Is this the ultimate case of soul vs. soulless?

Is this the ultimate case of soul vs. soulless?

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I played the OT on 3DS
There was nothing wrong with it
You have autism

I'm not sure, but for some reason I just can't play with new sprites. Probably nostalgia goggles.

It looks mostly okay when it's not in motion. Animations look weird as shit in the new version for some reason. Characters that move around a lot like Larry just don't work at all. And of course there's the judge's dead stare.

you are wrong
I can't pinpoint why you are, but you are. Probably nostalgia googles as said.

Attached: Edgey.gif (256x192, 17K)

>shitty filtered artstyle with animation frames missing
>nothing wrong with it.
It's a serviceable port and far above the dogshit mobile version, but it's not perfect.

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>muh graphics
I hate millennials so much.

Weak bait. Don't you have anything better to do with your time, friend?

Attached: Edgeworth.gif (256x192, 4K)

Pixels make the sprite look more crisp and defined. This includes the text as well. The graphics look so blurry in the port, it irritates me.

The only problem I have with the new sprites is that Wright's hair is gray and not black.

Stop pretending people play Phoenix Wright because of beautiful visuals.

The overall presentation is easily the single strongest aspect of the series, the graphics are a part of that.

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The visuals alone (sprites, background) aren't the main selling point behind the games, I agree with you. You can't deny however that the presentation still plays a massive role in how the atmosphere of the game is established, along with the music. This debate is kinda similar to the one about what makes the OG sprites better for Umineko and Higurashi. In fact, the issue here is that buying those remasters doesn't serve any purpose since the original versions are better on every aspect, including comfyness. They are pointless and should not exist. Why buying a less practical, uglier version? Unless if you wish to see the Investigations and 3DS games localized in another language than English, for the yuroanons. LMAO as if crapcom would suddenly take notice of us

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>OG sprites better for Umineko and Higurashi
What's the argument here? I thought the general consensus was that the original artwork is dogshit and the PS3 sprites are far better.

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Aren't they the original illustrations?

They're based on them but still look like shit.

I don't know how to put it without looking like some mouthbreather aimlessly spouting the soulless meme but the Alchemist/PS3 sprites and backgrounds are too 3Dish and generic, for me. Kinda removes that ominous creepy/mystery feeling. The random CGs doesn't help and ruin the immersion also. This is my opinion of course but no sprite ever managed to replicate what made original Takano, Battler or Beatrice good.

Attached: BattlerCry.png (384x482, 210K)

The 3DS version is graphically the perfect version of the Ace Attorney trilogy. It's just like the original but with more defined and cleaner spries. The tablet/PC version is a different port and it's the one that has those weird character sprites with the big empty spaces with flat colors.

>It's just like the original but with more defined and cleaner spries.
Can you illustrate this post with some examples please?

Attached: oh non non non.png (1022x773, 288K)

There are a bunch of comparisons online, search them.

Attached: phoenix-wright-3ds-3.jpg (800x572, 71K)

AJ HD actually looked great.

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They are. OP has autism.

>Less Practical
I agree that the visuals in the remaster are bad, but it's much easier for the average casual who wants to play Ace Attorney to buy the trilogy with all the games in one package than to find and buy the original games in their cases, plus it's cheaper.

Unless you're saying they could just emulate it, which would be the easiest and cheapest option.

OG Umineko sprites are like Tails Gets Trolled. It conventionally looks like trash but it displays such a range of unique facial and bodily expression that it somehow helps the story. PS3 sprites/patch is still wholly recommended, at the very least install voices

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>Unless you're saying they could just emulate it, which would be the easiest and cheapest option.
Indeed, that was my point. I should have phrased it better

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The original illustrations for AJ are much newer but it generally looks like more effort was put into cleaning them up compared to the trilogy. Trilogy art looks muddy

>frames missing
For the last time, the 3DS, PC/PS4/XONE/Switch and IOS are NOT the same remasters

It ruins the atmosphere even more if you ask my opinion. For a second read yeah voices are pretty great but for a first timer I'll never recommend them. There are some effects WitH tExT yOU cAN't rEaLY REpRoDuCe with voices. That part with Shannon in Episode 7 in particular for example
Nice. It looks nice

Pretty much, gotta remember the OT was on GBA first, then DS.
They upscale well enough anyways, plus I doubt much money from the remaster sales goes to the original devs.

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>for the last time
You wish. People aren't even going to read this thread, they'll just see "soulless" on the OP and think
>aha! more ammo for my bait meme threads!

the iOS version has frames missing

The 3DS/Switch/PC/PS4/XBO versions do not

How is the trilogy on PC? The art for it actually looks pretty well done.

the typo fixes and script typo clean-up alone make the new version better

I can understand that. I just feel like the performances really help ramp up the emotional aspects

they are dogshit but like zun art they are part of the delivery of the series. the ps3 sprites look nice but they are sterile unlike the original grotesque style which fits the story 1 to 1. same deal with higurashi.

and the ds version emulates on toasters. meanwhile the remastered trilogy is a massive resource hog for whatever reason

In my opinion, it makes them a little too forced, same with CG's. But yeah Maria getting beaten up with voices really helps setting the tone and putting things into perspective...

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big yikes

So what are the differences?
How does the 3DS collection compare to the home console/PC ones? And how did they fuck up the iOS one?


That reminds me, the Umineko Gold kickstarter has still yet to go live.

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