Name one thing you can say to "gg ez" without sounding mad
Name one thing you can say to "gg ez" without sounding mad
Other urls found in this thread:
oh he mad
after an online match?
>answering at all
you're 12yo or what
If you lost then there's no response that won't make you sound butthurt. If you don't want to get owned then win next time
Or maybe ^^
gg ezpz
>gg ez
>good game
Nothing more frustrating to a troll than knowing he's not upsetting you, he is liable to reply and then your in the driver's seat.
gg wp
A plain "gg" after a match is never bad.
*report to overwatch mods*
A co-op game or mode. A hoard mode, nazi zombies, left 4 dead, that shit
Wow, you're really strong! i will have to train hard to defeat you!
> "gg ez"
> "lol u mad"
Then any response he gives to that will only prove that he's mad.
you are right, i need to get good.
Have. Sex.
I use the ingame reporting system to report them which usually gets the offender banned and the best thing is they'll never know who reported and got them banned
This, what better way to ruin a shitheads day then to get him banned from his favorite game
Always :3
Start of match, end, win, lose, always :3.
Double effectiveness if you can name yourself :3 as well.
>"It feels easy when you get carried"
Then when they start talking about their K/D etc respond with
>"lol u mad"
Just report them and laugh as they rage in Yea Forums about getting their game stolen.
gg hard
Yeah, like your mom XD
go away Noa
"I'm telling my mommy on you"
"wow mista yous so stwong >w
I played with a guy on OW once who'd report people after every teabag.
Self degradation always works.
"I am"
oops :(
"thanks you too"
>"what a shame, someone so pitifully lazy that they can't even muster the lifeforce to type out "good game" is who won.... well I'm very "dsspntd" in you, feller! You're quite the "nggr" to boot."
Not only does that sound like you're mad as fuck, but it's also cringy as hell.
Y-you too...
im for yeers ohld and i stil got u
hum, why do you care ? it's just a game bro.
man u mad
Any response means you're mad. That's the joke here, right? Only someone mad and retarded enough to think there's a response that wont look mad would ever reply.
So this'll be a checkmate on you, I'd say.
gg ez is also what the chads think about you when they pump your "secret" obvious crush full of their male seed
This should just about do it for 90% of the untouchable sperg tryhards online.
Gg, play again?
you don't say anything you dumb fucks
My name's not Ezreal. gg though
>Spam it when I win as a meme
>Spam it when I lose as a meme
>mfw people take it seriously
Who cares what everyone else thinks? Live a little, faggot.