Can Yea Forums give me some games to distract me from how much I hate my life
Can Yea Forums give me some games to distract me from how much I hate my life
go outside
get a hobby that's not vidya
Have tried all this, if I'm going to be hedonistic I'd rather do it with something tame.
That's not hedonistic retard that's self-care
Sims, now you can hate someone else's life.
Fuck that. Cocaine + Quake 3 Arena or gtfo.
You're a fucking idiot
Faster Than Light: Captain's Edition
Endless space, endless events, endless distraction.
Thanks, /pol/. You should also wake up at 6 AM every morning, stop jerking off but continue having sex for some reason, and go on all-meat diet. That'll help give you vitamin C deficie- I mean a happy, healthy life!
Are there games that can help you distract yourself from constant, chronic intestinal pain that spikes sometimes so bad you wish you were asleep?
Katamari Damacy
CS:GO competitive matchmaking, brazilian servers for a better experience. Also try weed
might be tough to find a game OP, but if you can. try dungeons and dragons. if you hate your life, it'll give you something to look forward to.
>balanced diet + exercise is /pol/
>all meat
>going outside and execise is /pol/
the doctors office
I meant if I'm going to be hedonistic, I'd rather be hedonistic with video games. I'm well aware exercising and shit isn't hedonistic you fucking spaz
Stims lol
>You should also wake up at 6 AM every morning, stop jerking off but continue having sex for some reason, and go on all-meat diet.
I have like two of those things and I feel good. Maybe you need to get git tripfag.
Do not talk to namefag.
Tell me, I'm genuinely wondering, what does "go outside" imply?
You can only do so much strolling in forests or in town before you grow bored. I'm all for having a healthier lifestyle, but I don't want to feel like I'm wasting my time alone outside rather than on my computer.
What do you do outside, really?
>Have tried all this, if I'm going to be hedonistic
How do into English lawlz, u mad spaz?
sunlight, fresh air, & a ton of mosquito bites
One of the few things that consistently help people be happy is becoming a moral person.
Hedonist treadmill will always catch up with you, there is no "moralist treadmill".
Respect those who have it worse than you and you'll learn to respect yourself when bad things inevitably happen.
Oh I know what I have, and I already tried several treatments (including some that are $5000+ per month) for months, but none worked. Only redemption is a major chirurgical operation that would remove a large part of my intestine, but it would take me a full year to recover at least, and I can't ruin my career and financial situation for that, for now.
I just need something to distract me from the pain. Likely something that's really entertaining, with a nice universe you can easily get lost in.
Walk around while listening to audiobooks. Get my 10000 steps in (only takes an hour). Think to myself about various topics cause I’m not an ADHD NPC who needs constant stimulation.
Ya know, normie stuff.
What, do you just stand there for hours on end?
There has something to DO alond outside that's fun and entertaining, but for some reason it's either a well kept secret, either a lie, because I never seem to have a genuine answer.
Holy shit I've never seen the full comic, only the 3 last panels.
Though I understand why only the 3 last panels ever get posted.
Listen to an audiobook or Youtube while walking. I assume you’re a grown adult so figure it out yourself. You can also go biking, kayaking, archery, javelin throwing, sling shooting, clay shooting, hunting, fishing, book reading, high intensity exercising, painting, catching stuff on fire, etc.
What in the HELL did you just imply?
Large part of why you're unhappy is because you subconsciously consider "unlucky" to mean "responsible for own misery".
World isn't fair or just, but you can be, if you try hard enough. And being a good person will prevent your self-hate - how could a good person hate a good person?
Try Animal Crossing. It's pretty comfy.
Like I said in my first post, I take strolls from time to time, but even with audio books, walking alone can be a bit unfulfilling. I'd like to know that I'm achieving something, rather than aimlessly doing X sport or walking from A to B, and back to A.
That would give a purpose to "going outside", which would definetly make me more interested/involved.
Good luck trying to kill a cow OR a dog with your bear hands.
Just like, go places. Walking around and learning your environment is fun.
>with your bear hands
Pokemon works for me
You’re achieving a healthier lifestyle if you walk around. If you want to see new places, it doesn’t hurt to drive out to hiking areas or places you haven’t been to. If you got friends nearby who are free to do so, ask if they want to come along.
If you really really don’t want to walk around, fine. But exercising is good for you, and there’s other outdoor activities that you might not consider mindnumblingly boring.
walk at night time
>have fake disorder
>me feel sad
fuck off faggot, and grow a pair of balls.
just b yourself user :-)
Become more apathetic. Realize that only some thing's matter, and focus on yourself.
Eat better, or just start cooking actual food for yourself. It'll give you a sense of accomplishment after you cook something and it tastes really good.
Go for walks. Just enjoy your neighborhood and pseudo people watch, or if you go at night put on something upbeat and just jam out.
I started playing autistic fap games with deranged stories. This otherworldness makes me disconnect from real life and enter some sort of trance where I don't feel like myself. I don't actually fap to them often.
It probably messes up my mind in the long term, but it's not like I need it to work well anymore.
Do things you enjoy instead of things you hate.
It's not easy, but that's literally all it comes down to. Today could be the day you stop doing that thing you always do.
poorly written japanese visual novels have the same effect on me.
The awkward and sometimes fucking crazy writing can keep me entertained for a while
But I hate mindlessly staring at a wall too.
Dude, just go for the true and tested 16 hour MMORPG / 8 hour sleep combo. Works wonders.
Normaltards often think that all you need to be like them is to do things like them a few times and "get hooked".
Forcing normaltardation doesn't work. Instead of turning people to normaltards, it turns them into wojaks with hurting feet.
Lego games, DMC or some old vidya can be fun
Attempt to do a Pure Platinum run of Bayonetta 1