Nintendo bad

Nintendo bad
Persona bad

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She's a psychopath.


OP don't you think we've had enough ugly people posted on Yea Forums today?

She made a mistake and owned up to it. Not her fault she has a cigar chomping Jonah Jameson boss that wants to put a spin on her work to make it more "edgy" instead of being intelligently cautious.


I guess that's what you get for working for a media company

Trannies dead.

Reminder that trannies will NEVER be cute girls.

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She isn't cute though.

Yes she is.

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Hair looks like blue pubes.

If you have to cover your face like that, you're not cute.
Looks like a crackhead, to be desunest

Yes, she. She identifies as female, as you identify as male so you use he/him prenouns. It's not rocket science.



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You can see she has a pretty cute face, and the hairstyle is also cute.

Unlike trannies.
Because they are men.

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>hide face behind cremated hair, hand and a shitton of makeup
is this how you americans see women?


I'll have you know I sexually identify as God so you should tolerate me through worship, prayer, and donations

>consistently making anti-SJW heads explode on the reg for years on end

How can one woman be so based?

Imagine being such a fucking cunt you chop your dick off to gain a personal army on the internet, that will lap up and defend all your shitposting.

jesus. imagine those lips wrapped around your cock

"I have a vagina!!!" - this creature

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Is this he infamous ninja? When did he troon out and chop off his peepee?

Wouldn't be hard to imagine.
Emos were all cockhungry sluts.

>making anti-SJW heads explode
I guarantee no man’s “head” is going to explode anywhere close to Buffalo Bill.

>Owned up to it

By blaming the editor, who already wrote a retraction saying it was their fault. I would fire the fuck out of this crazy fuck

Seriously though when is she getting fired?

remember when we didn't even talk about these people because they were on the fringe of society and their opinions weren't worth shit

i fucking miss it so bad. i miss when these people were blatantly ignored and no one gave a flying fuck about what these people wanted

her hair looks like trump's

>not identifying as a talking attack helicopter

Remember when Laura threw totalbiscuit under the bus right after he threw someone out of a paid con because he said something that made her cry? Remember when she admitted to being relieved that he was dead?


how will /pol/tards ever recover??!

I almost, almost, miss highschool because of this reason

I don't know what's the bigger stretch. That this would be an actual exact conversation that two strangers out in the middle of the woods would have forest, or that the woman on the right is actually trans.

imagine fighting a war to keep trans people out of video games

imagine being a pathetic angry white man

My friend actually met this person not long after they had their op years ago. Said they were a real piece of work, and had a really shitty attitude.

It's cute hair though

Her very existence has made Yea Forums‘s heads explode to the point that they make non-stop threads about her.

Laura Kate Dale deserves to be nominated for this year’s It Will Make Heads Explode Prize.

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Don't worry, me too.

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Well you somehow have to balance out all these sad emotions

Imagine being so desperate for attention that you have to side with trannies to get some (you)s

I personally like that hair but no it's not cute

Jokes on you, I'm not angry nor white (or American for that matter). But funny how most of the people on the opposing end are exactly that. Angry white men (in dresses).

why did girls stop adopting this style?

Dudes hair looks like absolute shit.

too vain

I don't know, I just don't like emo girls.
She has too much makeup and a big fucking nose, if she's only showing her face, it's very likely that she doesn't have wide hips or a very girly body structure

Is this girly enough for you?

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You like my stage bro?

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Mate, I just don't like emo girls, sorry. Different colors for different strokes.

It's quite hard to mantain.
Not to mention that it would often irritate their eyes because one eye was constantly covered in hair.

>emo girls.

They don't exist anymore and I'm fucking glad. I thought emo culture was so fucking retarded. I know half of you fags dressed like one.

>"""games journalism""" is utter trash
>people are STILL surprised
Jesus fucking christ you dumb cunts have the memory of goldfish

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Idiotic comic
Dude could easily come back with "Oh, females don't have a Y chromosome."

Goths > emos

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Post more but nude this time

At least they were cute and easy.
Now that's been replaced by blue haired feminists who try their hardest to be as ugly as possible.


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Sadly her nudes are behind a patreon wall.
I'm waiting until someone leaks them.

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Does taking fake hormones fuck up your hair?
That shit looks nasty. Split ends everywhere. Regular men not on hormones can grow more feminine hair than that

What will Yea Forums do when they are forced to peacefully coexist with those they hate?

We all know what direction public perception is heading, and we all know it's not the end of the world and in 40 years no one is going to remember this crusade. You'll join a nostalgia Diablo original trilogy server ( as it will be known ), and some guys will be talking about post op packages for their daughter and you'll just stay silent and play.

>I know half of you fags dressed like one.
No, never liked emo culture. I was pretty intimidated by emo girls too when I was a teen (2006-2012)
I only liked those "omg I'm a rocker and gaymer gurl!". I'm currently living with a girl like that.
Massive bitties

>40 years
lmao, millennials will be in power by then, and when millennials get in power it's just a matter of time until WWIII begins.

Fuck you with your emo bullshit.

Women peaked in the nu metal era and this is fucking shit compared to this

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if anything taking mtf pills would help your hair, and stop male pattern baldness

A man is a man. It' s not rocket science.

her tits look gross, you are not missing out

True, It’s not even science

That's a wig, dummy

That is the face of a future suicide. Parents must be proud.

>That shit looks nasty. Split ends everywhere. Regular men not on hormones can grow more feminine hair than that
It kinda does, but keep in mind that these used to be men that weren't very aware of their looks, so, even after "transitioning" or just crossdressing, they don't take the time to fix their looks like a woman does.
I'm a guy and I have to carry wipes on me because my skin is too greasy, which is a godsend because it keeps your skin young and firm, but it makes you look glossy.

that`s just your run of the brothel thot dressed up in goth.

Unironically those people were losers and they were the fedora-tier metal heads.