The future of gaming

So, which is your stance?
LGBTQP yes or no?
Who's right?
Nintendo banning lgbtqp and approving boobs/asses?
Sony approving lgbtqp and banning boobs/asses?
I know it looks stupid, but this is going to shape the future of gaming.
What happens this year will decide what we will see in the future.

Attached: is it ok or not.jpg (1352x1380, 535K)

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I never thought that Jewtendo could be so based.

Glad I held of from buying a PS4. Guess it's Nintendo future for me.

Attached: Clown.png (216x294, 94K)

Now it looks like this is going to be a very very

Attached: 1555751297383.jpg (963x491, 390K)

Nintendo just lost half (or even more) of their western audience. Very smart decision indeed.

It's coming for them all. Slowly but surely, Nintendo will start to crack. Just as the rest. You can push whatever stance you want, but they will all fall for it eventually.

Attached: 1541720880652.jpg (1920x1080, 617K)

> half (or even more) of their western audience
Fuck off translet, you're not even 1% of their audience.

And that's a good thing. They won't have to market any degenerate stuff to that part of the population.

Some of that audience would be lost anyway cause 40%

Fuck snoy but real talk, if your main audience are faggots, why not appeal to them?