Tfw you realize Irvine was lying about the loneliness of the sharpshooter etc...

>tfw you realize Irvine was lying about the loneliness of the sharpshooter etc. and the man just didn't want to assassinate his mother, and probably fucked the shot up on purpose.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>acts like a badass and a ladies man
>is actually a faggot and a beta male
>literally the single qualifying reason he joins your party and his reason for being involved in the dollet mission is because he's a really good sniper
>can't pull the trigger during the singular mission you take him on
>"i always get like this"
>becomes factually worthless in the final act after the matron reveal
>friendzoned by the girl he's orbiting
fuck irvine

This. Even as a kid when I played this game, I have never hated a character as much as him.

But Irvine wasn't suffering from the brain damage/amnesia that the SeeDs were. Irvine knew that Edea was Matron, the others didn;t. That's why he freaked out during the Edea hit. They were asking him to murder his own mother m8.

At least Squall shows himself to be a cool ass nigger who tries to get shit done.

too bad he's a fucking thug with a gun with the best limit break that's not armageddon fist or angel wing

I'm pretty sure it's more of a plot hole than a twist

It's foreshadowing, but the rest of the game becomes such a mess that it's completely forgotten once you find out about the orphanage, which is handled terribly in its own right.

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He never mentions that. He mentions thinking that he was going crazy because no one else remembered each other, but not about Edea. Even if you assume that, he also claims to "always get like this."

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>I'm pretty sure it's more of a plot hole than a twist

Maybe so. Square did put FF8 together in about a year and a half.

Having said that tho, I think that the writers of FF8 were getting at something about free will, and how none of the "heroes" of FF8 don't have it.

>Let's kidnap the president, because we were ordered to!
>Let's try and kill Edea, because we were ordered to!
>Let's become the commander of SeeD, because we were ordered to!

Squall and his friends are the fucking anti FF7 party. By which I mean, Cloud, Tifa, Barret, Yuffie and such would get that order and do the exact opposite of it, while Squall and friends will follow any order, no matter how retarded.

>Irvine wasn't suffering from the brain damage/amnesia that the SeeDs were
Why not?

Because he wasn't using GF as much as the Balamb kids were. Thus he was the only one that could remember the orphanage days. Did you even play the game m8?

He didn't use the Guardian Forces as long or as early as the others did.

Irvine never used GFs until he groups up with you. Balamb Garden used them as much as they could.

Havent played it since the year it released. I forget pretty much everything

You arent wrong in the sense that Squalls party are a bunch of anti heroes in a sense. Squall is a cold calculating merc who is usually a villain, where as the villain, seifer, is a hotblooded hero type.

>and probably fucked the shot up on purpose.

He was actually spot on with his shot, but waited too long and Edea had more than enough time to throw up a shield.

>Irvine never had a GF until Selphie showed up

Attached: feelsbadman.png (603x549, 102K)

Unequip those GFs before you forget how to poop and chew.

Technically that's still fucking up the shot.

Still the best boy in VIII. Total bro, loyal to his friends, the most personality, fisticuffs fighter, and hot as fuck.

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I hated this fucker so much. How the fuck does anyone pick this guy for such an important task? Same thing with Zell and Selphie. The whole "band of misfits" thing of FF8 falls flat on its retarded face because they've all been handpicked.

I'm 29 and never equipped a gf though

Also very knowledgeable, but still a loveable fuckup

I liked the bit on the prison when everyone lost their weapons but Zell still had his fists.

You can have a band of misfits no matter how they get together. Look at the movie "Armageddon", all the characters gathered up to destroy the asteroid were chosen by Bruce Willis' character but they're still the biggest group of fuckups, retards, and dumbasses imaginable.

Assuming he was briefed about the mission beforehand, which he 100% was, why did he even agree to go with them in the first place? He knew he would be shooting his 'mother', and he knew he couldn't do it... he basically put everyone's lives at stake knowing full well he was going to botch a high profile assassination.

He should have been thrown in jail for fraud.

Maybe, but its not like he angled his shot to avoid hitting her. The scene clearly shows it would've been a headshot if it landed, although someone really should've factored in the chance of a forcefield considering they were going up against a fucking Sorceress. Thinking on it now, the whole plan involved a lot of needless steps. Dropping the grating around the float ensured the shot was gonna fail no matter what.


He probably never killed a real person before
It's unlikely that he knew that Sorceress Edea was the same person as Matron Edea
Irvine is a lot of talk
He's still cool

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Fun fact... the uncensored Japanese to English translation should have had him say, "Pussy."

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Did they know Edea was the Sorceress at the time? Wasn't the whole thing about celebrating the re-appearance of the Sorceress since the war?

in any other FF, Seifer and Edea would be the heroes fighting against the cold-blooded mercenaries.

So what's the problem?

Attached: That feel when no GF.jpg (85x65, 3K)

>hated FF8 as a kid and loved FF7 and FF9
>now FF8 is the only game in the whole series I actually like

What the hell happened? It just seems to have aged a whole lot better

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FF4 and FF8 are the FF's I keep replaying over and over, 7 is still legit

Because you came on Yea Forums and Yea Forums is contrarian as fuck so they have to love FF8 despite it being a bottom tier FF game.

FF8 is way more fucked up, thematically, than any other FF.

The whole game is about an old cunt (Headmaster Cid), making a deal with another old cunt (NORG, who isn't even human ffs), to train orphans to kill his wife (Edea) in the event that she goes nuts and tries to take over the world. Which she does do, but it was actually her being possessed by a sorceress from the future and Squall's Dad knows how to defeat sorceresses from the future but Squall's sister needs to show him how to do it through time travel but not real time travel and fuck.

FF8's plot is too complicated.

You grew up and stopped drinking the "VIII bad" koolaid

Pretty good, but as much as I dislike 9, it has better music than 6 so VIII=IV>VII>IX>VI

I only like FFVIII up till the end of Disc 1.

8 still gets a bad rep and is constantly still rated worse than most.

>Having said that tho, I think that the writers of FF8 were getting at something about free will, and how none of the "heroes" of FF8 don't have it.
Going by the nature of the time travel absolutely nobody in the FF8 universe has free will. Ultimecia was destined to be persecuted, grow up to be evil, try and fail to compress time.

People who mindlessly shit on FF8's story are generally mouthbreathing tards. For instance, one of the biggest misconceptions about FF8 is how Squall and co seemingly randomly reunited in SeeD years after the orphanage. Not the case at all.
>at the end of the game, Squall follows Ultimecia through time when time decompresses and ends up at Edea's orphanage, where he was as a child
>Squall tells Edea about SeeD, their purpose and Ultimecia before realizing he's in the past
>he returns to the anamoly, and Edea recognizes Squall as one of the children at her orphanage, now choosing to form SeeD and Garden along with her husband, Cid
>Cid goes to get funding from NORG to establish Garden
>all the children at the orphanage are then trained in the use of para-magic
>when the future sorceress makes her appearance by possessing Edea, Cid gathers all the children from the orphanage in one unit (Selphie transfers to Balamb, Quistis is demoted to regular SeeD, Irvine is assigned as third party and so on)
>Cid gradually gives Squall full control of SeeD because he knows the role that he plays in Ultimecia's defeat

>Cid gradually gives Squall full control of SeeD because he knows the role that he plays in Ultimecia's defeat
One of the things you notice on a second playthrough or if you have good memory. Cid flat-out hints at Squall's destiny before Ultimecia's even been established as the villain in the game.

It kinda comes out of nowhere, but is a bit of foreshadowing, but Cid says pretty much out of nowhere "This is your destiny Squall" when referring to him as the leader of Seed/Garden, as a player it seems kinda quirky and weird, but makes sense at the end of the game if you paid attention to that one (out of many( line(s)

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It's a strange decision at face value, but it all makes sense in the end. Problem is, most people don't have the memory required to make sense of the story in one playthrough and will just shit on it instead.

Was there ever a official answer to wether the game was sort of stuck in a time loop, or is that up to the players interpretation of time travel shenanigans ?

I think the only way to let the events of the game take places is by having two timelines.
Timeline A:
Events of FF8, where Ultimecia exists in the future
Timeline B:
After SeeD defeats Ultimecia, the future continues without her, while she goes for another loop in A.

FF8 ending is quite sad. Squall never had a fuckin choice in his life, ever. It's what they call a "closed time loop".

>that picture


Just died to Ultimecia's final form. Got wiped by pulsar and had Zell using a potion mid-boss transition and pathetically healed himself only to be raped by Ultima.

Also, the villain only exists because SeeD does, and SeeD only exists because she meddles in the past to find out why they're hunting her in her time in the first place. She starts wars and shit in the past because she needs to find Squall's sister to use her powers to be sent even further back into the past to start the spell she thinks will finally save her from her death at the hands of SeeD. She's batshit crazy because SeeD's been trying to kill her all her life.

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Plus the persecution of Sorceresses in the future due to Squall and Co.

Just use renzokuken, bro

Shit story/plot
Shit gameplay
Shit characters
Shit game

I just let Selphie/Irvine/Quistis get absorbed ASAP but if Squall isn't with either Zell/Rinoa at first then he's fucked.

I'll have to have a Pheonix Pinion ready for Griever's death and the final phase. Using Lion Heart on him was badass though.

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The most retarded thing that happens in FF8 that isn't a misconception is Seifer finding and extracting the Lunatic Pandora FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE FUCKING OCEAN.

Yeah that was actually pretty clever

It's also a very clever mindfuck on the self-fulfilling prophecy shit where Ultimecia ended up creating the loop that ultimately always ends in her death. FF 8 has some absolutely batshit insane ideas that it never directly addresses, I think there are parts of the story that you can take on their own and make a decent story without the rest.

>loved FFVIII as a kid, liked the others, but loved 8
>everyone else hated 8
>deal with endless LOLLL EMO FAGGOT when I just really liked the art + story + god tier music + mostly cool characters
>now everyone likes 8

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Remake should let me fuck selphie, she always talks about how cool squall is and she even wrote a blog about his dad, give me my ending cowards

VIII's probably the only game in the series to do a time-loop similar to the original, now that I think about it.

>"The forests of Timber sure have changed"

>"But at least the niggers are still around"

How the fuck did Squaresoft get away with it? Was 1999 that different?

Aura and Renzokuken. And for Zell the almighty Armageddon Fist.

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Attached: Griever.webm (672x504, 1.54M)

Its almost like the entire theme of the game is fate and how the only thing that matters is what you do in the present.

Don't ask these kind of questions about FF8, the game is one giant plot hole surrounded by one or two things that make sense (literally one or two things, maybe three if you're being generous).

He would have given anything to follow Selphie around.

Nope, the main plot makes sense. You just don't have the mental capacity to make sense of it.

He probably just thought he could do it, he's an adult now.

Galbadia Army had lots of dosh. They knew roughly where Lunatic Pandora was, but never had a reason to dredge it up until Ultimecia gives the order to Seifer to get it.

I wish this game had NewGame+. I hate losing my unique cards to refine cool stuff.

blows my mind how retards can't grasp this. The main theme, Liberi Fatali, translates to "Fated Children" from latin for god's sake

2 plot holes, just off the top of my head:

1. When Seifer interrupts President Galbadia's live broadcast at Timber, there are a squad of Galbadian soldiers there. Where did they go when Squall etc. arrive?

2. Why didn't the huge crowd not have any reaction after Edea killed the president right in front of them?

Seifer probably killed them like he killed a bunch of other Galbadian soldiers in Dollet. Edea's audience was under Ultimecia's spell. Her speech is even crazier than the murder.

Music for that scene is called "Under her spell" - everyone throwing the party / parade is mind-controlled as fuck.

1. They were probably told to fuck off and it was a hostage situation, they couldn't know what's going inside, maybe they scrambled to bring in more forces and Squal and co just managed to slip in that window.

2. It's actually officially explained that Edea fucked with minds of the crowd during that time with MAGIC. So yes, explanation is literally MAGIC.


Seifer's also responsible for the Lunar Cry in Esthar. It likely killed tens of thousands of people. The fact that he gets to walk away without consequence is an actual plot hole, unless Seifer actually IS Edea and Cid's son and they jerked Laguna off to let him go.

Try this one:

>Original timeline happens, where free will is a thing and nothing is set in stone. All the way up to ulti's time.
>Somewhere around ulti's time, someone travels back in time initially and causes the psudo loop to start. But the circumstances of this are unknown
>the first loop isn't a typical loop, in the sense that that it begins differently than the rest (theoretically) and involved some different events.
>after this, familliar characters travel back in time at the end of their adventure, over writing the original time teaveler and cause a different set of events.
>the second version of events caused by the second time traveler (squall) repeat, unchanged, potentially forever. But there's no cumulating or building effect. Each loop is a clean loop, and even ulti is unaware of the loop even existing. No single character has cintinuous memories of more than one loop
> the events of FFVIII are one of the repeated loops. Everything that happens is set in stone, and no one can change anything that happens.
>ulti dies at the end of every one of these loops, thus ending it and causing time to continie onwards after. Restoring freedom to all. Both in terms ofnher rwign endinh, but also free will returning.
>squall and co effectively still live entirely within the loop though, because ulti dies in the distant future. So they never know true free will.
>the interesting part is that each time ulti dies at the end of a loop, it could potentially spawn a totally seperate timeline from that point. Because the future is an unknown factor at the end of each loop. So the moment(s) of her death not only serve as the starting point of the next loop, but also a fracture, causing infinate paralell timelines.

But this is all just conjecture.

>time traveling witches from outer space

this is when the ff series really started to jump the shark.

The Lunar Cry is the scariest fucking shit in the entire series. Even more so than Meteor in FF7. The craziest part is how it was weaponized and used to wipe out civilizations.

>Laguna has Squall's card
>Caraway has Rinoa's card
>Zell's adoptive mom has Zell's card
>Cid has Seifer's card

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Fuck off

Not when the hero and the villain are brothers from the moon and one is possessed by their evil uncle?

Were Seifer and Rinoa the only ones that fucked each other in the game? Even quistis couldn’t get squall and she made all the moves

Attached: Ultimecia.webm (672x504, 1.69M)


Adel's the only one in space. She was imprisoned in a tomb designed to suppress her powers and launched into space to orbit the moon. Also, Ultimecia never actually physically travels through time. She uses Junction Machine Ellone, made by Dr. Odine based on Ellone's abilities, along with her own abilities to possess other sorceresses in the past. She physically travels back in time when she's dying in order to pass her powers on to someone else, which just happens to be Edea in the past, starting the events of the game.

Now that's a game that's batshit crazy. You travel to the core of the earth to find a submarine that can travel to space. Amazing.

Don't forget a guy survives from holding a hand grenade that collapses the earth above him, and a dude that was missing at sea for months survive.

Never took in that fag and skipped all his dialog, shit game.

>fly to the moon in this gigantic whale
>climb this gigantic tower leading to the moon

This is one of the most eye-opening posts I have ever read

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The tower of Babil didn't reach the moon, Golbez used it to summon the Giant of Babil from the moon to wreak havoc on "Earth" though

>tfw adel blocks all satellite communication and you can see her messages on the big tv in timber
>her writing disappears when she returns to earth and passes her powers to rinoa/dies

FF8 is filled with details like these that you'll need to play the game several times to notice or understand. Too bad the gameplay is so shit that you need to grind out Enc-None from Diablos before being able to enjoy it. Otherwise best music, aesthetic and universe in the entire series.

It's sad the story was fucked up like that. The themes in FF8 are actually quite interesting. You have everything to make a good story
>Militaristic empires, resistance groups, mindcontrolling witches, gardens, the lunar cry, retrograde amnesia, etc.
I don't know why they ended up with such a convoluted mess.

>FF8 in one year and change
>its kino
>FF15 takes 5+ years
>its trash

What does it mean?

I don't even bother grinding cards.
>go to beach outside of balamb
>kill fish for fish fins
>refine fish fins into 100 water for each character
>junction 100 water to strength
>later grind enc-none from diablos
>never ever fight outside of boss fights ever again
>still kill everything easily because of level scaling and water making you slaughter bosses

Why were Chrono Cross and FF8 so fucked up and weird?

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The bullet was aimed straight for her head. Edea simply blocked it. Not his fault.

Because of one thing and one thing alone. The one thing that can take potential and ruin it, the one thing that can convolute more than anything else. Time travel.

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Mostly because of the themes and ideas, I'm guessing. Final Fantasy VIII is a really interesting game if you can acknowledge its petty execution and see past its flawed writting. I don't blame fans for "not getting it" - Squaresoft was way in over their head with all how many things they were trying to do with that game.

The orphanage scene is a pretty good example of what I'm trying to say

Show me what the screen looks like after Adel's death, i wanna know

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1 - a knight with a crush on the princess turns into an evil god in the future and does evil things because reasons
2 - an evil emperor conquers the world, dies, conquers hell then dies again
3 - orphans save the world from pure evil
4 - brothers from the moon fight each other, because one of them is posessed by an evil force revealed in the actual final battle
5 - random assholes travel from planet to planet to thwart an evil scheme to destroy everything, because reasons
6 - a nutter goes off the deep end and tries to become god
7 - a world eating alien and her "son" try to kill everybody, while a wannabe having an identity crisis fights to stop thm
8 - teenage soldiers stuck in a time loop battle a sorceress from the future who wants to be alone REALLY bad.
9 - an evil force manilulates one guy, who manipulates another guy, who manipulates a queen to do evil stuff, because reasons
10 - a douchebag from literal fantasy land saves the world from his mutated dad and the pope
12 - dull ass political shit
13 - the political/religeous leader of a literal cacoon world turns out to be an evil robot who sets in motion an unavoidable sequence of events that ends in his own death, and he knew it would
15 - an immortal douchebag wants to kill everyone because he can't be king, so the actual king kills him, then himself to then kill said douche again in the afterlife, just to be SURE he stays dead.

FFVIII is pretty nutty, but not the starting point of the series sillyness, and not the all time low either.

Selphie is best girl and my wife.

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I'm gonna give 8 another chance, which one is the best port?

Lack of vision. Just a vision of "Let's do the opposite of every RPG convention" creates a better game. (I think VIII is the second worst game ever created and I hate it with irrational passion. A passion that made me snarl writing "better" in that sentence.)

The graphics and music are fucked beyond belief in the PC version. Have to mod it to be on-par with the PS1 version, but you can also get an HD UI and AI upscaled backgrounds and so on now. Just emulate the PS1 version if you don't want to spend time fixing SW's shit port.

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>Squall’s frustration at dealing with others comes to a head in an extraordinary scene early on in the game. He and several other graduates of Balamb Garden have been assigned to help a resistance cell fighting against a dictatorship. As they plan their next move, they receive word that Seifer, one of their former classmates, has been executed. Stunned by the news, the group takes turns trying their best to remember Seifer as a decent person. Quistis says she doesn’t have “any good memories of him,” then insists “he wasn’t really a bad guy.” Zell swears revenge despite having been tormented by Seifer, and Rinoa, lost in her romantic memories of their time together, seems to be imagining a different person entirely. Only Squall is heartless enough to realize the truth: Seifer was a bully who made their lives miserable and his death was largely the result of his own recklessness.

> Squall’s inability to participate in this group fantasy shows just how much he has hardened his emotions. He is too critical to accept these lies and too disparaging of Seifer to think of him in a positive light. His ability to keep both other people and his own feelings at an arm’s length might make him stronger, but it also makes him seem coldly inhuman.

>The game twists the knife further when Squall realizes that if he were to die tomorrow, everyone would eulogize him as a cheerful, likeable guy, cementing the fact that they don’t know him at all. Upon understanding this, he storms out of the room, while the rest of the group is puzzled as to what’s come over him. Too cynical to join their group fantasy, yet still dependent on the opinions of others in order to determine his self-worth, Squall is trapped in the singular hell of feeling alone in a crowd.

based analysis from that article

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