definite line drawn between the classic world and the post-sundering cataclysm world. and really, who the fuck is going to play "classic bfa"? lol
Wrath didn't have the riding gold sinks of vanilla and TBC, and it also was the expansion where money received from questing really increased. I don't think it would be a problem with the vanilla economy.
But vanilla already had lfg tools.
True, but it will feel good to make new online frens :3
>she is going troll priest or troll warrior
Lmao just like real life
Shh don't tell him. Let him keep larping that he played vanilla.
why would trannys play classic wow? it's not a side platform with muh deep meaning like celest
Definitely like to see respecs capped at like 20g instead of 50, really sucks when you have to pay out the ass to switch from pve to pvp spec and vice versa. Also if you want to switch roles as a hybrid.
So 1-13 takes me 6 hours as undead rogue. Anyone know a faster route?
>tfw you form a group for low level BRD with levels 55s but 4 hours later you're actually facing the emperor because everyone wanted to keep going
wait a month and then hit playerauctions
But they required socialisation and actually talking to people, so retail autists won't be able to use them.
B-b-b-but what if I want to sell there? :)
>warriors have to suffer with fucking AQ40 conqueror set all the while knowing they will get the absolute BEST looking armor in game to this date at the end
It's a mixed feeling. But in the end Warriors come out on top again. There is no better set than the Dreadnaught set I will debate you on this.
Why? Vanilla is not a race
Here we go again
Please start talking abour R14 so someone starts a thread long dicussion with you telling you you're a liar.
>when the dungeon group works out just right
The set would be better if the neck was covered
buy a good farming character, farm a bit until the retail community has realized that classic isn't going anywhere and then sell what you've farmed + the character for a profit
>No argument
>"Muh slippery slope!!!"
Best feel, no matter what faction.
I completed MC attunement without knowing what it is at lvl56 as a tank in my first ever BRD and then got to my guild's first ever MC a few weeks later without ever setting foot into Scholo, Strat or L/BRS before, wearing lvl40 gear.
Maybe you should play the game before talking as if you know anything about it. All you had to do was queue up and it would form the group on its own.
all of tier 3 is actually so fucking phenomenal. the best tier of armor in wow's history by far. theres a reason why they didnt put it back in the game through any other means than super expensive purchase on the black market
tfw you get paid to carry lowies through brd for a chance on HoJ
This isn't true. The purpose of things like expensive respecs, repair costs, flight paths and other static expenses is to regulate the economy, which works in theory, but what actually ends up happening is that raiders don't want to spend 100g on respecs every week, so they don't, they inject that money directly into the economy instead via buying consumables, then they either don't PvP at all, or they jump into a BG as PvE spec and make everything worse for everyone. 50g respecs do NOTHING except hinder pvp.
god that brought back a good feel. thx for posting user
priest druid and mage are all kinda weak
Aren't there any shirts that hide your neck?
swolebenji (manlytears) enjoying his doll
He's live right now on youtube dawg go check him out. I was live this morning. Totally different voices dawg.
Allow me to have a different opinion.
>tanking BRD for a group and kill Golem Lord
>Naglering doesn't drop
>hearth out and leave party, stranding them in the middle of the dungeon
i think its an interesting idea to do something like dual spec where the 2nd spec can only be used specifically in pvp. it would get more people queueing up for battlegrounds which would boost the pvp ecosystem and i dont think itd hurt world pvp at all, but i don't have the foresight to know how it'd play out.
They just need to make respecs cheap enough that it doesn't hinder people from wanting to experiment in pvp. 20-25g respecs are ideal.
Eh, for me all the expensive respecs did was make me raid heal in shadow spec until AQ40.
i think those classes in general just have weaker armor sets in vanilla across all tiers. i think for druid and mage that their tier 3 is better than tier 1 and 2, but priest tier 3 is probably the weakest of the 3. although i still like it.
>tfw will never wear this as fury warrior
Makes me want to tank
>paladins have my favorite aesthetic
>they're the most boring class in the game
You can't really get away with that on classes like rogue or warrior. People will realize in a second you aren't fury/sword spec.
I played a classic huntard in Vanilla but want to be actually useful this time around. Thinking about Holy Pally or Priest. Which would you guys recommend for solo leveling?
Paladins weren't worth playing until TBC. It makes me wonder, will Blizz release TBC/WotLK servers? Where is this going?
Hairdresser: useless cosmetic addition. You must be engaged to your character, and some people might recognize you just by the customization options (specially if you are an underplayed race/gender/class combination).
Dual spec/cheaper respec: It devalues money in the first place, but most importantly, you lose identity with your character and some people get to play differently when you know them. Let me explain.
There is a high ranked paladin in the server who farms a lot of mining nodes in Searing Gorge. And you, an undead rogue, know him, because you have fought several times while you were waiting in queue for AB. Now, you know that he is a great healer in one of the Alliance guilds, but he doesn't have Holy Shock, because instead, he went for a 30/0/21 build just so he could get Sanctity Aura.
If you saw that guy for the first time, with Sanctity Aura, you would think he had Repentance, so you would save all your cooldowns like Banish after he used it so you could blow him up after he used his CC. But, since you have fought him before and you know what spec he rolls with, you go full on him, and the fight goes in a way that would be so different if respec costs were lower, because everyone would do it.
Imp concentration aura, bubble, bop, loh... Only thing you really have to hide from are priests. And that's who you sick your warriors on.
10 years and it still isn't topped, where did it all go so wrong?
TBC is where they learned how to balance classes. Pretty much everything was viable, especially in the tanking front. Prot wasn't the only tank anymore.
most likely, there'll be a demand for it. hopefully they'll tweak some stuff like removing flying and dungeon finder if they do
Either one of those, you're going to want to level via groups I would imagine, unless you're going shadow until 60, it's going to be brutal.
Depending on guild you would have been fine. Just auto attacking bosses while not going entirely afk tended to be enough to beat at least 10 other dps.
>most boring class
>not worth playing
have you even touched a paladin in classic? fuckers brought fear into the hearts of all horde players.
Holy paladins in TBC was boring as fuck.
trust me
as opposed to the other healers?
imagine believing this
At least they sometimes got to use more than 1 spell on the tank.
any game that has any overworld or guild system will have trannies and orbiters
they won't get past lvl 6 lol
afaik there's no level requirement for /s and tradechat
Are you kidding? They've been on every vanilla server for the past 6 years they'll hit 60 before 98% of Yea Forums
As a druid, rolling lifeblooms and swiftmend was fun to manage.
Lol, undead priest manaburn says hi
oh no you'll get half a cast in before you get obliterated
Enjoy your dishonorable kills, retards.
Blizz killed Classic before it even had a chance
City raids = DEAD
I'm going to start as a Night Elf Warrior.
1% increased dodge chance and nature resistance isn't as good as a Tauren's 5% more health, but I was an Alliance in Vanilla and I want to revisit old grounds.
I'll branch out into Dwarf Priest if Alliance is good, and swap to Tauren Warrior if the Alliance is full of queers, followed by a Troll Hunter.
Anyone else feel these threads are from shills?
I mean...there's a new one every fucking day. I know you pathetic cunts aren't this consistence, so there has to be a financial motivation.
Because paladins have gap closers rite
They're made by one single zoomer who doesn't know that this won't be like vanilla
september is still summer
That's the point.
>he doesn't know yet that this will be exactly like vanilla and all good people will be back home
I can't decide, I have terrible altoholism.
they wont let us have an actual classic thread general so gotta keep making a new one each time the old one gets archived. at least its just 1 thread that people are staying contained in. like 10 different smash threads at a time and mods never give a fuck
>that keyboard turn at the end
The pièce de résistance
Have you noticed the exact same type of thread pops up, with the exact same type of images and short replies, every time there's a new expansion or patch is about to come out?
I wonder why is that.
a lot of you make think this is the stupidest reason to want to play classic, but i'm sick of the retail 2h animations for warriors. not sure which flunkie ass developer decided it would be a good idea to give warriors anime attack animations, but I hope that nigga was hard fired.
there are no DKs until phase 2 retard just get it out of your system in the first few months
Nah I can relate. I feel like the new animations really ruined things.
I think the truly pathetic thing about classic is that there are LITERALLY destitute fucking poor ass welfare niggers out there that are actually more excited for "more accurate" private servers than classic itself
You can play RIGHT NOW on a private server, for free too!
The only difference for Classic is you'll be paying 15 a month to play with chinks instead of paying nothing
Holy shit classic fags are so stupid lmao
Sloppy job mossad. Go back to /pol/
literally imagine still playing on a private server in a post-classic world
the only people playing on private servers still will be euros, bulgarians, arabs and chinks + a few broke ass north americans all circlejerking over how bad classic is while all of their friends are having a blast on the actual game
actually pathetic; it'd be like playing maplestory or ragnarok or some browser based f2p game back in 2002 except instead of a server of 99% braindead BRs it'll all be subhuman bug people
literally fucking WHAT is better about that environment?
>muh 1.12 itemization
>being a pve faggot
who gives a shit
Can't fucking wait to main a character through all three expansions instead of starting halfway through the TBC and not reaching max until after the game died because I'm 14 and can only play for an hour a day
>play classic demo
>game runs smooth and fps is perfect with 200+
>spells all are responsive
>mobs run perfect to you
>play nost and lights hope now
>game feels scuffed with fps dipping into the 50 range
>shit AI pathing
>chinese gold sellers whispering you ever 5 mins
>can see lines of botters running around literally everywhere
>know that GMs abuse their power constantly cause who cares
Nah fuck you and your private servers. Rather farm gold in retail WoW for 1-2 hours and afford my classic sub forever :^)
Piss off, Chang.
Nothing, I don't play WoW anymore because it's not a good game to me, it was cool for the time but the magic that WoW had is too much of a time piece to ever be enjoyed again.
While I agree GM abuse is stupid, I've never seen it happen except for fringe cases, and hoenstly, as someone who played a bit of live last year, you do know that Chinks will grind out WoW tokens and play classic to gold farm and shit it up too right?
You're still just paying for the privilege to play with chinks exclusively now.
Lol no one is going to play on a private server once classic is out. IF by some miracle they are it's just left over chinese farmers and ruskies
>FFXI not even present
I haven't seen a gold seller spam me in retail in a very very long time. Blizz is actually good on banning them instantly.
Besides, the market kind of died when Tokens got released.
Thanks to 40 man raids, worthwhile guilds are going to be too populated for them to be comfortable in. They do fine in small groups and discord cliques where anyone who disagrees with the group's world view gets weeded out, but if a guild wants to clear content, they can't be that selective. They have to put game skill over social skills. Every private server guild I was in had at least 5-10 people in it who were /pol/ tier.
They'll form their own private little guild and that's it. As long as you stay off the official discord and forums, the most you'll see of them is in recruitment chat.
a few chinks that hang out by the mining nodes in off hours that are completely unnoticeable 99.9% of the time is completely different than a server of 8000 players where you cant communicate with 6000 of them
>You're still just paying for the privilege to play with chinks exclusively now.
Oh fuck off, Chang.
We all know Private servers are insect infested hell holes, with the additions of GMs who will do absolutely fuck all to curtail them, and actually take bribes to enable them.
I'm not falling for this one again, and shame on you for trying to trick some dumb fucks into doing it themselves.
How young are you? For better or worse classic wow was the high point of life for many internet autists.
Gonna go Tauren Shaman, ele/resto
Considering Orc instead for the passives, are they strictly better?
Every vanilla horde race is ugly as fuck. Horde is a non-option simply for aesthetics.
>but if a guild wants to clear content, they can't be that selective. They have to put game skill over social skills.
nigger you can literally have 5+ people be afk in all the raids except for Naxx and still clear them
I'm not trying to shill a private server, I'm just saying you guys WILL be playing with gooks whether you pay or not, I don't see the benefit of paying here.
Ya they don't gold farm, but they sure as fuck still play the game and you'll have to deal with their shit and bugmen behavior.
Can't you toggle the new models or are they going with vanilla models strictly?
Dude there's no asian race in WoW how can I tell who is one?
I'm inclined to believe you, because you clearly don't get just how fucking dire private server chinks are.
That's not the point. All the races look edgy and ugly from just their concept.
Dwarf Priest
>want to play horde
>despise leveling as horde
I leveled an UD rogue to 60 in vanilla and could never go through those shitty areas again
>pvp-focused alliance human rogue
>1st night in MC with the guild
>wearing a lot of PVP blues, combat dagger
>Lobotomizer dagger from AV and the WSG lvl 58 blue sword (+str / +stam) in offhand enchanted with +15agi (bought it to use as main hand swords for other spec)
>neet, therefore better than average
>buffed out with pots and consummables
>we start going, and I (proudly) realize I'm #1 on dps meters
>using thistle tea, vanishing when it's up so I can use ambush
>don't have salvation, keep saying "salv please" after every pull but our pallies are clueless
>while fighting some molten giant, I vanish/backstab again, but this time stealing aggro
>hit evasion
*giant dies*
>Guild leader, who was a 50 y-o boomer chad says in vent "Alright good job! Now somebody please give Combo a godamn salv at last or I ain't pullin' no mo' !"
>2-3 pallies buff me with salv at the same time
>fellow rogue guildies ask me for rogue advises all the time
>play nost
>hit 60, start raiding
>>>>>gets shut down
>play kronos
>hit 60, start raiding
>>>>>it dies because nost is back
>play nost on my old character
>raid for a few months
>one of the guilds that donated to server fees charges back their donation and the server host shuts it down due to lack of payment
>>>>>when they get it back up a week later, it's dead, less than 1/10 of the players it had
>play on lights hope
>hit 60, start raiding
>server dies
>>>>>don't even know why
>All that's not even dealing with all the bullshit like the GMs selling rank14 on the downlow by banning the competition, or servers straight up selling thunderfuries for real money.
At this point, I'd rather just pay $15 a month.
Why have Trolls always been the least popular race in the game? Is it because no shoes? But they get the best horde mount in return.
>play nost
>get whirlwind axe
>next day announce they're shutting it down
not as bad as losing a 60, but it still hurt
Gay elves are edgy but not ugly, too bad they are from BC.
I played Nost until the last day and realized that that sort of WoW was the most fun I've ever had with the game. I don't think WoW is that good, it's cool because /vg/ fags were fun as fuck to dick around with.
But as it stands, I've accepted I'll never get that sort of high of logging in and shitting with bros and taking out Chinese in Stranglethorn, and I'm glad I have those memories, but WoW isn't fun enough to chase that dragon forever and hoping for those memories back. You gotta play better games and hope they'll be made too.
Orcs are better for ENH, Trolls for ELE, and Tauren for RES.
Orcs have axe specialty and bloodrage.
Trolls have the best Int, and Berzerking.
Tauren have more health a stun if they're jumped on.
Sure, but the remaining players need to be skilled and/or dedicated.
have sex
>looking for excuses to be an edgy 12 year old
Interesting, thanks
I'll stick with Tauren then, I'll probably heal mostly through PvE and just ele/resto hybrid for PvP, having a stun seems nice
As someone with a r14 warrior, I felt nothing when the shut down announcement came.
imagine grinding all that knowing your shit will be deleted. its next level, you gonna do it again on classic?
Do you remember when Nost and everyone started fresh on Kronos?
It was a great time, I made it to level 40 or so but then they were hit with massive DDoS or some shit for like 2-3 weeks.
When they finally came back online, something like 80% of the new comers had left for good. Including my IRL girl levelling buddy :(
Just play what you want to, man.
Heal with an Orc, zap with a Tauren. Whatever makes you happy. It has less of an impact than you'd think, except for Priests' racial spells.
>Night Elf
How exactly is a furry wolf or panda person race of homo sapiens? Or a blue person with tentacles on it's face, hooves and long tail to boot. Or just a cow person. MMO/fantasy "races" don't make a lick of sense.
Not him but in vanilla wow, the journey beats the destination
is there a release date yet?
>500 people play a game
>everyone leaves after a week
>classic will not flop, guys... p-please buy a sub for this dead game p-please
You realise out of all of those only Tauren were in vanilla?
Exactly, so not vanilla
truth. grinding rank 14 is definitely not the best example of that, but you're right
>accept random guild invite
>see someone in the same guild doing a quest
>ask in guild if he wants to team up
>quest together, do dungeons, farm gold together, duel each other all the time
>went from darkshore to level 60 with this guy
>start playing TBC together
>he finishes college and vanishes forever
>never find another leveling buddy
I think that's just destined to happen
You sound like a 50 year old man who has only played assassin's creed
You're missing a couple zeroes.
god FUCKING dammit, please tell me people are bitching about this
25th september
S h a r t i n g
it's pretty much guaranteed to happen at the start
might delete later tho
um delete this?
If they don't bring this back they are missing out on my money.
> no shoes
> busted helmets
> hunchback
> cant see tabard design
> no troll presence outside of durotar
aaaand with that they will kill 50% of what made vanilla great. good job blizzcucks.
The only sharding that belongs in vanilla wow is when i've been grinding too long to go to the bathroom
Are you supposed to go ret for pvp if you're a paladin?
What is ret useful in? Can you even pve with it?
ret for solo pvp. holy for anything else
dont go ret lmao
if you want to play pally you have to heal.
paladin pvp consists of being a fluffer for your warrior/hunter buddy
God I'm so fucking excited to play eleresto in pvp
I miss hybrid classes so much bros
God damn it what the fuck were they thinking? I don't want to sound like a zoomer, but why can't I play paladin without being a healbot.
What the fuck
do you want to tank as a rogue as well?
ret has been proven to be passable as a dps
you'll be fine if you find friends to play with, but if you want to pug, pugs will always take the path of least resistance which means fuck you we're taking a fury warrior or a rogue
>want to play Alliance
>it's the tranny faction
Horde it is, I guess
just play a warrior, brah.
As long as they only shard faction areas and not contested areas it's fine
> sharding
> fine
Go back to minecraft you zoomer faggot. You clearly never played wow pre wrath.
suddenly world raiding becomes pointless
Sorry, should have said "within the first month"
Ret is great in PVP; stun the enemy flag carrier, buff your party with the best buffs in the games, laugh as you bubble and get yourself back to full health, give blessing of freedom to your CC'd flag runner, heal your buddies while hunters and rogues laughably try to break through your armor plate armor, swing your hammer into hordies' faces.
That is for PVP though, raiding will make wanna make you kys
God the amount of time I spent in the bathroom reading the stacked manual that was outdated by the time the game released
They've acknowledged it needs to be gone by the time people start doing kazzak
i take trannies over third worlders
You can do everything you just said with 0 points in ret
That sounds like a bad idea
based. They should call it species
Imagine getting angry because another person is excited to play a video game you are not excited to play.
at least i can insult them and they understand it
Well then imagine with actual points in ret :^)
>tranny faction
Look at this retard
imagine being paid 0.005 cents a post to shill for a dead game?
>night elf and human females
#1 tranny magnets
Sanctity Aura, Repentance, and the movespeed talents are pretty good, but you're trading off a lot of off-bubble survivability and healing ability for it.
Man the fuck up or kill your family. Quit letting other people make decisions for you.
I made the decision myself after playing on light's hope though?? Calm the fuck down
Tbh i never played a pally
But please do buff my rogue in wsg bro :)
I played warlock back in vanilla. Should I main warlock again or try mage? gonna roll on a pvp server this time
Zoomer, you wouldn't understand. Vanilla, TBC and wrath were huge. It was basically my life for those years. Everyone in my class from nerds to chads played it. The greeting at school was not "hello" it was "how's it going on WoW".
can i get a holy paladin PVE spec?
This is happening right now on Fortnite. Yet, no one even questions the fact that game is absolute shit.
Thank you for confirming that classic wow is just as shit as everybody has been saying for years, and only an insignificant minority of incels genuinely enjoy it for what it is.
>Homosexual feels guy hugging his gay lover in WoW fedoras
Cringeeeeeeeeee XD
What games do you like user? Are you having fun? Wanna play something together?
>Nobody gave a shit about Night Elves
Wrong. They were arguably more popular than humans in Vanilla.
>verycoolguy is /ourguy/
He hates Yea Forums and Yea Forums culture with a burning passion
not him, but i'm a zoomer and i'm still totally excited for classic wow, since i tried wow out in WoD but found it boring (joined in MoP during 5.4 content drought, didn't cap, ended up using the lv 90 boost from buying wod)
i watched lots of old videos from back in the day and i remember seeing the box for vanilla wow at target as a little kid, but being afraid of the scary lad on the cover kek
This might be dumb but whatever.
Would I reach exalted with Darnassus if I went there as a Human straight away to level? I rather have the saber instead of the horse.
>have sex
No, you don't get exalted with the capital cities even if you do every quest in the game. You need to turn in cloth to raise those reputations.
post it
you won't
Damn rip the dream then. Guess shitty horse it is.
Trying too hard.
you can still grind it out, just do it quick if you want the old epic mounts
I was hoping leveling there would get me close to exalted
To complain about advances in moderation technology being in a previous version is dogshit. You have a point that it objectively changes how it's played, but when you actually expect them to not utilise this shows that you expect too much of any gamimg company that receives any sort of money for the games they make.
I was really excited for this but then some anonymous guy on Yea Forums said I was only having fake fun so I don't think I'll play it
Human Paladin or Warrior
warrior unless you want to be a healbot
also based and redpilled, fuck blood elves
Doing this on a dwarf is kino.
Paladin unless you want to be a tankbot
see i predicted it
This guy gets it
Do you want to heal, or do you want to fight over gear/tank? Thats all you gotta ask yourself.
what is this, like the third time you've samefagged about sharding in classic?
The question was "can i get one", and the answer is "yes"
PvE for max comfy STV fishing
>Human Paladin or Warrior
Do you want to be forced into a dress and be a healslut? If not, pick warrior
So when did "support role is le bad xD" become a meme?
you can play every spec in every part of the game with the exception of prot at deep endgame content. people who tell you otherwise either didn't play vanilla and are just regurgitating online opinions or are minmaxing tryhards who forgot what made vanilla fun in the first place.
No one said it was a bad role.
I want to roleplay as a Knight. Which works better for that?
>So when did "support role is le bad xD" become a meme?
Almost our entire guild in vanilla was /pol/ tier.
Even the actual faggot who was our token spriest could take it on the chin.
uh, because lots of people find it boring and prefer being on the front lines doing mad DPS?
it was more than a meme. it was a driving influence as to why wow is the shit that it is now. nobody brings any unique utility cause it's all about who can pump the highest dps numbers cause lower dps specs and especially hybrids complained "i wanna do as much damage as x class too!!!!" till blizz fucked it at their request.
Healing is more involved than following a 3 button DPS rotation
>fear was dispelled
>still stood around fire
>entire video only 1 cast
>mana bar full
Please don't play classic.
Probably Warrior, Paladins dont get to look very knightly at end game, nor do you get to do knightly things. Warrior with a shield sounds like your go to for that.
>want to play fem human but dont want to get called a tranny
what do bros?
yeah im having tons of fun helping somebody else have all the fun
WoD and BFA have more in-depth rotations than classic but people still like classic more
I would have rathered a tinker/engineer class over monk any day.
Could have made it a heal/dps/tank class even easier.
Just do it you fucking tranny
You still have not explained why clicking three buttons while having a red thing as your target is more fun than clicking 3 buttons while a green thing is your target
Races like trolls shoulda had their own class quirks like Troll hunters being axe throwers. Tauren should be full melee because how do they use guns and bows with fuckhuge fingers.
but im not a tranny
would you rather press three buttons and be actually engaged in the game or be a fucking healbot
private server fags are gonna get fucked in naxx, it's gonna be fun seeing them trying naxx with correct numbers and not being able to abuse world buffs
what's the best buttplug for druids?
I agree with you on the visual aspect, but then I think about the fact that the essence of the Warrior class is basically getting really angry, yelling at your enemies and hitting them really hard, and that doesn't sound Knightly to me at all. Hence my dilemma.
Its the best you're gonna get man.
What makes Orc warlock so good anyways?
>manual that was outdated by the time the game released
I'll never forgive them about that, I've spent literal hours wondering where to get that weapon skill and it made me miss on extremely good weapons like the Ice Barbed Spear.