PLEASE filter the following words and phrases
>have sex
>cute and funny
>suicide watch
>WILL defend this
>what did he/she mean by this?
PLEASE filter the following words and phrases
But that's most threads and I wouldnt be able to farm (you)s without them
>lists cute and funny
>but not cunny
*dabs on OP*
▲ ▲
Have sex
but I'm such a retard that I can't think of anything to post about by myself
I want to tell the same joke over and over for all eternity
but cunnibros are the most productive posters on this hellhole of a website, I'm confused?
>filtering cute and funny
kys hotpocket-licker
Don't forget
Virgin spotted
I am not for censoring it, I am pointing out OP's retardation that he wants the stealth meaning censored but in his stupidity forgot about the explicit one.
smh tbh fam
>incel not on the list
Whoops, found the retardera tranny! Guess we can’t ban YOUR favorite catchphrase, huh?
yikes cringe, off blue-pilled discord cuck tranny zoomer
>have sex
Is literally incel but even worse.
have sex
That list seems a bit lacking nincel
>appealing to authorities to censor what he doesn't like
I can already tell your entire personality.
>censoring incel when /r9k/ still uses it as a term they describe themselves as
At least it has more legitimate usage than the dozens of disposable memetic catch phrases that this board shits out
not sure about all of that, but there are a lot of one word shitposts lately and it'd be nice to get a filter for them
Lmao Nintoddler shitcord tranny cuck spotted
none of those words except sony are required to talk about video games, retard
>eek ook if you let the janitors clean up after me when i shit on the table you're censoring me eek ook
filters don't have to apply to every board, but filtering it on Yea Forums would be fine since it's only used for shitposting
word filters are part of Yea Forums when words get overused/spammed and are only being used to shitpost, newfag. fuck off.
>do this
> Yea Forums is now just a blank screen
Um, sweetie...
I fucking lol'd
I agree completely, fuck newfags and fuck reddit
You forgot a few
>what are some video games where
>any video games where
>name some vidya for this feel
>game has
>villain/hero was the hero/villain all along
>name games where
>any games where
>mommy mommy please filter this word i don't like and ban this meme i don't like i just can't handle it mommy!!!
Cringe and bluepilled.
not video games
>you're a basedboy if you don't like low quality posting
Nothing was lost
not your hugbox, fuck off
the best character
whats wrong with her hair bro??
dont be so mad kiddo
i dropped gum on it so she had to cut it off
Not videogames.
Also, OP, you’ll never be a real woman.
>only things censoring offensive terms against sony
>nothing censored against xbone or nintindo
i wonder who the fuck made this thread?
What's wrong with just letting the zoomer retards have their fun? This board will never be back to how you remember it.
But where's the video games?
low quality posting should be discouraged
discord shill
I'm a big boy, I don't censor other people for any reason.
>filtering Sony
Why? That's one of the major gaming system in the market
user, why is your post blank?
>being a filterfag manbaby
Bubuka's art is pretty shitty, instead of improving he's getting worse
Fixed your list
The rest are bad but it isn't to the point where they need to be filtered to cull shitposters. These words do.