what happened?
What happened?
Nothing, apparently.
Its almost done, come back in 2022.
Nothing, it's doing exactly what it set out to do. Scam whales out of their neetbux.
tfw when i got my refund because i'm protected by my countrys consumer rights
Too much success bringing in additional resources and failure to keep the resulting scope creep under control.
Difficulty of completion of a project like SC increases geometrically with size. Even if they stopped promising new shit today they probably lack the resources to ever finish what they've already started, but new shit brings in more funding, so it's essentially a ponzi scheme at this point, kicking the can down the road with new capital injections until eventually something gives out and the music stops.
I remember getting tons of hate back in 2014 when i made joke how this game would come out 2020.
>and failure to keep the resulting scope creep under control.
Mostly this.
It's like they are in the business of designing benchmark tests for graphic-cards. Everything they show anything, they always go on about how good looking it is, look at the special effects guyz!
Spaceships could be low-polycount as fuck and players 2D sprites and I'd still be absolutely okay with it as long as I could actually play something that lets me explore space however the fuck I want! Instead, we've got (ha!) a shitty instanced dogfigthing game in ''space.''
I never dropped a cent on this shit because I'm not retarded, but I used to have something like hope. A long, looong time ago.
this is all i wanted.
it can be shitty graphics, low polygon, but if it has a bunch of content, then i'll play the shit out of it.
Im just glad I got my money back.
If only they had just stuck to the kickstarter promises and never did all this content bloat.
I remember spacethread on Yea Forums around the time SC was getting some traction, and sometime before that. It was all useless discussion, but it was fun trying to design a game that pretty much all of us autists would love. After SC really hit the board, all discussions turned to shit because the thread was getting hijacked at first, then shitposted to hell later on.
>n-body physics
>limited to the solar system at first
>early spaceboom age
>basically the Gold Rush all over again
>go there, stake claim, exploit, defend, attack
>no instances
>no handholding
>no anti-grief measures other than in LEO, where players initially start
>ships with low polycount
>same with players, or even 2D sprites
>whatever it takes to make the game stable and keep the FPS count high even when half the players are playing chicken with each other within visual range
>long, shared tech advances
>initial goal is to find a way out of the solar system
i r'member
>Elite Dangerous is doing what SC promised to do but sooner
This is unironically the turtle vs the rabbit. Give ED another 2 years and it will be SC, give SC another 2 years and it will have a NEW FANCY SHIP ONLY $1999
There was some leak that suggested elite is going to have space legs by the end of 2020.
Westerner dumb fucks can‘t understand scams.
How long until they also open a patreon?
They have been updating it a lot so maybe one day it will be what we all want.
I haven't played it in so long maybe ill bother to redownload it
would play the fuck out of a Battlestar Galactica sim along the lines of Wolfpack
Elite is going nowhere. It's a shell of a game and horizon is overpriced shit noone asked for.
It was supposed to cone out in 2014
Yep, in 2012 Chris said the game was already in development for 2 years so it's 9 years in now.