Official Laught at Phoenix Wright thread

>proven evidence forger


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Other urls found in this thread:

What the hell happened?

Let me rephrase. Context?

Yesterday was the case where Wright got disbarred.

Wright lost his badge yesterday.


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I met this faggot on the street buying the groceries with a girl calling him daddy, he's now literally raising another man's daughter. How cucked can this guy get?

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Yesterday was rough for him

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I want an Investigations-like game with Hobo-Phoenix stumbling unrelated murder cases during his investigation into Kristoph. Each case takes him into the more obscure parts of Japanifornia (flea markets, loading docks). Rival “prosecutor” is a misguided journalist.

Oh I'd raise that girl if you know what I mean

I'm the only one who finds hobo-wright out of character?

Lost his badge where and how.

Dude, have you even played Ace Attorney?

>Am I the only one who thinks this controversial and unpleasant thing is controversial and unpleasant?
You tell me.

Don’t make me do it

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I was there for the Furio Tigre trial and how come no one ever brought up that he tried to present fake evidence before this?

Dude pretty much lost his only motivation in life after being disbarred and was stuck with the daughter of the man who ruined his life and pretending to be best buddies with the other man who ruined his life, forging evidence and being an all around dick is pretty believable for hobonix imo

>/ourguy/ ended up being a cheating brainlet
I don't honestly know how to feel anymore, Yea Forumsros...

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haha le ebin funny streamfaggot larping xDDD
so funni xDDD

Well he is a hobo

Ceinge. Grow up

Yesterday, Turnabout Succession, vs Klavier.
Phoenix was caught forging evidence, nobody expected it from Wright, it makes me wonder if this is truly the first time he did it or he was doing the whole time.

I have. Is thia supposed to be another rp thread I missed?
I only know about EEnE online.

I just bought the trilogy collection and holy fuck I got memed to death.

are the other games like the first? It's just a fucking visual novel for childrel, how can this be so hyped on this trash boad?

Dude, if this was yesterday and people were shitposting about it BEFORE THE TRIAL EVEN BEGAN, your post would be fine. But now it's just plain old retarded behavior of lashing out at other people having unconventional fun on Yea Forums in ways other than masturbating or endorsing genocide.


Yes, it's a bunch of retards larping as if AA was happening IRL, just like the EEnE Online larping retards, probably same crowd even.

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Yes and no. AA4-4's flashback case was set on April 19, 2019, and we had a bunch of threads and a Twitch stream to celebrate.


>the problem is you're having fun the wrong way

Not video games, get out of my board faggot

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And you stop posting major spoilers in the OP and in the thread without using spoiler tags you underage little shit.

So this is not a video game thread?

What was the silliest thing you can remember from AAO trials?

Yes but did he submit it as evidence? If I remember the game he didnt get a penalty because it wasnt submitted. So... ??

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>major spoilers in the OP
AA4 STARTS with telling you that Phoenix got disbarred for forgery.

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He’ll come around.
His kind of people always does, that’s why our justice system is so fucked.

Sorry for posting spoilers on a 12 year old game that literally every fan has already played it

Yes he did, it was actually definitive evidence, if it had been real he would have won the case for sure, but he was caught faking definitive evidence.

Hey buddy, don't worry too much. You don't have to bitch about this for 7 whole years when Turnabout [REDACTED] happens.

Will pablo even be alive in 7 years from now? We gotta find someone else to stream it just in case

>he hasn't played aa4
who's the underage here? or you haven't played any AA game? if that's the case why are you even doing here? Imagine bitching on threads for games you haven't even played.

Imagine being so retarded you post intentional spoilers and even admit to it.

You are Revan

Spoilers for the first level in the game

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Deflecting. Answer the questions.

Major and intentional spoilers regardless.

I want /pol/ppets to leave

Who will take his place?

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They don't even know what LARP means anymore.

Someone is absolutely going to make a thread about the space station stuff next year.

Was there even ONE DAY where Wright was actually relying on real evidence or right? lol

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Not this incompetent cuck for sure

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fucking roleplayers, can't you stuck to somewhere else?


Why the fuck is this larping trash spoiler thread still up?
Why the fuck aren't these idiots relegated to /vg/ yet?



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>have an amazing track record for clearing cases
>for some reason decides to forge evidence for this case
What the FUCK was he thinking?

, they said, keeping the thread bumped.

I sage in every post I make in this shit thread, try again.

>Actual vidya content
>People are acting like the case is real and discussing the games simultaneously, no fag is pretending to be a character
>Call it bad

This is a normal Yea Forums thread, and was the type of thing that made this board great back in the day. OC comes from threads like this.

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I always knew this guy was shady, lads. Remember that time he blamed the murder on a spirit? Fuck this guy

>for some reason
>for this case

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Guy was batshit insane. Glad he's out of the system.

, he countered, not realizing that other people in the thread exist too and his posts objectively stir activity anyway.



You're just bringing it closer to bump limit and therefore 404.

Reminder that it only got brought up in Phoenix's case because Gavin recognized the "special mark" that the forged evidence had.

, he said, revealing that he doesn't know the difference between 404 and archival and actively encouraging a thread he doesn't like to reach 500 posts.

Yea Forumsermin bump limit is lower than that and you fail to realize that my posts count toward bump limit despite not bumping the thread

I don't get it. I thought he and Edgeworth were friends. Why isn't Edgeworth helping him right now? Why isn't he fighting to prove that he didn't forge the evidence? What the fuck, did he just give up?

He’s probably afraid of getting exposed as the actual murderer in the dl6 incident. Who knows what Wright forged in that trial

, he proclaimed, while staying in a thread he doesn't like, and that he wants to reach bump limit, which could take hours, out of spite.

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I refuse to give up on him. Where was Maya? Isn't that Franziska girl also his friend? She's not helping him??? What about that beat cop, where's he at?
Why is everyone abandoning him?!?!

>response in less than half a minute

Holy shit you're mad. Go on then, keep your word and take us to the archive.

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Edgeworth has probably forged more evidence than all the AA prosecutors (except for Von Karma?), he doesn't want in the focus of attention right now.

wrightfags are so delusional holy shit

Are you sure it's not the other kind of "daddy"?

>They don't know what 'word' means
Just like weeaboo and cuckolding
It's how you can instantly ID Newfags, normalfags and redditors aka /pol/.

Wright was never a good attorney. Notice how the first trial he does after Mia Fey goes back to the fucking spirit world or whatever, he fucks it up?

Okay guys, wasn't it a little bit too much?

Also Sonic Adventure 2 is a horrible game.

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This post violates the rules.
Feel free to alert staff to it.

>announcing reports

Goes back to the spirit world? Bro, she's been dead for three years now. You have to let her go. Stop projecting Mia onto her sister.

I'm just gonna come out and say it, something just didn't seem right with yesterday's court hearing. Don't get me wrong, Wright has had his fair share of asspulls during his career, but never something like forged evidence. I have the sneaking feeling he was set up, but I can't say by who or why. Regardless, I hope things work out for the guy in the future. Even if he's hit with something as hard as forged evidence, I believe our legal system is lax enough for him to take the bar exam again, so I hope this isn't the end of his career.

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what is this photoshop?

It's an actual screenshot I took of the Apollo Justice game on mobile. Phoenix says this when Evil Gavin starts to object to Phoenix's forged evidence, the card, and calls it baseless.

unironically this, fuck OP. I just barely bought a 3ds the other week

Guys, what the fuck happened? I was in bed with the flu the other day. What's this about based Wright forging evidence? This can't be real. We're talking about the man who got Larry Butz out of jailtime on multiple occasions, and that guy's as shifty as they come.

Don't worry, homelessness will make him stronger than ever.

You're just jealous he got a cute daughteru.

Fuck yeah!

Raising another man's daughter isn't cucked. It's a back up plan.
Only raising another man's son is cucked.

Honestly, even when the series is at it's lowest points there is still a lot of fun to be had. All the games are worth playing and there's definitely cases in the later games that blow the out water out of some of the stuff in 1.

>Apollo Justice
Wait, you're not going to fool me, Phoenix as a hobo? Don't say such nonsense, if you're implying all this case was some sort of trap from Gavin you will need evidence to prove your conspiracy theories.
Go back to /x/.

So he's going to stay with the little girl, even without a badge he still based and cunnypilled.

>mfw bet my life's savings on Wright
>mfw had to sell most of my belongings
>will will probably have to sell my house

This can't be happening

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Is it just me or is it kinda dumb that they set this case only a few months after Bridge? Nick was SO fucking cocky during this case, I can get that if they had set it like a year or two after Bridge and he's really had time to grow into the bigshot lawyer role. But no, apparently his attitude changed that much in 2 months. Not a fan desu. Think that's more out of character than depressed hobo Nick, considering the circumstances.

>proven evidence forger
He was never proven to have forged evidence retard, he only presented it. It's fucking entrapment.

>Sakurai made a public statement that he's prohibited from making an appearance from Smash due to this
Imagine fucking up this bad.


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oh no no no no no

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t. wright
>Top Prosecutor Edgeworth is a personal friend
>gets him off a murder rep while also conveniently getting THE top prosecutor out of the way
>Same judge on nearly all his cases
>One of the detectives worked for him for a while
>Assistant keeps getting accused of murder
It's actually insane how long he got away with all this blatant corruption. He must've had some crazy ammo on everyone or something. Near the end he wasn't even pretending anymore, I heard he did crazy shit like make that prosecutor Edgeworth actually do a DEFENSE case for him. No wonder he finally took the fall, he was getting arrogant.

>not a single piece of evidence to back up any of those coincidences
You're full of shit. Meanwhile, Gavin somehow magically knew exactly what right was going to do and already had a witness set up for it. His fucking brother has as much power as Edgeworth did for most of Wright's career too so if anything, that's way fishier.

Murdering prosecutors, chief of police, prosecutors forging evidence constantly or alluring people in the court, yet I forget evidence one time and it's suddenly the dark age of the law...

So now that Wright's out of business, what's going to happen to that hot little monk girl he's always at the courthouse with? Is she legal yet?

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Not yet. A prosecutor needs to fuck up next. Like with a katana or something.

The bump limit here is 500 though.

From march 22 - march 24 2018, Detective Dick Gumshoe worked as a personal assistant for Phoenix Wright after being fired. He was then immediately rehired. How is that not fishy as fuck?


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>From march 22 - march 24 2018, Detective Dick Gumshoe worked as a personal assistant for Phoenix Wright after being fired.
Show me the papers. Gavin is extremely more fishy as well.

Good. His Objection theme was getting shittier and shittier by the year.

So, you guys heard about how Zheng Fa's president was murdered recently ?
Dangerous times we live in

By a clown, no less.

He was a fake. The real president died 12 years ago. You can tell by analyzing the photos. I bet you think Paul McCartney's still alive too. Stay woke people.

Thanks doc.

Thank God Edgeworth was reinstated as a prosecutor too, I always thought he did a better job than Wright

Have you heard of that protege of his, the weeb guy? Blacksomething? He seems like he has a lot of potential. Here's hoping he can clean up the big mess of our judicial system right now. He's like my last hope with all the scandals everywhere.


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Don't be rude. Even though he betrayed the law and me, by extent, I would still consider him as my friend. I'll support him, while he raises another man's daughter.

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Oh, you're talking about that samurai guy, yeah, this guy seems pretty good, though I wonder if analytical psychology is that useful, seems like a meme to me

Time for the real lawyer to take the stage

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Wright's going to have to sell his two girls into sex slavery to pay off his law school debts now.

Should I play Apollo Justice?

Yes, absolutely. I think it's the weakest game in the series (either that or AAI) but even the weakest game is still decent enough and has its highlights.

Plus, you'd be missing character context if you skipped it and just went on to DD. Not that much, but still.

8 years. He's clearly involved throughout AJ but doesn't officially practice law again until the orca.

Just who was this guy? Was he larping or did he actually know Wright was a fraud?

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>I think it's the weakest game in the series
That's not DD.

I mean, he was pulling that crazy last minute evidence stunt every single time. At this point it was obvious that something was fishy.

Hey, doesn't he look like that Kristoph lawyer guy ? Nah, I must be crazy, I've seen him and he looks like a pretty swell guy

so are we just going to gloss over the fact that the magician straight up poofed himself out of being arrested? what is with the security at that courthouse?

Considering there’s been suicides before, it’s not that surprising

It's just for show, like that time they staged an exorcism in the middle of a trial lol.

I'm one of those weirdos (apparently) who loves DD. I like it a lot better than SoJ.

Bro, there's been at least 2 prosecutors murdered at that courthouse, there's been a suicide (apparently prisoners dont even get stripsearched???), I'm pretty sure there have been runaways before. The courthouse security is absolute shit.

It made the ost a bunch of low quality synths/orchestras and all the nice sprite animations are gone. That isn't even considering the cases themselves or Athena as a character.

Yeah, I'll agree that the move to 3d was a downgrade for me (tho I do think they've done lovely things with it they couldn't have done otherwise, just look at things like Rimes' breakdown) and that the soundtrack is less quality than the trilogy.
Athena is fine, I can get why some people dislike her but she's fine. No strong feelings for me. Loved the story around her and her mother and Simon tho, that was really well done.
And that brings us to the cases, which is the important thing for me, and I thought they were fucking great. Yeah, the Dark age of the Law shit was overdone and forced, but purely the cases themself? Great. Full of memorable characters and great twists and turns and plenty of emotion too. Back to form after the half shit cases of AJ.

Investigations being dumbed down was a bit of a letdown, but not that much for me honestly, considering how some of the investigations could sometimes turn into "just trigger an event somewhere and then walk around the map to find what's randomly changed now". Especially 1-3 and all of JFA are heavily guilty of that problem.

But yeah, I love the cases in DD ergo I love the game. SoJ was a bit more up and down for me regarding the cases so I like it a bit less.

I feel like they didn't really know what they wanted to do with Athena's character and ended up slapping a bunch of half-finished ideas into the game at the last minute before deadline.

She suplexes a police officer but nothing is done with this, nothing in her backstory implies any sort of martial arts training, and it comes across as out-of-character when set against her behavior everywhere else in the game.
She knows a lot of words from other languages but this has no story importance and is never used other than just to show it off.
Her entire character arc is jammed into the final case, in the previous cases she's just kinda there.

She really comes across as a bunch of entirely separate character ideas hastily patchworked together.

>memorable characters
The only ones who stood out were the academy students, Fulbright, and the clown since the tit jiggling gif is always around. The rest were fucking terrible.
>great twists
Aside from the final case, everything is completely obvious and easy as fuck to understand. It was the first AA game I didn't struggle with at all and it was extremely dull.
>plenty of emotion
That means nothing when the majority of characters are terribly written like Athena.
>the half shit cases of AJ
The only actually bad case was the ramen stand. The rest were pretty interesting for one reason or another and not simplistic as fuck.
I haven't played investigations, but SoJ was a lot more concrete between characterization and tone with its overarching plot.

So is this the last RP thread for a while other than the 1 week that both investigations games take place in?

3 if you include chief Debeste, 4 if you include Simon, who was at least charged.

>the nice sprite animations are gone

not him but I have to interject here

if you just prefer sprites that's fine, but I can't think of a single animation or pose that wasn't pulled off nicely in aa5

everything phoenix/apollo do is recreated faithfully, within 30 minutes of starting ted tonate's bomb deconstruction animation lets you know they're not bound to the models, etc


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DD didn't have any clowns.

I wish they'd focused on giving Apollo an actual arc and wrapping up Phoenix after AJ, he got stuck with some kid and never got an actual chance for a relationship. Athena was dead weight that took resources away from everything else.

I thought she had a relatively complete arc within DD and it was more in SoJ where it felt like they didn't know what to do with her. Only important blank was how she and Wright met at all. Her courtroom phobia and her shit with Blackquill was built up all game. Her knowing other languages was just an unsubtle reference to her being from abroad, it's not any weirder than Klavier being a dutchaboo (or whatever that would be called)

The AAI games already happened

Not murderer prosecutors, murdered prosecutors. Tho I fucked up, I meant murdered lawyers (is that the word for both defense and prosecution guys? esl). Byrne Faraday and Gregory Edgeworth.

Phoenix and Apollo can't really have a good relationship I feel, they're basically the same character outside of some really negligible minor quirks and of course their backstories. I think that's why at least one of the two always has some bullshit plot reason to act out-of-character whenever the other is being played as. I dunno what it is with Japan making these "new generation protagonists" be near literal clones of old ones all the time.

I think it has to do with the fact that the original creator wanted the series to end with the original trilogy and left the reigns to someone else. Unfortunately, that guy didn't know what the fuck he was doing and ruined it.
I am hopeful for AA 7 at the very least.

Attached: clown tits.gif (256x192, 1.91M)

Are you dumb? Clowntits is from 6-4, not DD

How many female killers has their been?
I remember PL v PW had all the culprits be female, but what about the main games?

This would have nearly gotten me into a clown fetish had the tits not turned out to be balloons, dodged a bullet there.

>Only important blank was how she and Wright met at all
Pretty sure Wright has a side gig involving trafficking little girls. Larry's probably in on it too, Wright helps him cover up killing chicks all the time.

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>Major spoilers
>For a 12 year old game
Cry more.

Is it, the irrelevant cases from 6 and the ones from 5 all just blend together in my memory.
The culprit of the biggest case in 3 and 6 are both female.

Hardly any; one for each game is what it seems :/

Are the 3DS DLCs cases worth playing

The culprit in 3-5 was Godot though.

DD one is great
SoJ is good if you have a hard on for the original trilogy and want to see more of those characters.


The two shorts are cute but not worth purchasing in my opinion. Just watch them on youtube, Phoenix's one in particular was funny.

The DLC case is pretty bad I felt. Tried to capture the tone of the older games but comes off as a weird unfunny parody of it most of the time. The case itself is too simple and too obvious for it's own good too. Some of the characters are fun but it's not enough to carry it.

AA5's is a solid-ass case.

AA6's is a trilogy throwback, so if you'd like that go for it.

DD, absolutely
SOJ, not really

5-DLC is amazing and easily one of the strongest cases, if not the strongest in its game. It does a great job.

6-DLC is kind of meh. It's kind of weak compared to some of the other cases in its game, but it's not the worst thing ever like some people make it out to be. Very nostalgia focused for Original trilogy fans.

>The culprit in 3-5 was Godot though.
Shut the FUCK up, it was Dahlia through and through.

>/ourlad/ von Karma lost against this fraud.
Almost three years later and I'm still seething!

Technically she's not even a clown

let's see
>Dee Vasquez (self defense tho)
>Ini Miney (and help from Morgan Fey)
>Dahlia x 3 (and help from Morgan Fey)
>Cammy Meele
>Calisto Yew
>Everyone in PL
>that bitch from 4-2
That should be it (don't know about DSG)

>Call someone underage
>Haven't played a game you've had TWELVE YEARS to play
Sounds like you're the underage here, bud.

I don't think any of the culprits from LvW were actual culprits since it was all make beilive.

No, Godot killed Misty.
Dahilia tried to kill Maya, but failed because Godot 'killed' her and by killing her I mean killing Misty.

1: Male, Male, Female, Male, Male
2: Male, Female+Female, Male, Male
3: Female, Male, Male+Female, Female, Female+Female (but three of those are the same)
4: Male, Female, Male, Male (same male twice)
5: Male, Male, Male, (None), Male, Male
6: Male, Male, Male+Female (sort of), Female, Female, Male
AAI: Male, Female, Male, Female, Female+Male (same female twice)
AAI2: Male, Female, Male, Male, Male
DGS: Female, Female, Male+Female (?), Female (?), Male
PLvAA: Female, Female, Female (!), Female+Male
idk about DGS2

That's 24 women over 33 men, counting accomplices, counting every case separately (so Dahlia gets in 3 times and Kristoph twice). Less of a difference than I thought, mostly due to DGS and PLvAA. Interesting that DD only has male murderers.

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Darklaw unintentionally killed almost an entire town though

Didn't Takumi say in an interview that early on in AA1's development all the culprits were chicks too?

And none of that would've happened if not for Dahlia. She is the true cause and therefore the culprit.

Oh, note that this is "culprits" which isn't the same as killers, but you get the idea.

No, he said they were all male, which someone pointed out and then he changed Vasquez to be a woman.


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He didn't get paid for that case either

How do the AA4 upscales look so much less shitty

The true cause is Morgan Fey. Or you could say Godot is the true cause by allowing the plan to go through instead of just contacting Phoenix or stopping Pearl in a more drastic way.

>3. Female+Female
The culprit in 3-5 was Godot though.

DS sprites rather than GBA ones

That's like saying the person who caused self defense killings are the culprit. Stop grasping at straws. By your logic, Hammer is the culprit of 3-1 and not Vasquez.

Godot as the culprit.

Fuck, you're right. It's arguable Male+Female+Female, but yes, you're correct, it's technically just one man. I still think of Dahlia+Morgan as the real culprits there.

Doesn't he get paid with little girls though? He wandered off with another one at the end of this case too

In 4-1, Phoenix already knew everything and near the end of 5-5 they were quickly joined by Athena. So the only thing I can think of is 6-5. Why do you think Phoenix was out of character there, should he have figured out the thing first?

The killer is the culprit. In this case Godot is the culprit. Granted he murdered because he was an idiot and did everything wrong.

How big is my chance to marry Hobo Phoenix?
He needs a wife who cooks and cleans

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>Stop grasping at straws. By your logic, Hammer is the culprit of 3-1 and not Vasquez.
He is, they had malicious intent, which is what matters most.

Not that guy but
>So the only thing I can think of is 6-5. Why do you think Phoenix was out of character there
I think Phoenix was out of character in 6-5 because we should already know how he should when Maya gets kidnapped and someone attempts to blackmail him into causing an injustice on the assumption that he developed at all as a character the last time that happened in this franchise, and that's not what happened in 6-5. Though it'd be more accurate to just say that he backpedalled as a character to pre-2-4 levels as opposed to being out-of-character perhaps, the MCs in AA have sort of always been like that anyway.

How good are you at channeling spirits?

It's not an upscale, but the original sprites. OG trilogy remastered sprites were redraw (traced)


Unfortunately, I am not a medium ..


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And yet it was Vasquez and Godot who committed the murder.
Godot is the killer.

You're just doing semantics. Just count the culprit with the last breakdown, or something.

>#DarkAgeOfTheLaw fags were actually right
It hurts to see that the lawyer everyone believed to be honest was like all the others. There is no going back after this.

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It's non-PC Phoenix who lost his badge done right. He gets shit done thanks to his knowledge and experience. What's more fucked up is he goes back to retard Wright when he goes back to being PC.

>this thread


>Last breakdown
That mean's Payne's the culprit of 3-1.
Just saying it's the person who committed the murder is the most simple way.

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I feel like in 6-S Phoenix mentioned something about "Trucy would need to like her first"

It was accidental, manslaughter at best.
Godot acted to protect himself and others, it's not murder.
The culprit shouldn't be anyone but the person who first chose to kill.

>Nazi frog poster
Fuck off redditor.

I am legitimately going to miss these threads.

Well he's going to be a permavirgin forever then because Trucy keeps scaring people off.

Wouldn't that make Cosmos the culprit of 5-4?

>'Accidentally' stabbing someone in the back and then creating a cover up story while moving the body.
It was murder.

How the mighty have fallen

I don't get the joke. I'm newfag.

>implying you won't still be here 7 years later.

>'Accidentally' stabbing someone in the back
Vasquez was accidental, Godot was out of defense.

Hard to act smug and collected when your first case back concerns a killer whale.

Vasquez threw hammer onto the spiked fence and then orchestrated a cover up to scapegoat powers.

Only covering it up should be considered anything more than manslaughter.

Well it's murder in Japanaforina. Deal with it.

Also to reiterate.


>the law is always correct
The Dark Age of the Law is happening for a reason.