First boss of the DLC is the hardest

>first boss of the DLC is the hardest
What was the logic behind this?

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Nah, Orphan of Kosm is harder

it's a shit game that a bunch of incels jumped on the bandwagon of. now they all think it's god's gift to video games when Demons/DS1/DS3 are all miles better than this trash

fuck bloodbornefaggots


Imagine being this much of a sad retard. You don't have taste and you don't understand quality.

reminder that any kid that claims bloodborne to be the best game hasn't played a single souls game. they are bandwagoning faggots

Its incredible how much better the DLC for BB is than the base-game

Orphan was harder for me by a little bit


Orphan and Laurence are harder IMO

Bosses and weapons are better but the level design is dark souls 2 tier

ive beaten BB like 5 times, i love the game

but i cant stand autists that claim it to be LE BEST GAME EVER

bloodborne fanbase is too high IQ for such low quality trolling

that's just sonybro shilling user


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How so?


Mensis fag

Everything about DaS2 is better than DaS3.

First area is just the cathedral ward made uglier and shorter thanks to weird gray matter. The tower looks good but is tedious as fuck. Fishing Hamlet is ugly and looks rushed although has good lore. Best part of the DLC is the stretch between Laurence and Ludwig.

Nah, everyone knows 2 is a chinese knockoff souls game.

>DS3 are all miles better

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Wrong. Wrong. Wrong


>First area is just the cathedral ward
Its not
>made uglier and shorter thanks to weird gray matter.
Not level design
>The tower looks good but is tedious as fuck.
But why is it tedious?
>Fishing Hamlet is ugly and looks rushed although has good lore
Literally no mention of level design

You're a retard.

Nah, only plebs think that way.

I love the Astral Clocktower but I do often get lost and I do often fall to my death in it

>D-D-Dark Souls 3 is better! Remember ONE?!!?
The deathrattle of the PC player

Laurence is the only boss in the game I had to summon for and it still took me like 20 tries

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>Orphan of Kos
How can one DLC be so good?


Opinion discarded.

Its Kos you retard

Fucking fight me

Look at this cuck FUMING

You didn't use LHB

I used to help people coop him all the time and like 70% of the time when a host died to him, it was from this move. If you press dodge while you are still flinched from it, a dodge gets queued up as the next move and you are fucked because that dodge ends right as his next swipe begins

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>but the level design is dark souls 2 tier
So better?

solid responses guys! you totally changed my mind on this trash game

Just bad game design, the dlc itself doesn't even lead to a satisfying conclusion and is just random areas and bosses with zero plot.

>beastly idiot with 0 insight gulping down beast blood pellets left and right

I seem to be a freak.
>beat laurence in 1 try, ludwig in 3 the first time
>OoK took me at least 2 dozen tries the first time

When you do a BL 4 run Living Failures are nearly as hard as Orphan of Kos and both are harder than Ludwig

Orphan phase 1 always used to get me because I usually liked to roll forward / sideways to recover after I got hit, and he would always catch me with his yoyo sword attacks if I did that

You're right, the SJW menace in this thread won't believe you, but I will. Keep up the good work, BasedAnon.

user, some say Kosm. Get the fuck over it, you need eyes you beastly fool

I can't quite place my finger on it, but his moveset always catches me at some point or another and my instinct always ends up overriding my experience. and it's always just the one slip up that got me killed. I hardly ever got a chance to burn through the healing vials I had when fighting him.

Do i have to use beast pellets for bosses?

I feel like without them I deal no damage.


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>First playthrough
>Ebrietas takes 20 attempts
>Ludwig takes 15
>Used 24 blood vials to beat the first Shark Giant and ran away every other time
>Beat Orphan on the first try
It was close as all hell, I was light headed by the end of it.

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boss fights are supposed to last 2.5 to 5 minutes

For me it was Maria that took me the longest. OoK took me like 4 attempts. I was playing with people who were fighting him for the first time as well and we were improving each attempt

>Used 24 blood vials to beat the first Shark Giant and ran away every other time
if you parry them it turns them to chum. they're a pain in the ass otherwise, though.

I've never been able to get the timing down on her charged attacks, I've always ended up just tanking them.

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To be fair aside from one or two attacks they’re quite hard to parry. There’s very few frames compared to other enemies which are super forgiving. I think the Shark Giants are the hardest From normal enemy and I’ve done the well pre-Forest.

always ended up dashing into the blood streams

His elastic sword dragging attacks are pretty odd

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It's always 1, 2 or 3-second delays, flat. You can count in your head. Like if she did the followup slash attack after the thrust attack in this webm, she would do it exactly one second after

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>some say Kosm
yeah, fucking RETARDS.

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Orphan is harder and Laurence is just unfun to fight.

Laurence is fun to fight if you have a heavy weapon and keep jump attacking and smashing his face to stagger-lock him. I love when you do it so accurately that you stun him to visceral attack his head

t. 0 insight

I forgot Laurence was a fight. I remember activating it but quit out to fight him later. Never did

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>anything but the worst from game

3 sucks but 2 is by far the worst game.

3 at least has good bosses, yes. Ds2 is for PvP only. And the next From game will be a Tanimura game so expect DS3/DS2 DLC level quality.