>your face when there's a very unstable situation on the ground that is unfolding very quickly
Your face when there's a very unstable situation on the ground that is unfolding very quickly
Other urls found in this thread:
Command and conquer 95, earthworm jim and mechwarrior 2 will always be peak 90s industrial ost for me
mammoth tanks lmao
flamethrower guys lmao
speaking of the remaster, are nod and gdi even remotely balaced in the original cnc? i always felt like nod had the weaker, tactical units while gdi had the stronger more brutish units
Nod cummies in GDI tummies
We are going to have to act if we want to live in a different world.
fug GDI
are you the guy that posts this picture in every thread since the remaster annoucement
is dune legacy mulitplayer still alive? I enjoyed stupidly massing devestators
>Mir skozi moc graffiti
>Peace through power
Not really, the only thing that can stop a group of mammoth tanks is a bigger group of mammoth tanks. You can still bikerush people I guess.
RA1 wasn't balanced in the slightest either, Soviets were plain better. In addition to having better tanks (aforementioned mammoth being one of them) they also had overwhelmingly stronger airforce. Allies got superior navy in exchange, something that doesn't come close to the usefulness of airforce.
Play OpenRA if you want balanced early CnC experience.
Nope, havent seen a C&C thread in ages.
But im glad someone else likes the aesthetics of that picture.
The Weak shall fear the strong
Nod dicks in GDI chicks
We've had daily CnC threads since the remaster was announced, sometimes more. Maybe it's different during american power hours.
I wish they made a c&c battlefield style game
Well i´ve been working night shift for the last 6 weeks so I guess i´ve been up more in the american powerhours.
It's called Command and Conquer Renegade.
yeah, i guess nod has literally nothing that can directly counter. If they change anything about the remaster i'd hope they make vision fade after being explored instead of staying open forever. at least that would give nod a chance to play strategically.
>are nod and gdi even remotely balaced in the original cnc
Not really. NOD static defenses are far stronger than GDI, but NOD units are weaker on firepower and armor. The NOD strategy relies on being faster and hitting the GDI with superior numbers, being where the slower, more expensive GDI units aren't.
This is all fine, except the early-game units (infantry) have terrible mobility, so the real conflict comes mid-game where NOD starts fielding recon bikes and light tanks against GDI medium tanks. This is their only time that they can realistically win. Once GDI gets established with those rocket Helos (Orcas?) who's mobility absolutely shits on everything, NOD harvesters are fucked, cutting off their economy.
NOD's mobility advantage also disappears and GDI can just leisurely grind NOD to dust with a few mammoth tanks forming a defensive wall, rotating back to repair and MLRS out-ranging any static defenses while the orcas hit anything that gets through or looks like a real threat.
I dunno why they didn't.
They could have just made Battlefield : tiberium and put some type of base building /harvesting mechanic in bf3.
Like how they made the battlefront games a Cnc themed battlefield 3.
Nobody plays the original or x.
Move towards more ideas that'll actually help, uuuhhhhh bring this thing to an end.
F for General Sheppard
the vast majority of all attacks on civilians in the first tiberium war were committed by GDI forces
Light vehicles like buggies, bikes (Nod) and humvees (GDI) are absolutely early game units, you can get them in like first minute or two of the match. Infantry exists for defence mostly (low mobility and very high cost efficiency make them best for that purpose), so those light vehicles are your main way of scouting and attacking early. While GDI can do little more than scout and maybe pick off some infantry with their Humvee, Nod can absolutely inflict serious damage with well microed bikes (which get countered by humvees in straight up engagements). You're correct on the rest though.
am I autistic for listening to a longplay gdi campaign no commentary video on youtube while going to sleep sometimes
Red Alert > Tiberium
Don't @ me
>Falling for the Nod fake news
Come on dude, you can see the greeenscreens.
>this is supposed to be the future
Are you picking this up?
>fake news
Pick one and only one.
Nod cum in GDI bum
C&C3 had the best mechanical design prove me wrong
Not an argument.
hes saying no one plays the multiplayer mode anymore
Daily reminder that Tiberian Sun n Firestorm are the best C&C
I've been replaying this game this week
The last GDI mission is fucking bullshit, that is all
>prove me wrong
i cant
Avatars and juggs were just goofy, not even mentioning the silly ass super units. Second generation CnC is peak design.
>westwood killed by ea
>rts genre killed by blizzard
I wanna go back, back to before battle royals and mobas
The mere existence of "scorpion tank" travesty proves you irreparably wrong.
avatars are goofy, juggs are 2's fault and you can't find a better mammoth tank
but juggernauts were in CnC2 tho
I hope this never happens because
It is especially sad when you realize Westwood broke new ground while Blizzard stagnated the genre, but made it prettier.
the scorp owns, sorry
and really look at the competition: tick tanks and a fucking m2 bradley """tank"""
What the hell? Is this a mod of Dune 2 - Battle for Arrakis?
RTS genre and CnC specifically died on the hill of consolisation. They wanted that sweet console audience so badly they slowly casualised the games, lost their core audience and when the push failed got killed off by the publisher. Those money grubbing fuckers just couldn't accept making good games for a relatively niche audience, they'd rather make their employees break their backs chasing unsustainable growth in sales. And if you think CnC had it bad I must remind you of Supreme Commander 2's existence. Although CnC still probably had it worse with CnC4.
They both made sense. Scorpion tank absolutely doesn't. I hate this way of designing thing "just make it all shiny bro, don't care about functionality". Fuck that.
>Allies got superior navy in exchange
And then Soviets got the Missile Submarin in the expansion.
>Blizzard stagnated the genre, but made it prettier
that's literally their entire model. WoW, Overwatch, Hearthstone, Starcraft, etc.
> they slowly casualised the games
it happened between RA3 and CnC4
m8 tanks can be real weird and if you want to i could do a quick writeup of why the scorp actually has a bunch of sensible features
This cutscene made 9 year old anons lil´ peepee a big peepee.
i said wrong not right
Tiberian Sun and Renegade have the best aesthetics.
CnC3 Nod is too goofy.
>beep boop muh evil robots pew pew
the titan makes a lot of sense if you assume that the purpose of the GDI is to funnel as much money as possible to the MIC, rather than to produce and field practical weapons systems
RA3 was a step down compared to CnC3 (the whole moving abilities and upgrades into an experience tree thingy was an objective step down) and then it fell through the fucking floor with 4.
But Supcom2 really highlights the insanity of the console push. The fist Supcom is probably the most ambitious RTS of all time and it's sequel is a pathetic fucking disgrace.
user tibsun nod had literal flying saucers and killer cyborgs
It didn't because I had 999in1 pirate anthology with cut cutscenes (no pun intended)
>The C&C1 teaser for 2 that's a precursor to the Titan standing up
If that's not the coolest fucking way to tease a game you haven't got shit for yet, I don't know what is.
Unless there's a different one, it was a wolverine.
but renegade shares its aesthetics with CnC1 because it makes place during TW1
nod was even more goofy and roboty in CnC2
unless you're talking about kane's Wrath expansion which partially takes place in TW2 and borrows its aesthetics from CnC2
>buy starcraft brood war
>it's a shitty bootleg because I'm Russian and there was literally no licensed software sold anywhere in my shithole town at the time, only a pirate market held every sunday at the local club until 2pm
>the game crashes every time I mouse over units added in the expansion or in case those units are given to me by the mission - over their abilities
>you can't complete some missions without making extra expansion units (like you needed extra medics to complete a terran mission)
>buy a thick ass catalogue book of cheat codes and use the win mission cheat to progress
>still somehow have fun with the game
Those were the times. I wish I could enjoy vidya again.
>those bath tiles serving as the door
>Had the original big ass box, with thick ass manual describing the conflict, background story, units and lore in my local language.
They dont make em like they used to in 1999
I didn't like the "rebel/terrorist" aesthetics of NOD in C&C3 when they seemed much more organized in TD and TS.
Kane's Wrath fixed that a little bit.
dude TD NOD weapons are all "it fell off a truck"-tier black market arms imports literally flown in
>tfw still finding issues with pathfiding with recent games
I don't get why we can't get your regular Nod soldier from Tibsun. It was perfection. Instead of that we get retarded shit like your pic related.
Nod's inner core is pretty well equipped with a lot of their own technology, but the bulk of their numbers have always been fanatics more than enlisted.
They're basically the Apple of video games. Take good ideas from other people, then polish and dumb them down as much as possible.
"dude with a rifle" and "dude with a RPG-49"?
In campaign missions where you had a base I would just load engineers in an apc (maybe make an empty apc as well do draw away fire) and just run it into the enemy base and take over all main buildings in two seconds.
>that black armor
>that great helmet and mask combo
>that nice fitting assault rifle
You are an utter plebeian and I want to share this board with you.
And don't even get me started on apex tier aesthetics of the old Nod soldiers. Daym.
It's still better than actual millitias, suicide bombers and borderline snackbar-looking rocket launchers in C&C3
CnC2 Nod is more blocky.
CnC3 gave Nod vehicles more extended hinges n shit, making them look less robust and shifting aesthetics from military to some retro sci-fi.
>but renegade shares its aesthetics with CnC1 because it makes place during TW1
It's so detailed compared to tiny sprites of CnC1 that all tech looks like it's from another era. I was always imagining CnC1 vehicles like some variations of 20th century tech while Renegade gave them that "near future" feel.
so you're complaining that the black hand use flamethrowers instead of rifles
Most of the equipment in the original C&C, sans the obvious sci-fi stuff, was aiming squarely for a Gulf War aesthetic.
It's kinda weird that they did that to the light tank, considering its build icon and sprite were pretty clearly based on the Abrams.
>I was always imagining CnC1 vehicles like some variations of 20th century tech
the main C&C1 vehicles were literal existing 20th century tech. the medium was a M1 abrams, the light tank an M2 bradley, etc
>considering its build icon and sprite were pretty clearly based on the Abrams
That's the GDI medium tank.
the light tank was based on the m2 bradley, which isn't even a tank in the first palce
>Act on Instinct starts playing
Where did it all go wrong with 4
... Right, I'm retarded, but yeah. the Bradley.
just shut up and get me UN funding
that dude deffo has a cyberpenis underneath the crotchplate
>which isn't even a tank in the first palce
Come on, they even had to make up a new designation because that thing was kinda shit at everything. It kinda is a really bad overpriced light tank.
nod vehicles aren't robust. that's kinda their thing
Mein Neger
The removal of base building
how does he turn?
or if that level is used to turn, how does he move forward and backward?
making your apc fat and redundant doesn't stop it from being an apc
command & conquer was so fucking good goddamn
even the installer made my pee pee hard
The longer I look at that, the dumber it gets. Who is responsible?
CnC 2 lmao
it went wrong with RA3
can't believe C&C3 left behind grounded designs like this
DUDE NO, EWJ was better on sega since they built it from that dev kit, it especially shows on the fact snes was missing sounds.
Why does he even need the lever?
His brain is connected to the vehicle with a wire, he should be able to control the entire thing with his brain.
fixed for you nigga.
Reminder that Pentagon Wars was not a documentary.
the lever is just there to look cool. which is important.
As I've recently heard: C&C4 was originally going to be a multiplayer only spinoff, but then EA decided they needed to fuck the corpse again and made it a canon part of the story.
It feels like a fucking toy. Over-dimensioned and filled with unnecessary quasi-detail, just filled with random shit
This is how it's supposed to look
I do like Command and Conquer.
But I also don't trust EA.
They'll find SOME WAY to shove nickle and diming games-as-service always online DLC monetisation in your face.
>Westwood made le evil terrorists with charismatic leader one of the most memorable factions in the history of vidiya
>and then did it again with le evil russians
>Westwood made le war over mcguffin resource in the near future one of the most unique settings
>and then did it again with mcguffin Einstein time machine
>Westwood made absolute kino from low budget cutscenes that are supposed to serve as an excuse for you to build a bunch of tiny soldiers and make them shoot another bunch of tiny soldiers
Why did EA have to ruin this?
No. NOD units do not have the punch to take GDI on.
It's a lot better in Tiberian Sun though, where NOD have some real fuck-your-shit-in-the-backdoor options.
Zoomerfags ain't got shit on this kino moment
Of all the tracks from MW2 you gotta post onf of the least good ones. Best tracks coming through:
*sip* ahhhhh yeah.
Those in-game buildings' unfolding animations made my little pp hard every single time I built something.
>mrw cnc3 after ts
I could see a Quad-legged system with a top-mounted turret being pretty effective especially in challenging terrain, but putting the turret off to the side like that is asking for your mech to spin/tilt when you fire it.
This is the best cinematic in history of vidya and no one can prove me otherwise.
>90s Eastern Bloc so it's pirate everything
>dad buys me Wing Commander 4 from a nerd friend who bought it and didn't like it
it was like a relic from some superior civilization
i'm buying my games now but to this day it's the only big boxed game i own
It wouldnt look out of place in KKnD 2
I fucking love that game. And that soundtrack too. Still have original discs somewhere.
Just do it up
I know that feel and I prefer the instrumental version.
Reminder that the scrin were going to be the primary enemy in Tiberium a.k.a. Renegade 2.5
I want videos like this made by the Astartes guy
Thread theme
I feel like playing a Westwood RTS. I think I'm going to pick Emperor - Battle for Dune.
Good luck getting that to run on a modern machine.
It actually was the most effective tank killer the US Army has.
Yes, an autistic patrician.
what did it get wrong about the Bradley?
Frank such an uncanny ability to call in his friends as guest composers for the games that he worked on, considering how silly the Emperor is I almost want to say that it didn't deserve soundtrack this good not from one, not from two but THREE composers.
>don't act
>end up living in a different world anyway
Can't even stop me because there's nothing to stop
you can put those anti-tank missiles on anything you want, you know
I miss the Tiberian Sun setting so much.
Scrin are fine as just side faction of tiberium crackhores whose homeworld got TIBERIUM'D like Earth, but as a major faction and masterminds behind all of this they suck.
Full Stop is THE fucking song for massive aerial attack with A10s leading the way and Orcas annihilating the poor Nod sods that lived through the initial bombing run
Klepacki, you magnificent bastard
I'm a mechanical man
They're never going to do it because it would be direct competition for BF and SWBF, while also being more difficult and expensive to design than either of those games.
Let's be real now, I think we all know that a red alert game with Allied and Russian single player campaigns would be the best game for DICE to botch.
It was a different time, when most of the people involved in vidya actually cared about vidya.
Me too. One of the best C&C clones.
Some groups just don't get along.
This. They were too easily beaten for them to be the mastermind of anything.
That concept art looks terrible and it's offensive to compare it to TD and TS.
APB and C&C Reborn
Still played, occasionally even filling the whole servers with players
>i always felt like nod had the weaker, tactical units while gdi had the stronger more brutish units
That was exactly the point. GDI is for players who want to brute force. Nod is for players who want to be strategic.
C&C1 and RA1 aesthetic is timeless. Same with the cutscenes. As time went on they made them more and more corny while they didn't understand that the initial jank is what made them so great.
That's because they're hyper modern while the tanks they were BTFO'ing were soviet era and not even the good stuff. If you read about the engagements almost all of them involve such a massive recon advantage the tanks in question never had a chance to effectively return fire.
>park a few tanks in tiberium field next to enemy base
>destroy harvester
>AI builds another one
>and another one
>their silos are getting empty
>it keeps building more and more
>meanwhile, the barracks keeps shitting out units nonstop that grind down my tanks
Great games but the AI's cheating is off the scale. Engineers or sandbags are like the only viable options that aren't banging your head against a concrete wall until the wall breaks.
The sacrifice of the many is but pleasure to the few"
meant for this
Can't you redditors not inject your cancer into anything?
>not making a horde of tanks and suicide rushing the AI's conyard and production buildings, and then making a second swarm to finish them off
It's less that it got things wrong and more that it overstated things, while also robbing them of their surrounding context. The Bradley's procurement was a bit of a mess, but the final vehicle is largely fine. Not amazing, but not a lemon on treads.
Being hit by an EFP doesn't fill the compartments with poisonous gas, for starters.
i mean it's obviously over-dramatized, but that's a result of the format
>AI still builds without conyard
>in the middle of fucking nowhere
I remember also cheating and abusing the sandbag exploit to not only build where I wanted to but to block where enemy guard towers would appear
>Nuking or aerial striking a power plant cluster then rushing the base
C&C 3 Incursion when?
the lever is for turning and he moves forward by having his feet break through the bottom and run ala fred flintstone
Also the enemy doesn't see your sandbags as hostile or know to destroy them so you can wall their guys in their base then build shit in their base
Fixed in Red Alert, they shoot them or run over them if they can
Renegade felt like the bridge between the first game where almost everything was based on real life tech to Tiberum sun where it got more futuristic.
>Listening to E:BfD OST while playing Dune porn game
It's an abstract kind of feel.
>create Red Alert 2 match against AI
>win condition: kill everything
>capture his shit with engineers to access both tech trees
>destroy his base
>leave a bunch of enemy soldiers hiding in civilian building
>play comfy city building game
What do we think about Twisted Insurrection, Mental Omega and Rise of the Red?
i-it was just the mining team. the REAL scrin military is now on its way
>tfw always felt sad for the butterfly
It was his bush man, what the fuck.
i used to do something like this when i was young
>really liked the movie Outbreak
>i select that on map thats like a coastl but forest area with houses and stuff
>play as usa
>get helcopters
>get fuel airbomb
>and get chem suits upgrade for infantry
>have helicopters hover over houses next to the water then drop the fuel air bomb in the water
>have the helcopters in front of the plane but always move them just in time before they "crash"
>ynw shitpost for kane on youtube
Powerplants are legitimately the best RTS mechanic ever devised. Being able to scout out a weakness in an enemy base's layout and then blitz it so that you take down their entire defense system with a carefully placed airstrike or commando is... well nothing any other RTS does even compares to it.
i guess it was kane's plan to lure them to earth sooner with that massive tiberium explosion. otherwise they would have probably just waited until there was basically no earth resistance
RIP general.
Absolutely perfect. Also yeah, that intro. Damn. THE NUCLEAR HELLSTORM.
Westwood had surprisingly punchy writers for their day. Still, the world was moving away from cut scene based intros to play time events.
Towards the end of its life, Westwood wasn't all that great either. Their software engineers were huge Intel cockgobblers that broke the game on anything but a Genuine Intel(tm) CPU. Emperor:BFD was unplayable on very capable AMD K6 chips due to magic Intel instructions. Westwoods response? Buy an Intel CPU or a K6-2, and that was despite entire generation of CPUs being plenty powerful enough for the game. They also did similar stuff on Blade Runner, and broke the range and other functionality in the game on AMD chips. Modern Intel chips now also break the game after copying AMD's optimizations.
From a game play standpoint, the designers had a weird fixation with speed. I understand not wanting to recreate Tiberian Sun's 3 hour slogs, but after a while, it was clear that they had severe StarCraft envy. Despite all the polish, C&C3 rubbed a lot of the traditionalists the wrong way.
What happened to all the ex-Westwood guys at Petroglyph? Grey Goo was a mess and they can't seem to churn out a decent game anymore without a year of patching.
abolute kino
i don't remember them being that HD though
Why was Act of War so openly hated despite being a virtual love letter to old C&C games?
>Act of War
mental omega is really nice, having a blast playing in lan. Don´t overdo it with building troops though, desyncs like any C&C, sadly.
TIberian Twilight wasn't a bad game. It struck an interesting balance between traditional RTS and modern MOBA play.
>TIberian Twilight wasn't a bad game
Look up Conan Unconquered
>t. EA LA (former).
Even as a standalone game it was very bland and shallow, plus the art was horrendous even for a moba.
However, as a sequel to C&C it's probably one of the worst games ever made, even though DOW3 gave it a solid run of it's money a little while ago.
I'll agree with you on that one. I wasn't arguing it was a great game either. It was pretty much caught between the worst of both worlds. It didn't have enough strategy to make the traditionalists happy. MOBAmooks aren't going to stick around if you aren't entertaining them with weekly content releases. Still, the hybrid gameplay was interesting in its own right.
who dis?
>tfw peak boomer
>NOD boomer
Man I checked out APB a few days ago and I was completely empty
I used to play it like hell years ago.
Cabal, NOD AI from Tiberian Sun
God tier mods, too bad TI and RotR have died by now.
wow this is great. does this guy still do Vidya Gaem music?
what do red sips taste like? i saw one in the story the other day hyped in might be strawberry but worried it was cherry.
>worried it was cherry
looks like a cataphron battle servitor from wh40k
it's a shit low tier flavor and you now it m8
Any of the three should be added as new expansions in the future if a remaster of the base games happens.
>When you notice he has chest hair
Fucking why.
Not nod, already had my orange sip.
GDI 4 ever.
>GDI scum
Topkek, look at that plebe.
>Twisted Insurrection
Some of the vehicle designs are bizarre to say the least, visually overwhelming especially with the explosions, after all these years they still can't be certain whether they actually want to have a third playable faction or not.
And balance in Tiberium Dawn era sucks dicks.
>Mental Omega
You either love it or hate it because there is a lot of changes and new additions, missions are 100% mental and even with saves they suck the life energy out of you.
>Rise of the Red
Lost in the shadow realm, 90% of voice acting is total garbage, just give me some Shockwave bug fixes and better AI dammit.
Scrin and CABAL units would look fucking amazing in 3d under Westwood.
Who here liked to build AESTHETIC bases?
Chink pandering shit
Absolute SHIT better stay with shockwave or find smth else
I just want a solid widescreen mod for generals
MO is insane and overwhelmingly big.
you're welcome
>Chink pandering shit
> tfw dated all the red alert girls
Daily reminder that Nod are just shitskins and GDI are the Master Race trying to clean up Nod's putrid shit.
And nowadays I tend to play citybuildans and grand strategy games. RIP RTS.
>Italy is ground zero of Tiberium meteor
>Europe is somehow fine
>Africa gets BTFO
What did Westwood meant by this?
Rise of the Reds is ambitious, but it completely fucks up the gameplay formula by introducing heavy defences into a game where money producing structures and units are a thing. A normal game of CnC is constantly spurred on by rapidly depleting ore/tiberium reserves, requiring you to expand and get more map control. Generals introduced the free money stuff, but the game was so offensively focused that it didn't really matter, the cancer of free shit was outweighed by a bigger cancer of free support abilities with enough firepower to level a base (air general ahoy)
Rise of the reds makes the turtling into total cancer though, there's no reason to engage the enemy before unloading a superweapon at his defence lines coupled with all offensive support powers you have. But then the enemy can unload his shit at your attacking army and it's back to the stalemate. Russia is probably the only faction that can reliably punish turtlers with Topol-M spam (which then causes a dude that spent a fucking hour sitting in his base eating boogers to take off in the direction of the forums to whine about how overpowered Topol-Ms are)
I'm mostly talking about playing vs people, against AI it's fine.
Entire mediterranean is a red zone bruh.
Weren't they all like soft-porn "actresses" anyway?
t. seething crappy bird.
Daily reminder that GDI generals are actual niggers and women
Daily reminder that GDI is your shitty pozzed NATO world-government
Daily reminder that GDI will never achieve Ascension
Daily reminder that NOD leaders are eternal superhuman, slavcore and blondes in black leather
Daily reminder that NOD has it's spiritual power-center in based Sarajevo
Daily reminder that NOD will make humanity space-faring species
Point at GDIdiots and laugh.
>the cancer of free shit was outweighed by a bigger cancer of free support abilities with enough firepower to level a base
Still nothing beats the vanilla game with chinks and their artillery barrage which could destroy anything that isn't superweapon or command center with 0% counterplay.
>Entire mediterranean is a red zone
A trivial sacrifice
I thought that guy from Whiplash was familiar. There he is
it's Balkan future
tiberium grows slower in cold areas, so it spread like wildfire between the tropics
why doesn't asia have its own faction
>soft-porn "actresses"
well it's basically first worlders telling everyone else to fuck off vs poor people
Wargame showed that even similar units can still be tactically interesting
you seem to be arguing about something no one was talking about
GDI came in and poured all resources to make sure Europe doesn't become a shit hole. GDI beat back Nod from Europe in the first game; allowing them to shore up and ensure EUrope's survival.
Nod push GDI our of Africa, immediately start spreading Tiberium because "muh evoloution"
Fucking retards.
Also South East Europe is a red zone because that's where the Nod fuckers love to congregate because "muh Sarajevo" then spread Tiberium everywhere """enlightening""" all the people; then Nod starts screeching that GDI hog all the Blue Zones. Because their nigger brains just came to the realisation that Tiberium actually kills people, it doesn't make them reach the next level of evolution.
t. seething cyborg with rusty cheap 3rd world metal; with your flesh all putrid, rancid falling off your bone from Tiberium poisoning as you hang out with disillusioned arabs, latinos and niggers all mumbling"muh peace through power" as they complain whiteys should share their land because they didn't actively fuck it like they did.
[gay roleplay intensifies]
I want to raid her zone
>imagine being an obvious /pol/tard while serving the most pozzed and globalist governmental initiative out there
Enjoy your trannies and degeneracy, moron.
>Tiberium poisoning
No such thing.
Kane had to turn the world into a Tiberium wasteland to attract the Scrin
Also GDI (((corporate))) interests.
>Rise of the Reds is dead
>Mental Omega is dead
What a shitty time to be alive.
>90s Eastern Bloc shithole
>all games are pirated and most of the time don't have the cutscenes
>only saving grace is that one of the family friends worked at pcgamer (when it expanded into the eastern bloc mid/late 90s)
>RA2 comes out, but don't know because its eastern fucking bloc
>find the disc in its original cd case on my dads desk
>mind shuts down
>our pc was boot passworded and didn't know the password or how to work around it
>grab the case and rush to my cousin
>install it there and play with cousin for several hours
>dad calls in and finds out I'm there
>drags me back while yelling at me as to why I couldn't wait and risked the game being damaged
Man I miss those days. RA2 was the first game my dad ever bought. I don't have the case anymore sadly.
If we ignore C&C4 then Tiberian Earth is kinda fucked
>Crystal consumes literally everything
>Sonic technology stopped working on Tiberium
>More and more red zones
>GDI/Nod wars
Either Humans fuck off to space,find some new tech to destroy crystals or just turn mutant n create a symbiotic relationship with Tiberium n go full Scrin
>OpenRA is alive
>Shattered Paradise (OpenRA Tibsun mod that includes Scrin, CABAL and Forgotten) is alive
>Romanov's Revenge (balanced multiplayer RA2 for OpenRA) is alive and releasing soon
>core OpenRA is working on adapting vanilla Tibsun RIGHT FUCKING NOW
What a great time to be alive.
thanks I'll check it out
max comfy
Join Nod, crush GDI and it all will be resolved.
>san francisco turned into uninhabitable wasteland
>the future means every single building is razed and replaced with jetson's houses.
look at life now, the same buildings that were up a hundred years ago are still here, they're just filled with modern shit like touch screen monitors and nicer toilets
Fuck, I'll have to reinstall first decade. It didn't survive OS reinstall.
It's super generic western sci-fi stuff, but it gets the job done
>that Tiberium FPS that EA cancelled because it supposedly didn't meet their quality standards
I call bullshit, EA has no quality standards.
>and nicer toilets
and even that one ain't guaranteed. there's some real, uh, venerable shitters still around
Same with Generals 2, it's cancellation was a complete bullshit.
>Tiberium finally consumes water on planet
Okay Kane what now? Are we going full cyborg or just drink liquefied Tiberium?
>Shattered Paradise
I remember this garbage dump, my friend was in alpha testers and he would tell me what actually happened in the dev team, eventually he was able to squeeze me in as another tester and all the versions that we played were a complete mess, they honestly don't have a single idea what they're doing.
Strongest unit in the game coming through.
Someone didn't played Tiberian Sun. Why are zoomers allowed.
i miss when every computer game came in a giant carboard box, and how every eidos game came in a trapezoid box with that fucking flap you could open up to show game details
EA robbed us of yet another Nod waifu.
Because of these threads I started playing the original C&C Renegade again with my fellow boomers and low spec pc thirdworlders.
Thank you Yea Forums you made me very happy.
I'm finally home.
Kudos user
Agree brother
Not a /pol/tard, just don't like seeing my people get wiped out because of insane religious foreigners literally worshipping crystals that is exterminating all life as we know it
I'd rather take GDI over Nod anyday. t. shitposting Aussie. Nod Cunts spread tiberium all across Australia by igniting liquid tiberium just because they can. Fuck Nod, and Fuck Kane.
htt ps://cnc.fandom.com/wiki/Project_ReGenesis
Pic Related; what Nod wanted to turn everyone into.
Just look what Nod do when they actually get what they want. Pure scum.
>Not a /pol/tard, just don't like seeing my people get wiped out because of insane religious foreigners literally worshipping crystals that is exterminating all life as we know it
this quote itself is comedy.
Glad you had a laff. Good job ignoring my points friend
Its implied in C&C 1 that Nod is spreading it. If you listen to the Nod mission intros they explain that they dont know how its spreading but Kane cuts in and says its unknown to them.
that doesn't imply anything other than that NOD understand tiberium better than the clueless GDI
and at that point the GDI haven't even figured out what a vespene geyser is, so go figure
>Pic Related; what Nod wanted to turn everyone
Nice try GDI shill, but no, ReGenesis was only a step towards the Divination. Divination itself (as you can see in the video) is extremely different than usual mutation (like Forgotten muties) and differs from any other mutations like to visceroid etc. We safely know that it will turn all humans into superhumans who are able to be resistant to tiberium and regenerate in it. The Nod gifts Divination to whole humanity, effectively turning us from carbon to tiberium-based lifeforms, evolution over-night. Imagine living in a world where you don't have to eat, drink water, and pain doesn't exist. That is what Kane wanted for Earth as a gift to humanity. His personal goal was to lure the Scrin out so they would harvest the planet but instead of coming to a world where only a handful of lands had Tiberium thick enough for the Scrin, they would come to a planet covered in it, the difference is the fact that they would think Earth would be destroyed by Tiberium and instead they would show up seeing The Brotherhood of Nod and whole planet of superhumans waiting for them, retaking their technology and effectively becoming a space-faring superhuman species.
Really, GDI are the bad guys here. PEACE THROUGH POWER.
>They Are Billions reskin
Would we really become superhuman or go full tib junkie like the scrin?
oh god i love tb sun nod so much
80% of this board cant identify this
Tib Dawn intro?
Superhuman. Divination makes your body be one with the Tiberium while Scrin are just different lifeform, thus junkies. The whole point and personal goal of Kane is to get the Scrin here, kick their asses and take their shit so we can move out to become galactic species.
I should add, "at least your mother tipped well.
it was also Joe's brother favorite scene he did
back in the day i used that nod theme that i got with the game so every time i used my pc i would hear cabal,it was amazing
That cutscene always made me scared as a kid
>people who unironically think you should replace your mbts with mechs
Not even the Japs in Red Alert 3 were this retarded.
I didn't know Chester Bennington played Red Alert.
RIP Chester. :(
i love ti its a lot of fun ,and also cause nod is my favourite faction ever
mo is good although missions are pain to deal with and they really made ai much ,much smarter
rotr is good,only part i dislike about it is eu faction,both gamplay and voice acting for them are just bad
>chad mobility scooter shoulder canon
How do RTS fans feel about games like Battlezone (1998)?
It's disappointing that this kind of RTS/FPS hybrid never really took off. I guess it's just impossible to get the best of both genres into this format; RTS fans will prefer pure RTS, while the average FPS fan won't want to deal with the RTS aspect. But it's still an interesting concept, and I think it could have been done even better than Battlezone if anyone had been willing to try. (The shooting mechanics and vehicle handling are actually fantastic, and the RTS controls are surprisingly intuitive, but the difficulty is such that a lot of missions need to be cheesed somehow.) Maybe there's already a better game in this genre and I just don't know about it.
Whats that weird building below the airstrip?
I think you're getting your mods confused. That's Crystallized Doom.
yeah,fuck i feel so old now
is true
I was so fucking hype for this concept. It was low key one of the most disappointing moments in my life to hear it was discontinued. I've been very cynical about these kinds of projects since. It's always too good to be true.
Usually a hospital or other campaign building.
Neutral hospital I think, it gives your infantry regeneration.
it's super generic bulky scifi that is also cartoony ingame and uses comic booky art in pictures
in short, dogshit and one of the many reasons why TW fucking sucks
>tfw paradox will never come out
Reminder that C&C3 didn't play like C&C and was a Generals reskin that desperately tried to push itself as an esports game with a token campaign that retconned the atmospheric TibSun art style and grungy sci-fi world with comic book garbage set in generic soft-sci-fi modernistan, only to fail so hard that people didn't buy Kane's Wrath and Red Alert 3.
I miss this look.
Definitely strawberry. I would love to try a cherry monster though.
I miss these kind of advertisements.
the issue with battlezone is that it was always VERY rush heavy. the actual SP was fun though.
im still mad
look at all those nukes waiting to blow the fuck up
The Australia one is caused by a certain liquid tiberium research base exploding spectacularly IIRC.
they're just a tad tastelss, though this was back in the day of JOHN ROMERO WILL MAKE YOU HIS BITCH so i guess that was just part of the 'grungy 90s gaming' scene.
oh yes it was fun and back in the day fps/rts hybrid idea blew my mind
I saw some people play it as a child and I was fascinated but it was before my time really. It's a shame it didn't take off but it was at a time where streamlining and casualization for the sake of mass marketing was increasingly considered the way to go.
I'm a mechanical man..
I'm a mencanical
I'm a mencanical
I'm a mencanical man
it was a fun game, it just never took off, mostly because it was early 3d, if it was released today with more up to date graphics and some more quality of life changes it would probably fare much better, the problem is that you need to either choose to make it a match based system or an MMO, making it only would make it something more like Planetside but with proper base building, this would lead to the same problem that planetside had, you either sell out to AAA companies or die off since this is too big of a project to be made indie
>That Soviet Female Officer
My dick was fucking diamonds
>high scores
>Karadžić and Mladić
They didn't even kill that many people, it's just the westfags who got angry when one of them started using Red Cross volunteers as meat shields for their tanks.
It already is, just replace tiberium with human feces
>can't tell apart the clear difference between the actual cnc games and the post Generals "cnc" games
>but it has number at end
>also cnc4 is the bad
I dont know whether this is official or not, but it was labeled GDI Light Infantry, this shit together with NOD designs is leaps and bounds better than that cyborg wheelchair abomination.
Alexandra is a beautiful woman who was great in softcore lesbian bubble bath scenes as she was perfect with her role of a latex wearing intelligence officer.
I really miss that era, when you could be antagonistic, shocking, and edgy in the old sense of the word. These companies knew the target audience at the time and capitalized on the outrage soccer mom types would generate. Now we're getting the other end of the stick and companies are trying to shed the image of gaming being for turbonerd losers and targeting the population at large with their ads.
>RA2 LAN in an internet cafe
>me and another guy do a ceasefire and team up against a different guy
>he came up and slap both our heads after he got rekt
good times
>Perhaps this winter can be not so cold, hm?
There really is something about Tiberian Dawn that you can't compare
>the glow of the tiberium and the lighting in general
>the weird ambient noises
>the soundtrack
>the tiberium lifeforms
Patrician user. One of my rather early faps. Her and Elexis from SiN I should probably thank for latex fetish.
>game using the same engine as *previous game* has more in common with *previous game* than with *older game*
Stop the fucking press.
thats actually really good
Where my renegade bros at?
actually now that I mention it the closest I can compare it with is Phazon Mines
Brainlet here, how does nod keep up with GDI when they have medium tanks and fucking mammoth tanks, Nod has buggys, puny motorbikes, stealth tanks(cool)made of paper, flametankslol?? Spam light tanks and try to overwhelm their mammoths? lol Anti-infantry apaches? Wtf
I meant Nadia but im fine with that too.
Blondes speaking english with russian accent makes my dick fucking diamonds
Stealth tanks are OP as fuck if you micro them
Just don't throw all of them towards the enemy.
Lore wise they just use guerrila tactics
Ingame they have better base defenses, better superweapon and their units are cheaper
>Mental Omega
>When one guy can bitch about one unit (Apocalypse) so much that they removed it from normal units n moved it to stolen tech
I'm a medieval man
>one guy
How is that even possible?
>Reminder that C&C3 didn't play like C&C and was a Generals reskin
That's just untrue. Let's go through the list of gameplay differences between Generals and the classic CnC formula and compare that to CnC3.
>worker units instead of MCVs
Nope, CnC 3 base building is still focused around MCVs.
>supply caches instead of resources being physically spread on the map making resource gathering far less risky
Nope, CnC 3 still has proper tiberium fields that deplete fast and regrow over time, you need to constantly expand as your shit depletes.
>connected to the previous issue - free money buildings/units giving you free shit forever in the late game
Nope, you gotta work for your dosh. Even campaign is very challenging due to how brutal tiberium depletion rates are.
>buildings are captured very slowly by average foot soldiers allowing all but the blind and or retarded to sell the building or kill the capturing soldier before the capture is complete
Nope, buildings are captured and or repaired by engineers, aggressive usage of capture tactics is extremely effective and requires skill and attention to counter
>support powers are tied to an experience level thingy giving you free superweapons on a short cooldown that you can abuse to destroy half an enemy base with no risk or effort
Nope, support powers are tied to your tech level and cost money to use, making it an actual strategical decision instead of "I win this fight for free" button.
>combat is centred around spammable units that can engage any type of target - AP upgraded quad cannons, Gatling tanks, rocket loaded humvees - blob tactics rule
Nope, the game revolves around a sharp hard counter system, meaning that a static army composition becomes a great detriment, allowing mindless blobs to be countered by a timely tech switch, puts pressure on players to think ahead.
I honestly don't see many similarities between the games
GDI also has terrible anti infantry, so bazooka troops work much better for NOD
nod is more about the micro ,if you micro stealth tanks and bikes they are really good
I don't really like the forced accent, for Kaniak it is absolutely natural given that she is of Polish descent, so it feels more appropriate for her to have it.
waifu tier:
Whore tier:
The others including your waifu
Slavic languages are very similar to each other, resulting English accent is always somewhat similar to "Russian" English accent.
true, but nod campaign is even worse
How come RA2 didn't have China for the Soviet countries? They could've been perfect to get Migs as a unique unit.
Bike rush em lmao
if that failed you're fucked when the late game rolls around, even OpenRA with all it's changes did little to fix how oppressive GDI's late game is. Maybe if you can nuke their entire mammoth blob you'll be able to pull through, but that's not very likely.
The only thing that beats a blob of mammoth tanks in tibdawn is a bigger blob of mammoth tanks.
yeah you dumbfuck, that means it doesn't play like cnc, which Generals doesn't, and since every game after it is a derivative of it, neither do they,
Tiberium Wars, Red Alert 3, guess what, don't play like Command&Conquer, and that's what fucking killed the series for fans of CnC, 4 was them throwing shit at the wall when the series was murdered by CnC3 being Generals 2 and sales dropping like a brick immediately after launch
not like 3D CnC is impossible, far from it, Emperor Battle for Dune 100% feels like CnC, and that was made in the engine that later became sage engine, the one Generals&co used, except the devs weren't a bunch of esports obsessed fucks dreaming of making the next SC and trying to "improve" cnc, improved right into killing the series
I'd imagine China and Russia still fucking hated each other in the alternate timeline.
That would require making a whole new airbase building for soviet union. They only have helos and zeppelins by default, remember?
Boris got Migs
Those were a call in though. They could've been less advanced looking Migs that had anti vehicle missiles.
>bring up superficial shit and meta shit
>don't tackle the underlying engine, unit behaviour, movement and general feel of the game
oh, please miss the forest for the trees some more
go pirate Emperor Battle for Dune, RA2, Generals and TibWars, then compare
if your takeaway isn't that Emperor and RA2 are the same, plus Generals and CNC3 are the same, you are beyond helping
>Emperor Battle for Dune 100% feels like CnC
It is also janky as hell and has no semblence of balance, with units oneshotting each other and the sub-faction houses ranging from dogshit to game breaking with amount of cheese that they could provide.
Happy birthday Adolf
>this thread
Don't look at her user, look at my eyes, fight and die for the Brotherhood, brother.
>no semblence of balance
And that's a good thing
>waah unbalanced
>waah jank
yeah, and? the point is that the fucking plays like CnC in 3D while all the post Generals(included) trash doesn't
From God ,to Kane ,to Seth
>unbalanced factions is a good thing
user your retardation is really showing.
fucking read faggot, the topic of balance is irrelevant to the point, which is
>it feels like CnC, and it's in 3D, while Generals and co don't
reading comprehension
Did TD even have tech buildings? I don't remember them healing anything, unless you count the crate you got when you blew it up.
Based retards, I bet you cry in rts threads that the genre is dead when you support braindead spam and poor game design.
>Not really, the only thing that can stop a group of mammoth tanks is a bigger group of mammoth tanks
In RA2 there's the cluster and chemical missiles.
PLEASE share a safe torrent to Kane's wrat 1.2
In RA2 apocalypse tanks aren't even good, it's rhino spam for Soviets and even that can be pretty easily countered by Allies (not even mentioning Yuri).
I noticed a severe lack of Zhana in you list
pandering to balance obsessed MP autists are what killed RTSs you infantile anthropomorhpic spermazoid, the vocal pissants Totalbiscuits of world did this, that fuck only realised 10 years after the fact that most people played SP in stuff like CnC when all the new RTSs he championed sold like dogshit, and by that time he and his ilk both drove away everyone, and ruined the perception of the genre as MP turbofaggotry, with the bonus of devs perpetually being stuck in 2001 production quality SP content if at that
tl;dr kys ignorant pissboy
>construction yard on the street
you're the only one talking about balance you turbotilted autist, that's not what was the topic of the conversation
>dude but what about variety of gameplay
Just go and play some TS on cncnet if you want your favorite game of Titan spam, you retarded spastic.
that looks like a photoshop of trump
You keep on going on about a "C&C Feel" but you don't even describe what this means.
What is it?
>shit out the word balance and nothing else
>"duurrr it clearly translates to variety" in later post
you're schizo, take your meds
She does look a little like Ivanka I guess
All the surviving good guys are chinese. Foehn is essentially made by a chinese 12 year old albert einstein.
SCRIN being an actual threat to the whole world sounds like the most logical outcome user, after all you need a reason for Tiberium to reach the plant and some origin, having the SCRIN send a small army that wasn't that suited for fight was a logical thing to do
>forgetting the giant super towers get phase shields after a couple of minutes
>forgetting their superweapon is a black hole
>forgetting they can use teleport without a Chrono sphere
Kinda wish Tiberium wars went full ANIMATRIX or ALIEN during the SCRIN war.
Please describe in concrete terms what that CnC "feeling" is. I provided a farly extensive list of gameplay features that for me describe a CnC game, unless you do the same I can't take your words as anything more than baseless whining and namecalling.
Can one of you fags with a twitter tweet at Frank Klepacki that his website doesn't work no more? It's a real shame, since it had the original quality soundtracks for all the WW-era CnC games on it.
>seethes at mention of actually moving the gameplay beyond "build 30 of x"
>brings up dead e-celeb and cries about his "influence" on the genre
>b-but nobody played multiplayer
Pot calling the kettle.
It means "me spam big unit and make go boom boom at bad guys"
Anyone else play this mod?
>Implying that Chad Soviets will lose
I think it looks great. I wish the door wasn't blue, since that was just faux-lighting effect in the original. The tile pattern is fine - it's an armored door.
My biggest concern is that the new game is going to be a remake, not a remaster.
>My biggest concern is that the new game is going to be a remake, not a remaster.
Supposedly Petroglyph is using the original source code for it.
Middle-east conflict or something like that? Didn't it died like majority of mods at around 2011?
are you stupid in the head? describe the difference between any 2 things that accurately describes the act of experiencing them, without it being essay lenght or getting bogged down in what is essentially superficial differences that are not a core part of the separation, answer is fuck off, here's your point of references
and I gave those to you:
RA2(and/or Tibsun)+Emperor Battle For Dune
Generals+Tibwars(and/or RA3)
play them, the similarities and differences in the gameplay are obvious when you do that, nebulous in description when put into words, but clear in the act, same way the difference between CoD and BF on a fundamental level only resonate when you actually play it, otherwise you'd talk meaningless shit about map size and bullet drop that doesn't convey anything
I played the first one, a mod for Generals.
I remember that kikes were ridiculously overpowered.
the remaster is going to look so much like a mobile game it's not even going to be funny
If you're talking C&C 3: TW/KW, then it's usually a much slower game comparatively to say, Starcraft and/or Warcraft. Support options are available and often niche; and resources are abundant if not a little easy to deplete. Of course, resources can grownback, but it's usually at a slower rate than your harvesting- meaning that you'll need to expand closer to the enemy to keep your economy up.
In general, Command & Conquer is an endurance run of how many units can you lose before you can't replace them anymore, which is what people usually refer to when they say something has a "C&C" feel.
Yeah, but that doesn't mean they won't "modernize" the gameplay and add new units and shit.
I just think the gaming community it too retarded to accept a true remaster these days - only remakes are 'good enough'.
I'll hold out hope, but will keep my expectations low.
>tell me what the cnc feel is
Great response.
>Seeing the shells eject out of the titian's gun
Peak aesthetics. Everything was futuristic, yet sensibly mechanical. It's these small details that made Dawn and Sun so atmospheric
If you go the command and conquer rebbit page (Yeah I know) you can read through the posts from the executive producer, it seems like they're doing the right thing so far at least.
>that fucking terrain deformation and sound effect when the bombs drop
Tibsun has the best fucking units in an RTS ever
I never understood wtf happened here, NOD captured the GDI commando and he was tortured and then killed by a NOD soldier while the rest of GDI went o save him or what?
Is this just a concept of a unit or is it fully animated in 3D?
"extensive" my ass, everything you said is superficial, all it amounts to is a ruleset on top the underlying engine
guess what? if you change every single rule in say, a mod for Tibsun, it would still feel like Tibsun(ie CnC), it could be a total conversion to make it like Generals, and it would fucking fail to be that, because the underlying game engine works a certain way, conversely, Tibwars was the Generals engine riffing on a Tibsun ruleset, meaning it still feels like Generals
I cannot explain it in a more philistine way for you
>I can't explain in words, you have to experience it, here's how
don't forget they made ISIS awesome too
>foehn is essentially made by a couple of chinese who were more loyal to a 18 yo genius
>some surviving african thinkerers with stole YURI tech
>and japanese scientists
>actual China faction is played as the default evil from the POV of all the 3 factions from Allies to russian soviets to Yuri himself
>implying this is chink pandering
Hot opinion: Tiberian Dawn/RA1 had the best art design because the use of low poly sprites, reference images of real-world vehicles and live actors in the cutscenes made my imagination assume that the units I was commanding were real contemporary troops in a gritty realistic war.
This falls apart from Tiberian Sun onwards where the better graphics and new vehicle/troop designs make it look clearly science fiction, while the RA series collapsed into cartoony shit.
Agreed, direction seems appropriate so far.
>tfw these threads are always full of zoomers that unironically enjoy c&c games post generals
Also only one of my points was meta related - the battle mechanics one. The rest is core gameplay mechanics and don't depend on player decision. Meta is a generally agreed upon list of gameplay options that are considered "best", you can decide to ignore that and play however you wish (in regards to unit composition for example), but that doesn't apply to stuff like core base building mechanics or map control. If you decide to not expand in a CnC game (except generals with it's endless free money lmao) you will run out of cash and lose the game, even against AI, this is especially true for your beloved older games, RA2 in particular had economy so brutal that most maps ran out of money in about 15 minutes, leaving Yuri and his slave mutation + grinder combo as the only faction capable of getting money beyond that point. I also don't see how any of that is superficial, that's literally what makes the game a game, it's core mechanics relating to economy, base building and combat. If that's superficial I have no idea what else is actually important.
I agree 100%
Entire Soviet campaign can be summarized as: Around Chinks watch yourselves
see >
Don't forget about the japs either, they were preying on what remained of US together with Euro-alliance before ditching them all for China.
some EA exec who decided that MOBA for asian market should be considered a main game.
>Japanese allying with the Chinese
Who's the retard who wrote this plot?
Playing Renegade X right now
So, pathfinding and that's it? That's the only thing that remains in your imaginary tibsun conversion and that's a narrow fucking definition that ignores the entire actual game. I did enjoy some good RTS games with bad pathfinding in the past - DoW and CoH being prime on that list (Relic sucks at pathfinding in general), but I never enjoyed a bad RTS game with good pathfinding (something like Grey Goo).
I dunno what else to say, keep hating good games for no reason I guess.
It is a good way to start into different faction design in the early game design phase as lack of power vs overpowered forces alternate strategy / thinking, creating a different approach than stronger unit vs strong unit as you'd have it with light tank vs medium tank vs heavy tank vs mammoth tank.
Generals did this pretty well with effective anti tank RPGs, specialized air units, troop transports, capturable buildings, buildings infantry could enter and turn into defensive positions, hacking / disabling units, EMP, mine fields, fast rocket buggies (GLA) with long range, effective anti vehicle artillery, suicide units, angry mob...
The more unique a faction is and the more ways you've available to approach a situation the more interesting the game becomes. In a design perspective the power you get vs the investment you made vs the player skill / timing required to pull it of needs to be part of the design decision too on how to do it.
It helps if the units in general have something unique about them so that they aren't just abandoned later and never used again because they lack a niche.
Happy birthday, dear Adolf! I miss you and I wish you could come back.
>[and that's it?]
>clearly not
as said before, forrest for the trees, keep not understanding why cnc lost it's fans with these 'good' games
I just want a C&C themed World in Conflict with SupCom scale spinoff and a Renegade remake made by the team behind Just Cause 1+2+Mad Max.
honestly i agree,thats why i still play old games i get to imagine all the things i dony see and its great
To be fair, since wwii never happened, it can be assumed that chinese-japanese relations are smoother.
Except both Generals and Tiberium Wars were major successes .. ?
Where everything gone bonkers was crazy stylistical, aesthetical and unorthodox gameplay shit with Red Alert 3 and the utter niggerfaggotry of C&C4
Japan invaded China long before WW2 started though, their tussle was almost entirely unrelated to it.
>that awesome feel when you still have all this old stuff
i just want a new Dune game.
I playes this game first time on playstation 2 in 2009
I regret nothing it was great too bad I have only GDI disk
Ironic how the West uses the same tactic in Venezuela now.
>both major successes
actually no, Generals' sales were mediocre, always, a lot worse than RA2 and Tiberium Wars sold well only on its launch, sales dropped off cliff within a month
sales were so bad at that point infact, that they cut the budget for Kane's Wrath, which then went on to be a sales flop, and put that money into RA3, which also in turn sold like shit, resulting in Uprising being what it was, a discless code in a box with mini campaigns, all because Tiberium Wars cooled/soured people on C&C
4 was a last ditch effort to 'change' C&C, because the last 2 releases and their xpacs, barring 3 on launch, sold poorly, the series wasn't killed by it, it was already dead at that point
similar thing happened with Generals' 2, sequel to the least popular C&C IP, internal metrics showed that it was going to be a sales disaster and then call was made to see if F2P shit would work, nope
thus ends the ballad of of the second decade C&C, a failure in the making which at its core is caused by Generals
*new construction options*
Yep, C&C was a good game
More Rts kino
It's really fucking hard finding quality sales figures, but I don't think your are in any way reflecting the reality
Just considering the communities, both the Generals & Tiberium Wars are still going strong when it comes to modding and general online activity
What fucked up C&C funding around the era of Tiberium Wars was not the matter of sales and quality of desing, but EAs continuous efforts and dumping money just to compete with StarCraft and forcing their titles into e-sport and competitive gaming, which obviously never really kicked off with the somewhat still same basic formula of C&C being still in use in the TW game. They burned fucking loads of money running their TVs, commentators, competitions, services, etc.
That's the actual reason why they went full fag with RA3 and C&C4, to change it enough to kick it off in online and competitive gaming, not sales of previous titles
And the Generals 2 thing is just bullshit. It went down due to aftertaste of C&C4, initial impression of it being classic EA bussiness and that testers claiming it was basically utter shite
RA3 was an XBOX game. CNC3 and KW was good but brainlets were too brainwashed by blizzard to give it a chance
>insufficient funds
no problem my son will pick up the tab.
>It's really fucking hard finding quality sales figures
Kinda is, but there is still wikipedia that at least gives some info, with TW getting 1.000.000 sold in three months + 200.000 sales in UK and Generals getting 100.000 in UK, so I'm calling bullshit on "sales flop".
To the people not only defending Tiberian Sun, but even going as far as claiming it's the best of the series:
How old are you?
Was it your first RTS?
Do you like the taste of cum?
I don't get them either to be honest.
There's actualy another good questions for them can their game support non scripted aerial infantry transport?
>not only defending Tiberian Sun
Not going to say it's the best in series but what's wrong with it other than balance
>the general of the european allied forces was a SS officer
It would be fucking hilarious if the remake add unique unit skins to each nation and germany gets nazi uniforms for their infantry.
According to Steamspy, TW is owned by 500k-1m accounts
On Wiki's KW article is stated that ~500k people registered their game before September 15 2008 for them to enter the beta-testing of RA3
I just wish there'd be some fucking proper sources
no, not really.
>This thread is still going
look like the shills took a break today
No, Dune 2 was
No, but you seem to be physically unable to stop sucking dog dicks.
Not fair. Karadzic was responsible for like 2k deaths top.
99% of them were muzzies, so it doesn't really count though.
Friendly reminder that whomever posts this is actually an ardent C&C3 defender and will eat up whatever shit EA puts on their plate as long as it has a C&C logo on it. I bet this faggot is playing that new C&C mobile game right now.
That place looks like hell, I have TI installed but the game feels bloated with units and buildings and basically changing nothing fundamentally, you'll still use those barrier tiles and the same turret defense systems.
Do keep up in mind, the russians and mexicans invaded all of USA and europe while the Chinese invaded half of japan in the mod, also the pacific front faction is made of japan and korea so it makes sense the faction would be overrun by the Chinese who never took part of the first soviet WW.
I think im wrong but the Chinese keep japan in some hostage situation or something like that.
>Chinese keep japan in some hostage situation or something like that
Chinks don't have enough power to bully USSR, especially after they get themselves fucked over during Dragonstorm, but more than enough to force the relatively isolated PF to submit, given that US is already out of the question and Europe is still getting fucked by soviet offensive.
fucking up cyrillic is a sure sign of quality
this guy's a fucking idiot
Their design is absolutely generic dogshit which is why they don't have right to be the main villain of CnC.
>literally no characters
>Destroy their power plants and their units so we can move our forces up ze river *evil laugh*
>the general of the european allied forces was a SS officer
He served in WW1, Nazis don't exist in the Red Alert universe
>>literally no characters
Do you really want Tiberium wars to turn into another fucking starcraft 2?
And their design is mostly based on sci-fi aliens from the 90's the ship from the second game already tells you about their technology and looks.
>The british adopted grey uniforms.
From the looks of it, most of the USSR were mind controlled after Romanov death while the Chinese survived by having only 1 or 2 psy beacon, remember the russians where the ones fighting on every front while China did jack shit and the cubans were helping on spec ops missions.
scrin were cool and if you're mad about them you're a seething nerd
The whole story is really a mess, because you have to count all the campaigns, covert-ops missions and even fucking coop maps all together to fully see the picture, but from what I can tell, US fell because they couldn't hold back two major powers at once, and they never received help from either Europe or Asia, then Yuri provoked conflict on the Korean border, where Pacific Front was smashed and after that allies organized evacuation of top tier jap scientist away from Japan and then left the Pacific Front with Chinese occupation force at their doorstep all alone. Still I'm sure I missed something, because you could seriously hire someone to draw all the parallel storylines together for an actual picture of what happened, because this amount of wild content is not something that you can easily organize into something coherent.
is it just coincidence EA used purple/black/blue squidlike alien creatures as the villains for most of their games in 2007?
Waith they did? i never played many EA games after the xbox hueg era besides dead space, but i remember the original SCRIN ship was purple.
What did people want the scrin to be? Humanoid aliens? Yeah, that's real fucking otherworldly alright.
They wanted zerg waifuhs 2.0
6'0 vs 5'11
Mass Effect, Crysis, C&C 3
I need to see that in 1080p pal
i actually think so, yeah
something something mobius.
Never gave a shit about mass effect, but i take it the main ayys were purple?
are you really missing those 56 pixels that bad?
having only 2 halves of the picture is not the same bro
He's Greek.
>He's the last Greek
No, that was AoE
this is the best you get
Why do all these remasters have shitty muted colours? Make the yellow fucking yellow.
It did with aluminum armor.