Snake Eyes Shirahagi

>hardest enemy in the game is a mini boss
>can’t be defeated in pure 1v1 combat
Why though?

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If you think this little piece of fine ass is the hardest boss in the game you should fucking stop playing right now.

This boss is literally "run circles around and hit when they attack then run around again" personified

Don't call anything hard. Yea Forums will reee at you. Everyone is an epic pro gamer here

To be fair pretty much any boss can be defeated like that. it's the ultimate cheese strat

snake eyes actually are easy though. anyone that struggles with them is a shitter.

Block, Ichimonji, Block, Ichimonji, Block, Ichimonji, Block, Ichimonji, Block, Ichimonji, Dead

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Wtf r u talking about?

That grab move he has does boil my blood something fierce, but I just spam the umbrella when I fight him.

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you mean spam r2 with sabimaru

dude just abuse her fucking ai and deflect the grab lmao

Hit her two times wait for response. Jump back if grab.
You can backstab both snake eyes as well.

You can parry it.

Go watch a speedrun and see how easy it actually is to shit all over her.

Her attacks have weird timing and unexpectedly wide range but still manageable. Pressing L1 when she raises the gun for an attack will deflect it perfectly. Only icombo that can throw you off rhythm is when she makes a few steps toward you for a wide swing, that one timing is a bit later than normal attack. The grab is bullshit so just get away.

You mean just deflect everything, including the grab.

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>run circles and cheese the bitch
That’s not 1v1 combat though. Try fighting this thing face to face without a backstab. It can’t be done

>run around
have to tried deflecting you dumb fuck
She can easily be defeated in 1v1 combat

after only 70 hours i can perfect snake eyes without dodging or backing away from them

What about the Ashina Elite asshole using those quickstrikes

>Ashina Elite


Now surely we can all agree that THIS user is a piece of shit, right?

...block them all and you can death blow.

these bitches don't have anything on those lone shadow assholes

Why do some of the loneshadow bosses have names like "spear bearer" and "longsword" when all they do is kick?

I do, I'm giving stupid tactics for a stupid person. Neck yourself

Is that the snake eyes before the gun fort? Because if she is, then i agree. Unironically the most difficult because of bullshit tactics
>Stepback ranged rifle attack when you try to combo and move close
>long ranged grab
>short ranged grab
>1 charge attack
>1 sweep attack
Only way to defeat her is to cheese.

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Use the umbrella and press R2 when his blade flashes. You’ll destroy his posture. You don’t even have to try and hit him. You can defeat him if you deflect his attack like 6 times

>lone shadow
Just axe them for huge posture damage.

I’m actually talking about the one in the poison pool.
You can fuck the gun fort snake eyes to death with Sabimaru fairly easily

1 hit
1 hit
Just watch out for his special attack and GG

huh, never thought of trying the axe on them. hard to use it without leaving yourself open

lmao what you can deflect it all

I beat her after dying once and never understood why anybody would have any sort of trouble with her beyond your usual new boss trouble. If you can't beat the second Snake Eyes in the swamp in one go after beating the first you're legitimately bad at videogames, their entire moveset is easily reactable.

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>If you can't beat the second Snake Eyes in the swamp in one go after beating the first
i didnt bother clearing out the goons before fighting her so had to fight in that narrow hallway behind her to avoid getting sniped which fucked me up a bit

you should kill the first one and puppeteer the second one

>Puppeter one of the cannon guys
>He just keeps shotgunning Snake-Eyes into the poison pool over and over again
>Singlehandedly strips her down to 1HP bar and poisons her before finally dying
God bless that guy.

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puppeteer is broken as fuck i love it

Somehow I didn’t even know that I had the puppeteer skill. I must have glanced away from the screen after beating the folding screen monkeys. I died so many times trying to get past the snake in the cave to get the dried serpent viscera because I didn’t even know puppeteer existed to use on the monkey

My sabimaru doesnt work on her for some reason