Why do so many guys play as mercy? Shouldn’t they want to be the masculine characters like McCree?

Why do so many guys play as mercy? Shouldn’t they want to be the masculine characters like McCree?

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I already chose mccree

Sluts begged Blizz to buff it to OP levels
and men know how to play video games

because im over 30, perpetually drunk and haven't played a game where you CAN aim in 15 years.

the fuck else am i gonna get to masters with?

Because nobody wants to play healer, so to win the match they have to compromise and play a necessary character.

I fap to mercy

Don't know man, I just like playing healer and she is one.

I only play Doomfist.

Ana is better, more fun and more cute

I am already a nurse in real life. Being just a helper is just what I do.

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probably because i want fat hard musky cocks in my mouth and ass

Post self


Some people like being a pussy.

You are what you eat I suppose

Cuz they are trash at fps games thats why, nothing else.

The same reason you made this thread: because of being faggots.

How do you get a irl mercy gf?

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My aim sucks. Also, who would rather be McCree over Mercy? He's a gross bum

Sniff sniff.


I want to hear her low health breathing

>masculine characters like McCree
user he's gay.