I want to start doing pornographic animations featuring video game characters...

I want to start doing pornographic animations featuring video game characters, how hard is it to master a 3D program to make quality videos?
Anyone with experience in this domain? Which program is recommended?

Attached: file.png (383x361, 218K)

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Blender. With the free tools that they give you, the possibilities are endless.

dilate harder
Isn't Blender complicated as shit?

blender has a shit ui, you're going to be reading a lot of tutorials

i can assure you right now most of the fags you see making the best animations have uni experience

Blender 2.8's UI is a lot better.

Attached: blender2.8_user_interface.png (2632x1591, 1.84M)

How do people make multiple outfits for a character? Are you supposed to keep them attached to the same bones and just export them separately?

Why don’t you ask this on the board dedicated to sfm porn and porngames?

3DS Max or Maya. Blender isn't horrible, I learned with it. Pretty easy to get into and plug ins for most shit you'd need.

>Is making animation in a software am unfamiliar with gonna be difficult
Nah your fine pal, it's real easy, trust me.

Attached: 1554948839608.png (1025x1031, 776K)

You'll learn and have fun with most things until you get to the actual animation. You will give up there.