ITT: Games with horrible combat

ITT: Games with horrible combat

Attached: ZeldaCombatWhichReallyMakesYouThinkMore.webm (853x480, 2.85M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Most of them.

Goddo Hando

Threads with faggot OPs

I'll fight you, combat won't be so horrible then

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The Witcher 3

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The reason he got hit is because he dashed into his direction of his attack. It would make sense to dash away from his attack. Typically, it's not a good idea to go in the direction of the attack, except in a few rare occasions.

BBfags everyone

In my 20 plus play throughs I've never been able to recreate this

>a zelda game has bad combat and is posted as an example of a game with horrible content
>bloodborne gets posted
The actual fucking coping level, the ACTUAL fucking level of it.

>ITT: Games with horrible combat
ac odyssey

I played it over at a friend but fuck I couldn't bear this spastic movement cycle longer than a few minutes

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Git Gud

I mean, objectively, it's nothing special. I wouldn't call it horrible though. It's serviceable at best.

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the only one that is not any sort of bait is

Name five games with better combat than Bloodborne.

ironically, even is bait

Demon Souls, Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Sekiro

Smash Melee
Smash 64
Smash Ultimate
Smash Brawl
Smash 4

How is a webm showing how XV's combat is LITERALLY Hold O to win "bait"?

Oh no no, as if I'll fall for this bait! Oh ho ho!

ALTTP > Seasons > Ages > Link's Awakening > Zelda 1 > Minish > Phantom Hourglass > Spirit Tracks

Twilight Princess > Ocarina > Wind Waker > Skyward > BOTW


>Yea Forums still SEETHING
How many hundred times has this been reposted?

All smash bros are button mashing party games for childern

>one cherry picked 1/1000 chance glitch vs the entire combat system of botw
cope more nintenpony

You know it's a bad game when 90% of the roster is functionally unusable.


why do nincels use the same "arguments" every time

I have never once had this happen to me.

>intuitive horseback combat

I can't think of a game with horseback combat this tight and flexible.

Yea Forums has been SEETHING for over two years now, that's not an argument just a fact.
Why else would these threads be posted multiple times a day for two years?

Melee shits on every souls game in terms of depth and skill ceiling. Then again most FGs do so that's a worthless comparison.


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Only one SEETHING is you since you can't take any criticism, cry more

You first.

>Melee shits on every souls game in terms of depth and skill ceiling.
Maahing ain't depth champ

all smash games have better combat than bloodborne just for the mere fact that combat in smash games is the entire gameplay you retarded faggots. any fighting game has better combat than bloodborne

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>Nintendo out of nowhere
lmao, snöy

this, devs need to focus on making smarter AI instead of bullet sponges/muh multiplayer only trash


What the hell are you talking about? Dodging into the attacks is literally the most effective strat for bloodborne

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>combat in Shaq Fu is better then Bloodborne just for the mere fact that combat in Shaq Fu is the entire gameplay

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lief lole

>the same cherry picked webm for two years
Yep, that is COPING

How did you miss the OP?

I'm guessing the combat is only as good as you make it

>that image

and why should I believe you?

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The witcher 1

>what you didn't make 1000 webms of the fact the combat is garbage and the AI is retarded!!!! You need 1 million webms or your argument is invalid
Major cope

>Can't make a thread about games with bad combat without drones sperging out
Absolute state of Yea Forums.

>reusing the same two year old bait
Man, you really are SEETHING to defend this shit.
How many times have you posted it today?
Five or six?

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going from 1 to 2 was such a rude awakening.

Yet i never seen 1 webm to show BoTW has good combat, why is that?

This is not a thread about bad combat. It's literally another thinly veiled "Zelda sucks" thread. Get off your high horse, it's taxidermy

It would be a thread about games with bad combat if drones didn't sperg out and just posted other games with bad combat

Because you'd shoot down any webm anyone could produce therefore you're just right at all times thus invalidating any reason to argue with you?

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stick around they'll show up.
they always do in these botw threads.
and we''l repeat the cycle until the next zelda

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>bad combat thread
>mad zelda is obviously a example

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So no examples, ok

>muh sony

You tell that to all the autistic snoyboys in this thread getting triggered because someone said bloodborne

Stop pretending to be dumb, you know what you did.

>muh nintendo boogeyman
Cringe and cope

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My point is there's no point in producing examples. The past few hundred BotW threads have made this plain.

Stop defending and getting mad on behave a company that doesnt care about you retard

pretty much this.
do a google search for fucks sake its all over the place


Ah, a cherrypicked Barry webm

Imagine being so mentally ill and utterly traumatised by BotW's acclaim that you spend THREE whole years of your life completely obsessed and posting the same pathetic memes every day of your life.

Holy fuck, you are such sad loser. lmao

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Where did i mention nintendo moron, try harder

So you post 1 webm that takes 2 seconds?

You're not impressing anyone, calm down.

>gets op weapon for fighting a lynel and uses it to cream lizalfos
>all combat in game is bad
post a video of a lynel fight and tell me there's no good combat there.

I love the games dude but you gotta admit that second chance/once more/leaf bracer is a degenerate combination of abilities. Level 1 doesn't have this issue.

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Why should people make and save 1000 webms to make an argument for you?
There are hundreds of previous threads, check yourself.

Remember Yea Forums, don't say anything bad about BOTW, or the 12 year olds with the wojack edits will shit their pants!

Nincel NPC using literal U MAD tier responses, mot ONE argument

you're not fooling anyone, cuck. get a clue

BBS is a shit game dude, even KH fans acknowledge this

>Dodge the same 4 attacks 2 seconds before getting hit, get flurry rush and mash Y
>3 times urbosas fury
>3 times shield
>Pause game and heal when you get hit
>For the case you're retarded enough to die you get revived with extra health

have sex

B-because breath of the wild is bad
What do you mean it has a 97 on metacritic?

Remember Yea Forums. don't say anything good about BOTW, or the 12 year olds with the wojack edits will shit their pants!

BOTW plays exactly like DMC2
Both games require 0 effort to win any encounter, just spam one button. BOTW just has a dozen or so ways that you can do that, you can spam attack and win, spam arrows and win, spam bombs and win, or create a combination of all the spam possibilies so it LOOKS like you had to try at all.

All From games have basic repetitive buggy trash combat

That's the secret why people love those games: Simple and casual as fuck, but under the camouflage of being complex and deep.

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nope, it was pretty good.
best combat system when it came out for sure

If I combined all of the instances of 2 seconds I spent in the past getting a counterargument webm just to get "lol that looks like shit", I would be getting close to the length of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Damn dude you're upset just take a breather. Maybe have sex while you're at it.

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Most of the times the combat is just doing Urbosas Fury once and then effortlessly finishing them off by pressing Y a few times

BOTW is an open world game with a heavy focus on physics and puzzles. DMC2 is a linear action game. are you fucking retarded?

>the amount of effort you put into a game determines how fun the outcome is
you're a genius user

Buttmad sonygro

based and redpilled

When was fun ever mentioned in this thread? DMC2 is fun to me.

He's probably playing online and got invaded adding in lag if we're being honest here

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This makes a difference how?

>It's another "Yea Forums posts a popular game's rare bug to pass it off as an ackchtually bad game" thread


>Rare bug
It literally isn't a bug.

We don't need any arguments.

BotW is one of the most acclaimed games ever made and generally considered Game Of The Generation by literally everyone.

You cannot handle. You have been sperging out endlessly since the E3 reveal in 2016. Three Years of your sad pathetic life wasted and you're still going. Achieving NOTHING. You're trapped in your mentally ill mind, doomed to cry about BotW forever.

There's nothing you can do. Feels good knowing how crushed you are. I don't ever want you to get over it.

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>it's okay if it's FFXV, The Division, AssCreed, CoD or any other shitty AAA game, but making fun of BotW is WAY TOO FAR, FUCKING SNOYNIGGERS

Different games with a completely opposite game design approaches. Fucking dipstick

Zelda has shitty puzzles compared to a puzzle game, but them being different genres doesn't suddenly make that not true.

No I meant most the webms you'll see here.

Did any of those games get a 97 and receive critical acclaim?

>BotW is one of the most acclaimed games ever made and generally considered Game Of The Generation by literally everyone.
And yet it doesn't have the highest metascore, userscore, amount of sales or amount of GOTY awards

Those are different games with a completely opposite game design approaches.

and in the case of XV, the combat was intentionally held back because of Tabata

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Note there's more of these than actual discussion. Stop embarrassing yourself.

You mean to tell me that getting struck in the face/chest by a weapon multiple times makes it difficult to get up and fight back? Seems pretty realistic to me, desu

>ends with the spear breaking

Doesn't change the fact that your original point was absolutely retarded

Whoa... So you're telling me a weapon with a much longer reach makes fighting an enemy with a short range weapon easy?


Feels so good knowing how much mental anguish you are in. Every. Single. Day.

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You arent impressing nintendo champ

I did and I see no example of good combat

Not an argument

Not an argument

So none

Not an argument

You wish pal

You didn't refute anything I said

Doesn't this shitposter have a name. I forgot what it was, but he got buttblasted when we called him by name in one thread.


major cringe

Zelda 2 is the only Zelda game with combat that isn't mash A to win

You dont realise how actually well put together(comparitively) souls combat is untill you play something with "souls like combat", outward being a recent example where "hit stuff and dodgeroll" apparently means its now dark souls. dispite the combat actually being like dark souls 2 as made by a retarded iguana who only heard about how the combat worked second hand and got distracted and quit after a fourth of the way done.

course retards will flock to it because someone compared it to Le Derk Serls and defend its maidens honor with GIT GUD and ITS NOT BAD ITS JUST 2HRD4U. when no its just garbage.

97 is a bonus score and yes they did recueve critical acclaim, your point?

No need to wish when I'm right, retard.


>under the camouflage of being complex and deep.
Where the fuck did it ever pretend to be complex and deep?

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good work.

Nintendo makes everything more casual, how is that opposite game desigm approach

There's Nintendo levels of handholding

and then there is FFXV's "you can EVER DIE if you have healing items" and XV hands you healing items all the time thanks to the passive skill of a party member


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>it's another daily Doug thread

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Keep on going, you're truly proving yourself right, mmhm.

>and then there is FFXV's "you can EVER DIE if you have healing items"

and to expand on this, it's because you have like 10 seconds to use a potion or hi-potion to get back into the right AFTER YOU GET TO 0 HP

I thought it was Eric, the Blunderfag.

Doug (ACfag) is the shitposter that thinks the mere existence of cutscenes (skippable or not) is a detriment to gaming as a whole and thinks Yea Forums loves Other M despite not tangible proof.

>Nintendo makes everything more casual


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Dark Souls
God Hand
Witcher 3

The 4 main story missions in BotW all follow the same structure, and all the side quests are "collect 10 bear asses" fetch quests.

Arkham Knight
Nier Automata

All of which are completely optional and must be discovered by the player. Why can't dumb kids like you understand "GAME DESIGN"?

He said while been butthurt about the success of a game

I'm butthurt that Zelda was successful? I think you've lost track of everything.

Keep embarrassing yourself, autist.

Okay? Typical Yea Forums...


Okay? Typical Yea Forums...

Okay? Typical Yea Forums...

Okay? Typical Yea Forums...

So do you like TLOU and Horizon, those are successful :)

>Okay? Typical Yea Forums...

Based as fuck

This. It's objectively the worst combat in any of the souls-like games, including Surge.

i don't play AAA western games sorry

>and generally considered Game Of The Generation by literally everyone
now this is cringe

>Figure it out for yourself
Is that what Zelda was doing for me during the final boss of the game?

Literally zero argument.

Exquisite cherry-picking my friend.

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I mean you did it first, I thought it was only fair.

Okay? Typical Yea Forums...

You're just as bad, shitposting as much as they do with no substance.

zelda isn't a combat-centric game so it doesn't count

Okay? Typical Yea Forums...

Honestly I own both games and enjoyed them both for different reasons. I just love to trigger OP because he's so assblasted. I'm pretty sure he'll kill himself soon.

you know this is NG+ right?

Okay? Typical Yea Forums...

>why don't u play great games?

Its pointless putting effort into a post when the person you're arguing with is mentally ill. So why bother?

>there are people who were interested enough to even try BotW
fuckin proof of concept with no artstyle or functional gameplay, put in an empty field because the open world industry meme that outright destroyed the 2010's.
what appeal can there possibly be?

Okay? Typical Yea Forums...

OP here, couldn't give less of a fuck. I own BotW and enjoyed it, doesn't change the fact that the combat is shitty. You drones just get so mad when someone points out flaws

I didnt mean to greentext that

Mother 3
brings the game down to a 5/10

You seem to keep posting in this thread, might want to add anything except keep saying the same thing over and over

I guess, but it's really disappointing to never be able to talk about this series without someone turning it into a dick measuring contest and mods will never do anything since it's still traffic.

this. HZD was 1000x better but nintrannies wont even let you discuss that game anymore

Okay? Typical Yea Forums...

It's video game related.

Okay? Typical Yea Forums...

Okay? Typical Yea Forums...

Shit nigga, it was top tier for a (GBA) JRPG

Okay? Typical Yea Forums...

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>Typically, it's not a good idea to go in the direction of the attack, except in a few rare occasions.
I play a lot of video games and I prefer to dash under enemies. it works better in probably half of the games I've played. dodging under attacks makes sense. the enemy hitting nothing but air and then killing you even though you were well outside of the animation makes no fucking sense fuck yourself you stupid fuck

Zelda combat was perfected with TP, anything past that point is either garbage or OK

>I can't think of mountain blade

Have sex.

So? It's flamewarring, a """""""""bannable"""""""""""" offense.

Occasionally we get some good threads where we can talk about things without autists like OP shitting the place up with memes/lies.

>Talking about video games is flamewarring
Based retard. Not my fault some people can't handle flaws of certain video games getting pointed out.

Sorry, I snapped. I'm going to lie down now.

you have to actually be mentally challenged to not find the fun in botw, console war threads are cancer and as always op is a massive faggot

Explain to me how everything quoted here is just "talking about video games".

Sorry but I don't enjoy running around in a world that has nothing to offer but shrines, koroks and shitty sidequests

Every time I've found one, it always degenerates the second people start rating the 3D games and arguing about which is better. It's the same shit again and again and they can't even justify their opinions with good observations half the time.

Shitposters shitting up the thread doesn't change the fact that the thread itself is video game related

Ok fine we get it, that's all you think the game is, you clearly are too deluded to be rational about it so ok retard


Fucking deluded TP niggers

Your argument is literally spamming a webm for years not representative of how diverse and open the combat is in botw, keep seething and spamming the same old ass webm faggot

>Doug (ACfag) is the shitposter that thinks the mere existence of cutscenes (skippable or not) is a detriment to gaming as a whole
And what's wrong with that assertion? If you want cutscenes go back to tumblr and watch a movie.

That's all the game is once you found the pathetic amount of actual quality content. Sorry I'm not braindead enough to enjoy trash

But that's how spears like weapons should work.

OP is a retarded faggot

Rolling a rock down a hill and hitting goblins isn't good combat retard

I agree with most points but Witcher 3 would win "Game of the generation" easily. And I mean, it would be 70% Witcher 3 votes, 10% BotW and small percentages for the rest

>spears should hitstun every enemy into a ragdoll state where they never recover

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Bettere combat than God of War desu

then the game would have no story. He doesn't even want a short cutscene that explains the plot/setting.

He just wants it so the moment you press start you are thrown directly into gameplay.

And that's not the problem, it's blatantly against the "rules" set up on this site.

>not representative of how diverse and open the combat is in botw
>Hold Y to win
>3 free shields, one revive and infinite health
>3 weapon types all of which only have light and heavy attacks (can't even mix up)
>Pathetic enemy variety
>Broken flurry rush

FF was always like this. I remember grinding in FFV and VI and it was all pressing the same button every fight because the games remembered your choices from the previous fight/turn. Only for the bosses/bigger mobs you had to think a little more.

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>then the game would have no story.
Wtf I hate Tetris and love Uncharted now?!

Fuck the Master Sword, where's the Master Spear?

This entire thread is a mess

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Yeah off-topic shit is against the rules. The OP is video game related though so there's no reason to delete the thread, it's that simple

Yes they should specially in a game that relies on physics systems like BOTW you absolute retard

>FF was always like this.

but not to the level of casualization that XV was


No they shouldn't moron, you can have physics systems without having hitstun ragdolls

botw's combat really was dogshit. the only thing that felt even remotely challenging was the master sword trials on master mode. having to manage items and strategize was really fun.

also using bombs is op for early sword trials

detailed fanart of a NPC from Bloodborne

>hitstun every enemy
It only hitstuns Bokoblins, Lizalfos and maybe Moblins?

Those 3 may aswell be the only enemies in the game since you barely see the others

>He just wants it so the moment you press start you are thrown directly into gameplay.

How could someone want to play a video game instead of enrich themselves on a deep cinematic story? Truly we live in dark times.

>The OP is video game related though so there's no reason to delete the thread
I'm not talking about the thread, the posters themselves who do this shit should be banned.

What part are you mission about he wants NOTHING between pressing start and gameplay?

Not even some lines of text explaining what you are doing

BotW's combat would be massively improved if enemies and you were only staggered by hits rather than ragdoll'd. Having to wait for Link to get up while every enemy just waits around breaks the pace of fights, along with being able to just shove food in your mouth instantly is bad. Way more enemy variety then just "lizoflos but fire, wizzrobe but ice, keese but lighting" in each region would help to (Where the fuck are the darknuts? BotW could make different varients of darknuts)

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Yes, because we need a deep and artistic narrative to justify jumping on goombas or stacking blocks. However can I justify traveling through the mushroom kingdom without a deep expose into the dark underbelly of Mario's political system?

>Arkham Knight
My fucking sides

BB doesn't have direction specific i-frames dodging into the attacks is literally the best strategy since it allows you to counterattack sooner and get more hits
the only time it's not smart is if you need to back off to heal, or if they're an attack you can't i-frame and need to get out of range
neither were the case here, it's clearly bullshit, but I've never ever had it happen and many others haven't either, so it's pretty insane to cherrypick one example from literally hundreds of thousands of times where it's worked just fine

you fuckers make me pull my eyelids
Souls games were never about the combat
a lot of people don't want to admit it but the combat isn't great
it used to have a larger focus on the world and experiences
>under the camouflage of being complex and deep
you're mistaking it's fans with the games themselves
the games never tried to say they were complex or deep

BOTW isn't a hardcore zelda but while each weapon has pretty much only one move you're given a ton of tools you can use
that's where it gets it's depth from but it doesn't really matter since you don't need to use everything at your disposal
if you do and you're creative you can do some cool stuff but BOTW isn't an action game, it's more of a game that allows shit loads of freedom in how you do things, yet it's still one of the least hardcore zelda games

The biggest issue is lack of enemy variety. They could've solved this with a DLC that adds in new enemies to the base game, but Nintendo was incredibly lazy with the DLC content.

BotWs combat would be massively improved if
>More than 3 weapon types
>More than 5 attack animations for the weapontypes
>Eating something consumes time like Estus Flasks
>Can't teleport away
>Flurry rush massively nerfed and bug where you get flurry rush even though you dodged way before fixed
>Champion abilities gone
>Bigger enemy variety
>Upgrading armor doesn't break the game
>Can't go ebin slomo to spam 5000 arrows
Just from the top of my head

My personal pick for blunder of the decade. What a shit game.

Whoever made this and posted this is pathetic, this is obviously made by someone very assblasted.

Said the Nincel who cant take criticism so made the original zelda image

fuck off and never come back

Like I said that depends on the game you retarded faggot. The hitstun ragdolls go well with the chemistry engine. Fucking retard.

Said the snoyboy who is still assblasted 2 years later

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>The hitstun ragdolls go well with the chemistry engine.
Explain why, this should be fun to hear

>muh sony boogeyman
>only people that don't like nintendo criticism my game!!!!

Faggot degenerates are upping their Nintendo shitposting because Ninty wont lut up with their mental illness

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40%, tranny.

>cherrypicked Barry webm
not even barry would play BBS enough to emulate and hack multiple of the secret boss in for that, too much effort

>muh nintendo boogeyman

>the fanbase that defends cinematic movies like Xenoblade versus the fanbase that defends cinematic movies like Uncharted

Now this I have to see.

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Not an argument

Where did i mention s nintendo boogeyman champ

Multiplicative gameplay. Every variable in BOTW is related and there was no reason to remove the ragdolls in the game since they go well with the freeform combat of the game. get a clue you fucking retard.

Not an argument, chump

>one side is capable of spending hundreds of hours waiting on reminial nothing and is perfectly content
>other side has a 40% suicide rate and is more prone to life ending STDs than any other demographic on earth
Its not even a contest, xenoweebs win by doing nothing at all.


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I dont argue with the mentally ill. Theres no point in it, especially when you're bound to kill yourself sooner or later.

>Xenoweebs win by doing nothing at all
So just like in Xenoblade.

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>mentiom Bloodborne
>all the (you)s are from shills going full damage control
Like clockwork

>since they go well with the freeform combat of the game
No they clearly don't, there is nothing fun or interesting about stunlocking a enemy to death

It's the only thing ps4 has ever had that's actually a videogame that's not censored, cut them some slack.

lol manchild that plays nintendo kiddy shit calls others mentally ill, ironic

Youre next line is COPE right

>talking to yourself

72% just cranky that he got poz'd and wasn't told about it at the time. God speed, faggot.

>doesnt know how to check for samefags
Hello, reddit.

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>a lot of people don't want to admit it but the combat isn't great
>it used to have a larger focus on the world and experiences
The games are about the fun you get out of repeating a task over and over until you get it right. The world is a nice layer on top, but without the core gameplay no-one would give a shit. I agree that the combat is simplistic and the "gamefeel", for lack of a better term, isn't that great.

Everything is bad except for Battle Arena Toshinden.

The game literally made me wish for 13’s combat

Yeah i can change my phone ip too

Not an argument. From a game design perspective the ragdolls and physics go well with the combat in BOTW. If they didn't exist you wouldn't be able to hit enemies using stasis to launch objects. You wouldn't be able to kill enemies using a boulder with magnesis. You wouldn't be able to freeze an enemy and use a korok leaf to drop it off a cliff. Of course since you're a retarded low IQ faggot you don't understand these facts.



I would sacrifice all of those things gladly if it meant more challenging enemies. muh physics just isn't impressive when it turns the game into a walking simulator with less challenge than an uncharted installment.

I remember playing MGS2 way back when.
If you took out the stinger rocket launcher right at the start of the vamp fight you could hose him with rockets so fast that the game slowed down to like 1/2fps and you stunlocked him to death.

>If they didn't exist you wouldn't be able to hit enemies using stasis to launch objects. You wouldn't be able to kill enemies using a boulder with magnesis. You wouldn't be able to freeze an enemy and use a korok leaf to drop it off a cliff.
Or you know you can have ragdoll but being easily stunned by brushing past them

I wouldn't sacrifice the chemistry engine for anything. Only a retarded faggot like you would do that.

what independent thoughts, truly the hivemind on a Nincel

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that's not how game design works, swe

Snoy ponies dont know how to have fun anymore.

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I like how these threads are always just Nintendo fanboys freaking the fuck out and attacking every game ever, when BoTW really does have shit combat.

>games shouldn't be challenging, challenge is toxic and problematic


you mean like in BOTW? you aren't making sense

BOTW is about quiet exploration you fucking autist. Go play a shmup or some shit if you're seriously that starved for challenge.


Neither goes Nintendo since BoTW is anti-fun with its weapon durability, barren world, and awful combat

Eh, it was better than every other Zelda before it at least. I hope they further improve it in the next one.

Look at the webms, they shouldn't be stunned this easily

>shmups are bad because they're too videogamey and challenging, they should just be a series of hallways for you to explore

Congratulations! Your Yikes has just evolved into a Gadzooks!

>itt games with shit combat
>games other than botw get posted
I dont like the meme but that's a little obsessive, isn't it?

Someone tell nintendo their shill script broken again

You forgot your wojak edit

You forgot your predetermined script of saying seething, cope, tranny

i should have clarified that the combat not being that great doesn't mean it has bad gameplay, the mechanics work great with the world and From does top notch level and world design. the combat, as simplistic as it is, is the only combat I could think of that would work in a Souls game, and it's all a souls game needs, and it works well with everything else

Well, you are so mad you keep coming up with these bogus shitposters, and a lot of "NO U" on top of it. Some would consider an apt description to be 'seething'
You cope by calling anyone you disagree with a samefag, and delude yourself into actually believing it through mental gymnastics
And while you most likely aren't a tranny because you haven't killed yourself yet, there's a 72% chance you're a faggot, which is a pretty safe assumption to make.
Maybe you hear it thrown at you so often because it's true, and you would get less responses like that if you weren't such an insufferable, hapless shitstain.

one webm sends the sony and nintendo fanboys into a fucking frenzy lmao

nice projection. someone is getting alluded

you can only stun and ragdoll the enemy using 2 handed weapons

>if you call me a tranny you're an NPC!
This is how Sony presents themselves. What do you call them?

Attached: 1555467104572.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

That's the power of autism

I didn't say that but congratulations on being a having awful reading comprehension. Brainlets, not even once

not him and I avoid flamewar shit but are you really posting that now that the Sony vs Nintendo politics thread died?
>there's a 72% chance
oh ok you are
time to vacate thread I guess

>time to vacate thread I guess
Don't let the door hit you on your way out, fanboy faggot

Yeah that's what it was designed to be. Half of Yea Forums can't go a few minutes without trying to trigger someone by calling a good thing shit.

Then why are you so averse to the thought of a game having any challenge?

>all the characters look different
>several VA changes
>Shion turns into a huge bitch for no reason
>that combat system
I wanted to the whole trilogy in one go, but 2 was just unfun to the point of being draining.

Complex doesn't mean good.
Simplistic doesn't mean bad.

Calling Dark Souls combat shit is like saying Mario is a garbage videogame because all you do is move and jump. If it works and it feels good to control, it's good.

my favourite part is when your weapon breaks

When the fuck did I say that you illiterate faggot? I only said that not every game needs to be hard. You're just as bad as the faggots demanding Sekiro to have an easy mode. Two sides of the same autistic coin. Brainlets, not even once.

>so many action jrpgs that exist like Tales or Ys or Nioh
>manage to make a combat system worse than all of them

Why is squeenix so incompetent? Both Hiroyuki Ito and Yoshinori Kitase still work there except they basically have no role in developing new FF games.

>I only said that not every game needs to be hard.
Yeah, you want games to be walking simulators. We already went over this.

>You're just as bad as the faggots demanding Sekiro to have an easy mode
The difference is that they go into an interactive medium demanding less interaction. I'm asking games to have MORE interaction and require more skill. I'm literally asking the medium to reach its full potential and stop trying to be a series of hallways and cutscenes.

you can easily control if your enemies get ragdoll'd or staggered though
only good points here are enemy variety and weapon types, the rest is just removing options and any sense of progression for autism's sake, and the game allows you to do that already by just not upgrading/cooking

>Yeah, you want games to be walking simulators. We already went over this.
Again with the terrible reading comprehension skills. Not surprising coming from a low IQ faggot like you

Where can I get this for cemu without getting a boatload of viruses?

Attached: 1428719365674.gif (408x538, 3.7M)

>Again with the terrible reading comprehension skills
I would try having better comprehension, but that would require thought and challenge, and I know how you feel about those things.

So if someone likes BOTW that means he wants every game to be like that? fucking retard

Your metric, home, no reason to get mad about it

>admits to having shitty comprehension skills
>tries to quip and be smug about that fact and ends up coming off as an even bigger idiot
Brainlets, not even once

Considering that all BOTW fans hate every other game in existence and say that it's the only genuinely good one, I'd say that's a fair assumption. How many times have we heard things like "BOTW blows away all the other pieces of shit!" or "no other game in existence is good in comparison".

I'm just saying user, I don't want to upset you by doing something that might require any semblance of skill and challenge. Otherwise I'd be a "toxic tryhard", right?

The anal devastation caused by BOTW knows no limits.

Attached: 1515781370253.jpg (287x301, 45K)

You're right. Just look at this retarded faggot

Attached: 634636384.jpg (700x913, 109K)

go launch yourself off a cliff, retard.

>retarded faggot

Attached: ow_the_edge-4553.png.jpg (503x503, 120K)

Autistic brainlets like you can't be tryhards since they don't have proper reasoning skills.

>they don't have proper reasoning skills.
Ah yes, this coming from Mr. "every game in existence is shit if it isn't like BOTW". You know what they say about glass houses.

there's a very, very clear response bias in that survey
anyone who doesn't dedicate all their free time to trying to make people mad on the internet would immediately see that
seriously user, aren't you unhappy with your life? why don't you pick up a hobby? like playing videogames or something

>inb4 cope
if this is your response don't bother replying

Nice projection but I never said that. You seem truly fucked in the head though and it's funny as fuck seeing an obsessed faggot like you screeching like an autist about BOTW.

Attached: 7478.jpg (450x517, 93K)

BotW has too many walking simulator elements to be desu.

t. playing botw for the first time, currently 21 hours in.

Gravity Rush

how dare you, BotW is pretty desu

>Nice projection but I never said that.
Yes because the thread isn't littered with people crying about snoys and trannies, right? Despite the fact that half these posts are doing nothing but making small criticisms about the game.

>screeching like an autist
He says while reposting images several hundred times over, just to get a rise out of people.

If you're feeling alluded by anons calling you a tranny that's not my problem, kiddo.

Lizalfo = me
Link = Seven Ashina Spears - Shikibu Toshikatsu Yamauchi

it's funny how you ignore the fact how this thread is also littered with people crying about nintendies and how dare they insult bloodborne. get your head out of your ass you biased faggot

What a shit game who unironically enjoys this?

What a shit game who unironically enjoys this?

I wonder how old this webm is

This poster is very likely a Nintendo enthusiast. And more precisely, a BotW fan I'd say. 99.9% certain.

Then it's a good thing I'm not blindly defending Bloodborne.

not at all i haven't even played zelda. i just enjoy seeing insecure from shills like you getting destroyed. reminds me of 2015. when the witcher 3 (factual GOTY) destroyed your trash

Attached: DfEQLaQ.jpg (1586x1048, 341K)


Why is it so bad I play over 50 hours of botw and I loved the physics combat

I will thake that over Dark night and asscreed combat

Attached: 23525.gif (450x254, 841K)

I don't even own a PS4

Attached: 1246911717201.jpg (709x611, 82K)

>smug reaction image
>empty void where his argument would normally be

Attached: index.png (225x225, 6K)

is that bottom image from a game

>smash is a fighting game


>he said while doing the same thing

Attached: 43634.jpg (630x315, 37K)

It is literally a fighting game and there is nothing you can do to change that fact

Attached: 1402464063492.webm (720x480, 2.19M)


Your brain is smooth if you genuinely believe this

1 9 4

I actually liked botw combat over ds3 one

This is far too accurate, and I love Xenoblade

Attached: 17759845_1268414409940889_7237620679350383592_n.jpg (480x319, 21K)

Donkey Kong Country Returns
Ace Attorney

Yes it was, most battles are ended by holding/mashing Attack. Kingdom Hearts too

Attached: Hold O to Win.webm (640x360, 2.29M)

love the cape
is it the phantom ganon one? i forget

Vanilla KH1 did it best, it only had Second Chance. Healing was actually somewhat of a risk because you could be interrupted mid-animation. Final Mix introduced Leaf Bracer which trivialized it. KH1's Cure was cheap to cast but that could have been fixed by raising the MP cost a bit (the fact that it takes all of your MP in KH2 and KH3 is lame in my opinion).

Dark Souls 3

>Dark underbelly of Mario's political system
Now I want to know more.
Regardless, Metal Gear Solid 2 would never be as interesting had it not been for the cutscenes.
Shut up you troglodyte, Ninja Gaiden also had cutscenes and that shit still kicked ass. There is literally nothing wrong with putting down the controller and kicking back for a few minutes to enjoy some additional details for the purpose of world building or storytelling. Gives me a chance to let go of the controller and sip my beer. A major benefit to cutscenes is that it helps the dopamine continue flowing to lessen the chance of boredom coming in.

That's literally one of the easiest bosses in the game that you fight in the first 20% of it.

oddly satisfying to watch


I left this thread ages ago, got drunk with my 8/10 qtpi gf, fucked her in the ass and put her to bed wet and you fucks are still here.

>Why is squeenix so incompetent?
because despite this "gameplay" their E3 presentation was a shitshow because their dude still managed to get fucked to oblivion.

BBS is dogshit, you alright mate?

Why are you using a shitty fucking silverscale spear on a gold enemy?

Its not even his footage. By his own admission, he hasn't even played BotW. He just spams these pathetic webms endlessly for two whole years and is too stupid to even realise whats actually happening in them.

>having a gf

Attached: choose your waifu.png (1280x1005, 1.35M)

well played

never happen to me but... fuck gravekeepers